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Coronavirus (LOCKED)

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Eaglecoops Flag CR3 29 Oct 20 10.00am Send a Private Message to Eaglecoops Add Eaglecoops as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Beyond lazy. Dangerous. It is the equivilent of trying to put out a blaze in a kitchen with a fire-plane. You might extinguish the flames but you also wreck the entire house and damage the ones either side as well.

Intensive local lockdowns, severe punishments for people who refuse to comply and try and keep the rest of the country at least functioning on some level. If they declare another national lockdown then we all need to be up in arms about it.

Wear masks, that I get. But to essentially freeze the entire country once more? Lunacy. They did it back at the start for a reason. Erring on the side of caution. But now we know so much more about the virus it is a ludicrous and utterly irresponsible response.

this is all you need to know about a total lockdown and everyone should bombard their MP with the folly of such a move.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 29 Oct 20 10.07am Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Beyond lazy. Dangerous. It is the equivilent of trying to put out a blaze in a kitchen with a fire-plane. You might extinguish the flames but you also wreck the entire house and damage the ones either side as well.

Intensive local lockdowns, severe punishments for people who refuse to comply and try and keep the rest of the country at least functioning on some level. If they declare another national lockdown then we all need to be up in arms about it.

Wear masks, that I get. But to essentially freeze the entire country once more? Lunacy. They did it back at the start for a reason. Erring on the side of caution. But now we know so much more about the virus it is a ludicrous and utterly irresponsible response.

Prior to the first Lockdown, the 'Experts' informed us that there was very little evidence that the wearing of face coverings would have an impact on the spread of the virus but the 'Science' evolves.

I understand only a couple of weeks ago, Professor Van Tam asserted that a 'Circuit break' would have been the appropriate action a couple of weeks previously but at present there was no justification for tight restrictions in areas where the virus was not prevalent.Now of course there are rumblings about a second Lockdown but the picture can change of course and we keep hearing about the virus spreading "Exponentially".


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 29 Oct 20 11.10am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

It is but that is not the science. My understanding is that the right way to approach this is by essentially having 9 tiers of response. What is the logic in dealing with an upsurge in infections in the NW by closing down Cornwall?

And even in the NW, it would be specific post-codes.

Lockdowns are just political gestures that do untold long term damage to millions.

If an area shows a spike then lock that down and enforce it. But the wider implications have to be taken into consideration.

Outside of the over 60's, Covid is as deadly as normal influenza. Probably even less so on the very young.

National Lockdowns are just hysteria now. Back at the start then yes but with a lot more known about the disease now along with ways of treating it, then they serve no other purpose than political posturing.

The problem with this is not the theory. It's the practice.

You have only to observe the way people's behaviour has changed and the resistance to observing even simple rules has grown, to know that. Consider some of the attitudes on display here for confirmation.

Theoretically here in Cornwall we ought not to have to have any higher restrictions imposed. However, the number of visitors here at the moment, during half term week, is much higher than normal so people are now beginning to feel pretty nervous.

People are already confused with 3 tiers and continual changes. There is a mood to get their socialising done whilst they can. How much more confusing would 9 tiers be?

I do see a national lockdown on the horizon. Easy to understand and perceived as "fair". Not as severe as the first, schools and workplaces that cannot function otherwise open but with travel, socialising and team sport restrictions. Outside activities encouraged for fitness and mental health.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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W12 29 Oct 20 12.44pm

So lets examine the evidence here:

1. 2011 - Swine Flu - big pharma accused of exaggerating the impact and the number of deaths to push vaccines in order to profit. Predicts 65,000 deaths in UK when there is about 350 (Professor Neil Ferguson). Ferguson also gets it wildly wrong about Ebola and foot and mount resulting in the needless slaughter of millions of animals.

2. 2019 - Event 201 - war gaming of a global pandemic "novel zoonotic coronavirus". Organised by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Recommendations from this include a push for vaccines (Gates being a major investor in this) and mass censorship of any alternative narrative i.e. "media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology"

3. Virus is thought to have started in December 2019 but deaths only start to increase significantly after lockdown in March once NHS healthcare is removed for almost everything other than COVID. large numbers of these death is are in care homes where residents and care workers are largely left to fend for themselves as hospital beds are cleared. DNR's are also pushed heavily with already sick residents it seems.

4. The original criteria of the registration of deaths of COVID are very loose indeed. Initially (up until about June) anyone who has had a positive test (see 6) at any time and dies of anything even unrelated is counted as a COVID death. This was changed later in the summer to anyone who has tested positive in the last month (but again, by any cause of death). There also seems to be general pressure to register any death as COVID and a positive test is not required for this. I have personal experience of this.

