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The White Horse Flag 26 May 14 4.23pm Send a Private Message to The White Horse Add The White Horse as a friend

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 4.06pm

That's why I almost have a begrudging respect for the Lib Dems, at least they stuck by a suicidal pro-EU policy because they believed in it, rather than melting like the Tories in a risible attempt to procure a few more populist votes.

There's a rather cruel irony when a party purporting to be for freedom and democracy does so badly when people are free (under STV) to actually democratically decide who represents them.

Obviously the media is obsessed with UKIP at the moment, but even in the most outrageously successful scenario they won't have more MPs than the Lib Dems.

Things can't get much worse for the Lib Dems, so presumably they'll have a resurgence next time Labour become unpopular, which could be as soon as 2015 or 2020.


"The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh... his stoat-hole... but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity.” Stewart Lee

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 26 May 14 4.57pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 3.55pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 2.49pm

Quote pefwin at 26 May 2014 2.45pm

I notice the BNP'S vote collapsed, I wonder where it went?

The same place as the collapsed Tory, Lib Dem and Green vote, one would assume.

Edited by matt_himself (26 May 2014 2.49pm)

That the Greens who won another seat in the Euros and beat the Lib Dems to 4th place?

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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serial thriller Flag The Promised Land 26 May 14 5.01pm Send a Private Message to serial thriller Add serial thriller as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 4.57pm

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 3.55pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 2.49pm

Quote pefwin at 26 May 2014 2.45pm

I notice the BNP'S vote collapsed, I wonder where it went?

The same place as the collapsed Tory, Lib Dem and Green vote, one would assume.

Edited by matt_himself (26 May 2014 2.49pm)

That the Greens who won another seat in the Euros and beat the Lib Dems to 4th place?

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.

10%? I can see figures of 1% in places, which is hardly a collapse, and probably results from the localisation of their campaigning, hence gaining another seat. Please feel free to prove me wrong though.


If punk ever happened I'd be preaching the law, instead of listenin to Lydon lecture BBC4

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 26 May 14 5.02pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 4.02pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 11.38am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 10.17am

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 8.56am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 8.49am

Geert Wilders expects Farage and UKIP to join up with "racist and anti-Semitic" far right groups rather than face isolationism within the EU Parliament even though at this moment Nige says he won't.

For political expediency he does have a point does old Geert.


Should this happen I look forward to our resident Hol UKippers defending it so I do.

It is a complete non story.

It is like me saying 'Gusset and IT teaching assistant Kermit should both embrace reality and drop their childish adherence to unworkable and outdated political ideology'.

That is never going to happen. Neither will this.

1) Wrong. Again. You have one life left.

2) That sentence will be coming back to haunt you should Geert have got this one right.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 10.17am)

1. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks;
2. Given that UKIP had said they won't get into bed with these people, it appears pretty obvious they won't. It would be electoral suicide as it would alienate a heck of a lot of their support. Your constant stirring is funny but misguided. And, of course, the left never get into bed with odious types, do they? For example, 'loveable rogue' George Galloway would never get into bed with, say, the Islamic Party, which advocates your favourite people, homosexuals, being charged with public indecency, would he?

1) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

2) Naïve. Politicians never lie, do they? Or do what it takes and shift for more power.

3) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 4.13pm)

I admire that you continue with your undermining UKIP efforts but the fact that you fail to accept that they will not get into bed with the Nazis you hope they will is one of your many flaws.

They have made a major breakthrough. A large number of previously Labour voters went over to them. In order to continue towards Westminster success they will need to embrace all of this support, both working class and middle class. Therefore, joining the far right Euro Group.

Keep pushing your misguided crap though. It's enjoyable to read it.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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Seth Flag On a pale blue dot 26 May 14 5.05pm Send a Private Message to Seth Add Seth as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 4.57pm

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 3.55pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 2.49pm

Quote pefwin at 26 May 2014 2.45pm

I notice the BNP'S vote collapsed, I wonder where it went?

The same place as the collapsed Tory, Lib Dem and Green vote, one would assume.

Edited by matt_himself (26 May 2014 2.49pm)

That the Greens who won another seat in the Euros and beat the Lib Dems to 4th place?

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.

The Greens got 7.87% of the Euro vote, which was 0.75% down on last time, not anywhere near 10% down.

