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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 11 Jun 24 10.24am Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

The Lib Dems manifesto is comfortably left of anything Labour are proposing - I think they will do reasonably well.


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 11 Jun 24 10.30am Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

It's quite possible that the Tory Remainer left are throwing this election and will be happy to see Labour move us back towards Europe. Such is their quasi religious obsession with the EU and their strings worked by their elite puppet masters.
The got rid of Johnson and seem to have done everything to lose.

It would be very good for this country if the Tory Right and Reform joined forces and ended this ridiculous situation.

A very large proportion of this country needs better representation. We cannot continue as we are.

As always just a wonderful lack of self-reflection - there is only one side obsessively convinced of some nefarious plan to take us back to the EU, despite absolutely no mainstream movement to do so. Remainers are happy to recognise that Brexit has clearly delivered nothing, but there is next to no meaningful campaign to re-join.

Being a Brexiter seems to be so core to the identity of so many people who voted leave, far more so than is true of Remainers.


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silvertop Flag Portishead 11 Jun 24 10.42am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

What that Reform guy said was common sense. It has been said many many times by famous conservative figures post war just not recently once social liberalism became censorious. Books have been written on it, counterfactuals as well. It's being portrayed as radical when it frankly isn't.

Not that I'd expect you, as someone with stated communist sympathies to view it that way.

Anyone who uses common sense and actually looks at what happened in the war instead of the narratives we were raised with....something that was somewhat painful for me to come to terms with but I have.

Before WW2 we had an empire and were doing well relatively.

The reason we declared war on Germany was because they wouldn't leave Poland.

After the war Stalin controlled Poland and did so for forty years more.

Before WW2 we had an empire.

After WW2 we quickly lost our empire....this is despite the governments, especially Tories denying that this would happen.

We lost half a million men and huge levels of infrastructure that put us in hock to the Americans with their Marshall aid post war and then permanent military bases.

America largely took the place as the lead hegemon in the world and we were heavily demoted when we were once competing prewar.

Many of the war's supporters said that we were in an existential fight with Hitler, even though he had offered to leave occupied Europe with peace terms our government censored from the public.

If you accept that defeating Hitler was existential then the post war position was actually worse as we had Stalin's Russia deeply embedded into Europe holding all eastern Europe and half of Germany with the world coming close to ending in WW3 a couple of times.

But we live in an era of narratives and leftist indoctrination.

Edited by Stirlingsays (11 Jun 2024 9.26am)

This whole revisionist, counter-theory is premised on one important position. That Hitler would have conquered the Continent and left us and the British Empire alone to flourish and trade with them.

It is true that he admired us; but he did so from the position of avarice rather than detached respect. He coveted what we had.

The theory that they would have left us alone supposes a great deal. The documents discovered after the War that had our Empire taken and divided among Germany and Japan according to the agreed global split would have to be false and a product of denazification and/or leftist propaganda. Equally dubious would be their papers and maps that had the UK as a Reich protectorate (at least initially).

With us impotent and disengaged, the Reich would have eventually suppressed all resistance and murdered the untermensch population on the Continent (they only managed to get about half way) and then continue to murder through personal vendetta or just bad luck (something you seem quite content to accept as the collateral cost of our own self interest).

They would have entrenched and consolidated their position and, when the time was right for them, they would have sent a garrison presence to the UK to ensure greater control. They would have walked in unopposed as they did in Denmark.

And then the round ups would begin. Jews, gypsies etc. of course and then communists, trade union leaders, "intellectuals" and the sick and disabled and so on. There wouldn't be much German involvement in this. As the NAZIs discovered across Europe, there would be a long line of willing local volunteers happy to inform, denounce and take an enthusiastic and active part in the capture, transport and mass murder of non combatants. The Germans had a list with Churchill symbolically top and Noel Coward second!

Any treaties and assurances will not have been honoured. Why honour ours but not anyone else's?

One way or another, we would have become an oppressed Arian/Celtic people speaking German with our children raised to salute and respect the Fatherland.

The Empire was gone because of the War, with or without or involvement in it.

That the Reform numpty said we should have stayed neutral is the showing of true colours. In short, he is the stuff that Reform are made of. People who have learned nothing from our history. I suspect that many of the parents of those who gleefully say that "at last someone to vote for" - people who suffered and experienced the War and lived through its consequences - will be ashamed of their offspring or turning in their graves.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 11 Jun 24 10.56am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

As always just a wonderful lack of self-reflection - there is only one side obsessively convinced of some nefarious plan to take us back to the EU, despite absolutely no mainstream movement to do so. Remainers are happy to recognise that Brexit has clearly delivered nothing, but there is next to no meaningful campaign to re-join.

Being a Brexiter seems to be so core to the identity of so many people who voted leave, far more so than is true of Remainers.

Well, you would say that.

Leave won the referendum. The obsession is with people with can't accept it.


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 11 Jun 24 11.00am Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Well, you would say that.

