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Northern Ireland

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Irisheagle87 Flag Co.Derry 29 Oct 22 4.01am Send a Private Message to Irisheagle87 Add Irisheagle87 as a friend

As a few of you fellow eagles know I'm the most easiest going person ever. Just want to know your views on things over here. Another election. They are taking the f£-£ing piss. Wouldn't need to come near my door again. I shall torment them with glad all over!!!



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YT Flag Oxford 29 Oct 22 9.33am Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

In my experience people in England are completely indifferent regarding what's going on in Northern Ireland unless they happen to have sone connection to it ie Irish or Northern Irish family or business links.

Yesterday at work I said to a reasonably intelligent manager, "Did you see on the news it's 'here we go again' in Stormont; another election?"

The answer was "Where's Stormont?"

"It's the Northern Ireland parliament"

"Oh, is it?"


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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Irisheagle87 Flag Co.Derry 29 Oct 22 2.55pm Send a Private Message to Irisheagle87 Add Irisheagle87 as a friend

Originally posted by YT

In my experience people in England are completely indifferent regarding what's going on in Northern Ireland unless they happen to have sone connection to it ie Irish or Northern Irish family or business links.

Yesterday at work I said to a reasonably intelligent manager, "Did you see on the news it's 'here we go again' in Stormont; another election?"

The answer was "Where's Stormont?"

"It's the Northern Ireland parliament"

"Oh, is it?"

Haha and alot of the Protestants over here think the English care about them. No one cares about Northern Ireland. The South don't even want us



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kingdowieonthewall Flag Sussex, ex-Cronx. 29 Oct 22 3.49pm Send a Private Message to kingdowieonthewall Add kingdowieonthewall as a friend

depends on your age group, I'm 62 so very aware(plus inlaws)
Have been visiting for over 30 years.
however the younger age group know F All nor care unfortunately.
I dont think they teach Irish history in schools anymore? which is a shame as its deeply linked with English history.


Kids,tired of being bothered by your pesky parents?
Then leave home, get a job & pay your own bills, while you still know everything.

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Irisheagle87 Flag Co.Derry 29 Oct 22 3.53pm Send a Private Message to Irisheagle87 Add Irisheagle87 as a friend

I'm mid 30s. Grew up with the tail end of the troubles. When I was at secondary school all the Catholics walked at one side of the street and all the Protestants the other. Now it's all mixed together which is good to see. I have no time for it personally. Each time I've been to England I've been treated well. The young ones now just worry about 4g and WiFi!!



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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 29 Oct 22 6.28pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Irisheagle87

Haha and alot of the Protestants over here think the English care about them. No one cares about Northern Ireland. The South don't even want us

Correct. The old fights were the Brits & the Irish both trying to own NI.

the new fights will be like two soldiers in a trench : tossing a live grenade back and forth at each other ''you take it'' , ''feckoff its yours not mine''

In my humble opinion, the Prods should keep the 3 North-Easterly counties of NI, and use money & free council houses to encourage their Catholics to move off to Derry, Newry, Fermanagh.

And a similar bonus money scheme to move Prods out of Derry, Newry etc and send them into Antrim , Belfast etc.

hey presto ....a 3 County NI that is 99% Prod....and British for the next thousand years. Peaceful & prosperous.

And then Alaister Ferguson & Fergus McAlaister can bang their drums to their hearts content.

Only a lunatic would push for a United Ireland. And only a lunatic would expect to go back to 1850 when the 6 Counties were totally dominated by Prods. ...but sadly there are still lots of loonies out there.....

The South is a train-wreck and lots of NI Catholics, justifiably, do not want to be part of the Republic.

The Border between NI & the Republic is, in my opinion, being used as a political stick for the EU to punish the UK for Brexit. Leo Varadkar, the ex irish PM was a big part of this. Nobody anywhere seems to agree with the shyte he talks about the Border.

Here is an irony of NI : the Republic has lots of Southern irish Prods...all happy , peaceful and integrated. The Republic also has lots of immigrants from the UK..Brits living and working there....again, all fine and dandy. Many elderly retired Brits and seemingly lots of young male Brits working in the Building Trade. The Republic also has lots of irish Catholics who speak with a Brit accent...returning to the family homeland - akin to Steve Coogan but less annoying.

London has lots of Irish Catholics, from NI and the RofI....all ok, no problems. Some of them are Eagles....and they hate Brighton.

NI ? it got colonised 400 years ago and the scars are probably forever.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (29 Oct 2022 8.18pm)

Edited by PalazioVecchio (30 Oct 2022 11.07am)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Midlands Eagle Flag 30 Oct 22 6.31am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Irisheagle87

Grew up with the tail end of the troubles. When I was at secondary school all the Catholics walked at one side of the street and all the Protestants the other. Now it's all mixed together which is good to see. I have no time for it personally. Each time I've been to England I've been treated well. The young ones now just worry about 4g and WiFi!!

As a Southerner exiled to the Midlands I found that no-one in the South was interested in religion and couldn't care less what religion people were and I worked alongside a Jew for quite a few years before finding out that he was Jewish.

