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Ukraine Situation - Should We Be Worried?

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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 13 Dec 23 4.38pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

Duplicate pardonnez-moi.

Edited by steeleye20 (13 Dec 2023 4.45pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Dec 23 6.11pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

I see the long arm of Russian disinformation reaches even to here thanks to Me Tucker.

So let's be right.....your rebuttal to 'Russian misinformation', is to link to the Ukrainian security services....the very people who put the guy in evidence of the truth.

Are you for real mate? Please tell me how that is an independent viewpoint?

I'll wait.

Originally posted by snytaxx

To fill in some blanks here for everyone.

Gonzalo Lira was arrested for violating Article 436-2 of Ukraines criminal code for 1. Denying Russian war crimes (Bucha) and 2. Justifying the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

Imagine if Tucker Carlson was around in the 40s and was telling the US public that a US Chilean citizen has been detained in London for telling everyone that 1. The blitz was fake and 2. Germany actually has good reason to invade the UK. We'd look at him as if he (Tucker) were nuts.

So again, let's get this right. Ukraine....a country that is presented as a democracy (which suspends elections) and as a country to stand behind morally is a country that arrests and throws people in prison for spreading 'wrong opinions'.

I didn't agree with some of what Lira said and agreed with other opinions. Regardless, I probably don't agree with you on much but that doesn't mean I'd arrest you.

Lira did not broadcast in Ukrainian, he spoke in English and it can't be claimed that his opposition to the Ukrainian regime was even intended for a Ukrainian audience.

Originally posted by snytaxx

You make the point about Lira being arrested while attempting to skip bail (as if this is surprising given I don't know another country in the world that doesn't arrest you for skipping bail) and say the Biden adminstration seem complicit in his detention.

Firstly, he is a criminal and thus Ukraine has every right to prosecute him, secondly do you know how he got caught skipping bail? He quite literally tweeted that he was doing it. This either makes him incredibly stupid or the more likely option that he wants that cherished victim hold status of being actually put in a cell so that people like Tucker can use his case to try and ebb away that Ukraine's sovereignty.

You state he is a criminal yet the only thing that has been proven is that he gives the 'wrong opinions' for the Ukrainian government.

Ukraine have the right to arrest him....I'll agree to that, however according to Lira he has been stolen from and was beaten up. Until he escaped he wasn't given a voice and now they won't allow access. The right thing for Ukraine to have done would have been to deport him. Now plenty of people fear for this guy's life or that he's going to be maimed in there....All while you think everything is nice and proper.

Tucker has every right to raise the case of Lira, not only due to the free speech aspect in a country that is taking treasure from the US taxpayer but for the sheer double standards on display here.

The Biden administration moved heaven and earth to release an American basketball player yet when it comes to Lira they do their best to avoid any publicity.

Again, all based on his 'opinions'.

Originally posted by snytaxx

By all means means defend him, just please do be away there is a whole treasure trove of YouTube links of this guy making a total fool of himself.


I watched plenty of Lira videos when he was putting them out. I bet you didn't. You're the kind of guy who seems to take what the SBU says as gospel......Even though they have been shown lying on numerous occasions during this war.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Dec 2023 6.14pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 13 Dec 23 9.28pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I watched plenty of Lira videos when he was putting them out. I bet you didn't. You're the kind of guy who seems to take what the SBU says as gospel......Even though they have been shown lying on numerous occasions during this war.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Dec 2023 6.14pm)

Classic case of standard international rules are fine until Ukraine tries to apply them. Then they aren't...

Firstly Ukraine is in martial law, most countries under invasion or in total war tend to be that way, thus the SBU has the right to prosecute anyone contrenving said laws in accordance with the law. I get from your original reply this is suddenly not okay? Did the NKVD not get to do this during WW2 when the motherland was under threat?

Secondly Tucker says he was arrested for criticising Zelensky, literally not true, he was arrested for denying an awful war crime and openly calling for aggression against the state he lived in. I notice my comparison to the blitz was conveniently not rebutted almost again if it's okay for other countries to not want a fifth columnist in them during crisis, but offft how can Ukraine not tolerate this!? Bonkers!

Thirdly, Ukraine is a flawed democracy (not sure who says it is more than that) won't have an election during war time. Are actually for real? What other country has held an election while it's core territory is under attack. Like I genuinely wonder in what reality people who use this attack line are in... Actually I lie I don't, it's the reality where standard international norms apply apart to Ukraine, then whatever Russia says is always true.

Something something "wrong opinions" - again not true, he violated a very particular part of Ukrainian law which is cited in your post. Which again in any other country in the same circumstances would not be okay...

You are half right about the language part, which is why he was allowed to get away with it for so long. But his words still have consequences. People like you actually bought the lie, that hurts Ukraine. For a country literally fighting for it's continued existence I cannot see how you think that Ukraine would not want to take action. Given the devastation consistently putting out misinformation can cause.

Again - keep repeating that 'wrong opinions' line. Sure if you keep saying it, it might suddenly become true.

It's also very hard for me to take lira seriously given he won't even admit the real reason he was in Ukraine (he was running a dating school as pointed out in your tweet).

He never 'escaped' custody either. The evil SBU let him out on bail and he chose to tell his fellow vatniks he planned to skip it. Another case of "naww Ukraine isn't allowed to arrest people who break bail conditions". Should we stop doing that here too?

Odd that you aren't criticising Chile who oddly also aren't demanding his release. Still I suspect, almost like in every other country I know of. When you commit a crime as a foreign national. You await due process (this is where we are now) before a court before deciding if you want to call for their release.

