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Ukraine Situation - Should We Be Worried?

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Palace Old Geezer Flag Midhurst 12 Feb 22 2.14pm Send a Private Message to Palace Old Geezer Add Palace Old Geezer as a friend

Media coverage seems to be revving up the scale of concern about the possibility of Russia invading Ukraine.

US intelligence suggests that Putin is planning to launch an attack as soon as Wednesday. British and American Nationals have been told to get out of Kiev, or Kyiv as we are now supposed to spell it (Chicken Kyiv anyone?). The consequences of an attack could be the most catastrophic for decades, said Boris. Some are even saying that it could spark WW3.

Now, while we are happily (hopefully) watching our team play a game of football this afternoon, should we be worried about the future of our existence?


Dad and I watched games standing on the muddy slope of the Holmesdale Road end. He cheered and I rattled.

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 12 Feb 22 2.19pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Russia will invade, everyone else will condem & shout loudly, then we all get on as before, thats my take on it. Tho, the Chinese might prefer a war as would no doubt the Taliban et al.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Feb 22 4.02pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Yes, I was talking about this a while's damn serious.

The west should give Russia their Nato buffer zone.....this isn't worth one single life.

Edited by Stirlingsays (12 Feb 2022 4.02pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 12 Feb 22 5.13pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

My take is,..

Nato tries to expand into former USSR territory. why ?

Ukraine is already part of the EU trading partnership, why does it need to be part of NATO ?
Because the West is just testing boundaries. And guess what ?
If you poke a sleeping bear with a big stick, don't be surprised with an angry response.

The same as if Scotland tried to join the USSR and Russia wanted to put some nukes there.

This is all of The West's making, to divert attention from pl55 poor Governance at home.


I disengage, I turn the page.

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YT Flag Oxford 12 Feb 22 5.13pm Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend



Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 12 Feb 22 5.30pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

The West to blame here.

The Nasty Aggressive Threatening Organisation - NATO.

Hysterical media spoon-fed by warmongering politicians.

Putin is not actually asking for much.

Withdrawal of NATO forces from their border.

Russia wants NATO off their backs, actually don't we?

We should end all sanctions and get Russia back into the G8.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Feb 22 5.55pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Yes, I was talking about this a while's damn serious.

The west should give Russia their Nato buffer zone.....this isn't worth one single life.

Edited by Stirlingsays (12 Feb 2022 4.02pm)

Unless I am mistaken Ukraine has no official relationship with Nato, and remains non-aligned. That talks have occurred doesn't mean an application will either be made, or accepted. They are just positioning.

Either Ukraine is an independent country, possessed of self-determination, or she is not. This is her decision alone.

The western allies, and Nato, cannot decline an application that hasn't been made. They can only give unofficial assurances they want Ukraine to remain non-aligned. Which also means not invaded by Russia.

Russia has their buffer zone. Don't anyone be fooled. This is an attempt to start a domino effect which brings about the restoration of the Soviet Union.

Military resistance by Nato is unlikely, but full scale sanctions, which will hurt us too, must follow what now seems inevitable to me.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Feb 22 6.02pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

My take is,..

Nato tries to expand into former USSR territory. why ?

Ukraine is already part of the EU trading partnership, why does it need to be part of NATO ?
Because the West is just testing boundaries. And guess what ?
If you poke a sleeping bear with a big stick, don't be surprised with an angry response.

The same as if Scotland tried to join the USSR and Russia wanted to put some nukes there.

This is all of The West's making, to divert attention from pl55 poor Governance at home.

The west has some incredibly poor leadership.

In fact ever since the Berlin wall came down the relationship with Russia has been a failure on a massive scale......there was an opportunity there but the 'all or nothing' boys have to have their enemies.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Feb 22 6.07pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Unless I am mistaken Ukraine has no official relationship with Nato, and remains non-aligned. That talks have occurred doesn't mean an application will either be made, or accepted. They are just positioning.

Either Ukraine is an independent country, possessed of self-determination, or she is not. This is her decision alone.

The western allies, and Nato, cannot decline an application that hasn't been made. They can only give unofficial assurances they want Ukraine to remain non-aligned. Which also means not invaded by Russia.

Russia has their buffer zone. Don't anyone be fooled. This is an attempt to start a domino effect which brings about the restoration of the Soviet Union.

Military resistance by Nato is unlikely, but full scale sanctions, which will hurt us too, must follow what now seems inevitable to me.

Why do I have to have the biggest establishment back bender out there posting at me.....I'm literally stalked by a deluded Blair fanboy.

If he wasn't so dishonest I'd bother but it's a merry-go-round.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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thegreatlardino Flag crawley/selsey 12 Feb 22 6.07pm Send a Private Message to thegreatlardino Add thegreatlardino as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

My take is,..

Nato tries to expand into former USSR territory. why ?

Ukraine is already part of the EU trading partnership, why does it need to be part of NATO ?
Because the West is just testing boundaries. And guess what ?
If you poke a sleeping bear with a big stick, don't be surprised with an angry response.

The same as if Scotland tried to join the USSR and Russia wanted to put some nukes there.

This is all of The West's making, to divert attention from pl55 poor Governance at home.

exactly my thoughts, also which numpty decided it was a good idea to put liz truss and sergei lavrov in a press conference thing, he was always going to be grumpy, that whats he does!

Edited by thegreatlardino (12 Feb 2022 6.08pm)


Sometimes I set out for Ludlow
Sometimes I end up in Chepstow

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Stirlingsays Flag 12 Feb 22 6.10pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

The West to blame here.

The Nasty Aggressive Threatening Organisation - NATO.

Hysterical media spoon-fed by warmongering politicians.

Putin is not actually asking for much.

Withdrawal of NATO forces from their border.

Russia wants NATO off their backs, actually don't we?

We should end all sanctions and get Russia back into the G8.

I agree.

No one sensible wants this.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 12 Feb 22 6.13pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Considering myself & my family are no more than 2 hours drive to the Ukrainian border & the city of Uzhhorod I am watching closely.

I have posted about this on a previous post,

Everything east of the Dnieper will be Russian including all of Kyiv, this will act as the buffer zone with NATO & the EU on one side & Russia on the other.

The fault lies almost entirely with the EU & NATO, honestly the West are dumb as f***.

My own personal feelings on this are I would let Russia have it whilst we triple our efforts in arming and reinforcing the Baltics because they're next.


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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