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Who is English?

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View PalazioVecchio's Profile PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 15 Jun 24 10.26pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Or Cornish.

Wisbech declared himself English ie Anglo Saxon. And yet Cornwall is Celtic. They became majority English-speaking there only recently. Only about a thousand years after the rest of Ingerland.

Cornwall spoke Cornish up until the time of mad King George.

Today, is a Cornishman also an Englishman ? maybe, but they hate wealthy londoners buying holiday homes there. Same as the Bretons hate Parisians.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Flag 15 Jun 24 10.36pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I am not sure whether having a “protected identity” really qualifies but some would no doubt think so, and if it makes them happy, why not?

Why not indeed. If putting cream on top of jam is a pride worthy attribute then good luck to them.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 10.36pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

English identity ? here is a take from Mr Powell.....


Interesting article, especially as I was in Israel myself last year just a few weeks before the Hamas atrocity. Don’t see the connection to Englishness though!


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 10.44pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

Wisbech declared himself English ie Anglo Saxon. And yet Cornwall is Celtic. They became majority English-speaking there only recently. Only about a thousand years after the rest of Ingerland.

Cornwall spoke Cornish up until the time of mad King George.

Today, is a Cornishman also an Englishman ? maybe, but they hate wealthy londoners buying holiday homes there. Same as the Bretons hate Parisians.

I am an incomer. Someone who isn’t Cornish but lives here. I am English. We appreciate the local culture and often participate in it. Some of my best friends are Cornish. This weekend is the Falmouth Sea Shanty Festival. The town is heaving with people with music on stages and in most of the pubs from early to late. The Fisherman’s Friends were on the main stage for 2 hours earlier. How many watching were Cornish? Who knows, but most won’t be.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 10.53pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

England is a nation that has existed for a thousand years. It's a disgrace that the elite are trying to replace it first with British and then European.

Scotland became a nation around the same time as England yet I don't see anyone declaring no such thing as Scottish.

Nobody is trying to replace anything! We are all British and have been since the Act of Union in 1707. We are also either English, Welsh, Scots or Northern Irish. Or none, if we prefer just to be British.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 15 Jun 24 10.59pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

No, that’s the legal position in France as I understand it. Not the emotional one.

Only the emotional one has any relevance to the situation in the UK.

I am 100% English.
If by your twisted logic I am a quarter French, what is King Charles? Will you start advocating for his abdication and begin the search for his replacement with someone with pure English DNA, after first determining what that is exactly? How far back will you go and why?

Everyone knows he's a good bit German. So what?

Everyone now knows you are a quarter French.

I'm 6% Scottish genetically speaking, if it makes you feel better. I better not mention the 3% Norwegian, Irish and Welsh.

I hardly think that being a bit German is grounds for abdication. On that basis, no King or Queen in history would be legitimate.

Sleep well. Don't wear the onions around your neck in bed.

Save them for a morning bike ride in your stripy jumper and beret when you get the bread.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 15 Jun 24 11.10pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You confirm exactly what I have been saying. Trying to nuance it because of scale or timing doesn’t change the facts. The gene pool has changed constantly and in recent centuries probably faster than in the past. Seeking to determine what constitutes being English by genetics is nonsensical. The only way is individually, by how people feel. Not by other people imposing their own standards on them. It’s not a legal matter, determined by Parliament. We are legally British. Being English is about emotional connections. You can think of me as 1/4 French until the cows come home. It doesn’t make the slightest difference to how I feel or my legal status.

All you do here is confirm the absurdity of comparing historical immigration with the recent mass invasion in such a way as to try and pretend that they make it all OK.

It's not OK.

As I previously stated. Our population has barely changed it's make up for 1600 years.
You think that the Saxons are justification for a virtual replacement at current rates? Forget replacements. How about a quarter of the population? What about half? How much is too much for you Wisbech?

You don't value your people or your country. You want to give it away and see it turned into the third world.

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (15 Jun 2024 11.11pm)


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 11.16pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

I know you have a problem accepting that Northern Europeans are White. You also seem to have a problem people who are White and like it.

A bit sad really.

So your self loathing aside, there is no doubt that the question of Englishness becomes more complex when you introduce people of mixed race or nationality.

Cutting through all your bulls***, the simple fact is that the vast majority of people in Britain can trace their heritage back through thousands of years. Obviously, when Europe was one landmass, people could wander across it. Since that time our genetic make up has been changed, in small degrees by European invasions.
No significant change has occurred for 1500 years and that was relatively small. That is, until the last 30 years.

Now if you want to simply be perceived as 'English' you need to speak English, adopt English customs and culture, support English sports teams, refer to yourself as an Englishman, not adhere to religions or behaviour that is anti English or runs counter to our Christian based values.

Your ethnicity is not necessarily a factor, but it helps to be recognised as English if you look like an Englishman.

Some well known examples were not Northern European but were perceived as English. Some people not born in England have been considered English by parentage.

In the end, most English want to preserve the England they had and reject the schisms, backward alien religions, the crime, the violence and the endless nonsense about racial etiquette that mass immigration has brought us.

That is all far more significant than squabbling over what English means.

I don’t have a problem with Northern Europeans being described as “white”! I have a problem with anyone being classified by something as arbitrary as the colour of their skin.

The only thing to judge anyone by is how they behave. Not by their appearance or any other characteristic.

You do though get it right when you refer to culture being the true determinant. That is our heritage and it needs to be treasured and celebrated. Not though set in stone because it has always evolved over time to embrace new experiences. It just must not be replaced. We must insist it is respected by all who live here.

What “looking like an Englishman” means is puzzling. Most don’t look at all like people did in my youth, and I would hate to look like them. What I would like to see is everyone possessing the work ethics I had during my working life, which continues today. Not how they look whilst doing it.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 11.20pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

All you do here is confirm the absurdity of comparing historical immigration with the recent mass invasion in such a way as to try and pretend that they make it all OK.

It's not OK.

As I previously stated. Our population has barely changed it's make up for 1600 years.
You think that the Saxons are justification for a virtual replacement at current rates? Forget replacements. How about a quarter of the population? What about half? How much is too much for you Wisbech?

You don't value your people or your country. You want to give it away and see it turned into the third world.

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (15 Jun 2024 11.11pm)

That’s an entirely different argument which has already been discussed ad nauseam. I won’t get into it again.

As was said elsewhere, “wrong thread”. Post it elsewhere. I won’t respond.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Jun 24 11.25pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Everyone knows he's a good bit German. So what?

Everyone now knows you are a quarter French.

I'm 6% Scottish genetically speaking, if it makes you feel better. I better not mention the 3% Norwegian, Irish and Welsh.

I hardly think that being a bit German is grounds for abdication. On that basis, no King or Queen in history would be legitimate.

Sleep well. Don't wear the onions around your neck in bed.

Save them for a morning bike ride in your stripy jumper and beret when you get the bread.

Well done.

By your DNA based logic neither you, me nor the King are English.

By mine we all are.

Who, by yours, is?


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Jun 24 12.36am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Well done.

By your DNA based logic neither you, me nor the King are English.

By mine we all are.

Who, by yours, is?


No said that everyone ‘English’ has 100% English genes.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Jun 24 12.42am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

That’s an entirely different argument which has already been discussed ad nauseam. I won’t get into it again.

As was said elsewhere, “wrong thread”. Post it elsewhere. I won’t respond.

It’s entirely relevant to the conversation.

Bonne nuit .


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