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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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legaleagle Flag 17 Feb 17 8.00pm

Originally posted by matt_himself

But isn't it Farron who wishes to subvert democracy and reverse the Referendum result, no?

Keep blaming Sir Nigel for the result but deep in your black, twisted liberal heart you know you lot blew it through your arrogance and metropolitan social engineering agenda, no?

Or did we misunderstand you, no?

You have indeed,in your blinkeredness, completely misssed or ignored the point,yes?


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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 17 Feb 17 8.00pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

They are all of a kind but if we had a top 10 scumbag chart, Blair would be No1.
Not very intellectual but I got it off my chest.

Surestart was a good idea that worked, that pushes him behind Maggie and May.


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matt_himself Flag Matataland 17 Feb 17 8.04pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Originally posted by legaleagle

You have indeed,in your blinkeredness, completely misssed or ignored the point,yes?

I don't think so.

People voted out.

You lot blew it though your arrogance and inability to sell the virtues of the EU project and globalisation.



"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 17 Feb 17 8.06pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Surestart was a good idea that worked, that pushes him behind Maggie and May.

Jesus Christ man he was complicit in an illegal war costing thousands of lives and is still trying to feather his own nest by attempting to subvert democracy.


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elgrande Flag bedford 17 Feb 17 8.54pm Send a Private Message to elgrande Add elgrande as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Surestart was a good idea that worked, that pushes him behind Maggie and May.

f***ing he'll I have heard it all now,a man who took us into a war on knowingly false information,costs the lives of over 400 British servicemen/women,not to mention 1000s of iraqis....


always a Norwood boy, where ever I live.

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Tim Gypsy Hill '64 Flag Stoke sub normal 17 Feb 17 9.02pm Send a Private Message to Tim Gypsy Hill '64 Add Tim Gypsy Hill '64 as a friend

Why can't Blair just fcuk off and leave us to get on with it. He is not a politician anymore. He earns an indecent salary from his various interests, and has no idea (now, or ever) what the electorate need or want. He fcuked our deficit, along with his sidekick Gordon Brown, started a war (illegally), and is now looking to get a position (President?) in the EU. The man is a megalomaniac. He loves himself, "so fcuk you!".

"DO AS I SAY!" is his mantra.



Systematically dragged down by the lawmakers

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 17 Feb 17 9.16pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Jesus Christ man he was complicit in an illegal war costing thousands of lives and is still trying to feather his own nest by attempting to subvert democracy.

Suddenly you are worried about lives abroad, but don't want Britain to do the right thing by those we helped displace.

Thatcher was worse than Blair.


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elgrande Flag bedford 17 Feb 17 9.23pm Send a Private Message to elgrande Add elgrande as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Suddenly you are worried about lives abroad, but don't want Britain to do the right thing by those we helped displace.

Thatcher was worse than Blair.

Well let the blairs take some in ..they caused it and have enough properties to house them.


always a Norwood boy, where ever I live.

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Tim Gypsy Hill '64 Flag Stoke sub normal 17 Feb 17 9.24pm Send a Private Message to Tim Gypsy Hill '64 Add Tim Gypsy Hill '64 as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Suddenly you are worried about lives abroad, but don't want Britain to do the right thing by those we helped displace.

Thatcher was worse than Blair.

Thatcher started an illegal war? Are you for real!


Systematically dragged down by the lawmakers

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 17 Feb 17 9.33pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

Suddenly you are worried about lives abroad, but don't want Britain to do the right thing by those we helped displace.

Thatcher was worse than Blair.

Are you serious?

We need to do the right thing for our own citizens. Something that is alien to you lefties I appreciate.

And exactly how was Thatcher worse than Blair?

She helped rejuvenate this country from the decaying, backward, unproductive, striker ridden disaster it was in the 70's, won a victory against an aggressor in the Falklands and was a key player in winning the cold war to boot.

Blair resigned after pissing loads of money up the wall with little to show for it and got us into an illegal war along with his chum W.

Oh Behave.


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legaleagle Flag 17 Feb 17 10.31pm

Originally posted by matt_himself

I don't think so.

People voted out.

You lot blew it though your arrogance and inability to sell the virtues of the EU project and globalisation.



The point is that those who rant about politicians who query Brexit being "undemocratic" are spouting IMHO simplistic bilge,fuelled by pure bias against anyone they don't agree with.

There is nothing wrong in carrying on perfectly legally campaigning against a principle you are against after a referendum went against you for something contrary to the outcome of a referendum (or more pertinently a particular option in accord with the very general outcome of a referendum).To suggest otherwise is itself "undemocratic".

Your hero Farage stated he would do so if his side lost the referendum.You had no problem with that all all (rightly actually)But you only mouth off about pro EU people,never him.Its called blind bias and lack of a principled approach.

Referendums are advisory not mandatory...may be a drag for you when you are against a particular policy (though no doubt you'd answer the opposite if you were against a referendum outcome)...its part of our British "heritage" and "constitution"...that thing you guys are meant to consider of overriding importance to prevail (when it suits you).Referendums having their origin in non UK continental Europe!

Let's look at some past referendums: 1975 on Common Market: Did the anti EU campaigners then call a halt to their campaigns? Did they hell.Should they have?No

Referendum on changing the electoral system.Undemocratic for people to carry on still campaigning for a different system.Come off it guvnor,you are having a larf!

Referendum in Scotland:undemocratic for Nationalists to now campaign for independence.Only if you are not a democrat.

Referendum in Australia to get rid of the monarchy.Undemocratic to still campaign fore a republic? Only to an inherently undemocratic person.

Matthimself: would he have stopped campaigning on HOL for the UK to exit the EU had the referendum been lost? I humbly think not (and fair enough,after all the essence of a democracy is free speech and the right to campaign legally for what you believe in).


Edited by legaleagle (17 Feb 2017 10.34pm)


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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 17 Feb 17 10.38pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by legaleagle


The point is that those who rant about politicians who query Brexit being "undemocratic" are spouting IMHO simplistic bilge,fuelled by pure bias against anyone they don't agree with.

There is nothing wrong in carrying on perfectly legally campaigning against a principle you are against after a referendum went against you for something contrary to the outcome of a referendum (or more pertinently a particular option in accord with the very general outcome of a referendum).To suggest otherwise is itself "undemocratic".

Your hero Farage stated he would do so if his side lost the referendum.You had no problem with that all all (rightly actually)But you only mouth off about pro EU people,never him.Its called blind bias and lack of a principled approach.

Referendums are advisory not mandatory...may be a drag for you when you are against a particular policy (though no doubt you'd answer the opposite if you were against a referendum outcome)...its part of our British "heritage" and "constitution"...that thing you guys are meant to consider of overriding importance to prevail (when it suits you).Referendums having their origin in non UK continental Europe!

Let's look at some past referendums: 1975 on Common Market: Did the anti EU campaigners then call a halt to their campaigns? Did they hell.Should they have?No

Referendum on changing the electoral system.Undemocratic for people to carry on still campaigning for a different system.Come off it guvnor,you are having a larf!

Referendum in Scotland:undemocratic for Nationalists to now campaign for independence.Only if you are not a democrat.

Referendum in Australia to get rid of the monarchy.Undemocratic to still campaign fore a republic? Only to an inherently undemocratic person.

Matthimself: would he have stopped campaigning on HOL for the UK to exit the EU had the referendum been lost? I humbly think not (and fair enough,after all the essence of a democracy is free speech and the right to campaign legally for what you believe in).


Edited by legaleagle (17 Feb 2017 10.34pm)

You sound like a sore loser Legal, get over it!!


Pro USA & Israel

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