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Ban Islamic immigration. Yes or no?

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Stirlingsays Flag 23 Jul 16 12.27pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Sometimes you see the point made that the Old Testament god was far more blood thirsty than anything in Islam. It isn't a bad point but it does ignore the major differences between the two religions and how they are represented to its adherents.

The Torah doesn't present itself as the pure words of God. It is clearly believed to be words 'inspired' by god.
This provides a difference in terms of criticism of those words and how believers react to that criticism.

The Torah has commandments but it doesn't provide a law system anything like the Sharia, which is a regulated legal system based on Islamic principles.

The framework is far more behind why some Muslims don't properly integrate within western society rather than resentment over bombs on countries they often know little about.

Secular or moderate Muslims are, in many instances, welcome additions to any western state but it is unfortunate that Muslims that take their religion strictly and try to be pious will often end up rejecting the values of western society.....anyone who doesn't understand this is truly in denial of reality or just mouthing leftist ideology that refuses to adapt to reality.

Also lets not forget that all believers in the 'personal god' religions of the major books represent a modern day failure of humanity to be rational and realistic in favour of wish fulfillment myths.

Though obviously its a testament to western society that its their perfect right to continue to do so...It's just a shame that they push these delusions onto their children.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 23 Jul 16 12.51pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Sometimes you see the point made that the Old Testament god was far more blood thirsty than anything in Islam. It isn't a bad point but it does ignore the major differences between the two religions and how they are represented to its adherents.

The Torah doesn't present itself as the pure words of God. It is clearly believed to be words 'inspired' by god.
This provides a difference in terms of criticism of those words and how believers react to that criticism.

The Torah has commandments but it doesn't provide a law system anything like the Sharia, which is a regulated legal system based on Islamic principles.

The framework is far more behind why some Muslims don't properly integrate within western society rather than resentment over bombs on countries they often know little about.

Secular or moderate Muslims are, in many instances, welcome additions to any western state but it is unfortunate that Muslims that take their religion strictly and try to be pious will often end up rejecting the values of western society.....anyone who doesn't understand this is truly in denial of reality or just mouthing leftist ideology that refuses to adapt to reality.

Also lets not forget that all believers in the 'personal god' religions of the major books represent a modern day failure of humanity to be rational and realistic in favour of wish fulfillment myths.

Though obviously its a testament to western society that its their perfect right to continue to do so...It's just a shame that they push these delusions onto their children.

Let's be blunt.

There are many people who hold particular beliefs which include those of a religious nature. Many of them have perfectly normal lives and function in society without any problems. Then you have another group who's whole lives revolve around their religious beliefs. This is not workable in Western society because it has evolved through scientific and philosophical enlightenment to reject that type of existence.
It is essential that Western democracies do not kowtow to backward thinking and emerge victorious in a war of ideology. There is obviously the current violence to contend with in the case of radical Islam but this also includes Creationists, Catholicism and any other religion that tries to halt progress and subvert discovery and education.


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Straightbackup Flag Crystal Palace 23 Jul 16 1.22pm Send a Private Message to Straightbackup Add Straightbackup as a friend

Originally posted by blackpalacefan

It's hard to disagree with this. I have more time for spiritual belief systems that relate to improving the self. Fire and brimstone religions that point the finger at others are, let's face it, irrational in their very nature. Is it any wonder that sometimes people following religions that are delusonal at their core can spin out of control at one point or another?

The primary reason Christianity isn't the boogeyman of the moment is that we have so many distractions and live in relative comfort. If we lived with the kind of levels of destruction that exists within the middle east, inflicted on them by themselves and others, or felt a religious connect to that, it would filter through to our thinking too. It's really quite easy to justify terrible acts using the bible or the koran as it's all down to interpretation. Christianity has thankfully been rather watered down over the centuries. Really we're not even a Christian country anymore. What people don't point out with these polls of muslim opinion here is that, as out of sync as some are with society, views are actually gradually moving in the right direction. That doesn't sell papers though. If we kick out these crazed hate preachers and keep a close eye on those going down the right path, hopefully in time we can find more commonality and keep a lid on things. We're all on the same land mass despite our differences and so to an extent we don't have a choice regardless of what pans out with immigration. But as a wider point, the less religious the world becomes the better, since it's built on irrationality.

Well said mate


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Jamesrichards8 Flag 23 Jul 16 5.34pm Send a Private Message to Jamesrichards8 Add Jamesrichards8 as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

You ignored my question - you described the decision as inevitable, how is that so?

It's won him many followers because it's the sort of pathetic posturing people think will help, when in reality, it will do the opposite - you don't kill an ideology with guns and walls, you do it with education and integration - you only have to look at the number of attacks being carried out by natives to understand that.

The strategy you propose 'education and integration'- does it have any precedent for success in this type of situation? It's just one more liberal idealistic fairytale that has 0 applicability in the real world, modern or otherwise.


When you’re knocked on your back and your life’s a flop...