Leave won the referendum. The obsession is with people with can't accept it.

Because it's true, yes.

The fact you still think people haven't 'accepted the referendum' is just hilarious - it's a slogan about 4 years out of date.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 11 Jun 24 11.06am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

This whole revisionist, counter-theory is premised on one important position. That Hitler would have conquered the Continent and left us and the British Empire alone to flourish and trade with them.

It is true that he admired us; but he did so from the position of avarice rather than detached respect. He coveted what we had.

The theory that they would have left us alone supposes a great deal. The documents discovered after the War that had our Empire taken and divided among Germany and Japan according to the agreed global split would have to be false and a product of denazification and/or leftist propaganda. Equally dubious would be their papers and maps that had the UK as a Reich protectorate (at least initially).

With us impotent and disengaged, the Reich would have eventually suppressed all resistance and murdered the untermensch population on the Continent (they only managed to get about half way) and then continue to murder through personal vendetta or just bad luck (something you seem quite content to accept as the collateral cost of our own self interest).

They would have entrenched and consolidated their position and, when the time was right for them, they would have sent a garrison presence to the UK to ensure greater control. They would have walked in unopposed as they did in Denmark.

And then the round ups would begin. Jews, gypsies etc. of course and then communists, trade union leaders, "intellectuals" and the sick and disabled and so on. There wouldn't be much German involvement in this. As the NAZIs discovered across Europe, there would be a long line of willing local volunteers happy to inform, denounce and take an enthusiastic and active part in the capture, transport and mass murder of non combatants. The Germans had a list with Churchill symbolically top and Noel Coward second!

Any treaties and assurances will not have been honoured. Why honour ours but not anyone else's?

One way or another, we would have become an oppressed Arian/Celtic people speaking German with our children raised to salute and respect the Fatherland.

The Empire was gone because of the War, with or without or involvement in it.

That the Reform numpty said we should have stayed neutral is the showing of true colours. In short, he is the stuff that Reform are made of. People who have learned nothing from our history. I suspect that many of the parents of those who gleefully say that "at last someone to vote for" - people who suffered and experienced the War and lived through its consequences - will be ashamed of their offspring or turning in their graves.

I don't really subscribe to the 'What if' logic.

Humans will be humans. What ever decisions Britain made regarding Hitler, we would still have a set of circumstances to negotiate, some of which could be worse and some better. We will never know.

One thing that is certainly true is that the left have been allowed to control the narrative because of Hitler, and for me, aside from the obvious, this makes him the worst thing that ever happened in modern history.

Our country has been changed for the worse beyond recognition because the culprits have been allowed to crush all objections by shouting fascist and racist.


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Stirlingsays Flag 11 Jun 24 12.28pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

This whole revisionist, counter-theory is premised on one important position. That Hitler would have conquered the Continent and left us and the British Empire alone to flourish and trade with them.

It is true that he admired us; but he did so from the position of avarice rather than detached respect. He coveted what we had.

I think this is the best argument against this position. I don't regard it as the better outcome but it's sensible to understand that Hitler/National Socialists wanted to control Europe in the sense of being its hegemon.

However, the Germans ended up doing this post war anyway.

Originally posted by silvertop

The theory that they would have left us alone supposes a great deal. The documents discovered after the War that had our Empire taken and divided among Germany and Japan according to the agreed global split would have to be false and a product of denazification and/or leftist propaganda. Equally dubious would be their papers and maps that had the UK as a Reich protectorate (at least initially).

Well, of course after we declared war, if the Axis had won, they were going to divide our empire up.....It's exactly what we did with Germany and god knows how many German civilians died 45-48 estimates from 1 to 3 million....In fact there were plans, thankfully out ranked in the US to destroy Germany completely.

If we had taken a neutral position I don't see why we would have been any different to Spain who Hitler had no beef with....and did nothing even after being politely rebuffed by Franco after asking him for help.

Britain was a significant military power. In this typical analysis it made sense to let Hitler have his war with communism and Stalin (where his real interest lay) and build up strength and negotiate later.

From what I've seen Hitler wasn't interested in a war with Britain. We could have saved our position, especially economically in the world and Europe would have continued....Now its future is looking pretty blackpilled.

Originally posted by silvertop

With us impotent and disengaged, the Reich would have eventually suppressed all resistance and murdered the untermensch population on the Continent (they only managed to get about half way) and then continue to murder through personal vendetta or just bad luck (something you seem quite content to accept as the collateral cost of our own self interest).

We had no way to stop that as it happened anyway....just on a far larger scale than would have been the case with a more limited Germany/Russia war.

As for murdering Jews and those they considered undesirables it has been noted that Germany didn't interfere with the policies of other allies or non combatants. For example, Mussolini wasn't interested in rounding up Jews and until Germany intervened in Italy to bring back Mussolini that wasn't happening.

Originally posted by silvertop

They would have entrenched and consolidated their position and, when the time was right for them, they would have sent a garrison presence to the UK to ensure greater control. They would have walked in unopposed as they did in Denmark.

