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BlueJay Flag UK 02 Nov 20 2.06am

Originally posted by Tim Gypsy Hill '64

Wow. Is that a fact? Who would have though that?

The reason I have stopped replying to you by the way, is because you constantly divert from the post. Address what I posted, not what you feel you want to say. How can illnesses be falling because of being more careful, at the same time as one illness, namely C-19 is rising. It's either both or neither, however you want to twist it.

That's the exact question I answered. I have no need to 'twist' anything, I'll leave that to you and your lamentable approach to communication.

"Not all illnesses and disease are identical. Covid-19 is very contagious... as pandemics tend to be... so it may well be both harder to avoid and also easier to be impacted by (death rate) than most other respiratory illnesses for instance. "

I'm not sure what is so hard for you to understand. It is perfectly possible during a very contagious pandemic for Covid to spread like wildfire, while many other deaths and illnesses become lower due to people taking steps to try and avoid said pandemic. Covid-19 deaths have never even happened before, and so by default even if rates of other deaths or illnesses fall due to the extensive measures put in place, Covid deaths can still be significant and will obviously 'rise'. Indeed that is clearly what has happened.

If you are trying to infer that these deaths are actually secretly being bunged in as Covid deaths I have already explained in quite some detail why that is not true. We're only part way though the flu season anyway (and there have even been recent years with 'lower' numbers. Just not the ones people choose to highlight). Yesterday I took the time to go 'step by step' through the provable disinformation regarding flu and pneumonia death numbers that frequently gets posted here and disingenuously attempts to push this false narrative. In the unlikely scenario that you wish to either read up or verify those facts for yourself you are more than welcome to.

Edited by BlueJay (02 Nov 2020 6.03am)


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 02 Nov 20 2.13am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by BlueJay

No actually I provably said exactly the same thing before most. And I've been talking about how T Cell immunity is an important aspect of immunity on here for months now. Hence why I post articles like this to begin with. You, as per usual, only have one way of looking at things, so it 'confuses you' when people post points that are varied rather than pushing a simplistic pushed outlook based on whatever they can cobble together from their social media feed (often falsehoods that you have no interest in acknowledging when you're told so, such as your flu and pneumonia points earlier). As such, as above you frequently invent groundless views for what people 'probably' believe rather than acknowledge the blinkers you're wearing.

Yeah we’ll see. Covid deaths made ultra high. Other similar illnesses barely even registering. Almost none of them.



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BlueJay Flag UK 02 Nov 20 2.31am

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

What you should do is try and bamboozle that Mike Yeadon with your waffle. If you think he and plenty of others are so wrong then you could prove him wrong quite easily. Should be easy hey? But you don’t have the experience to do so. In fact many scientists have avoided him, as have Hancock, SAGE, whitty and valance who he worked with for years. He made public attempts to ask questions and none of them answered. What grates most people is the only questions allowed are vetted questions from disappointing current journalists, and is why people stopped bothering with it. Some of their stunts in presenting some things haven’t had the desired effect they did in spring because people catch on. Start being consistently honest and more people would get on board. I truly believe that. For too long they’ve acted like they know, nobody else knows or has any sense. Hancock is the worst for that.

What does any of this have to do with the stated facts of the post at hand and your inability to acknowledge it's untrue. It's no surprise that facts you don't want to know become 'waffle'. I don't much care if you want to divert and hide behind your twitter dr over the fact that you've repeated stated and posted flu and pneumonia statistics and ascertains that are provably misleading and cobbled together from completely different methodologies. It is made much worse by your complete lack of acknowledgement at doing so, efforts to avoid talking about it, and disinterest in the inaccurate and contrived nature of these contributions.

And so again with regard to the statistics you posted (attached):

"- The propoganda image and data excludes certain lower number years
- The author purposefully used an entirely different measure for this year than prior years to distort the data
- One set (PHE) is an 'estimates' (something you fob off in an instant when it relates to the coronavirus) the other death certificate deaths (ONS)
-If actual deaths are use there are multiple years that are already 'lower' than this year
-If PHE data is used we are early in the flu season and so the inference on the image that this years number is in, is entirely false
- the pneumonia info stated is also 'fantasyland'
[Link] "

You're accusing others of being misleading or lying, while your own contributions such as those this tick that box to a tee. The government can be faulted on 'many' fronts, but when you do so based on disinformation it severely detracts from others actually demonstrating a balanced and honest look at the various genuine facts and reference points at hand.

