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cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Dec 20 7.31pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

The way the government record covid deaths is odd.

if you test positive for Covid and then happen to get run over by a bus and die within 28 days of that positive test then its still recorded as Covid
see here - [Link]

In other news, I sunk every penny I had into opening a budget friendly B&B out here in Slovakia, I managed to open for 1 1/2 months in the Winter and about 2 months in the Summer we were sold out and absolute proof that we could make a success of this, that money went towards food, the electrician and gas fitter.
Winter is here again and bookings are looking grim due to constant lockdowns & a rule requiring people to have a covid test done every 3 days to be able to ski & snowboard plus the government threatening even stricter lockdown measures, unless things change to something resembling normal then we have enough money until March and its likely this dream is over. I'll have to come back to England and find another job to at least pay the mortgage.
on top of this I became a dad for the first time a little over 9 weeks ago, he spent the first 4 weeks of his life in intensive care with a blod clot on the brain and was given an equal chance of being healthy/disabled or dying, again due to covid and the bats*** crazy rules I wasnt allowed to be there for the birth or his time in hospital, only my fiance was allowed to see him for 2 hours a day. Thankfully he is home now and flourishing.

That analogy is never going to be the norm though about dying from something other than covid. Maybe 1 in 500 or the like but it would be rare for it not to be covid or covid as the catalyst to an illness that kills.
Glad your littleun is ok now and congrats on being new parents. Obviously C19 is serious as most countries are doing what they can to try to prevent the spread. The vaccine is hopefully alleviating a little stress for many but no guarantee it stops you being contagious. As van tan said this evening.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Dec 20 7.32pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by dreamwaverider

This thing is gonna really kick in next month. Mark my words. Beware.

C19 or measures to try to prevent the spread?


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 30 Dec 20 7.56pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Eaglecoops

What amazes me is how have those that are vulnerable (and dying because they are vulnerable), picked this up. What have they been doing and more to the point who has been meeting up with them to put them at risk.

Yep. I’ve been thinking exactly the same. Wait for the Christmas Day effect.



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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 30 Dec 20 8.18pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

There are many idiots out there. It only takes a few to be super=spreaders. Like the British tourists who fled Switzerland overnight to go France and then UK.
Or the son of an MP who fled London to go to Sussex (a lower tier at the time) just before lockdown.

And I still have idiots trying to push past me in Tesco today, with no regard for social distancing.
"But i'm wearing a mask", just don't understand the characteristics of spreading the virus. A mask is not 100% effective. It lessens risk (by a significant amount), but stand close enough to someone with CV19 and you'll still get it.

And today I still had 2 neighbours ask if I wanted to go for a walk with them before lockdown

idiots are everywhere. Fuelled by the PM telling people it was OK to meet family/friends at Christmas. Moronic

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (30 Dec 2020 8.19pm)


I disengage, I turn the page.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Dec 20 8.36pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

There are many idiots out there. It only takes a few to be super=spreaders. Like the British tourists who fled Switzerland overnight to go France and then UK.
Or the son of an MP who fled London to go to Sussex (a lower tier at the time) just before lockdown.

And I still have idiots trying to push past me in Tesco today, with no regard for social distancing.
"But i'm wearing a mask", just don't understand the characteristics of spreading the virus. A mask is not 100% effective. It lessens risk (by a significant amount), but stand close enough to someone with CV19 and you'll still get it.

And today I still had 2 neighbours ask if I wanted to go for a walk with them before lockdown

idiots are everywhere. Fuelled by the PM telling people it was OK to meet family/friends at Christmas. Moronic

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (30 Dec 2020 8.19pm)

Yes bj shouldnt have made the early promise but did reduce to 1 day. As you say though people should really have made their own decisions; they are adults in the main. ........ ones yes but adults all the same.


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 30 Dec 20 9.02pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

That analogy is never going to be the norm though about dying from something other than covid. Maybe 1 in 500 or the like but it would be rare for it not to be covid or covid as the catalyst to an illness that kills.
Glad your littleun is ok now and congrats on being new parents. Obviously C19 is serious as most countries are doing what they can to try to prevent the spread. The vaccine is hopefully alleviating a little stress for many but no guarantee it stops you being contagious. As van tan said this evening.

Medically Vulnerable people also get over this virus without a hitch, dying of Covid & dying with covid are wholly different things, people die of all sorts of ailments, what if some of these underlying issues people have just meant it was their time to go regardless of CV19? look at all the mad stuff people die of, it will definitely skew figures.
The Conservatives even let slip there is a 30% false positive error of margin with the tests.

We as a species have to learn to live with this virus much like we have done with every virus.

The world is in for a colossal economic collapse, and likely an all out war.

Thanks man, he is doing great & I wish I had kids when I was younger, its an absolute privilege to raise him & to watch him have his hopes and dreams crushed by being a Palace fan.

Edited by Ouzo Dan (30 Dec 2020 9.09pm)


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Spiderman Flag Horsham 30 Dec 20 9.43pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

The way the government record covid deaths is odd.

if you test positive for Covid and then happen to get run over by a bus and die within 28 days of that positive test then its still recorded as Covid
see here - [Link]

In other news, I sunk every penny I had into opening a budget friendly B&B out here in Slovakia, I managed to open for 1 1/2 months in the Winter and about 2 months in the Summer we were sold out and absolute proof that we could make a success of this, that money went towards food, the electrician and gas fitter.
Winter is here again and bookings are looking grim due to constant lockdowns & a rule requiring people to have a covid test done every 3 days to be able to ski & snowboard plus the government threatening even stricter lockdown measures, unless things change to something resembling normal then we have enough money until March and its likely this dream is over. I'll have to come back to England and find another job to at least pay the mortgage.
on top of this I became a dad for the first time a little over 9 weeks ago, he spent the first 4 weeks of his life in intensive care with a blod clot on the brain and was given an equal chance of being healthy/disabled or dying, again due to covid and the bats*** crazy rules I wasnt allowed to be there for the birth or his time in hospital, only my fiance was allowed to see him for 2 hours a day. Thankfully he is home now and flourishing.