On deportation, this would come after in any other country. We aren't there yet.

Sadly I had the real bad luck to have to sit through his 'round table' while he just went on drunken'esk rants incoherently rambling out his Kremlin approved talking points oblivious to what other opposing viewpoints were saying. I almost wish you were right but sadly you can't unhear idiocy.

As for the random attack line about me being an unconditional believer in the SBU. Like...really? Thats the mic drop moment which makes what Tucker says not complete rubbish?


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Stirlingsays Flag 14 Dec 23 7.50am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

Classic case of standard international rules are fine until Ukraine tries to apply them. Then they aren't...

Firstly Ukraine is in martial law, most countries under invasion or in total war tend to be that way, thus the SBU has the right to prosecute anyone contrenving said laws in accordance with the law. I get from your original reply this is suddenly not okay? Did the NKVD not get to do this during WW2 when the motherland was under threat?

On this question of 'international laws' (something that even itself is a disputed term).

You seem to be under the belief that Ukrainian laws aren't negotiable, when they regularly pass laws subject to pressure (only the other week on corruption after pressure from US/EU) or that they are reasonable in a situation where Ukraine is being presented as a democracy and as worthy of financial and moral support for its war aims.

Need I remind you that, back in the real world, the Americans have just put Zelensky under significant pressure to have elections this coming year and it was only the other week that he dismissed this pressure and refused elections.....different camps are already lined up in Ukraine against Zelensky.

Let me remind you...or tell you because you probably didn't know that South Vietnam had elections during the Vietnam war.....Both Afghanistan and Iraq had elections during its war with the Taliban and ISIS respectively....A war that Afghanistan eventually lost as we know.

So this 'martial law' is an excuse for essentially allowing the government to do whatever it wants......Hamas used it to suspend elections after 2004. So excuse me if I don't accept the point.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Secondly Tucker says he was arrested for criticising Zelensky, literally not true, he was arrested for denying an awful war crime and openly calling for aggression against the state he lived in. I notice my comparison to the blitz was conveniently not rebutted almost again if it's okay for other countries to not want a fifth columnist in them during crisis, but offft how can Ukraine not tolerate this!? Bonkers!

So if I don't answer every single point you make in long posts I avoiding in some way? Paranoid much? Dude, I'm not a professional activist paid to answer every single point someone makes. Rest assured I'm not avoiding a point. If you want a specific point answered just make it clear without it being buried within many more points.

To answer your blitz point, sure someone has the right to argue against a government during war....As I stated, countries have held elections during war times....Something you seem to have not known.

If disagreement is allowed at the highest levels of government how democratic is it to ban it lower down. As stated Lira was not broadcasting in Ukrainian or indeed Russian. I remember my Grandfather who fought in WW2 and certainly had many criticisms as I'm sure many did.

Unlike WW2 the Ukraine war emerged out of a civil war where a significant body of Ukraine's east and south wanted to secede and were prepared to fight their own government to do it. So this idea that Lira wasn't representing a significant body of opinion even in the country itself doesn't hold water.

However, I agree that Ukraine had the right to deport a fifth columnist.

Ukraine have the right to deport Lira....something I would suggest would have been far more sensible but whatever. However, they didn't decide on that and as I have said, there are significant concerns for his safety and treatment since the Ukraine have not been allowing access.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Thirdly, Ukraine is a flawed democracy (not sure who says it is more than that) won't have an election during war time. Are actually for real? What other country has held an election while it's core territory is under attack. Like I genuinely wonder in what reality people who use this attack line are in... Actually I lie I don't, it's the reality where standard international norms apply apart to Ukraine, then whatever Russia says is always true.

I've answered the point on elections in countries during didn't seem to know.

However, I certainly agree that Ukraine is a flawed democracy and in fact is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. One that before this war was subject to many articles criticising it.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Something something "wrong opinions" - again not true, he violated a very particular part of Ukrainian law which is cited in your post. Which again in any other country in the same circumstances would not be okay...

A law that basically gives the Ukraine the right to do just about anything it wants....yeah ok, but please don't talk to me about democracy in Ukraine....Anyone can actually use the word 'democracy', but the proof is in the eating.

Originally posted by snytaxx

You are half right about the language part, which is why he was allowed to get away with it for so long. But his words still have consequences. People like you actually bought the lie, that hurts Ukraine. For a country literally fighting for it's continued existence I cannot see how you think that Ukraine would not want to take action. Given the devastation consistently putting out misinformation can cause.

Again - keep repeating that 'wrong opinions' line. Sure if you keep saying it, it might suddenly become true.

Again, Lira was representing a body of opinion that a significant number of Ukrainians also think....The whole reason the war exists in fact is down to the fact the country is divided. Lira's chose to stay in 'democratic Ukraine' and now suffering his decision to do that.

Originally posted by snytaxx

It's also very hard for me to take lira seriously given he won't even admit the real reason he was in Ukraine (he was running a dating school as pointed out in your tweet).

I don't know how true or not that is but I'm not here claiming that Lira is some stand up guy. As I previously said I disagreed with him on things he said about this war and also with many other things he's said and done....That's not my point.

Originally posted by snytaxx

He never 'escaped' custody either. The evil SBU let him out on bail and he chose to tell his fellow vatniks he planned to skip it. Another case of "naww Ukraine isn't allowed to arrest people who break bail conditions". Should we stop doing that here too?

