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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 17 Sep 20 9.00am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

And test and trace, with a test that isn’t accurate, is too sensitive, and a system that can have you isolating fortnight after fortnight. I’ve given up on any sense coming from government, the opposition or the media. These negligent fools will happily ruin us all for their own interests in ‘suppressing (false positive) cases (seriously) and deaths (that aren’t rising ‘exponentially’ which is again an incorrect description for Covid at any time). Suppressing a virus that will run its way through the population like they always do and over the elderly if they do as they’re doing now, just as Sweden are experiencing now. People can say what they like about Sweden and the way they live and the population density but the fact is they aren’t having the many (false) positive cases because the virus has run through the population in an efficient way. The question is if the government know this and secretly counting on this while this testing or test/trace farce continues with neurotic parents get their kids and maybe the whole year group out of school asap and work Shirkers and skivers try and get fortnights off work if their employers’ are full payers.

More confirmation of what a shower and government state handout society we have along with the usual left wing fannies who will happily ruin everything over a theory or an aim that is flawed in its design. Meanwhile people without this security but big mortgages leave the house and get on with it. Funny that. Always the same.

Edited by Rudi Hedman (17 Sep 2020 9.02am)



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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Sep 20 9.12am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by becky

That's because the flu vaccine is always 2 years behind the reality of the latest strain, with an element of anticipation as to how it will mutate for the current year. Cousin of mine worked on flu vaccines for over 35 years.

Shows us the difference between how the media present something and the reality.

Vaccines are obviously great step forwards but they get presented as silver bullets when the reality is far more nuanced and specific to the aliment in question.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Sep 2020 9.13am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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W12 17 Sep 20 12.10pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Shows us the difference between how the media present something and the reality.

Vaccines are obviously great step forwards but they get presented as silver bullets when the reality is far more nuanced and specific to the aliment in question.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Sep 2020 9.13am)

Flu vaccines can leave you more vulnerable to other respiratory diseases based on studies. If COVID is that serious then why are the government pushing these other than just to scare people?


Edited by W12 (17 Sep 2020 12.15pm)


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 17 Sep 20 12.22pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by W12

Flu vaccines can leave you more vulnerable to other respiratory diseases based on studies. If COVID is that serious then why are the government pushing these other than just to scare people?


Edited by W12 (17 Sep 2020 12.15pm)

I guess they want less flu so that people don't take 14 days off thinking they have Covid when they have the flu?


Red and Blue Army!

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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Sep 20 12.28pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by W12

Flu vaccines can leave you more vulnerable to other respiratory diseases based on studies. If COVID is that serious then why are the government pushing these other than just to scare people?


Edited by W12 (17 Sep 2020 12.15pm)

Interesting and thanks for the link mate.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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BlueJay Flag UK 17 Sep 20 6.03pm

Originally posted by W12

Flu vaccines can leave you more vulnerable to other respiratory diseases based on studies. If COVID is that serious then why are the government pushing these other than just to scare people?


Edited by W12 (17 Sep 2020 12.15pm)

Interesting stuff. The study showed a mixed picture:

"Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections."

It's certainly worthy of note in the middle of a coronavirus related pandemic if it has this impact, though I take ASCPFC's point on board too. It's worth noting that there are also several studies that have the opposite findings "In univariate analyses, no association was found between influenza vaccination and single virus detection of RSV, adenovirus, human metapneumovirus, human rhinovirus, or coronavirus. [Link] " so the jury is out.

As others have said even an effective Covid-19 vaccine is unlikely to be effective across the board. If we're lucky enough to get something that's say 70% effective that's probably about as good as it gets going forward.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 17 Sep 20 8.34pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend


Dr Michael Yeadon on Radio again.

'Government are using a Covid-19 test with undeclared false positive rates.'



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W12 17 Sep 20 9.40pm

they cannot test for COVID 19 specifically as the virus has never been purified.

There in no gold standard, the tests are inaccurate and are picking up latent traces of generic COVID that are going to be hanging around in many people. It’s a scam.

I really wish people would stop with the low IQ covidiot stuff and just start doing their own research.


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BlueJay Flag UK 18 Sep 20 12.11am

Originally posted by W12

they cannot test for COVID 19 specifically as the virus has never been purified.

There in no gold standard, the tests are inaccurate and are picking up latent traces of generic COVID that are going to be hanging around in many people. It’s a scam.

Antibodies of the common cold variety antibodies fall off dramatically over time, even covid-19 ones do gradually. While it's possible or even likely that some cases of covid-19 are false positives due to having an earlier coronavirus, it would seem unlikely that it accounts for dramatic numbers of them considering the current situation, how contagious it clearly is and so on. Also, since we're speculating, it's also possible that having a prior coronavirus could feasibly offer a degree of crossover immunity. If that is the case, then those individuals would be less likely to even become ill, or get tested in the first place. Complexities this way and that trump pushing a single angle.

If we're going to narrow focus on what is counted, let's also factor in that the vast majority of covid-19 cases are clearly never tested or registered to begin with, which of course could be a good thing in some regards for the same of moving beyond it faster. But it's a pandemic not a scam. I'm happy to accept that the vast majority of people would never need hospitalisation, but it clearly packs a punch compared to well just about any widespread virus in our lifetime and is working its way through the population. We don't want to verge on drifting into territory that infers a pandemic isn't happening, or hardly anyone will contract it. Both of those would be entirely false statements.

Edited by BlueJay (18 Sep 2020 12.27am)


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BlueJay Flag UK 18 Sep 20 12.23am

A couple of links that may be of interest. While I'm in agreement that by nature of testing deficiencies it's not a complete picture by any means, they are a handy depiction of available data by area which might be of say, strategic use, to some. For instance if no cases have been reported in an area for a long period of time, that might be useful to know for the elderly and vulernable:




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W12 18 Sep 20 6.49am

Originally posted by BlueJay

Antibodies of the common cold variety antibodies fall off dramatically over time, even covid-19 ones do gradually. While it's possible or even likely that some cases of covid-19 are false positives due to having an earlier coronavirus, it would seem unlikely that it accounts for dramatic numbers of them considering the current situation, how contagious it clearly is and so on. Also, since we're speculating, it's also possible that having a prior coronavirus could feasibly offer a degree of crossover immunity. If that is the case, then those individuals would be less likely to even become ill, or get tested in the first place. Complexities this way and that trump pushing a single angle.

If we're going to narrow focus on what is counted, let's also factor in that the vast majority of covid-19 cases are clearly never tested or registered to begin with, which of course could be a good thing in some regards for the same of moving beyond it faster. But it's a pandemic not a scam. I'm happy to accept that the vast majority of people would never need hospitalisation, but it clearly packs a punch compared to well just about any widespread virus in our lifetime and is working its way through the population. We don't want to verge on drifting into territory that infers a pandemic isn't happening, or hardly anyone will contract it. Both of those would be entirely false statements.

Edited by BlueJay (18 Sep 2020 12.27am)

How can a virus that doesn’t kill healthy people become a pandemic?

Why initiate a draconian lockdown for healthy people?

We have accepted the removal of our common law rights in the basis of fear deliberately spread by the government and the media. The result of the lockdown is clearly going to be worse than anything that would have happened without it.


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W12 18 Sep 20 6.52am

....and all the negative results of the lockdown will now be used to justify a lockdown because “muh second wave”

Midwits running the country


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