Unfortunately you've found yourself down such a blind alley that you've launched in at people who aren't even massively into 'lockdowns' anyway and have posted thoughts and articles that are varied, not solely of an angle. You simply can't seem to appreciate the fact that an objective reading of the facts is a valid approach, and that not everyone is obliged to opt into a check box Us vs Them one tone propaganda effort.

Edited by BlueJay (02 Nov 2020 2.34am)

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BlueJay Flag UK 02 Nov 20 2.42am

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Yeah we’ll see. Covid deaths made ultra high. Other similar illnesses barely even registering. Almost none of them.

You've clearly decided that they have been 'made' ultra high, rather than are ultra high without any proof of that. We find ourselves right back at the above, where you posted disinformation to further your conspiracy that high amounts of respiratory deaths are all getting lumped in as covid. If you're going to accept and not question disinformation that you 'like' (and repeatedly ignore evidence of that when it's pointing out to you), that you would choose to then believe it's all a "lie" and a " government coverup!" at every turn is not surprising.


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BlueJay Flag UK 02 Nov 20 3.20am

Rather that all of this endless faff, it would be better to stick to a couple of tangible and salient points to make a compelling argument over. As with the recent post you agreed with regarding death rates and the elderly. A public push to convey that actual death rates from other countries do not appear as pronounced during the 'second wave' (due to many elderly in homes already being wiped out and so on) is something that at least presently has an air of reality to it that can be conveyed to the masses, which in turn could feed into a more realistic idea of what might be to come (potentially impacting public mood and policy).

Much of the one way stuff on here, the 'did they die of that anyway! masks are pointless! fake numbers! why are covid deaths up and others down! lockdown increases numbers!! oh look theres an empty testing centre! the government knows 'covid' is over but are fooling us into thinking it's still a problem! as an attempt to build as overarching government covid conspiracy just drowns out perfectly valid and considered thoughts and perspectives of all persuasions - including ones you support. People tune out. Even a successful and proven vaccine would inevitably become a victim of massive disinfo too (Watch out here comes your vaccine microchip / conformity test! Results are faked! It doesn't work / is dangerous!! Covid went away, the vaccine did nothing!)'. I'm pretty sure the government actually loves the relentless echo chamber stuff because it means they don't have to answer difficult and practical questions about the route they are going.

There's no Machiavellian scheme. It's a pandemic and many of the countries of the world are having the same problems and making the same mistakes, so to perpetually point at every single aspect of our government's handling of it as if its some dark plan is not realistic. If anything their failed approach has been consistently due to their ineptitude rather than being calculated about anything.

Edited by BlueJay (02 Nov 2020 3.34am)


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Eaglecoops Flag CR3 02 Nov 20 4.48am Send a Private Message to Eaglecoops Add Eaglecoops as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Away from the arguments about the best collective response to this crisis, I saw something interesting on TV this evening which encouraged me to look deeper.

It seems that people with low levels of Vitamin D stand a 50% higher chance of catching a cold than those with adequate levels. Colds are coronaviruses. They are worse in winter when our Vitamin D levels are lower, due to decreased sunlight and less time outdoors. My own empirical experience suggests that people in the tropics suffer with colds less than us.

So I did some Googling and there is quite a lot which supports the hypothesis that low levels of Vitamin D may contribute to the surge in Covid 19. Do some yourself. You could start here:- [Link]

I will be buying Vitamin D supplement tomorrow. I have up to this moment always regarded supplements as a waste of money if you ate a balanced diet.

It’s sold out in a lot of stores. This has been a recommendation particularly for the BAME population for a while now as they naturally have a low vitamin D level.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 02 Nov 20 7.51am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Tim Gypsy Hill '64

If you had a two week holiday in a sunny country, or even if you work outside in this one, you will have enough vit D. The darker your skin is, the less vit D you absorb from the sun. But being outdoors increases it regardless. Colds increase because of not being outside, and affects people who work in factories, offices, etc more than outdoor workers. This has been discussed with regard to 'BAME' people being moe perceptible. Do try to keep up.