You have an issue with the word 'escape'? I think I've answered this point on what Ukraine have a right to do....Yes, they have that right. What I'm concerned about is what happens after that....and we differ on what you seem to think of as serious crimes. But deportation was certainly appropriate.....However, Lira said he had been stolen from and beaten up and they want to kill him....So I regard concern for him also to be appropriate.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Odd that you aren't criticising Chile who oddly also aren't demanding his release. Still I suspect, almost like in every other country I know of. When you commit a crime as a foreign national. You await due process (this is where we are now) before a court before deciding if you want to call for their release.

On deportation, this would come after in any other country. We aren't there yet.

He hasn't lived in Chile nor paid tax there for a long time I think and his family are in America as seen with his father talking to Carlson. However, Chile have enquired about him, according to Lira's own statement when he posted a video on bail....something that no doubt broke one of those laws you defend so much.

I certainly hope you're right about deportation. Personally I think it more like to come about via pressure of bad publicity rather than some fairness which you seem to think exists.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Sadly I had the real bad luck to have to sit through his 'round table' while he just went on drunken'esk rants incoherently rambling out his Kremlin approved talking points oblivious to what other opposing viewpoints were saying. I almost wish you were right but sadly you can't unhear idiocy.

As for the random attack line about me being an unconditional believer in the SBU. Like...really? Thats the mic drop moment which makes what Tucker says not complete rubbish?

You aren't required to agree with someone's opinions to think they have a right to say them.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 9.17am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 14 Dec 23 9.17am Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

On this question of 'international laws' (something that even itself is a disputed term).

You seem to be under the belief that Ukrainian laws aren't negotiable, when they regularly pass laws subject to pressure (only the other week on corruption after pressure from US/EU) or that they are reasonable in a situation where Ukraine is being presented as a democracy and as worthy of financial and moral support for its war aims.

Need I remind you that, back in the real world, the Americans have just put Zelensky under significant pressure to have elections this coming year and it was only the other week that he dismissed this pressure and refused elections.....different camps are already lined up in Ukraine against Zelensky.

Let me remind you...or tell you because you probably didn't know that South Vietnam had elections during the Vietnam war.....Both Afghanistan and Iraq had elections during its war with the Taliban and ISIS respectively....A war that Afghanistan eventually lost as we know.

So this 'martial law' is an excuse for essentially allowing the government to do whatever it wants......Hamas used it to suspend elections after 2004. So excuse me if I don't accept the point.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

My word... the old double down!

Soverign countries have the right to pass laws as / when they like. How is this a point of contention? Ukraine wants to join the EU, countries have to pass laws to do this. We did, are our laws negiotiable? Do you step off the Plane when you go on holiday to Spain and say "well I shouldnt really need to follow any rules he because you know... its all negiotiable" How is passing an anti corruption law even a bad thing?

(you ignored the point about how the USSR did the exact same thing and it was okay)

The law we are talking here is about a specific part of Ukrains criminal code, thats the issue at hand. Still at least we have dropped the 'wrong opinion' misinformation so thanks for that.

On the elections. This honestly made me laugh outloud so thanks.

South Vietnam has an 'election' where its president decided he would win 100% of the vote and then some ballot papers went out


On Afganistan, comparing its war with the taliban to Ukraine's with the Russians is very intellectually dishonest. Did the Taliban have an airforce? Did they have ballistic and cruise missiles. Still. Its vote actually took place in less than half the country.


Not really a fair representation of democracy is it? Now lets apply this to Ukraine. Please very specifically answer this point and dont just gloss. Would you like Zelensky to have elections in other parts of the country very far away from the front lines (so like 40%) ironically in the most anti-russian voting parts? Would that make you think he had a democratic mandate to rule all of Ukraine for another term?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

So if I don't answer every single point you make in long posts I avoiding in some way? Paranoid much? Dude, I'm not a professional activist paid to answer every single point someone makes. Rest assured I'm not avoiding a point. If you want a specific point answered just make it clear without it being buried within many more points

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

you wrote 4 paragraphs back to my one.... I'm not a paid activist either. But I at least answer your points, not strawman onto the next topic.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

To answer your blitz point, sure someone has the right to argue against a government during war....As I stated, countries have held elections during war times....Something you seem to have not known.

If disagreement is allowed at the highest levels of government how democratic is it to ban it lower down. As stated Lira was not broadcasting in Ukrainian or indeed Russian. I remember my Grandfather who fought in WW2 and certainly had many criticisms as I'm sure many did.

Unlike WW2 the Ukraine war emerged out of a civil war where a significant body of Ukraine's east and south wanted to secede and were prepared to fight their own government to do it. So this idea that Lira wasn't representing a significant body of opinion even in the country itself doesn't hold water.

However, I agree that Ukraine had the right to deport a fifth columnist.

Ukraine have the right to deport Lira....something I would suggest would have been far more sensible but whatever. However, they didn't decide on that and as I have said

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

Offft, listening to too much Lira again. I hope he is a better dating coach than he is an escape artist... oh he wasnt.

You seem to have drifted past my point. During times of crisis 'disagreement' was not allowed even by fully fledged democracies. Its wierd you keep saying that. Our government was one of the worst for censoring negative news and opinions, here they are talking about it


Im also certain your grandfather did not go around denying the blitz and telling his foriegn audience that 'we derversed it'.

Do you have any data for the 'secede point' other than what Lira says. When was this post war poll held? I cannot find any data on it? Link please.