I emigrated to Tyneside in 1984 and almost the first question that people asked me was what religion I was as it seemed to be more important to them.

My own view is that Northern Ireland is a huge financial burden and we would all be better off getting rid of it as whilst England may be predominantly protestant I don't feel much kinship to a bunch of people who like marching up and down wearing bowler hats


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Teddy Eagle Flag 30 Oct 22 6.45am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

As a Southerner exiled to the Midlands I found that no-one in the South was interested in religion and couldn't care less what religion people were and I worked alongside a Jew for quite a few years before finding out that he was Jewish.

I emigrated to Tyneside in 1984 and almost the first question that people asked me was what religion I was as it seemed to be more important to them.

My own view is that Northern Ireland is a huge financial burden and we would all be better off getting rid of it as whilst England may be predominantly protestant I don't feel much kinship to a bunch of people who like marching up and down wearing bowler hats

Unless it's the Laurel and Hardy Appreciation Society.


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 30 Oct 22 7.57am Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

I was brought up in an English family with ex-services father, so everything the British did was right, and the IRA were terrorists.
I married into a Republican Irish family and got a different perspective.
Slowly the truth emerges of how historical events during "the troubles" actually played out. Blame on both sides

Now everyone wants peace, which can only be achieved through politics. If politicians shirk the responsibility/opportunity for which many people died, then shame upon them.


I disengage, I turn the page.

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YT Flag Oxford 30 Oct 22 9.55am Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

Correct. The old fights were the Brits & the Irish both trying to own NI.

the new fights will be like two soldiers in a trench : tossing a live grenade back and forth at each other ''you take it'' , ''feckoff its yours not mine''

In my humble opinion, the Prods should keep the 3 North-Easterly counties of NI, and use money & free council houses to encourage their Catholics to move off to Derry, Newry, Fermanagh.

And a similar bonus money scheme to move Prods out of Derry, Newry etc and send them into Antrim , Belfast etc.

hey presto ....a 3 County NI that is 99% Prod....and British for the next thousand years. Peaceful & prosperous.

And then Alaister Ferguson & Fergus McAlaister can bang their drums to their hearts content.

Only a lunatic would push for a United Ireland. And only a lunatic would expect to go back to 1850 when the 6 Counties were totally dominated by Prods. ...but sadly there are still lots of loonies out there.....

The South is a train-wreck and lots of NI Catholics, justifiably, do not want to be part of the Republic.

The Border between NI & the Republic is, in my opinion, being used as a political stick for the EU to punish the UK for Brexit. Leo Varadkar, the ex irish PM was a big part of this. Nobody anywhere seems to agree with the shyte he talks about the Border.

Here is an irony of NI : the Republic has lots of Southern irish Prods...all happy , peaceful and integrated. The Republic also has lots of immigrants from the UK..Brits living and working there....again, all fine and dandy. It also has lots of irish Catholics who speak with a Brit accent...returning to the family homeland.

London has lots of Irish Catholics, from NI and the RofI....all ok, no problems. Some of them are Eagles....and they hate Brighton.

NI ? it got colonised 400 years ago and the scars are probably forever.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (29 Oct 2022 8.18pm)

NI only came into existence in 1921 (101 years ago). Ireland was occupied by the English from the 12th Century (circa 900 years ago).


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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Midlands Eagle Flag 30 Oct 22 10.03am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

Now everyone wants peace, which can only be achieved through politics. If politicians shirk the responsibility/opportunity for which many people died, then shame upon them.

Attitudes have to change first though. A few years ago we went out for a drink with a friend of my wife and her new boyfriend who came from Northern Ireland. Within half an hour he had turned the conversation to Catholics who he seemed to regard as being less than human in almost every way. It was a most uncomfortable evening and we never went out with them again.


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 30 Oct 22 10.40am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

we went out for a drink with a friend of my wife and her new boyfriend who came from Northern Ireland. Within half an hour he had turned the conversation to Catholics who he seemed to regard as being less than human in almost every way. It was a most uncomfortable evening and we never went out with them again.

which is precisely why this Irish Catholic Eagle does not want a United Ireland. Those bigots up there are British. You can keep them. And they can keep the territory that was hard fought for 400 years ( all the Proddy bits anyway ).

Political Correctness has really shone a light on all their history of Homophobia & racism. With a Bible in one hand and a pistol in the other. Ian Paisley launched a campaign 'Save Ulster from Sodomy' ........ today many are regarding him as a Monty Python type character.

And of course Gerry Adams was also a nasty cv.nt , but two wrongs does not make a right.

You can no more give Antrim back to the Irish. No more than giving Manhatten back to the Native Americans.

The crimes of the past should be forgiven but not forgotten. Genocide, Invasion, colonisation, ethnic cleansing,

Antrim & North Down are very British. Fermanagh ? very Catholic Irish.

The last thing we want is another Yugoslavia....a place where the bloodbath continues to rear its ugly head every 50 or 100 years.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (30 Oct 2022 10.50am)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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