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Ukraine Situation - Should We Be Worried?

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Dec 23 12.24am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

is anybody mad enough to see the EU as the good guys ? At least Putin gets huge support from his voters.

and all the EU governments ? not so much


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Dec 23 8.24am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

is anybody mad enough to see the EU as the good guys ? At least Putin gets huge support from his voters.

and all the EU governments ? not so much

Has it not occurred to you that the reason Putin is popular is that the only information the people get given is from a state controlled media which is never critical. Add to that the fact that any serious alternatives are removed, either on trumped up charges or assassination.

There is a free press in most of the EU. Even now in Poland. Not so much in Hungary. So there is criticism and dissent.


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Dec 23 9.39am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Has it not occurred to you that the reason Putin is popular is that the only information the people get given is from a state controlled media which is never critical.

there are lies, damn lies and news broadcasts from the BBC/RTE.

is Putin flooding his country with unvetted undocumented criminal young men ? from the various prisons of the Third World ?

a simple yes/no will suffice.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Dec 23 11.21am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

there are lies, damn lies and news broadcasts from the BBC/RTE.

is Putin flooding his country with unvetted undocumented criminal young men ? from the various prisons of the Third World ?

a simple yes/no will suffice.

It won’t suffice, any more than a yes or no to “have you stopped beating your wife” can be answered with a simple yes or no!

We aren’t flooding our country with “unvetted undocumented criminal young men” anymore than Putin. We aren’t inviting any undocumented migrants and are trying to halt the flow. To suggest they are male criminals who have been in prison is based on what?

The fact is they are trying to get here and they don’t want to be in Russia. Maybe you are unaware but there is a route being used by the smuggling gangs which goes via Russia into Europe via Finland. The Russians are assisting the gangs knowing that there is no risk that the migrants will stay in Russia.

Think on that. Putin doesn’t stop them because they don’t want to live there. I wonder why?


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eaglesdare Flag 21 Dec 23 12.15pm Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

is anybody mad enough to see the EU as the good guys ? At least Putin gets huge support from his voters.

and all the EU governments ? not so much

Pretty sure I can name one poster who has an EU flag in his bio


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Dec 23 12.18pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Putin doesn’t stop them because they don’t want to live there. I wonder why?

because Putin isn't a Cuck. Paying the electricity/gas/food bills to some other unemployed fella to sh@g your wife.

the West are Cucks. And if there is an English Nigel fighting in the trenches of Ukraine....he is doing it for the cash and maybe cos he is a big kid who thinks War is a sport. Never fighting for idealistic ideas like the 'freedom of the West' or to defend his own English homeland from an army of invading men.

how many homeless men in the UK are actually ex-forces ? My understanding is that it is tons of them. Sitting begging in the street while asylum seekers walk past them on their way to their asylum cafeteria. And then onward to bother some local women.

You would never have Putin treating his war veterans in such a shoddy manner. Nor exposing Russian women to random harassment in the streets.


Edited by PalazioVecchio (21 Dec 2023 12.44pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 21 Dec 23 12.25pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Has it not occurred to you that the reason Putin is popular is that the only information the people get given is from a state controlled media which is never critical. Add to that the fact that any serious alternatives are removed, either on trumped up charges or assassination.

There is a free press in most of the EU. Even now in Poland. Not so much in Hungary. So there is criticism and dissent.

My Russian friend has lived in the UK for decades. She is highly intelligent and yet she is a Putin supporter as our many in Russia.

Putin is a tyrant and rigs elections but it doesn't mean he still isn't popular, so was Robert Mugabe.

The Russian like him because he sticks up for their country. Whether he will continue to be popular is another matter. Despite the media claims there is no real widespread opposition to Putin in Russia.

Yes there are demonstrations but then we have plenty of those in this country it doesn't mean they are representative.


One more point

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 21 Dec 23 12.50pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Putin is a tyrant and rigs elections.....

not many of the public ever voted for Rishi Sunak, Leo Varadkar or the leader of the SNP. And the Ulez camera tax ? did we vote for that ?


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Goal Machine Flag The Cronx 21 Dec 23 1.06pm Send a Private Message to Goal Machine Add Goal Machine as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

My Russian friend has lived in the UK for decades. She is highly intelligent and yet she is a Putin supporter as our many in Russia.

