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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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europalace Flag Europe 29 Jul 18 8.25pm Send a Private Message to europalace Add europalace as a friend

Originally posted by Henry of Peckham

Can't say that I've ever enjoyed or supported the politics of the EU but how did it ever come to this? I'm sure we just joined an customs/ economics union back in 1973?

That's what the EU still is, a customs and trading union that gives massive opportunities for its citizens to live and/or work anywhere in a trading bloc consisting of 500 million people. It's only something else in the minds of those who want to blame something else for the UK's internal issues. The UK like every other EU member has the opportunity to deport EU citizens that have not found work and are not self supporting after 3 months in the country. It chooses not to do that. More immigrants have come into the UK every year from outside the EU since the UK has been an EU member. Nearly every EU citizen in the UK is working, paying tax and contributing to the economy and society. What irks those that voted leave is that they were shown up with regards work ethic and culture. That's what they hate and that's why they selfishly want to take the UK back decades and ruining the prospects of the young and future generations in the country.

Edited by europalace (29 Jul 2018 8.28pm)


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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 29 Jul 18 9.37pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by europalace

That's what the EU still is, a customs and trading union that gives massive opportunities for its citizens to live and/or work anywhere in a trading bloc consisting of 500 million people. It's only something else in the minds of those who want to blame something else for the UK's internal issues. The UK like every other EU member has the opportunity to deport EU citizens that have not found work and are not self supporting after 3 months in the country. It chooses not to do that. More immigrants have come into the UK every year from outside the EU since the UK has been an EU member. Nearly every EU citizen in the UK is working, paying tax and contributing to the economy and society. What irks those that voted leave is that they were shown up with regards work ethic and culture. That's what they hate and that's why they selfishly want to take the UK back decades and ruining the prospects of the young and future generations in the country.

Edited by europalace (29 Jul 2018 8.28pm)

They could always be brave and go to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the USA? And the really brave ones could chance their arm in the Far East/China or dare I say even India all who have or will have a bigger GDP than the EU in a year or two when It's biggest benefactor **cough** Great Britain leaves.


Pro USA & Israel

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exbiggineagle Flag Coney Hall Village 30 Jul 18 8.34am Send a Private Message to exbiggineagle Add exbiggineagle as a friend

Ha ha we are doomed I tell ye.

DjTa_3NX0AAs444.jpg Attachment: DjTa_3NX0AAs444.jpg (143.40Kb)



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europalace Flag Europe 30 Jul 18 8.47am Send a Private Message to europalace Add europalace as a friend

Originally posted by Jimenez

They could always be brave and go to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the USA? And the really brave ones could chance their arm in the Far East/China or dare I say even India all who have or will have a bigger GDP than the EU in a year or two when It's biggest benefactor **cough** Great Britain leaves.

but they won't. Most young people from teh UK go and study/work in other EU countries than anywhere else in the world. Several reasons for that, variety of languages/cultures in arelatively small region, close to home (UK) to visit family. Additionally, for Australia, NZ, US etc, you need to apply and be accepted for study/work visas. The EU provides a huge opportunities for study and career with zero paperwork and zero waiting, that's the beauty of it and that's what is being given up. Of course the selfish older Brits who aren't interested in that voted against all of that, probably through jealousy as they never had that opportunity themselves. Instead they take their spite out on teh younger British generations. For me that's not surprising, as it's one of the reasons I left the UK in the first place.


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exbiggineagle Flag Coney Hall Village 30 Jul 18 8.52am Send a Private Message to exbiggineagle Add exbiggineagle as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

That's a risible point. We can't legally strike deals with foreign countries while we are apart of the EU.

'Foreign countries' want the EU single market.

The UK could never offer any of the advantages of the single market.

So trade deals there are none.

After we leave especially.

"The UK could never offer any of the advantages of the single market."

We could offer tariff free goods and import non EU tariff carrying goods, which the EU cant outside the single market. Win win for the UK and its people.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 30 Jul 18 8.58am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by europalace

That's what the EU still is, a customs and trading union that gives massive opportunities for its citizens to live and/or work anywhere in a trading bloc consisting of 500 million people. It's only something else in the minds of those who want to blame something else for the UK's internal issues. The UK like every other EU member has the opportunity to deport EU citizens that have not found work and are not self supporting after 3 months in the country. It chooses not to do that. More immigrants have come into the UK every year from outside the EU since the UK has been an EU member. Nearly every EU citizen in the UK is working, paying tax and contributing to the economy and society. What irks those that voted leave is that they were shown up with regards work ethic and culture. That's what they hate and that's why they selfishly want to take the UK back decades and ruining the prospects of the young and future generations in the country.

Edited by europalace (29 Jul 2018 8.28pm)

EU migrants aren’t the big bet contributor you think they are (one for Sterling). It’s just the income tax they pay, and that’s sometimes before they go back to Poland with all their savings. If they stay into retirement then they’ll drain the coffers then too.

We’re also in a scheme of importing cheap labour and not training and developing our own so it isn’t simply a wonderful opportunity to move work and trade for all.

