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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 11 Mar 21 3.54pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

If the ones that died while infected, wernt infected would they have died. Are you assuming that they would still have died at that same time in their life no matter. I did post that all of us imo have an underlying health issue however small, we are not machines; and covid finds that and bingo. Death in some,a small some yes but still caused by catching this virus. I'm on fultium D already so maybe had some protection from the off.

Yes these people would of died anyway you cant put a time on death they may of died 1 min later or a week later.

This virus does not cause death again show the science which shows causation of covid-19 be the one to kill people you cant their is none stop giving out false claims.

You could die tomorrow and had a cold at the time they wont be putting your death down as you died from a cold.

Vitamin D is a massive thing but it's not a cure if you have poor lifestyle/diet no vitamins are going to save you and this is the problem with a lot of people in UK they have poor vitamin D plus lifestyles/diet

Originally posted by BlueJay


Posting up links to pseudoscience is waste of time ever wonder why their is so many published papers or so called studies its simple $$$ you are forced to do them even when they are offering nothing.

At the time you appeared to believe that vaccination had no impact on transmission. The 'pseudoscience' (aka peer reviewed studies or details of) taught you otherwise. Israel is clearly the place to look to as they are ahead of the curve. "Do you believe everything Israel says" was your strange take on that.

This whole covid-19 has turned into a big scam is it real yes does it kill millions no it doesn't

People who claim to know science or have research show us covid-19 being the causes of 1 human death (you can't no evidence of causality if you had learnt about human physiology you would know this it's many other factors one massive one being lack of Vitamin D some genetics as well)

Millions of people have already died and sadly millions more will join them. There are of course multiple reason why people become ill and die but by your logic we'd never put a number on any illness or condition, because multiple factors are always at play.


Other stats to look at is the ones regarding the lockdowns and now claims the numbers are reducing because of vaccine/lockdowns again lies the real data does not show this the declines had been happening before hand regarding lockdowns.

There are multiple reliable studies by major health groups (already posted) comparing hospitalisations in those vaccinated vs not of comparable age (which makes the lockdown a moot point) which show stark differences between groups. Since being vaccinated both cuts down your chance of contracting covid, getting seriously ill with it and spreading it that should be no surprise. A sweeping and nonsensical 'lies' label on these studies, in favour of your 'real data' is more nonsense. Nobody is arguing that numbers don't drop during lockdown, that's kind of the point. You not being able to understand that it's possible to see the impact of differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated illness in those circumstances is another 'Dr Mort' classic.

What is your point here. Are you claiming that vaccination doesn't reduce illness and hospitalisation? It clearly and evidentially does.

Edited by BlueJay (11 Mar 2021 2.24pm)

My last post in this section because you still keep on repeating the same old nonsense.

You provide no real data it is always cherry picked ones to suit your agenda the samething the govt does.

You are obsessed with Israel as if they are the worlds best and everything they claims is 100% facts no its not and the claims they are leading not at all read the science papers you clearly have not done so they have shown nothing its all again agenda driven.

Show controlled studies on humans for all this data you cant because they dont have any again what you are claiming shows this or that no it doesn't they are going by observation or association again this is not science.

peer review is a complete joke I have done this myself if a project is funded by a massive company who has invested billions for an outcome that is what they are going to get again this shows you have no understanding on even looking up details on a paper or understanding what is in them.

You keep claiming about studies but have no understanding how to read them looking at the graphs or charts does not mean you understand it is all in the wording and the methods used.

I said it before closed minded brainwashed all the studies you mention why not post the direct full studies up for people to take a look at not media outlet links or quotes the full studies carried out by those people not again studies that are taking other peoples data to make their study because this is again invalid why because those sources are invalid so it's useless data to begin with.

I have no issue with vaccines but again we do not have real data which shows it protects every one or stops this or that.

People have other health issues this is what they need to focus on fixing having a vaccine and then claiming well it reduces hospital admissions again completly false these people are unhealthy they could be admitted for all sort of medical problems be it a cold or even something like a cut which has been infected.

Again go and look at the real data broken down into categories for uk for respiratory infections they was on par with every other year so no its not covid-19 that is the problem it is the other health issues you add second or third infection to these people yes they will be in trouble or die which is why people do die.