Due to the voting system this somehow got them 1 extra MEP. They now have 3, which makes them the 4th best represented party from the UK.



"You can feel the stadium jumping. The stadium is actually physically moving up and down"
FA Cup MOTD 24/4/16

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The White Horse Flag 26 May 14 5.06pm Send a Private Message to The White Horse Add The White Horse as a friend

Quote The White Horse at 18 May 2014 10.55pm

My prediction:

UKIP 30%
Labour 27%
Tories 24%

Far be it from me to boast, but added to my correct Penge & Cator prediction, I'd like to also point out that my average margin of error on my predictions for the 3 main parties was 1.4%.

The final polls of 6 major polling organisations averaged a margin of error of 2.5% and only one of these organisations (yougov with 1%) managed an average margin of error on the three main parties below 2.0%.

Next time guys, save a lot of time and money spent making thousands of phonecalls and just ask me for the result.

Edited by The White Horse (26 May 2014 5.06pm)


"The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh... his stoat-hole... but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity.” Stewart Lee

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The White Horse Flag 26 May 14 5.16pm Send a Private Message to The White Horse Add The White Horse as a friend

Quote Seth at 26 May 2014 5.05pm

Quote matt_himself

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.

The Greens got 7.87% of the Euro vote, which was 0.75% down on last time, not anywhere near 10% down.

Due to the voting system this somehow got them 1 extra MEP. They now have 3, which makes them the 4th best represented party from the UK.


Clearly Matt (or whoever he's taken his stats from) is trying to claim that if you have 7.87% of the vote and lose 0.75%, that's a reduction of 10% because 0.75 is a tenth of 7.87 (or there abouts).

I would suggest that what's actually gone on is that the Greens have been very shrewd in where their resources have gone and tried to build support in the South West so they get an extra MEP. Well played.


"The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh... his stoat-hole... but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity.” Stewart Lee

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 26 May 14 5.18pm

Quote Stirlingsays at 26 May 2014 12.34pm

Quote nickgusset at 26 May 2014 12.15pm

So unsurprisingly ukip pissed it last night. Well done Farage. Well done the media.

Oh it's partly the media's fault is it?.....Most of their coverage was negative...Telling us how to think...Loads of 'Ukip is racist'.

Still, you couldn't shut up about them.....You pretty much cemented my vote.

Well done Nick.

That bloke is against them so I'm going to be more determined to vote for them as a result...


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 26 May 14 5.22pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 5.02pm

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 4.02pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 11.38am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 10.17am

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 8.56am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 8.49am

Geert Wilders expects Farage and UKIP to join up with "racist and anti-Semitic" far right groups rather than face isolationism within the EU Parliament even though at this moment Nige says he won't.

For political expediency he does have a point does old Geert.


Should this happen I look forward to our resident Hol UKippers defending it so I do.

It is a complete non story.

It is like me saying 'Gusset and IT teaching assistant Kermit should both embrace reality and drop their childish adherence to unworkable and outdated political ideology'.

That is never going to happen. Neither will this.

1) Wrong. Again. You have one life left.

2) That sentence will be coming back to haunt you should Geert have got this one right.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 10.17am)

1. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks;
2. Given that UKIP had said they won't get into bed with these people, it appears pretty obvious they won't. It would be electoral suicide as it would alienate a heck of a lot of their support. Your constant stirring is funny but misguided. And, of course, the left never get into bed with odious types, do they? For example, 'loveable rogue' George Galloway would never get into bed with, say, the Islamic Party, which advocates your favourite people, homosexuals, being charged with public indecency, would he?

1) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

2) Naïve. Politicians never lie, do they? Or do what it takes and shift for more power.

3) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 4.13pm)

I admire that you continue with your undermining UKIP efforts but the fact that you fail to accept that they will not get into bed with the Nazis you hope they will is one of your many flaws.

They have made a major breakthrough. A large number of previously Labour voters went over to them. In order to continue towards Westminster success they will need to embrace all of this support, both working class and middle class. Therefore, joining the far right Euro Group.

Keep pushing your misguided crap though. It's enjoyable to read it.

I think they will, not hope they will, "get into bed" with extreme right-wing groups and I put it to you that you are very politically naive in your definite assumption that they won't ever. If the alternative is marginalisation and, hence, a weakened voice as Wilders validly points out what choice will they have?

You will be snookered though, won't you, when they do the dirty.