Putin is a tyrant and rigs elections but it doesn't mean he still isn't popular, so was Robert Mugabe.

The Russian like him because he sticks up for their country. Whether he will continue to be popular is another matter. Despite the media claims there is no real widespread opposition to Putin in Russia.

Yes there are demonstrations but then we have plenty of those in this country it doesn't mean they are representative.

I find the Russian public interviews by Danlil Orain called ‘1420’ on YouTube interesting.

The feel I get is that the vast majority over the age of 50 are big Putin supporters, whereas about 75% below that age are opposed. It’s clear that many are too scared to openly discuss their views on camera.

Similar to in Poland (my fiancée is Polish), the older generation of the public have been brainwashed by State Media and don’t have an accurate view of the real world.

I’m fairly confident that if the Russian media reported the truth and any serious political threat was allowed to campaign without getting murdered, there would be widespread opposition to Putin. Your average Russian is blind to the reality. Russia and its people would benefit from being friendly rather than hostile with the West - I think the whole world recognise that.

Putin has shown that time and again that he cannot be trusted and Russia will remain a pariah state whilst he’s in power. Two years on and his motives remain baffling.


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snytaxx Flag London 21 Dec 23 1.58pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

there are lies, damn lies and news broadcasts from the BBC/RTE.

is Putin flooding his country with unvetted undocumented criminal young men ? from the various prisons of the Third World ?

a simple yes/no will suffice.

Going to add my two cents on this and many other things posted recently in this thread (or more like £200 by the time my essay rant is over, but complicated topics need longer answers).

Please note not everything is a direct or indirect quote from you but figured alot of points are linked so please don't get the impression i'm putting words other peoples words into your mouth.

Since your post yesterday (4.38pm) i'm going to set aside your accusations against the 'msm media'. I disagree, but also think discussing the merits and problems with our media is another topic not really relevant to this subject and i'd like to heed the warnings from the mods.

Your second comment struck me though.

"and i got absolutely zero sympathy for NATO , the EU, the yanks and anybody else stupid enough to march their flags in the footsteps of Napoleon & Hitler."

Comparing NATO, the EU and 'the yanks' to military campaigns by Napoleon and Hitler are in my opnion completely false comparisons and derive from the debunked 'nato expansion' arguement Russia has peddled since 2014.

Membership of Nato or the EU is not enforced no country has ever been invaded by NATO and then forced into it, you have to want to voluntarily join and even then that might not be enough, both Ukraine and Russia asking to join Nato are evidence of this enough. As per basically any multinational treaty on foriegn policy signed by the West and the USSR / Russia since 1945, countries are free to set their own foriegn policy agendas. Does it genuinely not occur to you that countries that wanted to join NATO might have had historical preference to do so? Why are we allowed set our own foriegn policy preferences but other European states are not just because Russia says so? Why has Russia time and time again ratified the independance of other former Soviet states only to rip up those treaties and roll in the tanks because it didn't like those countries actually using their independance to form relationships with who they want, something Russia has signed up to numerous times? To try and insinuate that Russia 'had to do it' is just plain wrong. Hopefully I misinterpreted your comment.

"To describe it as another Vietnam would be an understatement."

Comment needs more clarification. The US lost over 40K troops in Vietnam over almost 10 years of engagement.

NATO in comparison has not lost any troops in Ukraine since 2014, because they aren't a direct participant so to compare Western involvement in Ukraine with Western involvement in Vietnam is a tad strange?

Unless of course you are referring to the Russians? Who by their own admission have lost the same number of troops in less than 20% of the time and by NATO estimates have lost more troops than the US did in every single conflict since 1945 combined and then multiplied by 3!

Incidentally under the current trejectory the Russians will equal combat losses to the US during WW2 by the end of 2024. So in that sense, comparisons to Vietnam from the Russia prospective are very accurate if a little weak in tone.

Talk about the conflict moving into 'endgame'.

I means its possible that if aid is cut to Ukraine and Russia becomes somehow less moronic in its fighting organisation and doctorine... sure? Given its take them over a year to push the front lines forward past Bakhmut and into Adiivka. Doubtful.

(your post today at 12.24am)

"is anybody mad enough to see the EU as the good guys ? At least Putin gets huge support from his voters.

and all the EU governments ? not so much"

So... yes? Not wanting a Nazi sucessor state to conquer a country it promised it wouldn't on four seperate occasions is one reason id say before we get into any of the other wacky reasons in which Russia seems to think its justified in conducting a colonial war of agression.

