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Jimenez SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 30 Jun 20 1.05pm | |
Originally posted by Rudi Hedman
Nadine Dorries displays the innumeracy in the country and the government. Instead of saying Leicester has about 10% of UK cases, she said 10 in 100 people in Leicester have Covid. It looks like more testing produces more cases. This is the case in America. Previously they tested old and sick. Now they’re testing young and asymptomatic. In Leicester I think they’ve panicked again because they fear lots of Asian grandparents living with family are going to die. The language difficulty reason is bizarre. Instead of looking at hospitalisations and deaths, they’re fixed on cases now. What will happen is that people will travel out of Leicester anyway, so they may as well shield the elderly. One young Asian bloke said he was driving to Nottingham on Saturday to get his haircut after working all week somewhere. Maybe they think they can’t do that with all the Asian grandparents in the Hindu area or the Muslim area. Probably have to shield Leicester for months or years then. The whole thing is feckin crackers. 2nd waves, peaks etc on and on, every time you turn the tv on. They’re testing more people everywhere. Of course there will be more cases. Edited by Rudi Hedman (30 Jun 2020 9.49am) Of course. Anyone can get tested & It's free. Also they reckon that the figures are that the infection rates are higher which theoretically means the fatality rates are lower. Open up & get on with your lives !!
Pro USA & Israel |
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BlueJay UK 30 Jun 20 2.45pm | |
The reality with the US is that exponential growth and half of the country imagining that wearing a mask is a terrible attack on freedom will make the numbers seriously go up in certain areas. The number of hospital admissions will rise significantly in some states in 2 or 3 weeks time and realistically that is the number that matters. It could be argued that the sooner we all get covid-19 the better because we get beyond it, but more is coming out about those recovering from covid having heart problems, mental problems, permanent lung scarring and so the toll on the nations health will extend beyond the pandemic. As such, while it's best that most people to return to normal life while being sensible about it, I can well understand why those in vulnerable groups would want to keep well out of the way for the foreseeable. The sooner better treatments or potentially a vaccine comes along the better chance they'll have at surviving something that's clearly at this point going to wipe out several million people worldwide. Vulnerable people in the states should have the wherewithal to realise that their president is primarily interested in re-election and the pandemic is hurting him in the polls. He just wants it to go away, so will undermine it, undermine testing, undermine wearing a mask, and encourage people to mingle in mass numbers - as long as they sign a waiver removing him from any responsibility should they become seriously ill. They should put any cult-like adulation aside for five minutes and seriously consider the reality of what is best for their health at a time like this. It will come at a cost for them if they don't.
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Rudi Hedman Caterham 30 Jun 20 3.41pm | |
Originally posted by BlueJay
The reality with the US is that exponential growth and half of the country imagining that wearing a mask is a terrible attack on freedom will make the numbers seriously go up in certain areas. The number of hospital admissions will rise significantly in some states in 2 or 3 weeks time and realistically that is the number that matters. It could be argued that the sooner we all get covid-19 the better because we get beyond it, but more is coming out about those recovering from covid having heart problems, mental problems, permanent lung scarring and so the toll on the nations health will extend beyond the pandemic. As such, while it's best that most people to return to normal life while being sensible about it, I can well understand why those in vulnerable groups would want to keep well out of the way for the foreseeable. The sooner better treatments or potentially a vaccine comes along the better chance they'll have at surviving something that's clearly at this point going to wipe out several million people worldwide. Vulnerable people in the states should have the wherewithal to realise that their president is primarily interested in re-election and the pandemic is hurting him in the polls. He just wants it to go away, so will undermine it, undermine testing, undermine wearing a mask, and encourage people to mingle in mass numbers - as long as they sign a waiver removing him from any responsibility should they become seriously ill. They should put any cult-like adulation aside for five minutes and seriously consider the reality of what is best for their health at a time like this. It will come at a cost for them if they don't.
‘More is coming out’ is a vague quantity. That’s because there aren’t that many cases of this. If there was the press would be all over it. You’d have seen 3 panarama programmes already. I agree on people shielding but the rest is delaying the inevitable and ensuring more economic suicide, hardship, misery and deaths. Don’t forget crime, lost generations and societal problems. Unfortunately too many people look at just tv news so are scared beyond their wits. From the Leicester lockdown trial the government have prolonged this fear, based on one stat that Leicester has 10% of the country’s cases. So what? Doesn’t mean anything. Other places have worse recent increases. 6-10 hospital admissions in Leicester a day. From that they can pinpoint exactly where these infections or serious infections are. It could be that they’re afraid of pinpointing a few postcodes in the Muslim area to the east of the city centre. There’s been rumblings today of textile sweatshops being open the whole time. If they actually pinpointed where the risk is then that area might take it highly seriously whereas a whole city won’t.