I did however see this


you probably won't like it so #doesntcount

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I've answered the point on elections in countries during didn't seem to know.

However, I certainly agree that Ukraine is a flawed democracy and in fact is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. One that before this war was subject to many articles criticising it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

Where do you think the country carrying out a vicious war of colonial conquest invading Ukraine rates on its corruption scale?

Hopefully the further we allow Ukraine to remove itself from Russian influence. The better things will get.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

A law that basically gives the Ukraine the right to do just about anything it wants....yeah ok, but please don't talk to me about democracy in Ukraine....Anyone can actually use the word 'democracy', but the proof is in the eating.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

No a law designed to get rid of fifth columnists, which you agreed is fine. yay

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Again, Lira was representing a body of opinion that a significant number of Ukrainians also think....The whole reason the war exists in fact is down to the fact the country is divided. Lira's choose to stay in 'democratic Ukraine' and now suffering his decision to do that.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

No he doesnt. Here is some data proving what Lira says is just not true.


Originally posted by Stirlingsays

He hasn't lived in Chile nor paid tax there for a long time I think and his family are in America as seen with his father talking to Carlson. However, Chile have enquired about him, according to Lira's own statement when he posted a video on bail....something that no doubt broke one of those laws you defend so much.

I certainly hope you're right about deportation. Personally I think it more like to come about via pressure of bad publicity rather than some fairness which you seem to think exists.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

no... he was released to house arrest. Told everyone he was going to violate his bail conditions. Violated them, got arrested and remanded. How is this so difficult to understand?

IF you do this in literally any other country they remand you!?

Here is a link to a US journalist telling the US authorities (president press decretary) that he was in the process of skipping bail.


Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I don't know how true or not that is but I'm not here claiming that Lira is some stand up guy. As I previously said I disagreed with him on things he said about this war and also with many other things he's said and done....That's not my point.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

IF he was talking about 'how to F&^k ukrainian women as a 50 something balding man. I'm sure he was plenty of experience. His takes on the current conflict however just scream attention seeking sociopath.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You have an issue with the word 'escape'? I think I've answered this point on what Ukraine have a right to do....Yes, they have that right. What I'm concerned about is what happens after that....and we differ on what you seem to think of as serious crimes. But deportation was certainly appropriate.....However, Lira said he had been stolen from and beaten up and they want to kill him....So I regard concern for him also to be appropriate.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 8.08am)

Well I guess he did escape if, going on twitter telling everyone you are going to violate your bail conditions, then opening your front door and then making a run for the border (violating your bail conditions) counts as escape... Hardly Houdini'esk is it?

On a brighter note I agree. Deportation would be sufficient, hopefully thats what occurs. Anything more would be overkill imho

Finally on a gennuine note though - Thanks for taking the time to reply. It gives your SBU fanboy some intelectual stimulas before my morning coffee hits

Edited by snytaxx (14 Dec 2023 9.25am)

Edited by snytaxx (14 Dec 2023 9.28am)


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 14 Dec 23 9.33am Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Excellent posts


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Stirlingsays Flag 14 Dec 23 10.32am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

My word... the old double down!

It's strange to be accused of doubling down by someone doubling down but cool

Originally posted by snytaxx

Soverign countries have the right to pass laws as / when they like. How is this a point of contention? Ukraine wants to join the EU, countries have to pass laws to do this. We did, are our laws negiotiable? Do you step off the Plane when you go on holiday to Spain and say "well I shouldnt really need to follow any rules he because you know... its all negiotiable" How is passing an anti corruption law even a bad thing?

Isn't this a strawman argument?

Of course countries have the right to pass laws from North Korea to Ukraine to Russia, I never said any different. You are suggesting that these laws are reasonable democratic laws, whereas I'm criticising them as opportune and some as more related to outside pressure other than some great commitment to democracy.

But sure, Ukraine can do what it wants, just as I can criticise what's going on.

Sure Ukraine wants to join the EU....Now its country is in rubble it wants Europe's and obviously America's taxpayers to fund its reconstruction. That's the consequence of not ending this war.

Originally posted by snytaxx

(you ignored the point about how the USSR did the exact same thing and it was okay)

Well, I missed it....but again, do either of us have to answer every single point. Like I said, if you want to ensure a particular point is answered then I'll be happy to....but please state so.

As for the Soviet point....Sure, this isn't a defence of the Soviets....Are we funding the Soviets? Perhaps when its western money funding a war on behalf of the Soviets I'll criticise the decision.

Originally posted by snytaxx

The law we are talking here is about a specific part of Ukrains criminal code, thats the issue at hand. Still at least we have dropped the 'wrong opinion' misinformation so thanks for that.

Some things Lira said I agreed with, some I didn' I say it's not about whether Lira is correct or a nice's about what is appropriate given what he's done and that the media encourages us to regard the Ukrainian regime as worthy of support.

Originally posted by snytaxx

On the elections. This honestly made me laugh outloud so thanks.

Well, I post here on Hol reasonably regularly so you're in for a lot of laughs.

Originally posted by snytaxx

South Vietnam has an 'election' where its president decided he would win 100% of the vote and then some ballot papers went out

On Afganistan, comparing its war with the taliban to Ukraine's with the Russians is very intellectually dishonest. Did the Taliban have an airforce? Did they have ballistic and cruise missiles. Still. Its vote actually took place in less than half the country.

