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Ukraine Situation - Should We Be Worried?

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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 2.10pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

The level of delusion is off the charts.

Regardless, it's highly probable that events will continue to play out as I predicted with this war I will update to show just how damaging and deluded these opinions were.

We will also see that the leaders who miscalculated and made highly costly decisions will pay no consequences, because they not only hold the media megaphone...but as we saw with the covid response, they were complicit in these decisions.

But judgements in history are made on outcomes and on that score these are very bad chess players and low quality elites with magical thinking issues.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 2.13pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 15 Dec 23 2.24pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The level of delusion is off the charts.

Regardless, it's highly probable that events will continue to play out as I predicted with this war I will update to show just how damaging and deluded these opinions were.

We will also see that the leaders who miscalculated and made highly costly decisions will pay no consequences, because they not only hold the media megaphone...but as we saw with the covid response, they were complicit in these decisions.

But judgements in history are made on outcomes and on that score these are very bad chess players and low quality elites with magical thinking issues.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 2.13pm)

Assume this aimed at moi.

Maybe Russia will win and you can get that 'i told you so'. At the current rate of advance, I guess meet back here at xmas 2045?

The only leader who miscalculated from my position is Putin.

Over 300k of his people are now dead, his country is a laughing stock, the brother hood his country held with other former USSR members lays in tatters and other than being smug on TV he has almost nothing to show for it since last year. *Slow clap*

Until then I will just keep sitting here pointing out the obsurdity of world that pro Russians need to create to make the dystopian nightmare that is Russia seem like a palatable hill to expend your political reasoning on justifying.


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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 3.18pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

Assume this aimed at moi.

Maybe Russia will win and you can get that 'i told you so'. At the current rate of advance, I guess meet back here at xmas 2045?

The only leader who miscalculated from my position is Putin.

Over 300k of his people are now dead, his country is a laughing stock, the brother hood his country held with other former USSR members lays in tatters and other than being smug on TV he has almost nothing to show for it since last year. *Slow clap*

Until then I will just keep sitting here pointing out the obsurdity of world that pro Russians need to create to make the dystopian nightmare that is Russia seem like a palatable hill to expend your political reasoning on justifying.

It was and as for winning for better or worse I'm pretty sure that Russia will fulfill its declared war aims.

All of which could have been negotiated without destroying Ukraine's future.

I will be back on here holding those to account for supporting madness and an inability to calculate without emotion.

Hundreds of thousands of people are in the ground because that March 21 opportunity was rejected and Ukraine end up with a far worse deal and all you have is finger pointing.

As for how it affects us....that's something else people are just living in the clouds on.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 3.19pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 15 Dec 23 4.32pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It was and as for winning for better or worse I'm pretty sure that Russia will fulfill its declared war aims.

All of which could have been negotiated without destroying Ukraine's future.

I will be back on here holding those to account for supporting madness and an inability to calculate without emotion.

Hundreds of thousands of people are in the ground because that March 21 opportunity was rejected and Ukraine end up with a far worse deal and all you have is finger pointing.

As for how it affects us....that's something else people are just living in the clouds on.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 3.19pm)

Hey members of the Hol, are you mad and stupid for not being able to calculate things without emotion? I am apparently. thankfully there are people who can set the record straight by:

1. Holding you to account by saying they wont reply you when posts get too detailed, then reply on a new thread so all that previous problematic evidence doesnt not show up. Get that outta here!

2. Sum up any sources or answers to questions as 'delusion' because something something 'the elites'.

3. Keep demanding answers to questions but when plausible evidence comes to light providing said answer, just keep asking the question like they never heard it. The person who answered is probably a 'fanboy' of someone or organisation Russia doesnt approve of. Dont listen to them!

4. Insisting international pre-precedents which have long since been on record and in convention no longer apply to Ukraine or that things that have never been a prescedent should only now apply to Ukraine.

5.Keep reiterating the peacenik 'argument'. Remember Russia was forced to invade and lose hundreds of thousands of its own men against a slew of international commitments because Ukraine just wont get serious in negotiation. So annoying when that happens.

6. Will continue to say how Russia will of course concede something in negotiates because they are very reasonable at some point... Any minute now.

7. Will tell you how Russia isn't a threat and Europe knows this they are actually just pretending that Russia is a bit of a problem as an excuse to push some other agenda . Of course they won't actally do anything like raise their defence budgets. Please don't fact check this. Just... trust them!

8. Remind us of the dreadful consequences of supporting the Soviets via lend lease in WW2 and that any country in a similar situation should never be supported.

9. Remind us how dating coaches makes excellent political dissidents who should always be trusted over media establishments like the BBC. Silly you!

10. Agree that countries not wanting to have fifth columnists in their country is fine, but still keep asking why they are being prosecuted? So unfair!

11. Demand countries have elections during the middle of a bloody battlefield, give two perfect examples of this happening. Oh you haven't done this Zelensky, Cut the aid!

12. Reference Hamas as a completely fair equivalent comparison to that awful Ukraine and their anti democratic ways.

13. Tell everyone how in a country like Britain where we do things properly, we would never punish a politician for wanting to appease an evil world power. That never happened here!

14. Remind everyone that Putin is only trying to conquer Ukraine because he actually just wants to it to become a neutral government and for it not be allowed to defend itself in the future. He has definitely never said that "there is no such thing as Ukraine", denied the people of Ukraine basic dignity in twice gaurentueed independance by his country, kidnaped thousands of Ukrainian children and tried to erase their national identity, sanctioned his controlled people to suggestion a total genocide of the Ukranian people and culture. Nah, dont google that stuff, its all fake!


