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Climate Change Activists

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 10 Jun 22 2.58pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

are they....

Selfless Heroes , working for the common good ?


Annoying Nutters , Holier than thou and irritating with it ?

You can easily guess my opinions on the matter. But in the spirit of keeping the discussion fair and balanced, i will keep my own counsel. And even link a few of these heroes for illustration.

Well Eagles, what say you ?



Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Palace Old Geezer Flag Midhurst 10 Jun 22 5.44pm Send a Private Message to Palace Old Geezer Add Palace Old Geezer as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

are they....

Selfless Heroes , working for the common good ?


Annoying Nutters , Holier than thou and irritating with it ?

You can easily guess my opinions on the matter. But in the spirit of keeping the discussion fair and balanced, i will keep my own counsel. And even link a few of these heroes for illustration.

Well Eagles, what say you ?


Well, fellow Eagle, I say this. As a gnarled old pensioner who's been round the block a few times, I bought into this climate change thing a long time ago. It seems obvious to me that with all the machinery, vehicles, industry and domestic use of fossil fuel all round our planet, damage is being done to our atmosphere. That's without plastic waste, Teflon and other man made materials that leave their traces everywhere.

Thing is, I have neither the energy or the wherewithal to take any action to fight and consider David Attenborough to be my talisman on the issue.

What's interesting from the clip you attached to your post, is how young that particular group is. And, I guess that's the answer. It's the young who are going to be more affected by the damage caused by their predecessors so they have the interest and the will to try and influence things.

However, whilst I wish them luck in their roles as selfless heroes for the benefit of future generations, I still regard them as annoying nutters pushed into the limelight by their even pushier parents.


Dad and I watched games standing on the muddy slope of the Holmesdale Road end. He cheered and I rattled.

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 10 Jun 22 6.01pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Just like the unions they target the public who can't change things.

There are so many things they could do to further their cause and which the public would support. Gluing yourself to a plane and stopping people going on their hard earned holidays isn't one.

Less than 10% of the public vote for the greens that should tell them something. You don't increase your support by annoying the people who might switch to your cause.

Edited by Badger11 (10 Jun 2022 6.01pm)


One more point

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 10 Jun 22 6.10pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Regardless of the worthiness and value of the cause, it does to me seem to provide another outlet for those who've found little other meaning in their lives to try and stake a claim for identity or value, hence why many are impressionable young people who get involved.

Too many martyrdom, golden statue and emotive biographic fantasies on their mind IMHO. Probably a few blokes there thinking it will get them a s#ag too. A decent job can always pay for a personal trainer, shopper etc if necessary but I'm guessing that's diagnosed as too much hard work.

Oooh I am mean aren't I, but am I right to any extent?


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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The groover Flag Danbury 10 Jun 22 6.35pm Send a Private Message to The groover Add The groover as a friend

The main issue with these protestors is focus. Targeting the general public would be like the HF targeting supporters to get the away fan ticket price reduced!

They need to come up with solutions and not jut whinge about what is happening. We can't just stop using something overnight. What we can do is think about ways to reduce the impact of using something.

For example. The scientists have now admitted that Methane is a bigger threat than CO2 (something I have been saying for 15 years).

But instead of doing something positive to reduce its effect New Zealand plans to tax cattle farts!!!!! Mental!

A simple solution would be extraction/capture and then re-use it to generate electricity but capture any emissions. Something that Canada is already doing. So why not pressure the government to do that?


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BlueJay Flag UK 10 Jun 22 6.39pm

Regardless of whether people believe the evidence for man made climate change, it's one of those areas where there 'should' be a sweet spot of agreement where we invest in technology, move to energy independence, nuclear and renewables, and become much less reliant on finite resources. Arguably being too slow on that front has and will already cost us dearly and will be a twisted arm for some time to come. It pays to realise that the oil lobby is much more cash rich than the climate lobby and it shows.

What is I will say though is that like anyone with a cause, this area can attract zealots and uncompromising types who alienate where many would otherwise be perfectly willing to listen to points on agreement. Stunts and the like turn people off and I do often wonder if those who benefit from public opinion being against climate change concerns quite enjoy and push these types being the face of it, feeling that they do more harm than good to the cause.

As for this lot being young, that would make sense from one perspective, in the same way that churches are filled with the elderly . The latter is pure faith, the former likely aspects of both fact and faith.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 10 Jun 22 8.02pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

No real problem with the younger people although, as is their right, they're a bit too idealistic and sometimes seem to think there's a giant switch somewhere which can be flicked to solve everything.
I don't care for celebrities who fly around in private jets whilst telling the rest of us how we're destroying the planet.


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BlueJay Flag UK 10 Jun 22 8.05pm

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

No real problem with the younger people although, as is their right, they're a bit too idealistic and sometimes seem to think there's a giant switch somewhere which can be flicked to solve everything.
I don't care for celebrities who fly around in private jets whilst telling the rest of us how we're destroying the planet.

It's all good as they plant a couple of bonsai trees when they get back!


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Teddy Eagle Flag 10 Jun 22 8.18pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

It's all good as they plant a couple of bonsai trees when they get back!

A bonsai tree of knowledge is a bit of a drawback.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 10 Jun 22 9.07pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Imagine how preachy Avatar 2 is going to be.


Red and Blue Army!

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Matov Flag 10 Jun 22 10.06pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Addicts. Literally addicted to the buzz of protesting. With the climate offering the perfect issue for them.

Gives them purpose, generating a huge dopamine hit. And the reason they target the general public is that they, like almost all people involved in 'Green' politics, hate people. See humanity as a virus, destroying the natural world. Believe, to a man/woman/it/thing, that less people is a good thing.

Hence the more peoples lives they can impact in a negative way, the bigger the kick. And if their victims are chavs, the unthinking masses, who drive the demand for budget airlines and love their cars, then all the better. The great unwashed. Deserving of nothing more than their scorn.

The evilest, in the literal sense (anti-life), group in politics today.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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BlueJay Flag UK 10 Jun 22 10.41pm

Originally posted by Matov

Addicts. Literally addicted to the buzz of protesting. With the climate offering the perfect issue for them.

Gives them purpose, generating a huge dopamine hit. And the reason they target the general public is that they, like almost all people involved in 'Green' politics, hate people. See humanity as a virus, destroying the natural world. Believe, to a man/woman/it/thing, that less people is a good thing.

Hence the more peoples lives they can impact in a negative way, the bigger the kick. And if their victims are chavs, the unthinking masses, who drive the demand for budget airlines and love their cars, then all the better. The great unwashed. Deserving of nothing more than their scorn.

The evilest, in the literal sense (anti-life), group in politics today.

Come on.. cut this out and tell us what you really think..


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