Glad to hear the little un is doing ok. Sincerely hope you don’t have to give up your dream. If you are still there and travel is permitted, I may be looking for a nice place for short break next year, never been to Slovakia.
Take care and love to family


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Dec 20 9.47pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

Medically Vulnerable people also get over this virus without a hitch, dying of Covid & dying with covid are wholly different things, people die of all sorts of ailments, what if some of these underlying issues people have just meant it was their time to go regardless of CV19? look at all the mad stuff people die of, it will definitely skew figures.
The Conservatives even let slip there is a 30% false positive error of margin with the tests.

We as a species have to learn to live with this virus much like we have done with every virus.

The world is in for a colossal economic collapse, and likely an all out war.

Thanks man, he is doing great & I wish I had kids when I was younger, its an absolute privilege to raise him & to watch him have his hopes and dreams crushed by being a Palace fan.

Edited by Ouzo Dan (30 Dec 2020 9.09pm)

My boy often asks the immortal question.
Why palace dad, just why?


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 30 Dec 20 9.49pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan

Medically Vulnerable people also get over this virus without a hitch, dying of Covid & dying with covid are wholly different things, people die of all sorts of ailments, what if some of these underlying issues people have just meant it was their time to go regardless of CV19? look at all the mad stuff people die of, it will definitely skew figures.
The Conservatives even let slip there is a 30% false positive error of margin with the tests.

We as a species have to learn to live with this virus much like we have done with every virus.

The world is in for a colossal economic collapse, and likely an all out war.

Thanks man, he is doing great & I wish I had kids when I was younger, its an absolute privilege to raise him & to watch him have his hopes and dreams crushed by being a Palace fan.

Edited by Ouzo Dan (30 Dec 2020 9.09pm)

Ps a war now biden is in I would imagine


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 30 Dec 20 11.16pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Ps a war now biden is in I would imagine

100% Biden will ramp up US involve ment in Syria, more and more of this stuff below is already happening with Russia

China buoyed by Biden turning a blind eye will wipe out the Taiwanese military & Taiwan will be under full Chinese control within weeks.
They will then turn to the South China Sea a region they have been building Islands purely for military reach, the Philippines will be next.

Russia angered by US action in Syria will use that as an excuse to extend its influence out to the Balkan states.
Kaliningrad under orders from Moscow will isolate Lithuania, Latvia & Estonia by rolling its military along the Lithuanian border until it reaches Belarus (Belarus has been playing with the idea of joining the EU but in this situation I cant see them falling on the side of NATO/EU) so expect them to close the gap.
Op Zapad is a thing and involved Russian & the Belarussian Militaries practice a mock invasion of the above Balkan states.
With NATO unable to reinforce the Balkans via Poland, Russia will roll across said countries ensuring Russia finally has a year round wet port and putting them within touching distance of Berlin in the Baltic Sea.

Turkey also seizing the opportunity will go after all the territory their foreign Minister posted online, making no secret of their plans.

There is so much more going on but this I honestly feel is coming.


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 30 Dec 20 11.48pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

There are many idiots out there. It only takes a few to be super=spreaders. Like the British tourists who fled Switzerland overnight to go France and then UK.
Or the son of an MP who fled London to go to Sussex (a lower tier at the time) just before lockdown.

And I still have idiots trying to push past me in Tesco today, with no regard for social distancing.
"But i'm wearing a mask", just don't understand the characteristics of spreading the virus. A mask is not 100% effective. It lessens risk (by a significant amount), but stand close enough to someone with CV19 and you'll still get it.

And today I still had 2 neighbours ask if I wanted to go for a walk with them before lockdown

idiots are everywhere. Fuelled by the PM telling people it was OK to meet family/friends at Christmas. Moronic

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (30 Dec 2020 8.19pm)

The behaviour and shop policies since mask wearing is stupid, especially Christmas. It was better without them. Social distancing was observed far more. At least I have one of these recommended by SW19 Eagle. I thought it was a bit sh1t when I opened it but I was wrong. Very impressive. [Link]

A conservative PM cannot cancel Christmas. People can and will choose. Nearly everyone can make the right or wrong decisions at the end of the chain of transmission. Some who cannot avoid people and live with vulnerable relatives may not be able to. I’m going to predict again I won’t be surprised where the situation is worse. All those areas where road rage and ignorance is rife.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 30 Dec 20 11.57pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

That analogy is never going to be the norm though about dying from something other than covid. Maybe 1 in 500 or the like but it would be rare for it not to be covid or covid as the catalyst to an illness that kills.
Glad your littleun is ok now and congrats on being new parents. Obviously C19 is serious as most countries are doing what they can to try to prevent the spread. The vaccine is hopefully alleviating a little stress for many but no guarantee it stops you being contagious. As van tan said this evening.

Of course, but it’s used to highlight the absurdity and the changing of recording numbers before Autumn. There will be many people with other organ illnesses or just heart attacks or heart diseases, often unseen all year. Get into hospital, test positive falsely or catch Covid and you’re a statistic.

I agree that the situation is worsening, but it is not what the government or Tv media are claiming. They never compare anything for context, oh apart from the claim that it’s worse now than April. That’s because they aren’t comparing the same methods of recording.

Keep being individually responsible but don’t be fooled it’s what they’re claiming. Very depressing they’re possibly going to haemorrhage the economy more and the consequences of that.



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