Edited by grumpymort (11 Mar 2021 4.04pm)


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Tom-the-eagle Flag Croydon 11 Mar 21 4.10pm

Couple of questions for those who have already had jabs?

Do the nurses wear uniforms?

Will have a hard on effect anything?



"It feels much better than it ever did, much more sensitive." John Wayne Bobbit

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 11 Mar 21 5.11pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Eden Eagle

With respect WE I am not missing the point - it is my opinion and I am entitled to hold a different one from you.

It is strange how so many left leaning (not literally) people are happy to surrender their personal freedoms and liberties as long as they are “kept safe by the government”

People who cannot stand the tories are quick to believe them now that they have their best interest at heart - very odd.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. So too am I and mine is that you are missing the point. The point being that should this happen it won't be as a result of the government, or anyone else, taking away any personal freedoms. Indeed it will be an expression, by the majority, of them expressing THEIR personal freedoms. That's what happens in a democracy. Total freedom to do whatever you like does not, and cannot, exist in a law-abiding society. We are all restricted in some way. It has nothing to do with either right or left-leaning political philosophies.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Teddy Eagle Flag 11 Mar 21 5.20pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Tom-the-eagle

Couple of questions for those who have already had jabs?

Do the nurses wear uniforms?

Will have a hard on effect anything?


1. Mine didn’t.
2. Not necessarily. If he’s got one then ask for a different nurse.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 11 Mar 21 5.25pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

My last post in this section because you still keep on repeating the same old nonsense.

You provide no real data it is always cherry picked ones to suit your agenda the samething the govt does.

You are obsessed with Israel as if they are the worlds best and everything they claims is 100% facts no its not and the claims they are leading not at all read the science papers you clearly have not done so they have shown nothing its all again agenda driven.

Show controlled studies on humans for all this data you cant because they dont have any again what you are claiming shows this or that no it doesn't they are going by observation or association again this is not science.

peer review is a complete joke I have done this myself if a project is funded by a massive company who has invested billions for an outcome that is what they are going to get again this shows you have no understanding on even looking up details on a paper or understanding what is in them.

You keep claiming about studies but have no understanding how to read them looking at the graphs or charts does not mean you understand it is all in the wording and the methods used.

I said it before closed minded brainwashed all the studies you mention why not post the direct full studies up for people to take a look at not media outlet links or quotes the full studies carried out by those people not again studies that are taking other peoples data to make their study because this is again invalid why because those sources are invalid so it's useless data to begin with.

I have no issue with vaccines but again we do not have real data which shows it protects every one or stops this or that.

People have other health issues this is what they need to focus on fixing having a vaccine and then claiming well it reduces hospital admissions again completly false these people are unhealthy they could be admitted for all sort of medical problems be it a cold or even something like a cut which has been infected.

Again go and look at the real data broken down into categories for uk for respiratory infections they was on par with every other year so no its not covid-19 that is the problem it is the other health issues you add second or third infection to these people yes they will be in trouble or die which is why people do die.


Edited by grumpymort (11 Mar 2021 4.04pm)

So these people would have died suffocating on the mucus filling their lungs and nurses not able to suck it out quick enough as the suction tubes block up. Yeh OK I'm sure you are correct that covid hasn't and will never be a catalyst for people to die. Personally I think you are wrong but that's a matter of opinion I suppose! I'm not as learned as you or any scientist thinking different isnt as learned either. Wow I wish you were in charge last February.


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Eden Eagle Flag Kent 11 Mar 21 6.44pm Send a Private Message to Eden Eagle Add Eden Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Of course you are entitled to your opinion. So too am I and mine is that you are missing the point. The point being that should this happen it won't be as a result of the government, or anyone else, taking away any personal freedoms. Indeed it will be an expression, by the majority, of them expressing THEIR personal freedoms. That's what happens in a democracy. Total freedom to do whatever you like does not, and cannot, exist in a law-abiding society. We are all restricted in some way. It has nothing to do with either right or left-leaning political philosophies.