We were hardly Denmark.

Besides to defeat Russia would have taken at least two years, probably more and Germany would have been considerably weakened. If we considered ourselves threatened by Germany....which is arguable....We could have built up strength and guarantees with America.

Originally posted by silvertop

And then the round ups would begin. Jews, gypsies etc. of course and then communists, trade union leaders, "intellectuals" and the sick and disabled and so on. There wouldn't be much German involvement in this. As the NAZIs discovered across Europe, there would be a long line of willing local volunteers happy to inform, denounce and take an enthusiastic and active part in the capture, transport and mass murder of non combatants. The Germans had a list with Churchill symbolically top and Noel Coward second!

Perhaps, but as I said, it didn't happen with Franco and Italy was left to its own affairs until Mussolini was replaced....and only then because it meant that without him Italy left the axis.

Originally posted by silvertop

Any treaties and assurances will not have been honoured. Why honour ours but not anyone else's?


Originally posted by silvertop

One way or another, we would have become an oppressed Arian/Celtic people speaking German with our children raised to salute and respect the Fatherland.

Genetically we are part German as is our language. I very much doubt we would have been over ridden like that if we had stayed out of WW2....which probably wouldn't have even reached world war status.

Regardless even if what you say happened at least we would be European....Look what is happening now. What kind of victory is that?

Originally posted by silvertop

The Empire was gone because of the War, with or without or involvement in it.

What do you base that on? It would have changed definitely but with a beaten Russia and a resurgent Europe we just don't know what the relationships would have been.

Originally posted by silvertop

That the Reform numpty said we should have stayed neutral is the showing of true colours. In short, he is the stuff that Reform are made of. People who have learned nothing from our history. I suspect that many of the parents of those who gleefully say that "at last someone to vote for" - people who suffered and experienced the War and lived through its consequences - will be ashamed of their offspring or turning in their graves.

I regard this as rather an insulting paragraph Silver, it's unfortunate that you wrote it.

Much of what you've stated here is based on your own assumptions that support a war that took well over thirty million lives, possibly forty.

This counterfactual didn't come from a Reform spokesman. It's been aired by many intelligent and indeed famous people.

Without enlargement the half a million we lost in that war would have lived....Instead their graves were made certain.....So when you insult people like me perhaps you should reflect upon the hubris that assumes there was no better option.

Edited by Stirlingsays (11 Jun 2024 2.57pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 11 Jun 24 12.36pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

Because it's true, yes.

The fact you still think people haven't 'accepted the referendum' is just hilarious - it's a slogan about 4 years out of date.

Not for the likes of Wisbech and his friends.


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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 11 Jun 24 5.08pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

Libdems have quite a bright manifesto, but the tories are piss poor, same old rubbish.

Conservative candidate apologises to voters for government’s ‘poor policies’.

“Since 2019, the Conservative Party has disappointed: some poor policies, worse implementation, infighting. Announcements in the rain.

“We have let you down – I am so very sorry.

Tunbridge Wells new candidate, also surprising admission from Sunak that it has become more difficult to get a home in the 14 years of tory rule.

Edited by steeleye20 (11 Jun 2024 5.09pm)


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 11 Jun 24 11.23pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Not for the likes of Wisbech and his friends.

Yes it is. It was out of date the moment Article 50 was triggered.

From that moment on the battle lines changed from stopping us being stupid and leaving to repairing the damage and getting us back in.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Matov Flag 12 Jun 24 6.42am Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

Being a Brexiter seems to be so core to the identity of so many people who voted leave, far more so than is true of Remainers.

Its a not unreasonable observation although I suspect the numbers are closer than you think.

For me, Brexit became increasingly important AFTER the referendum was won because of the concerted effort to have my vote rendered null and void with the large-scale abuse heaped upon people who voted to leave Let's not forget the ferocity of the Remain camp afterwards with even her Majestys Opposition actively promoting a second referendum in the run-up to our departure.

Given what I still see as the massive institutional resistance to making Brexit a success then yes, I still see it as something that matters because of the damage it did to the confidence that many people had in our system.

We left the EU in the end but after far, far more of a struggle than it should have been once the result from June 23rd 2016 was known.

And this fissure in British society remains. Probably always will do.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 12 Jun 24 7.52am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

Libdems have quite a bright manifesto, but the tories are piss poor, same old rubbish.

Conservative candidate apologises to voters for government’s ‘poor policies’.

“Since 2019, the Conservative Party has disappointed: some poor policies, worse implementation, infighting. Announcements in the rain.

“We have let you down – I am so very sorry.

Tunbridge Wells new candidate, also surprising admission from Sunak that it has become more difficult to get a home in the 14 years of tory rule.

Edited by steeleye20 (11 Jun 2024 5.09pm)

Party manifestos aren't normally interesting but the Tory one is a massive snooze fest. Where are the big ideas?


One more point

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