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Blatant insurance job

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Stuk Flag Top half 03 Oct 16 2.53pm Send a Private Message to Stuk Add Stuk as a friend


I can't stand anything to do with this lot. I don't even believe it happened, and certainly not their valuations of what was supposedly taken.

He's supposed to be $50m+ in debt.


Optimistic as ever

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 03 Oct 16 2.58pm

15k a night hotel - you'd think they'd have some security....


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 03 Oct 16 3.13pm

She has her own security that she boasted about last week being by her side everywhere. If someonr pops a gun in your face not really a lot unarmed security can do to help.
Why would she be carrying Millions of pounds worth of Jewellery? Also wonder if she is actually insured to that amount? You would have to be mad to cover their insurnace policy as they are gutter trash done well.


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Midlands Eagle Flag 04 Oct 16 6.39am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

I doubt whether it was an insurance job as I'm guessing that jewellery of that value wouldn't be covered unless it was kept in a safe and not in a box in a hotel room


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Casual Flag Orpington 04 Oct 16 7.58am Send a Private Message to Casual Add Casual as a friend

They get 'loaned' loads of stuff from designers, so that they get seen wearing it at events.
I'd be putting the gear on her in the limo and taking them back off her when she got back in it, if it were my diamonds, with a few ex sas carrying big f*ck off guns sitting next to me.
Most of these celebs, look like they go to KFC and see who can eat the most bits of fried chicken, then have them as their minder. Big fat pieces of out of shape sh*tbags they all look.
Saw Mayweather with these giant fat black fellas the other day , he could do with getting them on the pads.


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HeathMan Flag Purley 04 Oct 16 10.08am Send a Private Message to HeathMan Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add HeathMan as a friend

Always amazing how they instantly know the value. Most of us have valuables bought over the years, with no accurate idea of current value. Perhaps it might be more suitable for them to wear a simple dress on which they pin valuation notes, leaving the items somewhere safe.


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paperhat Flag croydon 04 Oct 16 10.11am Send a Private Message to paperhat Add paperhat as a friend

who is she?


Clinton is Clinton. I have known him for a long time, I know his mother... Simon Jordan

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Hoof Hearted 04 Oct 16 10.13am

The other thing that made me suspicious was that they didn't fcuk her.

Seriously.... how much trouble are they already in if they get caught?

They might as well have a bit of fun whilst carrying out an armed heist...... or it's an inside fake job like Stuk suggests.

Kanye West's announcement during his concert didn't ring true either.... he hardly seemed disturbed by the news.



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Stuk Flag Top half 04 Oct 16 11.12am Send a Private Message to Stuk Add Stuk as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

I doubt whether it was an insurance job as I'm guessing that jewellery of that value wouldn't be covered unless it was kept in a safe and not in a box in a hotel room

Have you ever used travel insurance? She could easily say they made her take it out of the safe.


Optimistic as ever

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 04 Oct 16 11.56am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Probably a set up for the oxygen of publicity which they don't seem to be able to live without. Awful woman


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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paperhat Flag croydon 04 Oct 16 12.00pm Send a Private Message to paperhat Add paperhat as a friend

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

The other thing that made me suspicious was that they didn't fcuk her.

Seriously.... how much trouble are they already in if they get caught?

They might as well have a bit of fun whilst carrying out an armed heist...... or it's an inside fake job like Stuk suggests.

Kanye West's announcement during his concert didn't ring true either.... he hardly seemed disturbed by the news.


from what i've read it sounds like THEY were lucky she didn't choose to fcuk them.


Clinton is Clinton. I have known him for a long time, I know his mother... Simon Jordan

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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 04 Oct 16 12.02pm

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

The other thing that made me suspicious was that they didn't fcuk her.

Seriously.... how much trouble are they already in if they get caught?

They might as well have a bit of fun whilst carrying out an armed heist...... or it's an inside fake job like Stuk suggests.

Kanye West's announcement during his concert didn't ring true either.... he hardly seemed disturbed by the news.


Hoof, They are robbers not rapists. They did however put her in the bath, Perhaps they thought she needed a good wash more than a good seeing too. Personally i would have shot her in the head.


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