Ok WE - you blindly continue to trust that Johnson & Hancock (and possibly the most corrupt UK Government ever?) won’t be keen to introduce the domestic digital ID pass. Remember that if this is introduced it will not end with the Cv vaccine, you will be required to accept any future medical procedures that they see fit otherwise you will run the risk of your pass no longer allowing you to work and socialise.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 11 Mar 21 6.54pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Eden Eagle

Ok WE - you blindly continue to trust that Johnson & Hancock (and possibly the most corrupt UK Government ever?) won’t be keen to introduce the domestic digital ID pass. Remember that if this is introduced it will not end with the Cv vaccine, you will be required to accept any future medical procedures that they see fit otherwise you will run the risk of your pass no longer allowing you to work and socialise.

Why are they the most corrupt ever?
Because they issued contracts for PPE and vaccines without a meeting about a meeting about a meeting.
If the PPE wasn't ordered ASAP then the lot that were low quality may well have been what we were stuck with for a time. As for the vaccine I think that was money well spent; now about that corruption!


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 11 Mar 21 7.18pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

So these people would have died suffocating on the mucus filling their lungs and nurses not able to suck it out quick enough as the suction tubes block up. Yeh OK I'm sure you are correct that covid hasn't and will never be a catalyst for people to die. Personally I think you are wrong but that's a matter of opinion I suppose! I'm not as learned as you or any scientist thinking different isnt as learned either. Wow I wish you were in charge last February.

Prove it

Again you are just making things up with no evidence.
Lets go with your mucus resulted in suffocating these people again show evidence that covid-19 was the mechanism that caused this YOU CANT

People die every day this is life as stated many times look at the stats for world deaths they are not inflated the people that was dying would of at some stage anyway again backed up by the data otherwise we would of seen numbers in all age groups being high.

Due to their poor health could this virus move them closer to death yes but so could if they had gone to the gym for a work out.

The figures do not lie healthy people are not dropping dead all over the place you had the odd case here or their but again this happens with or without virus

You can have your opinion I have no issue with this but I draw the line when people do not use what the real science is showing and the real data twisting it or cherry picking to suit (to claim something you need to back it up and provide science/evidence which 100% shows this if their is none then state this don't still keep trying to claim this or that shows when it doesn't this is what people in here are doing)

Final breakdown PCR test is used to diagnose covid-19 invalid test so straight away that is useless if that is the source of all the data.

Next because a person may have a bunch of symptoms does not mean again they have covid-19 a lot of diseases have the same symptoms.

People who die after testing positive using PCR test which already covered above in a 28 day period are classed as covid-19 deaths even if it was say a car accident.

HIV is a prime example cause/effect is it HIV that kills you or is it something else because the HIV has opened you up leaving you vulnerable.

Originally posted by cryrst

Why are they the most corrupt ever?
Because they issued contracts for PPE and vaccines without a meeting about a meeting about a meeting.
If the PPE wasn't ordered ASAP then the lot that were low quality may well have been what we were stuck with for a time. As for the vaccine I think that was money well spent; now about that corruption!

Incompetent is more like it

The vaccine was an investment which has already paid of for them it helps when you are the one controlling the drive through fear and no fallback if it went wrong.

Those two are puppets anyway to higher up elites so in this way you could class them as corrupt using it for personal gains.

Edited by grumpymort (11 Mar 2021 7.28pm)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 11 Mar 21 8.00pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Lombardinho

Here's something for you to consider, Maple.
There's been a recent update on the UK government website ( that the PCR tests were wildly inaccurate.
I'm not for a minute saying everything they post is 100% kosher, but it certainly leads to their science being "problematic".


Literally the first objective, factually accurate post of yours I think I’ve ever read

You are correct. PCR tests are and were very inaccurate. Anything with only a 60-70% accuracy rate is not ideal. However, that was the best they had at the time. Anyone claiming they were 100% accurate was making it up.

The 15 min rapid tests were even worse. Next to useless

All that said, where they are useful is catching people with high viral loads. And they’re likely to be the worst transmitters.

Ultimately, no other option. The best of a bad bunch. Better than doing nothing - they allowed some levels of society to open up again.