I remember the suggestions about darker skins being less able to absorb Vit D but some of the other research is new. Like the sun's angle in the winter not being able to produce sufficient strength in the rays to penetrate the skin effectively. And you need it all year around. 2 weeks in the summer won't protect you through the winter. The study that found that over 50% of C19 deaths were of people who had low vit D levels is the really new information. Apparently across the whole population, 20% of us do.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (02 Nov 2020 1.35pm)


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 02 Nov 20 7.56am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

I thought I told you this is March. FFS YES! We give it to everyone in our homes. Especially those with dark skin for obvious reasons. Just take cod liver oil.

Maybe you did and I certainly remember there being a suggested linkage between darker skins, lower Vit D and C19.

This though goes beyond that and seems to make a strong case for everyone to be taking it during the winter, especially at the moment. The recommended daily dose is also much higher at 4-5000 IU for adults.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (02 Nov 2020 8.07am)

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (02 Nov 2020 1.36pm)


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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becky Flag over the moon 02 Nov 20 9.23am Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Maybe you did and I certainly remember there being a suggested linkage between darker skins, lower Vit C and C19.

This though goes beyond that and seems to make a strong case for everyone to be taking it during the winter, especially at the moment. The recommended daily dose is also much higher at 4-5000 IU for adults.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (02 Nov 2020 8.07am)

Not according to my GP - she says 800 - 1,000 IU max for a 'maintenance dose. Anything higher should only be short term to make up a deficiency, then down to daily maintenance level.


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 02 Nov 20 9.27am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Tim Gypsy Hill '64

It's really not hard. You cite the fact that people are being really careful to not catch illnesses. But. Usual deaths are down, unusually. Due to unmentioned reasons, but novel deaths are up. How can you be so obtuse as to not see where that could be related in some way?

I hear so much speculation about how many would have died/will die, without any scientific evidence. Only what SAGE keep pushing. They are mostly mathematical modellers. Check it out. How many virologists are on the SAGE committee? They use flawed ideas, such as everyone being susceptible to the virus, which, clearly they are not. Yet you and most of the country hang your hopes on them. Why don't you question the science?

Clearly if you don't socialise in the usual way you won't catch communicable diseases so much. COVID is extraordinary in its capability to be transmitted. And if you are locked in and at risk you are likely (hopefully) to have others around you to look after you, e.g. if you have dementia.

A third of deaths have been in Care Homes. The Care Homes are 79% up on excess deaths. Do you really think they want their deaths put down to COVID? It is a commercial disaster. People die all the time in Care Homes, you have to be able to keep refilling them. We have half of our homes never having a COVID case, one that has had one and one that has had a COVID death. Guess which are fullest.

The most important point is why do you constantly question to such an extent the motivations of everyone involved in handling the crisis. Presumably you really do believe we are governed by lizard men.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 02 Nov 20 10.06am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I remember the suggestions about darker skins being less able to absorb it D but some of the other research is new. Like the sun's angle in the winter not being able to produce sufficient strength in the rays to penetrate the skin effectively. And you need it all year around. 2 weeks in the summer won't protect you through the winter. The study that found that over 50% of C19 deaths were of people who had low vit C levels is the really new information. Apparently across the whole population, 20% of us do.

Unsurprising the majority suffer because of the ignorance of a few (who get it of a lot of people who don’t give a sh1t about their health, because, oh the NHS is free. Free in their thinking)



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 02 Nov 20 10.10am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Clearly if you don't socialise in the usual way you won't catch communicable diseases so much. COVID is extraordinary in its capability to be transmitted. And if you are locked in and at risk you are likely (hopefully) to have others around you to look after you, e.g. if you have dementia.

A third of deaths have been in Care Homes. The Care Homes are 79% up on excess deaths. Do you really think they want their deaths put down to COVID? It is a commercial disaster. People die all the time in Care Homes, you have to be able to keep refilling them. We have half of our homes never having a COVID case, one that has had one and one that has had a COVID death. Guess which are fullest.

The most important point is why do you constantly question to such an extent the motivations of everyone involved in handling the crisis. Presumably you really do believe we are governed by lizard men.

Not long ago I heard something like half of care homes weren’t using PPE, then there’s possibly the agency staff moving around homes. Doctors say what goes on a death certificate. Relatives also found that out and that it won’t be changed.



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