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 23 Jul 16 7.01pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend



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becky Flag over the moon 23 Jul 16 9.01pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Sometimes you see the point made that the Old Testament god was far more blood thirsty than anything in Islam. It isn't a bad point but it does ignore the major differences between the two religions and how they are represented to its adherents.

The Torah doesn't present itself as the pure words of God. It is clearly believed to be words 'inspired' by god.
This provides a difference in terms of criticism of those words and how believers react to that criticism.

The Torah has commandments but it doesn't provide a law system anything like the Sharia, which is a regulated legal system based on Islamic principles.

The framework is far more behind why some Muslims don't properly integrate within western society rather than resentment over bombs on countries they often know little about.

Secular or moderate Muslims are, in many instances, welcome additions to any western state but it is unfortunate that Muslims that take their religion strictly and try to be pious will often end up rejecting the values of western society.....anyone who doesn't understand this is truly in denial of reality or just mouthing leftist ideology that refuses to adapt to reality.

Also lets not forget that all believers in the 'personal god' religions of the major books represent a modern day failure of humanity to be rational and realistic in favour of wish fulfillment myths.

Though obviously its a testament to western society that its their perfect right to continue to do so...It's just a shame that they push these delusions onto their children.

The internet, mobile phones and AK47's excepted.......


A stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell give some indication of expected traffic numbers

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Y Ddraig Goch Flag In The Crowd 23 Jul 16 9.39pm Send a Private Message to Y Ddraig Goch Add Y Ddraig Goch as a friend

Originally posted by becky

The internet, mobile phones and AK47's excepted.......

And Toyota pick up trucks.


the dignified don't even enter in the game

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Brentmiester_General Flag Front line in the battle against t... 23 Jul 16 11.27pm

Religion is bad mmmmkay.


"We love you Palace, we f@cking hate Man U, We love you Palace, we hate the brighton too, We love you Palace we play in red 'n' blue, so f@ck you, and you ...

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 25 Jul 16 11.09am

Originally posted by Brentmiester_General

Religion is bad mmmmkay.

Religion isn't really the problem, people are the problem. Jesus, I can get down with a lot of what he says, even though I don't believe in him or god. But it take religion to turn ideals around pacifism, turning the other cheek, love and selflessness into the kind of suppression seen in the name of god (burning and torture of heretics, murder, sectarian terrorism, bombing abortion clinics, persecution of women etc).

There is a lot of worrying Christian extremists and terrorism just bubbling under the surface - particularly where it ties in with militias and the far right.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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truleigh Flag 25 Jul 16 11.28am Send a Private Message to truleigh Add truleigh as a friend

1. It's not possible. It's just a right wing trick.
2. It wouldn't make any difference whatsoever. Just a right wing policy of symbol.

Edited by truleigh (25 Jul 2016 11.29am)


I, your glass,
Will modestly discover to yourself
That of yourself which yet you know not of.

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 25 Jul 16 11.38am

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's under 1400 years old and was very much spread by the sword in a very short period of time. We would probably be Islamic ourselves if a Christian army hadn't stopped them in Spain. So yes, there was a time when Islam was very similar in its interpretation to how its extremists see it now.

The US foreign policy of the pre-9/11 era did include a number of cruise missile strikes against 'terrorist sites and training camps', typically in response to strikes by Al-Qaeda affiliates (such as the USS Cole Bombing and the Kenyan and Tanazian US Embassy attacks). Notably in the later Operation Infinite Reach (pre-USS Cole) resulted in a number of very questionable strikes, including a Sudanese Pharmacological factor, and ISI pakistani Camps in Afghanistan, training fighters for Kashmir (resulting in a lot of ill will between ISI and the CIA)

However the issue with Al-Qaeda and the US is far more related to the US governments support of Saudi Arabia and the stationing of troops in the area. But effectively since the end of the first Iraq war, this has been a slowly growing conflict, that increasingly drew Islamist factions into a 'Al-Qaeda vs the US' situation, that ultimately ended up in 9/11.

Operation Infinite reach was launched when Clinton was undergoing the Lewinski Scandal, having recently testified.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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Stirlingsays Flag 25 Jul 16 11.57am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

Religion isn't really the problem, people are the problem. Jesus, I can get down with a lot of what he says, even though I don't believe in him or god. But it take religion to turn ideals around pacifism, turning the other cheek, love and selflessness into the kind of suppression seen in the name of god (burning and torture of heretics, murder, sectarian terrorism, bombing abortion clinics, persecution of women etc).

There is a lot of worrying Christian extremists and terrorism just bubbling under the surface - particularly where it ties in with militias and the far right.

Religion is most definitely a problem when you compare it to philosophies like humanism.

Also it's just a fact that not all religions carry the same 'problem' level. It's very important that we are fair but also blunt in a time where people are activity being hunted and murdered.

We spend an unacceptably high amount of money in this country foiling plots and charging the current rate of one a day.

The charge against modern day Christian extremists is a bit weak in an age where Jesus is portrayed in a nappy in a musical for years without attacks.

What you refer to as Christian militias is more militia than Christian. The religious level is optional.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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