Edited by SW19 CPFC (11 Mar 2021 8.00pm)


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 11 Mar 21 8.45pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

Incompetent is more like it

The vaccine was an investment which has already paid of for them it helps when you are the one controlling the drive through fear and no fallback if it went wrong.

Those two are puppets anyway to higher up elites so in this way you could class them as corrupt using it for personal gains.

Edited by grumpymort (11 Mar 2021 7.28pm)

So the doctors and nurses saying that icu had never had so many patients with the same condition were all liars? Are you really saying that? For a moment I thought you were actually putting across a sane argument; clearly your just plain crazy.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 11 Mar 21 8.48pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

My last post in this section because you still keep on repeating the same old nonsense.

You provide no real data it is always cherry picked ones to suit your agenda the samething the govt does.

You are obsessed with Israel as if they are the worlds best and everything they claims is 100% facts no its not and the claims they are leading not at all read the science papers you clearly have not done so they have shown nothing its all again agenda driven.

Show controlled studies on humans for all this data you cant because they dont have any again what you are claiming shows this or that no it doesn't they are going by observation or association again this is not science.

peer review is a complete joke I have done this myself if a project is funded by a massive company who has invested billions for an outcome that is what they are going to get again this shows you have no understanding on even looking up details on a paper or understanding what is in them.

You keep claiming about studies but have no understanding how to read them looking at the graphs or charts does not mean you understand it is all in the wording and the methods used.

I said it before closed minded brainwashed all the studies you mention why not post the direct full studies up for people to take a look at not media outlet links or quotes the full studies carried out by those people not again studies that are taking other peoples data to make their study because this is again invalid why because those sources are invalid so it's useless data to begin with.

I have no issue with vaccines but again we do not have real data which shows it protects every one or stops this or that.

People have other health issues this is what they need to focus on fixing having a vaccine and then claiming well it reduces hospital admissions again completly false these people are unhealthy they could be admitted for all sort of medical problems be it a cold or even something like a cut which has been infected.

Again go and look at the real data broken down into categories for uk for respiratory infections they was on par with every other year so no its not covid-19 that is the problem it is the other health issues you add second or third infection to these people yes they will be in trouble or die which is why people do die.


Edited by grumpymort (11 Mar 2021 4.04pm)


Sure. f*** the scientific community consensus and all their (ongoing) research, papers and evidence. Also, papers for payment is nothing new, and yes you're right the system is effectively broken, especially in the US. Has been for a long time – just read anything by Ben Goldacre. However, this doesn't mean EVERYTHING is a lie and we should all be telling our NHS staff to go f*** themselves and start self-diagnosing.

Some of what you say is correct but then it quickly descends into nonsense when you start insinuating that contributing deaths don’t count at all and therefore only one death has ever been caused by Covid simply because it was a direct death.

Yes most people dying or contracting this seriously are doing so because of a poor health state or current ailment + COVID, but I don’t see how that means we don’t need a vaccine, or we don’t need to prevent spread.

Why? Because what matters is how many people get infected and how quickly, and how much pressure is then placed on the hospital system. As I've been saying for ages deaths are in some ways an irrelevance. It’s quite simple - if COVID didn't exist would there be this many people being admitted to ICU wards at the same time due to their existing Heath issues. No. Capacity is the problem, as Brazil is finding out after Bolsonaro the bellend keeps on with the ‘it’s just a cold, stop whinging’ schtick.

And a point of general note - just because someone has a PHD (if memory serves not in the specific fields relevant to this topic I may add) does not automatically make them more qualified, or some kind of all knowing deity on this particular topic. It's just another layman's opinion and in this case one that goes against the scientific consensus. Not just in the UK, but across the world.

Anyone with a half decent education understands how the scientific process works and can do their own, objective reading. Plus it helps if you know a doctor, a geneticist and a nurse, among others. They, y'know, are actually in the specific field and some have been working on the 'front line' with others far more knowledgeable on this subject than anyone on this forum.

I know who I'm listening to.


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 11 Mar 21 8.49pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

So the doctors and nurses saying that icu had never had so many patients with the same condition were all liars? Are you really saying that? For a moment I thought you were actually putting across a sane argument; clearly your just plain crazy.

He needs to self-cert.


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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