Get that link out of there!

15. Remind you that a guy who ran up a 7 million dollar bill for his company after just making stuff up and a guy who now criticises Russia as abhorrant are the only people you should listen to on Ukraine...

16. Sure Russia has its issues to, but at least none of the opposition there have ever died!

Edited by snytaxx (15 Dec 2023 4.34pm)

Edited by snytaxx (15 Dec 2023 4.57pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 4.53pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend


The people to be blamed won't be blamed for nothing.

When this war is negotiated I will be back on this thread blasting the passive aggressive fruitcakes who cheered on the decisions we took and aligned with.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 15 Dec 23 5.04pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays


The people to be blamed won't be blamed for nothing.

When this war is negotiated I will be back on this thread blasting the passive aggressive fruitcakes who cheered on the decisions we took and aligned with.

What if the negotiated settlement is a return to 2014 borders and Russia being welcomed back into the fold with all sanctions listed with a free and fair election being held in A Russia? Ukraine becoming a member of the EU and no one else dying via rigorous enforcement of the ECHR?

Would the people who made that happen still 'get blasted'? Would you accept that outcome.

Yes or no please.


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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 5.21pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

What if the negotiated settlement is a return to 2014 borders and Russia being welcomed back into the fold with all sanctions listed with a free and fair election being held in A Russia? Ukraine becoming a member of the EU and no one else dying via rigorous enforcement of the ECHR?

Would the people who made that happen still 'get blasted'? Would you accept that outcome.

Yes or no please.

If that were possible with peace I'd say yes I'd accept that....why do I give a feck who owns what slavic land? Borders are always drawn from conflict anyway. What I'm interested in what is practically possible and the least death of my fellow Europeans.

And even more so how this all affects the world situation and us.

Putin has already spoken on this. The chance of an agreement much like you mention minus Crimea was very much on the board and had already been partly agreed on back in March 21.

The matter of trust is a significant one. Russia know this is a proxy war and about much more than just Ukraine ....You say Russia can't be trusted....ok....but they don't trust us either. I can't be bothered to rehash all the background history of this as I'd literally be repeating those 400 pages.

Now essentially Russia are committed for war is going to play out for at the very least another year given that Russia has just expanded its military numbers considerably.

I would love for this war to end....I argued for common sense and peace last year only to be faced with the same accusations of 'Russian misinformation' and being in love with Putin.

Regardless the war does end in negotiation so all this has a touch of irrelevance. Some people will be shown up and others not so much.

I give up arguing the point really....What will happen will happen anyway....I just loathe elites making terrible decisions that worsen outcomes yet remain failing upwards as they answer to no one.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 5.25pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 16 Dec 23 10.08am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Allowing Russia to succeed will be a disaster

They will do anything

Like supporting Hamas in its attack, which presumably killed many of Russias own

On the eve of the attacks, Hamas received millions of dollars through a Moscow-based crypto exchange. The Russians drove the Palestinian disaster so that Ukraine would drop down the agenda


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 16 Dec 23 11.29am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Allowing Russia to succeed will be a disaster

They will do anything

Like supporting Hamas in its attack, which presumably killed many of Russias own

On the eve of the attacks, Hamas received millions of dollars through a Moscow-based crypto exchange. The Russians drove the Palestinian disaster so that Ukraine would drop down the agenda

What is it? Two/three years of this US administration and we have the entire Cold War back along with war in the Middle East. Obviously love the status quo.


Red and Blue Army!

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 23 11.53am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Allowing Russia to succeed will be a disaster

They will do anything

Like supporting Hamas in its attack, which presumably killed many of Russias own

On the eve of the attacks, Hamas received millions of dollars through a Moscow-based crypto exchange. The Russians drove the Palestinian disaster so that Ukraine would drop down the agenda

So when are you signing up then?


You know what is a real disaster? Nato policy....which is essentially the US state department....t***s still think they are living in 1990.

Of course Russia, China and now the Saudis are investing into anti western moves now.

Just looking at the world situation now is a massive disaster with Russia turning away from the west and into China, when this was a mostly European country that could have been integrated. Total disaster for the west...I couldn't believe it, probably the worse outcome of the last sixty years and you couldn't hear a pin drop about it.

I will remind you that you were and are a Biden supporter and that before Biden we had a tenable relationship with Russia and the Saudis actually liked Trump. We don't have to like these people to not be at fecking war with them.

So I have a significant beef with neo and social liberals for fecking up everything they touch. Only good for feminised HR departments and supporting parasitic DEI schemes to feed their anti white bullcrap.

In terms of Ukraine where we are now, was predictable and was long predicted.

I wasn't one going ra ra war with this. I saw what would be required to beat Russia and personally I think going along this road was complete madness born of boomer hubris.

There's a complete lack of utilitarian common sense. The days of intelligent men like Kissinger....for all his faults....are long behind us.

I have to raise my children in an unsafe world thanks to your preferred idiots and all you have is 'oh we can't let Russia succeed'. Really? What's the next country you're going to sacrifice to do that then?

Off you pop then....See you in fatigues.

Edited by Stirlingsays (16 Dec 2023 12.03pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 23 12.10pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

What is it? Two/three years of this US administration and we have the entire Cold War back along with war in the Middle East. Obviously love the status quo.

None of these people own mirrors or ever learn anything.

They are more fixated about Brexit than anything.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 23 3.59pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

If anyone wants to hear a detailed breakdown of the summer Ukrainian offensive then this is an excellent link.



'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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