Not really a fair representation of democracy is it? Now lets apply this to Ukraine. Please very specifically answer this point and dont just gloss. Would you like Zelensky to have elections in other parts of the country very far away from the front lines (so like 40%) ironically in the most anti-russian voting parts? Would that make you think he had a democratic mandate to rule all of Ukraine for another term?

What you are linking to are opinions on the democratic elections in wartime within the countries I cited. While I couldn't say how accurate or fair those opinions are I also suspect there is some truth to them.

I wasn't putting forward a defence of democracy within South Vietnam or Afghanistan I was answering the point that you said elections didn't happen in war time.

Whereas, that's not strictly true. Elections happen when an elite class want them to.

As to the proposed elections in Ukraine. Zelensky banned pro Russia parties so your point there is moot. The point of elections wasn't about electing a pro Russian parliament but wrapped up in legitimacy on what happens with obviously a negotiation happens at some point and who Ukraine wants to do that matters.

This was obviously a big point for America who were pushing for those elections but Zelensky has decided it's not going to happen.

Originally posted by snytaxx

you wrote 4 paragraphs back to my one.... I'm not a paid activist either. But I at least answer your points, not strawman onto the next topic.

Mmmm...I don't know about that, some might say you have enough straw for a camp fire.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Offft, listening to too much Lira again. I hope he is a better dating coach than he is an escape artist... oh he wasnt.

Bit passive aggressive isn't it.....You don't like dating coaches obviously.

Originally posted by snytaxx

You seem to have drifted past my point. During times of crisis 'disagreement' was not allowed even by fully fledged democracies. Its wierd you keep saying that. Our government was one of the worst for censoring negative news and opinions, here they are talking about it

Indeed, and I regularly criticise this as essentially decline in free speech is decline within democracies. That's here or elsewhere.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Im also certain your grandfather did not go around denying the blitz and telling his foriegn audience that 'we derversed it'.

How's that straw gathering going?

Originally posted by snytaxx

Do you have any data for the 'secede point' other than what Lira says. When was this post war poll held? I cannot find any data on it? Link please.

Dude, I've answered this question several times already in the thread. Can't you read the damn thing? You literally had a civil war in 2014 after the coup and you ask me about secession? Seriously? I wonder if the US had a poll on how popular their revolution was.....jeepers.

There are polls but obviously they were conducted by Russia after the break away. However, when you talk about the numbers a real reflection probably isn't knowable's too polarised.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Where do you think the country carrying out a vicious war of colonial conquest invading Ukraine rates on its corruption scale?

Russia is about as corrupt as Ukraine.....if you read the thread you would see that I criticise Russia. I do so because it's true.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Hopefully the further we allow Ukraine to remove itself from Russian influence. The better things will get.

That opinion has destroyed Ukraine and worsened the world in just about every conceivable metric.

Originally posted by snytaxx

No a law designed to get rid of fifth columnists, which you agreed is fine. yay

I agree that is their right....However that isn't what happened is it. Lira made several accusations on his treatment and I want them investigated.

Originally posted by snytaxx

No he doesnt. Here is some data proving what Lira says is just not true.

Dude....Lira wasn't speaking for western Ukraine was he. He's talking about the ethnic Russians in the south and east.

Originally posted by snytaxx

no... he was released to house arrest. Told everyone he was going to violate his bail conditions. Violated them, got arrested and remanded. How is this so difficult to understand?

IF you do this in literally any other country they remand you!?

Here is a link to a US journalist telling the US authorities (president press decretary) that he was in the process of skipping bail.

I've answered all this.

Originally posted by snytaxx

IF he was talking about 'how to F&^k ukrainian women as a 50 something balding man. I'm sure he was plenty of experience. His takes on the current conflict however just scream attention seeking sociopath.

Yeah, I get that you don't like the we only speak for people who pass your 'I like them' test then?

Lira is being held for unpopular opinions, not because of a likeability index.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Originally posted by snytaxx

Well I guess he did escape if, going on twitter telling everyone you are going to violate your bail conditions, then opening your front door and then making a run for the border (violating your bail conditions) counts as escape... Hardly Houdini'esk is it?

On a brighter note I agree. Deportation would be sufficient, hopefully thats what occurs. Anything more would be overkill imho

Finally on a gennuine note though - Thanks for taking the time to reply. It gives your SBU fanboy some intelectual stimulas before my morning coffee hits


Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 14 Dec 23 12.07pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Indeed - get ready for a triple down!

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Isn't this a strawman argument?

Of course countries have the right to pass laws from North Korea to Ukraine to Russia, I never said any different. You are suggesting that these laws are reasonable democratic laws, whereas I'm criticising them as opportune and some as more related to outside pressure other than some great commitment to democracy.

But sure, Ukraine can do what it wants, just as I can criticise what's going on.

Sure Ukraine wants to join the EU....Now its country is in rubble it wants Europe's and obviously America's taxpayers to fund its reconstruction. That's the consequence of not ending this war.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Not really no. Your original post is a share of Tucker raising Lira's 'plight'. I have pointed out numerous times there is nothing abnormal about what is happening to him. Your reply has always been to suggest that what Ukraine has done with regards to it's law keeping has always been abnormal and thus seemingly less legitimate.

I've continously pushed back on this and explained why you are incorrect stating that it's not up to foriegn national to judge how legitimate rules are and imply if they should or should not be followed when living in a country which at this time is in very bad way. He violated a very clear law, he is being punished for it. The information shared by Tucker and yourself is just whole sale incorrect as is your defence why actually 'it shouldn't matter'.

