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Bienvenue en France

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 01 Jul 23 1.39am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Macron blames video games for the riots.

This weekend could be very nasty, in Marseilles a gun shop was looted for example.

As an aside , nothing I can see on BBS about this


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 01 Jul 23 5.42am Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Macron helped fan the flames, by initially making the comment that the shooting was "unjustifiable".
How he could possibly know that , without an Inquiry, seems to have given credibility to the rioters. I mean, the kid might have been a suicide bomber.
I think with any riots (like we saw in the UK), there must be a general social undercurrent of unhappiness.
And some comments about the stop are that I, personally, have never felt inclined to drive off/run away from a police stop. I have had a gun pointed at me by British police and threatened with a side-arm by American police, so I had a genuine concern that i might be shot. I did exactly as i was told, funnily enough.
and French police are known for being very forceful, just ask any football fans.
No doubt we will find out, why the driver attempted to flee, and why the police response was to shoot him.
The rioting is just unconnected people caught in a mob mentality, though that is just my opinion.

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (01 Jul 2023 5.43am)


I disengage, I turn the page.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 01 Jul 23 6.41am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

Macron helped fan the flames, by initially making the comment that the shooting was "unjustifiable".
How he could possibly know that , without an Inquiry, seems to have given credibility to the rioters. I mean, the kid might have been a suicide bomber.
I think with any riots (like we saw in the UK), there must be a general social undercurrent of unhappiness.
And some comments about the stop are that I, personally, have never felt inclined to drive off/run away from a police stop. I have had a gun pointed at me by British police and threatened with a side-arm by American police, so I had a genuine concern that i might be shot. I did exactly as i was told, funnily enough.
and French police are known for being very forceful, just ask any football fans.
No doubt we will find out, why the driver attempted to flee, and why the police response was to shoot him.
The rioting is just unconnected people caught in a mob mentality, though that is just my opinion.

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (01 Jul 2023 5.43am)

It's more to do with the problems inherent in multi-culturalism, mass immigration, left/liberal government and being in the EU.

Edited by georgenorman (01 Jul 2023 8.05am)


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The Dolphin Flag 01 Jul 23 8.01am Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

Not that it would ever be possible but it would be interesting to get the details of every rioter involved, just to see who and why.
To me it is just an excuse for idiots to cause mayhem and loot without impunity.


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 01 Jul 23 8.35am Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

France deserves what it votes for.

It's probably too late for Le Pen to do anything meaningful short of going full Serbian.

Western Europe is in big trouble.


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 01 Jul 23 10.48am Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

France deserves what it votes for.

It's probably too late for Le Pen to do anything meaningful short of going full Serbian.

Western Europe is in big trouble.

Whisper it quietly but according to the BBC website - so it must be true - the car had Polish number plates. Elsewhere on their Verify slot they state that footage of the car driving dangerously was disproved as the number plates didn’t match. In addition the 17 year old was a delivery driver, yet according to the BBC he was too young to have a driving licence. Lot of conflicting info out there…


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 01 Jul 23 11.13am Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Thing is if this had been a 17yr old white Frenchman shot dead, France wouldn't be burning.

Don't forget this link from 2021

It's only going to get worse.


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 01 Jul 23 11.34am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

Thing is if this had been a 17yr old white Frenchman shot dead, France wouldn't be burning.

Don't forget this link from 2021

It's only going to get worse.

How could our 'great leaders' not have foreseen this?

The policy toward migrants has been suicidal and predictable.

You have to seriously ask why this has been allowed to happen.


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Bert the Head Flag Epsom 01 Jul 23 11.43am Send a Private Message to Bert the Head Add Bert the Head as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

It's more to do with the problems inherent in multi-culturalism, mass immigration, left/liberal government and being in the EU.

Edited by georgenorman (01 Jul 2023 8.05am)

I think you are blaming things you don't like without any evidence of these things being to blame.

Personally I think the riots were caused by Brighton and Hove Albion finishing higher than us, Cold Play and the boiled burgers you used to get at football grounds.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 01 Jul 23 11.53am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Bert the Head

I think you are blaming things you don't like without any evidence of these things being to blame.

Personally I think the riots were caused by Brighton and Hove Albion finishing higher than us, Cold Play and the boiled burgers you used to get at football grounds.

OK, keep ignoring what is in front of your nose.


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nead1 Flag 01 Jul 23 12.26pm Send a Private Message to nead1 Add nead1 as a friend

Of course GN doesn't have any evidence; its the usual one line nonsense to some complex and deep seated issues. I can only assume that your answer to the points you make is to somehow create a "whites only" utopia. My suggestion would be to get up to date and comfortable with the modern world rather than believing that the environment of what, I assume, was your childhood can be recreated today - even assuming it was appropriate.


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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 01 Jul 23 12.40pm Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by nead1

Of course GN doesn't have any evidence; its the usual one line nonsense to some complex and deep seated issues. I can only assume that your answer to the points you make is to somehow create a "whites only" utopia. My suggestion would be to get up to date and comfortable with the modern world rather than believing that the environment of what, I assume, was your childhood can be recreated today - even assuming it was appropriate.

Oh dear…


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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