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wordup 08 Dec 17 6.20pm | |
Originally posted by Stuk
You've not read the posts made (bar one) today then? Assumptions, presumptions, plenty of sanctimony and barely a fact there. And it's not even close to being done with yet. From today's news it seems like most of what I wanted and thought would happen, is going to happen. But i'm not going to hold my breath on stage 1, 2 or whatever they string it out to. I'll wait until it's actually finalised. Edited by Stuk (08 Dec 2017 5.38pm) If what you wanted is to not leave the single market. That's the direction this is heading in based on what's put in place so far. Of course this could change though. I'm past caring either way, and just think that the idea of people generally all being marginally unhappy might be the outcome we end up with and probably deserve.
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matt_himself Matataland 08 Dec 17 7.12pm | |
Originally posted by CambridgeEagle
The Irish government never wanted any east-west/sea border between which would have been disastrous for its own economy, but has cleverly used the issue and the DUP to completely outmanoeuvre the UK government. In particular the Irish government has achieved: full alignment with the single market and customs union on the island of Ireland even if that means the entire UK adhering; EU rights, entitlements and benefits for all citizens born in Northern Ireland guaranteed, because everyone born there is entitled to Irish citizenship; complete compliance with EU equality and human rights frameworks; all underpinned by the “1998 Agreement” which the DUP opposed, as did Michael Gove and other senior Tories and indeed which caused Arlene Foster to leave the Ulster Unionist Party and join the DUP; and the icing on the cake for the Irish is the reference to single market and customs union rules applying to future - ie more expansive - north-south co-operation. Embarrassing. The above was copied from the Guardian earlier today.
"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02 |
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.TUX. 08 Dec 17 7.13pm | |
Originally posted by wordup
Not much from anyone here on this today. Maybe it's dawning on people that it's likely to end up being a crap version of what we already have. Something that isn't what anyone, remain or leave, wants or will benefit from. Govt in 'Doing what govt generally does best' shocker.
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steeleye20 Croydon 08 Dec 17 7.25pm | |
I don't there was a 'deal' done in Brussels today. A fifteen page document short of actual details and all up for future discussion, in particular the Irish border was not resolved, the NI PM says there is more work to do. I have seen so many last minute dashes to Brussels they have ceased to have any effect, remember Cameron and his 'special status within the EU'? Lasted at least 24 hours, the financial 'deal' he got was less than the cost of Benteke. A break until February 2018 that is good news IMO.
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wordup 08 Dec 17 7.35pm | |
Ain't that the truth.
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matt_himself Matataland 08 Dec 17 7.49pm | |
Delighted today because we are one more step away from Juncker and Tusk’s wet dream of a European Federal Superstate. We are breaking away from the EU. Wonderful.
"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02 |
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matt_himself Matataland 08 Dec 17 7.51pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
Stop spoiling the Brexiters special day. Brexit means Brexit. How many people remember Gusset’s ‘shall I/shan’t I’ Brexit dilemma?
"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02 |
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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 08 Dec 17 8.00pm | |
Originally posted by matt_himself
How many people remember Gusset’s ‘shall I/shan’t I’ Brexit dilemma? Well it's not unfeasible that we will end up a with Corbyn led Brexit. So double yay. As it is, May has negotiated a very soft Brexit that will mean not much changes, including freedom of movement but we lose our veto. Huzzah for Brexit. you might want to read the pinned tweet at the top of this forum matthew. Edited by nickgusset (08 Dec 2017 8.03pm)
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matt_himself Matataland 08 Dec 17 8.03pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
Well it's not unfeasible that we will end up a with Corbyn led Brexit. So double yay. As it is, May has negotiated a very soft Brexit that will mean not much changes, including freedom of movement but we lose our veto. Huzzah for Brexit. Edited by nickgusset (08 Dec 2017 8.01pm) What is a Corbyn led Brexit? What are the policies? What would it mean for Britain?
"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02 |
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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 08 Dec 17 8.07pm | |
Originally posted by matt_himself
What is a Corbyn led Brexit? What are the policies? What would it mean for Britain?
Ally with socialist comrades across Europe to steer towards a system that rewards hard work with a sustainable living wage negating the need for benefits. That's one off the top of my head. Brexit means Brexit
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matt_himself Matataland 08 Dec 17 8.16pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
Ally with socialist comrades across Europe to steer towards a system that rewards hard work with a sustainable living wage negating the need for benefits. That's one off the top of my head. Brexit means Brexit That full and concise description of a ‘Corbyn Brexit’ has won me over and I will definitely vote Labour at the next election, as all you entryists are briefed to the hilt on the goals of a Labour governments EU plans.
"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02 |
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.TUX. 08 Dec 17 8.32pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
Ally with socialist comrades across Europe to steer towards a system that rewards hard work with a sustainable living wage negating the need for benefits. That's one off the top of my head. Brexit means Brexit Blinkered thinking. Edited by .TUX. (08 Dec 2017 9.15pm)
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