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Theresa May

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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 28 Jun 17 1.29pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by CambridgeEagle

That man is an odious t*sspot and thankfully has no influence whatsoever on today's Labour party.

Your point is facile. May has made the deal and paid the bung, yet refused to give her magic money tree another shake so she can share her largesse with the rest of us. London and the South East contribute a big budget surplus to HM Treasury, yet our nurses and firefighters are stuck with falling living standards due to her ideology on cuts. She's a disgrace.

As a Labour supporter you would know a "Disgrace".
Step forward Comrades Corbyn and McDonnell.
Persons who peddle their brand of disgraceful political sectarianism, seeking to exploit public tragedy at Grenfell for partisan gain.

As a Labour supporter I am NOT surprised you used the word "Largesse" given the fantasy economics on display in Corbyn's red manifesto he carried around with him all the time like Chairman Mao and his red book.


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 28 Jun 17 1.37pm

Originally posted by Willo

Yes it would have been a 'Coalition of chaos' with Labour and their 'La-La-land' economics propped up by the SNP who wish to break up the UK.

In an ideal world, taxpayers would have been spared the horse-trading that has taken place with the DUP. Incidently it was Labour who issued dire warnings that the DUP would make outlandish demands, but overall it was a reasonable deal to offer a measure of stability and provide an effective Government as we make our way through complex Brexit negotiations.

In actual fact, given the outrageous economic cost of a Government led by the economically illiterate 'Comrade Corbyn' I happen to believe that £1Bill over 2 years is a small price for keeping Labour out of power.

Everyone else lies, except my guy, he tells the truth, we are the only real option ever. We're the only reasonable option...

Yep, the DUP definitely have come out the deal looking like reasonable people. Spending for NI as a whole, and a tight set of issues on which they will provide the Conservatives support.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 28 Jun 17 1.43pm

Originally posted by Willo

As a Labour supporter you would know a "Disgrace".
Step forward Comrades Corbyn and McDonnell.
Persons who peddle their brand of disgraceful political sectarianism, seeking to exploit public tragedy at Grenfell for partisan gain.

As a Labour supporter I am NOT surprised you used the word "Largesse" given the fantasy economics on display in Corbyn's red manifesto he carried around with him all the time like Chairman Mao and his red book.

If people burning to death in their own homes is not a political issue, I'm not really sure what is. Is it because May tried to capitalise and failed?

Everything about politics is partisan and sectarian, in a democracy. You can't be bandying around terms like Comrade Corbyn and Coalition of Chaos, without being sectarian and partisan.

As for the bit about Chairman Mao, f**k me, you were only banging on about hypocrisy a moment ago, and now you're comparing the leader of the opposition in a democratic country, who's help a seat in Parliament since 1983, with a mass murdering tyrant and criminal against humanity.

Hyperbole and the hypocrisy. Hogwash of the highest of orders.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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CambridgeEagle Flag Sydenham 28 Jun 17 1.45pm Send a Private Message to CambridgeEagle Add CambridgeEagle as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

As a Labour supporter you would know a "Disgrace".
Step forward Comrades Corbyn and McDonnell.
Persons who peddle their brand of disgraceful political sectarianism, seeking to exploit public tragedy at Grenfell for partisan gain.

As a Labour supporter I am NOT surprised you used the word "Largesse" given the fantasy economics on display in Corbyn's red manifesto he carried around with him all the time like Chairman Mao and his red book.


The only people playing political games with Grenfell are those who want to cover up their own complicity.

It was not a tragedy. To use such language gives the impression that it was some act of God that could not have been averted. The hands of this government, the coalition, the previous Labour government and the Tories before that are stained with the blood of those people.

"Grenfell is as political as it gets. To deny that is an insult to the dead and an assault on the intelligence of the living."

Public investment and reducing inequality creating growth is no more a fantasy than prices increasing with demand.

May will be remembered as the worse PM in history, with the possibly exception of David Cameron.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 28 Jun 17 1.51pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

If people burning to death in their own homes is not a political issue, I'm not really sure what is. Is it because May tried to capitalise and failed?

