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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 27 Apr 17 10.21pm | |
Feel sorry for Theresa May that she thinks that all EU countries have ganged up on her. It's almost as if they've formed some kind of...union.
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Jimenez SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 27 Apr 17 11.11pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
Feel sorry for Theresa May that she thinks that all EU countries have ganged up on her. It's almost as if they've formed some kind of...union.
Pro USA & Israel |
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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 27 Apr 17 11.13pm | |
Originally posted by Jimenez
It is, how times have changed.
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Jimenez SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 27 Apr 17 11.17pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
It is, how times have changed. So you are a remainer?
Pro USA & Israel |
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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 27 Apr 17 11.18pm | |
Originally posted by Jimenez
So you are a remainer? I just don't want the country f***ed up any more than it is.
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davenotamonkey 27 Apr 17 11.23pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
I just don't want the country f***ed up any more than it is. So Corbyn won't be getting your vote then.
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Jimenez SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 27 Apr 17 11.28pm | |
Originally posted by davenotamonkey
So Corbyn won't be getting your vote then. Yep, but he'll still whinge & piss about those 'Tory Cunds' he's instituionalised/Unionised & set in his cosseted way.
Pro USA & Israel |
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davenotamonkey 27 Apr 17 11.32pm | |
EU trade commissioner Cecelia “I do not take my mandate from the European people” Malmstrom says the EU will strike an FTA "for sure": Tumbleweed from all the press bar Telegraph and Sun. And why not, when you can gleefully feature Mutti Merkel acting all tough over UK "illusions" over EU talks. Anything to derail the process by ebbing away at resolve and confidence. Can't wait to leave. At this stage, I'm happy to watch them collapse when we do. They are rapidly burning their bridges before the negotiations have even started. No, they haven't started yet, because the German cucks have an election whereby they must choose between plague and cholera. Because Germany calls the shots, everyone else has to wait.
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nickgusset Shizzlehurst 27 Apr 17 11.39pm | |
Originally posted by davenotamonkey
So Corbyn won't be getting your vote then. The local labour candidate will be getting my vote. I can't vote for Corbyn as he isn't my constituency candidate. I thought you knew a bit about politics, but schoolboy error there dav.
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Hrolf The Ganger 28 Apr 17 12.17pm | |
Originally posted by nickgusset
The local labour candidate will be getting my vote. I can't vote for Corbyn as he isn't my constituency candidate. I thought you knew a bit about politics, but schoolboy error there dav. Typical twisty, turny, squirmy bulls***. Party loyalty over sense as ever.
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Part Time James 28 Apr 17 1.18pm | |
Has anyone mentioned in the 620 odd pages so far that one of our board was amongst the top 5 biggest donors towards the Leave campaign? I know I shared the article about Steve Parish being keen on Brexit improving English football, but Jeremy Hosking is a big supporter of Leave as well.
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Kermit8 Hevon 28 Apr 17 6.38pm | |
No trade talks until...
Big chest and massive boobs |
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