To reiterate and to get back on point. Zelensky is the president of Ukraine, he has an obligation to do whatever he can to preserve the soverign integrity of this nation, he the price tag of survival is passing token anti corruption laws, there is no real loser here. Corruption is bad, we can all agree on that. Sniping at Ukraine passing said laws is as opportunistic as it is bizarre given the situation facing his country.

You also dishonestly imply that Ukraine actually has a choice in ending the war. This is what I refer to as the peacenik argument where responsibility for ending the war lies only with Ukraine appeasing a nazi dictatorship (remember when we tried that last time), and not with Russia upholding its international obligations (UN charter in 45, Helsinki Accords 75) and just leaving Ukraine.

Lets assume for a moment that Ukraine did make appeasements, what guarantuee do we have that Russia would uphold the agreement given they have broken x3 agreements on Ukraine already (Budapest, Minsk and Minsk II)?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Well, I missed it....but again, do either of us have to answer every single point. Like I said, if you want to ensure a particular point is answered then I'll be happy to....but please state so.

As for the Soviet point....Sure, this isn't a defence of the Soviets....Are we funding the Soviets? Perhaps when its western money funding a war on behalf of the Soviets I'll criticise the decision.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

We did fund the Soviets. They thanked us by claiming they won WW2 single handley. Should we have withheld support then?


Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Some things Lira said I agreed with, some I didn' I say it's not about whether Lira is correct or a nice's about what is appropriate given what he's done and that the media encourages us to regard the Ukrainian regime as worthy of support.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

This is respectfully, changing the argument... something you claim I am doing and you are not?

As stated, currently Lira is in custody awaiting trial for a very clear cut crime. The penalty may well just be deportation hence the lack of public concern from the US and Chile at this stage.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

What you are linking to are opinions on the democratic elections in wartime within the countries I cited. While I couldn't say how accurate or fair those opinions are I also suspect there is some truth to them.

I wasn't putting forward a defence of democracy within South Vietnam or Afghanistan I was answering the point that you said elections didn't happen in war time.

Whereas, that's not strictly true. Elections happen when an elite class want them to.

As to the proposed elections in Ukraine. Zelensky banned pro Russia parties so your point there is moot. The point of elections wasn't about electing a pro Russian parliament but wrapped up in legitimacy on what happens with obviously a negotiation happens at some point and who Ukraine wants to do that matters.

This was obviously a big point for America who were pushing for those elections but Zelensky has decided it's not going to happen.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Respectfully, no I am not. I am directly applying your line of 'Ukraine has no legitimacy because these countries did what basically no one else did and have elections during wartime'. you refferred to an election where the incumbant got 100% of the vote and another where the election only actually took place in a minority of the country.

Elections happen when they are constituionally obligated to happen. As Ukraine like many other countries at war is in Martial law, elections don't need to happen and as I posed the question, would not really tick your legitmacy box anyway even if they did.

The only time an election which you would consider to be 'legit' has been held during actual war time has been held would probably be 1944 in the US. Odd how the Japanese American's were not able to vote and that the NSDAP didn't front a candidate no? seems very unfair to me!

To reiterate, banning parties which literally call for the capitulation of your country to this is not a bad thing, it never has been interntionally via convention its only now it suddenly seems to have been because Daddy Putin says so?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Bit passive aggressive isn't it.....You don't like dating coaches obviously.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Not when they turn their businesses into Russia propaganda outlets as pretend to be experts in their field. Then convince rational people of an irrational view.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

How's that straw gathering going?

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

It's not really a strawman when your reply to a like for like crime i.e.'denying the blitz and telling the world we deserved it would not have been accepted in a democratic country such as the UK' is to say. 'My grandad criticed the war a lot'. Sure... but its not a like for like. Thats my point.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Dude, I've answered this question several times already in the thread. Can't you read the damn thing? You literally had a civil war in 2014 after the coup and you ask me about secession? Seriously? I wonder if the US had a poll on how popular their revolution was.....jeepers.

There are polls but obviously they were conducted by Russia after the break away. However, when you talk about the numbers a real reflection probably isn't knowable's too polarised.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

I'm going to stick my neck out here and call the bluff on this one.

Using the traditional vatnik vocabulary such as 'coup' and 'civil war' when these have long been debunked doesn't bode well for a accurate poll being present anywhere on this thread. No I'm not going through 435 pages, niether would you... IF you want to link me to it, you can, until then. Respectfully I will assume no such evidence exists.

What is certain however is that the regions you claim are vastly pro russian voted overwelmingly for Ukrainian independance in 1991. But I guess this is no longer valid... something something CIA / NATO expansion if we were to read off the same vocab sheet displayed in rebuttle so far.


Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Russia is about as corrupt as Ukraine.....if you read the thread you would see that I criticise Russia. I do so because it's true.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Russia the so called savior of Ukraine has actually consistantly had a higher corruption index since the Putin years. Oddly, Ukrainian corruption has only has only ever been a focus for government action since 2014 while Russia's levels of corruption have just spiralled.

Still... Ukraine bad right?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Indeed, and I regularly criticise this as essentially decline in free speech is decline within democracies. That's here or elsewhere.

Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Good, you must be appalled at what Putin has done to Russia then? Surely its in no fit state to run Ukraine given its now a one party state comparable to North Korea.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
That opinion has destroyed Ukraine and worsened the world in just about every conceivable metric.
Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

No... Russia has destroyed Ukraine through an act of colonial agreesion in violation of its international agreements (see above) and international norms which now dont apply to it because Russia said so.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
I agree that is their right....However that isn't what happened is it. Lira made several accusations on his treatment and I want them investigated.
Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Lira has told alot of fibs, ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? This is why no one in a position of responsibility will take him seriously given the current level of 'evidence' on display. Still, Tucker is a good guy right? I'm sure he will also happily investigate whether the false flag reasons for Russia to invade Ukraine actually check out... to show he isnt just spreading discord. oh.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
I've answered all this.
Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

No you didn't you essentially said he made a video which resulted in him having his bail recinded. Again not trye. He literally tried to flee the country.


That is why he was rearrested... focus this please, on your response.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Yeah, I get that you don't like the we only speak for people who pass your 'I like them' test then?

Lira is being held for unpopular opinions, not because of a likeability index.
Edited by Stirlingsays (14 Dec 2023 10.34am)

Again? You are better than this im sure? No of course not. We speak for everyone under the due process of law, which is what he is being held in violation to. What we don't do is take at face value a get a guy who has a previous for just making stuff up (tucker) to just post fake news as to the reasoning of his arrest, then ignore the reply from the Ukrainians, something you keep doing with the 'wrong opinions' line. How many more times must I state the specific violation? its nothing to do with 'wrong opinions' or anything mentioned in your origin post, he has quite literally denied a very serious warcrime and then victim blamed the community. How is this okay when it wouldn't be in any other democratic country as previously pointed out?

Edited by snytaxx (14 Dec 2023 12.18pm)

Edited by snytaxx (14 Dec 2023 12.19pm)


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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 14 Dec 23 9.05pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

EU sidelines Orban and agrees to start Ukraine accession.

That should cheer Kelensky up but his worry that USA will not agree to further help is proving well-founded.

Putin's annual news conference shows him confident of success no matter how long, a dead-end character though.

617,000 soldiers in Ukraine so they don't have to massage the unemmployment figures.


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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 4.40am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by snytaxx

Indeed - get ready for a triple down!

Not really no. Your original post is a share of Tucker raising Lira's 'plight'. I have pointed out numerous times there is nothing abnormal about what is happening to him. Your reply has always been to suggest that what Ukraine has done with regards to it's law keeping has always been abnormal and thus seemingly less legitimate.

I've continously pushed back on this and explained why you are incorrect stating that it's not up to foriegn national to judge how legitimate rules are and imply if they should or should not be followed when living in a country which at this time is in very bad way. He violated a very clear law, he is being punished for it. The information shared by Tucker and yourself is just whole sale incorrect as is your defence why actually 'it shouldn't matter'.

'Not really no'? Really? So in your mind one of the most corrupt countries in the world and one subject to much criticism before this war in the west can't be legitimately criticised for how it handles free speech and how it treats those it detains? Well I disagree....especially when we are being encouraged to view the Ukrainian entity as 'us' against Russia.

As for your contention that someone shouldn't be allowed to speak against a war or a government when at war...Well, pray tell me, how are people meant to form an opposition to what a government is doing if they can't do this.

So does this mean you agree with Russia closing down all opposition or contention against the war as well then? Because I've also criticised that.....but seemingly for you once a government decides to go to war everyone has to shut up and support it.

Would this not be a double standard?

Originally posted by snytaxx

To reiterate and to get back on point. Zelensky is the president of Ukraine, he has an obligation to do whatever he can to preserve the soverign integrity of this nation, he the price tag of survival is passing token anti corruption laws, there is no real loser here. Corruption is bad, we can all agree on that. Sniping at Ukraine passing said laws is as opportunistic as it is bizarre given the situation facing his country.

The point I was making here on Ukraine's law making was in response to your suggestion that Ukraine is the sovereign country, your implication being that it's independent. When the reality is that it very much isn't and in fact is now a US client state.

That's the reality.

The corruption in Ukraine is very relevant considering the massive amount of money and weaponry that's been pumped into that country. Both of those decisions can have negative consequences for us.

Originally posted by snytaxx

You also dishonestly imply that Ukraine actually has a choice in ending the war. This is what I refer to as the peacenik argument where responsibility for ending the war lies only with Ukraine appeasing a nazi dictatorship (remember when we tried that last time), and not with Russia upholding its international obligations (UN charter in 45, Helsinki Accords 75) and just leaving Ukraine.

Lets assume for a moment that Ukraine did make appeasements, what guarantuee do we have that Russia would uphold the agreement given they have broken x3 agreements on Ukraine already (Budapest, Minsk and Minsk II)?

Hundreds of thousands of people are now in the ground because the opportunity to negotiate in March 21 was rejected. The reasons given are very much what you state here. We disagree on your characterisation but this thread has covered that ground many times. However in terms of what happens going forward I'll say this.

What you need to come to terms with....because you don't seem to have. Is that Ukraine isn't going to win this war. It's not going to get those areas back and will probably lose more the longer the war continues....simply because it doesn't have the population size for an attritional war.

So what you can be certain of is that the war ends in negotiation at some point. The only thing up for discussion is how bad it's going to be for Ukraine.

As for guarantees once a negotiation is reached, I'm genuinely surprised you don't know....Aren't you aware of previous situations like this in Korea for example. You have a demilitarised zone and beyond those areas you build up military.

If Europe was genuinely worried that Russia was going to attack Nato countries then you would have seen defence spending spike to war levels 18 months ago. You need to see beyond the propaganda to observe what countries actually do.

Originally posted by snytaxx

We did fund the Soviets. They thanked us by claiming they won WW2 single handley. Should we have withheld support then?