Everything about politics is partisan and sectarian, in a democracy. You can't be bandying around terms like Comrade Corbyn and Coalition of Chaos, without being sectarian and partisan.

As for the bit about Chairman Mao, f**k me, you were only banging on about hypocrisy a moment ago, and now you're comparing the leader of the opposition in a democratic country, who's help a seat in Parliament since 1983, with a mass murdering tyrant and criminal against humanity.

Hyperbole and the hypocrisy. Hogwash of the highest of orders.

Don't get me started on Grenfell and the disgraceful comments from Corbyn,McDonnell and Abbott !!
Corbyn and his comrades have NO shame - the fact that the exact reasons for the fire have not been determined has not inhibited disgraceful Labour from it's campaign of vilification.

Would like to carry on with a tirade but I have to go out.Might come back with bellicose diatribe later.


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CambridgeEagle Flag Sydenham 28 Jun 17 1.57pm Send a Private Message to CambridgeEagle Add CambridgeEagle as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

Don't get me started on Grenfell and the disgraceful comments from Corbyn,McDonnell and Abbott !!
Corbyn and his comrades have NO shame - the fact that the exact reasons for the fire have not been determined has not inhibited disgraceful Labour from it's campaign of vilification.

Would like to carry on with a tirade but I have to go out.Might come back with bellicose diatribe later.

Public policy clearly has an impact on fire safety and whether people are safe in their homes, and it would be foolish to pretend that public policy decisions don’t affect lives. Corbyn was right to make the point, and he did so without using the “murder” rhetoric used by John McDonnell at the weekend that many felt was too simplistic and emotive. May was also entitled to point out that governments of both parties are implicated in these matters.

May said regulations weren't to blame and then went on to blame regulations made under Tony Bliar.


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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 28 Jun 17 11.50pm

She's blatantly been lying in Parliament again. Shouldn't there be / aren't there rules about this?



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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 28 Jun 17 11.52pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

She's blatantly been lying in Parliament again. Shouldn't there be / aren't there rules about this?


The Canary? I bet more people on HOL read The Botswana Gazzette. MP in porkies outrage.....


Pro USA & Israel

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Stirlingsays Flag 28 Jun 17 11.53pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

She's blatantly been lying in Parliament again. Shouldn't there be / aren't there rules about this?


If Parliament didn't contain liars Parliament would be empty.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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kennybrowns leftfoot Flag Reigate 28 Jun 17 11.57pm Send a Private Message to kennybrowns leftfoot Add kennybrowns leftfoot as a friend

Tonight the Tories proved beyond doubt what they think of the people who do their best every day to protect the public, Our Emergency Services staff......Prison Staff... Our firefighters, nurses, police officers . Yeah the tories think they do a good job. But They do not think they are worthy of a pay rise.........

Today they had an opportunity to help those nurses who find themselves having to feed their families by going to food banks, or the fire fighters who walked in to the fire at Grenfell Tower, or the Police Officers who were on London Bridge and in Borough Market trying to stop terrorists from killing people. Or the Paramedics who saved people's lives by lifting the 1% pay cap on public sector workers.

Today the 28th June 2017.... Remember it, the day the tories proved exactly what they think of these incredible people who we should treasure... AND NOTE THAT WHEN THE RESULT WAS READ OUT. THE TORIES CHEERED.... UNBELIEVABLE.


Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind, the race is long. But in the end it's only with yourself!!

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 28 Jun 17 11.57pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

If Parliament didn't contain liars Parliament would be empty.

Not the point. What she said has been all over the news and people will believe it.


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Stirlingsays Flag 29 Jun 17 12.02am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Not the point. What she said has been all over the news and people will believe it.

I think it is very much the point.

There isn't a politician in there who hasn't been accused of lying.

Over the point specifically I'd need to read from an objective source. One of your issues Nick is that you take from very biased news sources and then present it as though you are revealing some truth.

Edited by Stirlingsays (29 Jun 2017 12.04am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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