I'll expect your usual diverting uninformed waffle and stock answer cant when confronted on that day.


Big chest and massive boobs


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matt_himself Flag Matataland 26 May 14 5.34pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 5.22pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 5.02pm

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 4.02pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 11.38am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 10.17am

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 8.56am

Quote Kermit8 at 26 May 2014 8.49am

Geert Wilders expects Farage and UKIP to join up with "racist and anti-Semitic" far right groups rather than face isolationism within the EU Parliament even though at this moment Nige says he won't.

For political expediency he does have a point does old Geert.


Should this happen I look forward to our resident Hol UKippers defending it so I do.

It is a complete non story.

It is like me saying 'Gusset and IT teaching assistant Kermit should both embrace reality and drop their childish adherence to unworkable and outdated political ideology'.

That is never going to happen. Neither will this.

1) Wrong. Again. You have one life left.

2) That sentence will be coming back to haunt you should Geert have got this one right.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 10.17am)

1. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks;
2. Given that UKIP had said they won't get into bed with these people, it appears pretty obvious they won't. It would be electoral suicide as it would alienate a heck of a lot of their support. Your constant stirring is funny but misguided. And, of course, the left never get into bed with odious types, do they? For example, 'loveable rogue' George Galloway would never get into bed with, say, the Islamic Party, which advocates your favourite people, homosexuals, being charged with public indecency, would he?

1) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

2) Naïve. Politicians never lie, do they? Or do what it takes and shift for more power.

3) I haven't a clue what your increasingly befuddled mind is on about.

Edited by Kermit8 (26 May 2014 4.13pm)

I admire that you continue with your undermining UKIP efforts but the fact that you fail to accept that they will not get into bed with the Nazis you hope they will is one of your many flaws.

They have made a major breakthrough. A large number of previously Labour voters went over to them. In order to continue towards Westminster success they will need to embrace all of this support, both working class and middle class. Therefore, joining the far right Euro Group.

Keep pushing your misguided crap though. It's enjoyable to read it.

I think they will, not hope they will, "get into bed" with extreme right-wing groups and I put it to you that you are very politically naive in your definite assumption that they won't ever. If the alternative is marginalisation and, hence, a weakened voice as Wilders validly points out what choice will they have?

You will be snookered though, won't you, when they do the dirty.

I'll expect your usual diverting uninformed waffle and stock answer cant when confronted on that day.

And I out it to you that in order to build upon there current success, alignment with such a group would be suicide. Think about it.

I love your views on politically naivety. Thank you for this but you have demonstrated such blinkered views up until now makes it impossible to take your prejudiced beatings seriously.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 26 May 14 5.36pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 5.01pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 4.57pm

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 3.55pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 2.49pm

Quote pefwin at 26 May 2014 2.45pm

I notice the BNP'S vote collapsed, I wonder where it went?

The same place as the collapsed Tory, Lib Dem and Green vote, one would assume.

Edited by matt_himself (26 May 2014 2.49pm)

That the Greens who won another seat in the Euros and beat the Lib Dems to 4th place?

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.

10%? I can see figures of 1% in places, which is hardly a collapse, and probably results from the localisation of their campaigning, hence gaining another seat. Please feel free to prove me wrong though.

You are correct. It is 1%. I am still getting used to the correct function on the iPad.

However, my point was that their share was down and you can dress it up as you wish, but the Greens support is waning.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 26 May 14 5.37pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote Seth at 26 May 2014 5.05pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 4.57pm

Quote serial thriller at 26 May 2014 3.55pm

Quote matt_himself at 26 May 2014 2.49pm

Quote pefwin at 26 May 2014 2.45pm

I notice the BNP'S vote collapsed, I wonder where it went?

The same place as the collapsed Tory, Lib Dem and Green vote, one would assume.

Edited by matt_himself (26 May 2014 2.49pm)

That the Greens who won another seat in the Euros and beat the Lib Dems to 4th place?

The Greens who share of the Euro vote is down 10% from the previous Euro elections. Those Greens.

The Greens got 7.87% of the Euro vote, which was 0.75% down on last time, not anywhere near 10% down.

Due to the voting system this somehow got them 1 extra MEP. They now have 3, which makes them the 4th best represented party from the UK.


See above response. My point was that the Greens vote is down,

Hardy matching the hype the left led us to believe before he election.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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