5. As deaths subside in the summer attention is switched overnight from deaths to "cases". Cases include any person who tested positive to a PCR test (see 6). This includes many who are asymptomatic. Government relentlessly pushes for "testing, testing, testing".

6. PCR tests are not designed to be a diagnostic but are used as such. False positives are common and would statistically account for many/most of the positive results as testing ramps up significantly in autumn. It's also understood that the results of PCR tests will vary with the number of "cycles". The higher the number the higher a chance of a false positive and the UK and many other countries seem to be using very high (35+) numbers of cycles which would increase the number of false positives. Also PCR tests would potentially pick up someone who already recovered weeks ago or only had a similar virus.

7. Currently deaths are *lower* than average for all but people who die at home yet we are on the verge of another draconian lockdown. Lockdown destroys smaller businesses and results in a huge transfer of wealth to corporations as seen in stock prices.

8. WHO, GAVI, Imperial College (Ferguson), BBC etc all linked financially (huge sums involved). Lot's of big pharma corporation "stakeholders" receive huge contracts for vaccines, contact tracing etc. See attached.

9. The UN, WHO, WEF, World Bank all pushing for the "great reset" to "build back better" also known as "stakeholder capitalism" as apparently the lockdown has been a great success and shown us the way forward. This will include a cashless society, mandated vaccines, track and trace apps, reduction in travel, not owning any property but most importantly a globally centralised administration. Situation is now somehow conflated with the green agenda as corporations do not stand to benefit from contracts to build huge and inefficient wind and solar farms, replace all cars with electric etc etc. They are doing all this for our benefit. The only thing that links COVID and the green agenda to my mind is they are "global".

10. None of the above is widely discussed in corporate media but most coverage is simply wildly hyperbolic about the risks and perpetuates the same narrative.

Have I missed anything? (can't be bothered to do masks)

UK Column.jpg Attachment: UK Column.jpg (134.99Kb)


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chris123 Flag hove actually 29 Oct 20 1.40pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

It is but that is not the science. My understanding is that the right way to approach this is by essentially having 9 tiers of response. What is the logic in dealing with an upsurge in infections in the NW by closing down Cornwall?

And even in the NW, it would be specific post-codes.

Lockdowns are just political gestures that do untold long term damage to millions.

If an area shows a spike then lock that down and enforce it. But the wider implications have to be taken into consideration.

Outside of the over 60's, Covid is as deadly as normal influenza. Probably even less so on the very young.

National Lockdowns are just hysteria now. Back at the start then yes but with a lot more known about the disease now along with ways of treating it, then they serve no other purpose than political posturing.

France going into national lockdown tonight.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 29 Oct 20 1.44pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

It’s an option for people to find sense to the madness. But the madness is the western world trying to prevent anyone from dying because it’s become so unused to it and it’s become so unpalatable to many that they’d rather the younger generations and poor feel the consequences instead, for decades. Or they’re in denial of the long term deep consequences, as is the case this century. And we print more money as a solution so need to fret about finances anyway, until at some point there becomes a breaking point.

I’ve actually read left as well as right leaning/wing people make these conspiracy theories look exactly that.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 29 Oct 20 1.45pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by chris123

France going into national lockdown tonight.

For how long in their statement?



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chris123 Flag hove actually 29 Oct 20 1.52pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

For how long in their statement?

4 weeks.


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 29 Oct 20 2.12pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Originally posted by chris123

4 weeks.

So that means no migrant dingys for a few weeks ? Not difficult, is it ?


I disengage, I turn the page.

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chris123 Flag hove actually 29 Oct 20 2.15pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

So that means no migrant dingys for a few weeks ? Not difficult, is it ?

Doesn't include schools or borders.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 29 Oct 20 2.39pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

It’s an option for people to find sense to the madness. But the madness is the western world trying to prevent anyone from dying because it’s become so unused to it and it’s become so unpalatable to many that they’d rather the younger generations and poor feel the consequences instead, for decades. Or they’re in denial of the long term deep consequences, as is the case this century. And we print more money as a solution so need to fret about finances anyway, until at some point there becomes a breaking point.

I’ve actually read left as well as right leaning/wing people make these conspiracy theories look exactly that.

Preventing death is the fundamental reason a government and law and order exists.
Violence, starvation and the like would kill a whole lot more.
Lord of the flies anyone!


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 29 Oct 20 2.47pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Preventing death is the fundamental reason a government and law and order exists.
Violence, starvation and the like would kill a whole lot more.
Lord of the flies anyone!

It also isn’t to have a Covid only policy by government decree and to lie to and manipulate its people.



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