I’m not against immigration. I’m amazed at the houses some East Europeans are living in the further south you go of Croydon. Certainly not 16 to a 3 bed house. Far from it. Good luck to those raising families in large semis. But I am against the sheer numbers and the damage it does to our own citizens and the chances for their offspring, although sometimes the ignorant I see on Twitter deserve it. The description of Ponzi scheme on here isn’t far wrong.



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.TUX. Flag 30 Jul 18 8.59am

Originally posted by europalace

That's what the EU still is, a customs and trading union that gives massive opportunities for its citizens to live and/or work anywhere in a trading bloc consisting of 500 million people. It's only something else in the minds of those who want to blame something else for the UK's internal issues. The UK like every other EU member has the opportunity to deport EU citizens that have not found work and are not self supporting after 3 months in the country. It chooses not to do that. More immigrants have come into the UK every year from outside the EU since the UK has been an EU member. Nearly every EU citizen in the UK is working, paying tax and contributing to the economy and society. What irks some that voted leave is that they were shown up with regards work ethic and culture. That's what they hate and that's why they selfishly want to take the UK back decades and ruining the prospects of the young and future generations in the country.

Edited by europalace (29 Jul 2018 8.28pm)

..........the vast majority of EU citizens have not prospered, quite the opposite, as fast as the monstrous EU debt as grown.
#summit' aint right........


Buy Litecoin.

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 30 Jul 18 9.07am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by .TUX.

..........the vast majority of EU citizens have not prospered, quite the opposite, as fast as the monstrous EU debt as grown.
#summit' aint right........

It’s great for big business. Free to take the complete p1ss with a few employment laws.



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since1953 Flag Maidenhead 30 Jul 18 9.22am Send a Private Message to since1953 Add since1953 as a friend

I voted for us to join the Common Market back in 1974, and had it not morphed into the monster it is today then I would still be happy to stay. The EU has crept up on the average UK resident who has not taken much interest in the politics of what's gone on, but the sleeping lion has now awoken and the majority of the population has expressed a wish to pull out . It makes me smile to think of those of our politicians who are desperate for us to stay because they are worried about the impact on their second "lives" in France or wherever.


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silvertop Flag Portishead 30 Jul 18 10.30am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Jimenez

They could always be brave and go to Australia, New Zealand, Canada or the USA? And the really brave ones could chance their arm in the Far East/China or dare I say even India all who have or will have a bigger GDP than the EU in a year or two when It's biggest benefactor **cough** Great Britain leaves.

Hmm, so one of the "best" consequences of Brexit is a brain drain of some of our best young talent?

One of the posters said that he knew there would be short term pain. he voted for the benefit of his children. Are you sure they are going to thank you?


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Beanyboysmd Flag 30 Jul 18 11.10am Send a Private Message to Beanyboysmd Add Beanyboysmd as a friend

Im a remainer and even I know we cant call a 2nd referendum. We would vote remain and we would be a laughing stock in Europe. Our reputation on the world stage would be shot and lets face it, our reputation is the only reason we are still at any global big tables. The EU would slowly face European institutions out of Britain and into other EU nations, politically we would lose all power to influence the EU which was one of the main benifits of it in the first place...

We have to leave and we genuinly will suffer for it, but the alternative will be just as bad. So we leave under the softest brexit deal we can get our hands on and hope that the BRIC nations stop looking inward over the next few years...


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 30 Jul 18 2.50pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Beanyboysmd

Im a remainer and even I know we cant call a 2nd referendum. We would vote remain and we would be a laughing stock in Europe. Our reputation on the world stage would be shot and lets face it, our reputation is the only reason we are still at any global big tables. The EU would slowly face European institutions out of Britain and into other EU nations, politically we would lose all power to influence the EU which was one of the main benifits of it in the first place...

We have to leave and we genuinly will suffer for it, but the alternative will be just as bad. So we leave under the softest brexit deal we can get our hands on and hope that the BRIC nations stop looking inward over the next few years...

Britain are at the G8 etc because of the size of the economy. They are also on the UN security council through the endeavour and effectiveness of the armed forces. They are also second only to the US in NATO with NATO regularly commanded by British generals.

In the EU for a regular and consistent period the UK has had the fastest growing economy - except for Ireland at times (which is hardly surprising considering Ireland was pretty much a developing nation not that long ago).

The EU, however, renaiged on the rebates due consistently, tried to implement a financial tax to hurt London solely, and consistently treated British wishes with contempt. I have little doubt that Merkel's ridiculous and, frankly reckless, immigration policy (if just letting anybody in who says they are a Syrian can be called a policy) was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Since then the EU has been printing money whilst imposing austerity on countries such as Spain and Greece. The EU have empowered people like Le Penn with their innate greed. Find me an EU MP that doesn't have their family employed as their private secretary for an additional 200 grand and you could get close to answering some questions about why people may be willing to take a short-term hit to get rid of the EU.

The final thing I will say is whatever happens politically, business will continue to do business: where one company pulls out or goes bust, another will take its place. Consumerism rules and Britain has 60 million people who like to buy crap. Leaving the EU will not change this - no matter how much scaremongering there is.


Red and Blue Army!

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