As a long standing Eurosceptic, I personally am not a major fan of the EU. However I like to think that applying an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' type logic to every situation facing the EU is a little silly given said 'enemy of my enemy' is also our enemy by the fact it is normally quite frowned upon to let off radioactive and chemical nerve agents in anyones country espiecally ours (the UK).

To blame the EU, the West or even the Ukrainians for the situation befalling their country is grossly dishonest and basically takes a dogwhistled step towards Russia's 'nah Russia doesnt need to play by the rules it said it would do ' narrative.

Secondly, as pointed out by another poster. Putin's popularity is quite hard to really measure given freedom of speech in Russia is ranked the lowest in all of Europe.


Any meaningful opposition to him is either dead or in prison.

With regards to your post above. How specifically has the BBC and RTE lied to you about Ukraine, what would you consider a better non-biased media source?

"is Putin flooding his country with unvetted undocumented criminal young men ? from the various prisons of the Third World ?

a simple yes/no will suffice/"

Assume this is Western policy makers can't be trusted because of their immigration policy but Putin can be' type arguement?

Well firstly, to answer your question. Yes! Putin has actually flooded his country with migrants.

Russia held an open door immigration policy after the break up of the USSR to most of its former members, particularly the stan states with high muslim populations.

Oddly enough immigration increased every single year since Putin took power with the exception of a blip around 2010. Its then coninued to grow even faster.

I personally agree that letting in anyone and everyone can cause issues. For example islamism. Does Russia have the same issue as the West? Yes

There have even been some very high profile islamist attacks in Russia or against Russians which Putin seems to have done little more than express sadness to a very Western response no?


[Link] - incidently Putin ordered Kremlin controlled media to ignore this one?


Russia has recently also been inviting undocuments from the middle east and Africa to Russia (visa free) with the purpose of creating a border crisis with the EU.


Annoyingly the Finns closed the border so migrant camps full of the undocumated started popping up in Russia, they then tried to consript the soldiers and send them to Ukraine.


Yes despite this, people in the West seem to think that Putin is the bastion of right wing traditional values. Despite him actively trying to recruit muslim men to come to Europe and launch into a Christian population. Truly odd!



Your post today at 12.18pm

Going to ingore the speculation as to whether Putin is or is not 'a cuck'. I'm not into that sort of thing personally.

But your point about how Russia treats war veterans is interesting.


Even the Russian media confirms that many of its veterans do not receive the benefits as per the military contracts.

Here is Russian War Veteran begging to be allowed onto a bus with zero assistance from joe public. Ah well.. better catch the next one.


At least Putin respects the dead yes?

Well better ignore that testimony of how Soldiers who die have their remains cremated or deliberately left un sorted so they continue to be listed as MIA as opposed to KIA, thus excusing the state from paying compensation to the families. objection HEARSAY!


Above all, if you want to support Russia in this war... fine! Its a free country, no one will stop you. My only advise would be to take an occams razor approach. Rather than search for a BBC / RTE / EU / NATO grand conspiracy about that poor old Russia is a sad victim who had no choice but to invade its neighbour. Perhaps look at what Putin himself has said about the conflict and why he feels the removal of the Ukrainian identity is needed.


Have a good day now.


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 21 Dec 23 2.02pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

Going to add my two cents on this

Have a good day now.

I wish you would, I guess 2 cents gets a lot these days. Your name isn't Tolstoy is it?


One more point

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Dec 23 4.29pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

My Russian friend has lived in the UK for decades. She is highly intelligent and yet she is a Putin supporter as our many in Russia.

Putin is a tyrant and rigs elections but it doesn't mean he still isn't popular, so was Robert Mugabe.

The Russian like him because he sticks up for their country. Whether he will continue to be popular is another matter. Despite the media claims there is no real widespread opposition to Putin in Russia.

Yes there are demonstrations but then we have plenty of those in this country it doesn't mean they are representative.

Would you risk opposing Putin in Russia? I would keep my head down so it doesn’t get detached or fall out of a window.

I am sure you truly believe your friend is highly intelligent. I though would question that from what you have told me. Either that or her politics stink.


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