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BlueJay UK 30 Jun 20 5.19pm | |
Originally posted by Rudi Hedman
‘More is coming out’ is a vague quantity. That’s because there aren’t that many cases of this. If there was the press would be all over it. You’d have seen 3 panarama programmes already. It's too early to say really, though they are currently seeing and expecting that a significant portion of those hospitalised will be lumbered with many of these problems long term. "20% and 30% of patients who have been in hospital appear to show some early signs of lung scarring.” Relatively speaking we're still in the early stages of this pandemic and so more will become clear over time. A significant percentage of hospitalised covid patients, whether or not they had previous heart conditions are experiencing heart injury that appears to be permanent. [Link] Granted you could say that if someone is hopsitalised they're obviously in a bad way to begin with but I doubt many of them realise that they may well end up with these long term complications. Elderly are at much more risk than most, but I'm just trying to convey that we are not entirely aware of that it's long term health impact will be on people. Quote
I agree on people shielding but the rest is delaying the inevitable and ensuring more economic suicide, hardship, misery and deaths. Don’t forget crime, lost generations and societal problems. Unfortunately too many people look at just tv news so are scared beyond their wits. From the Leicester lockdown trial the government have prolonged this fear, based on one stat that Leicester has 10% of the country’s cases. So what? Doesn’t mean anything. Other places have worse recent increases. 6-10 hospital admissions in Leicester a day. From that they can pinpoint exactly where these infections or serious infections are. It could be that they’re afraid of pinpointing a few postcodes in the Muslim area to the east of the city centre. There’s been rumblings today of textile sweatshops being open the whole time. If they actually pinpointed where the risk is then that area might take it highly seriously whereas a whole city won’t. I agree that the only really viable option for the sake of sanity or society is for the working population to carry on, but this is highly contagious, and a not insignificant numbers of under 50s are also hospitalised, it's just that they tend to be the ones who pull through. It would be a disaster for them all to get ill at around the same time because the outcome would be much different. That's exponential growth for you. Stateside messaging that downplays wearing masks, testing, and encourages attending mass rallies - at which a disproportionate number of attendees are in at risk groups - is dangerous and moronic. How helping yourself and your fellow man stay healthy has become something to get in a rage over, which is what we're seeing with countless angry 'i'll never wear a mask' videos, is rather pitiful
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dannyboy1978 01 Jul 20 9.18pm | |
I'm not a scientist but has any one spotted the bleeding obvious. Here is a clue.
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Teddy Eagle 02 Jul 20 8.57am | |
An article about the benefits of vitamin D.
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Badger11 Beckenham 02 Jul 20 9.36am | |
I've been on it since February, so far so good. The question is why BAME have a vitamin D deficiency more than the rest of us? - Clothing if you are dressed head to foot that presumably wont help. These are just my guesses, so far no official report has been brave enough to speculate why the deficiency I guess they are scared of being called racist.
One more point |
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Spiderman Horsham 02 Jul 20 11.29am | |
Originally posted by dannyboy1978
I'm not a scientist but has any one spotted the bleeding obvious. Here is a clue. Now let me think why the Police made no effort to stop this! Wonder if it had been a game of football involving only White people if they would have let it continue?
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Badger11 Beckenham 03 Jul 20 7.46am | |
Crazy rules from July 4. I am trying to organise a one off BBQ for the folk in my block of flats we have a very large back garden so can socially distance. Many have not left their flat in 4 months some have just gone to the supermarket and back. People will have to bring their own drink, salads and desserts the only thing we will provide is the BBQ meat, gloves and mask for the chef and servers of course. I may have to cancel it because one curmudgeon has pointed out that we would be breaking the rules as only 2 groups of six people from 2 homes are allowed. This person never comes to our social functions anyway so this is pure spite. So from tomorrow I can go to a pub / restaurant / cinema / art gallery / theme park where I risk meeting all sorts of people who may or may not be hygienic. From Monday I can fly to 70 countries and not have to quarantine when I get back. However I cannot have a BBQ with around 12 people whose personal history I know because this is more than 2 homes. There is a clause that says you can have up to 30 people for a socially life changing event but it is not defined anywhere what that is. I don't know any households that have 15 people so the presumption is that the 2 household rule doesn't apply. So I have two choices carry on and risk the backstabber calling the police and then argue the toss as to whether this a life changing event (If you've been stuck in doors for 4 months I say yes)or cancel. What really gets my goat is the back stabber will be going down the pub everyday if anyone is putting our block at risk it will be them. Men are not the best at hygiene especially in pubs. Any suggestions most welcome, my neighbours are mostly elderly I am just trying to cheer them up.
One more point |
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Eaglecoops CR3 03 Jul 20 9.07am | |
I’d just go ahead with it Badger, fek him. Sounds like you have done more than enough to risk assess your gardens. It’s not like you will be inviting hundreds of people who don’t live there. I’m presuming everyone is entitled to exercise outside in there own gardens anyway and there is nothing that says you can’t do it at the same time. Always some jerk that wants to complain however.
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Badger11 Beckenham 03 Jul 20 9.14am | |
Originally posted by Eaglecoops
I’d just go ahead with it Badger, fek him. Sounds like you have done more than enough to risk assess your gardens. It’s not like you will be inviting hundreds of people who don’t live there. I’m presuming everyone is entitled to exercise outside in there own gardens anyway and there is nothing that says you can’t do it at the same time. Always some jerk that wants to complain however. That's my feeling as well but people are cancelling as they have been scared.
One more point |
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Rudi Hedman Caterham 03 Jul 20 10.42am | |
Originally posted by Spiderman
Now let me think why the Police made no effort to stop this! Wonder if it had been a game of football involving only White people if they would have let it continue? I have no problem with the Muslims carrying on as normal. I just don’t want to hear ‘BAME this, that and the other and whoever is racist to let or make them die’ rubbish.
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