Yes, we did fund the Soviets back in WW2. Out of two genocidal fruitcakes we picked Stalin instead of Hitler and then spent thirty years on the edge of destruction....only to end up back to square one now....but that's for another thread.

Regardless, the Soviets did most of the heavy lifting in WW2, it's not even a question. The Soviets killed four out of every five German military to die.

The British lost half a million in WW2.....everyone of them a hero that deserves the honour we give them every year.

Russia lost way over six million military and around an estimated 20 million civilians.

So while the topic of WW2 isn't really related to this, I'd say the actual history is quite clear on the matter.

Originally posted by snytaxx

This is respectfully, changing the argument... something you claim I am doing and you are not?

Is it really? Your post contained personal attacks on Lira's character....some of which are valid perhaps and others less so. However, frankly whether you like Lira or not isn't the point.

Originally posted by snytaxx

As stated, currently Lira is in custody awaiting trial for a very clear cut crime. The penalty may well just be deportation hence the lack of public concern from the US and Chile at this stage.

They certainly had the right to deport a fifth columnist. I fully agree. However, he should not be harmed nor stolen from and I certainly hope you are right that he will be deported but as of yet it's only people like Carlson even raising this.....which you criticise I might add, but I regard as doing god's work.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Respectfully, no I am not. I am directly applying your line of 'Ukraine has no legitimacy because these countries did what basically no one else did and have elections during wartime'. you refferred to an election where the incumbant got 100% of the vote and another where the election only actually took place in a minority of the country.

I've already answered this point so we will have to respectfully disagree. I mean I don't doubt that elections in these countries are suspect. However, dubious going on happen just as much in peace time and in many countries. Were the elections in Afghanistan a problem? I didn't hear these problems when the result was what we wanted.

If you dig enough you will find contentions in every election....Even in the main backer for this war itself the US.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Elections happen when they are constituionally obligated to happen. As Ukraine like many other countries at war is in Martial law, elections don't need to happen and as I posed the question, would not really tick your legitmacy box anyway even if they did.

Yep, as I said, Hamas could state the very same thing.

Originally posted by snytaxx

The only time an election which you would consider to be 'legit' has been held during actual war time has been held would probably be 1944 in the US. Odd how the Japanese American's were not able to vote and that the NSDAP didn't front a candidate no? seems very unfair to me!

To reiterate, banning parties which literally call for the capitulation of your country to this is not a bad thing, it never has been interntionally via convention its only now it suddenly seems to have been because Daddy Putin says so?

The Americans treatment of Japanese Americans in WW2 has been much criticised.

Banning opposition parties who regard Ukraine's war strategy as the wrong path isn't 'capitulation' if it results in less Ukrainians dead and more land than it ends up with continuing with the war. At some point reality takes over from 'magical thinking'.

Again, you seem to be under the impression that Ukraine continuing in the war is going to result in a better outcome. I suggest that you actually look at what's happening both on the battlefield and in political attitudes towards the war.

I'll also make the same point as before. If you agree that parties in opposition to continuing the war should be banned you also have to agree that Putin is also entitled to do the same thing in Russia.

Otherwise it's a double standard.

For me, I agree with you that fifth columnists, while not harmed, shouldn't be tolerated in countries at war. They should be deported if foreign. However, that is not the same as having a different opinion on what's best for the country in a war. Churchill for example, did not arrest Halifax or ban him from his cabinet for wanting to negotiate with Hitler.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Not when they turn their businesses into Russia propaganda outlets as pretend to be experts in their field. Then convince rational people of an irrational view.

In terms of Lira operating as a fifth columnist in Ukraine I would agree with you. Whether he's a dating coach or we approve of how he legally makes's find to criticise that but it shouldn't influence what happens to him.

Originally posted by snytaxx

I'm going to stick my neck out here and call the bluff on this one.

Using the traditional vatnik vocabulary such as 'coup' and 'civil war' when these have long been debunked doesn't bode well for a accurate poll being present anywhere on this thread. No I'm not going through 435 pages, niether would you... IF you want to link me to it, you can, until then. Respectfully I will assume no such evidence exists.

What is certain however is that the regions you claim are vastly pro russian voted overwelmingly for Ukrainian independance in 1991. But I guess this is no longer valid... something something CIA / NATO expansion if we were to read off the same vocab sheet displayed in rebuttle so far.


Well, we obviously disagree here quite significantly. The thread really does cover all this ground but I won't criticise you for bulking at the suggestion in reading it.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Russia the so called savior of Ukraine has actually consistantly had a higher corruption index since the Putin years. Oddly, Ukrainian corruption has only has only ever been a focus for government action since 2014 while Russia's levels of corruption have just spiralled.

Still... Ukraine bad right?

Good, you must be appalled at what Putin has done to Russia then? Surely its in no fit state to run Ukraine given its now a one party state comparable to North Korea.

Well, who counts the numbers is also a question but I have no issues in recognising that both Slavic countries are highly corrupt.....they are essentially the same people.

Putin isn't a friend to the west. It's a point I've made many times. Just as I've criticised what goes on in Russia and free speech would certainly be within that.

However, opposition parties exist and operate in Russia, it's not a one party state like you suggest here.

As for what happens to Ukraine, I think Putin has stated what he intends for it. He will take the four regions and It will have a neutral government and not pose a military threat. Whether that happens or not we will see......But what is quite certain is that this war isn't going well for Ukraine and you are slowly seeing that being accepted by both government and media.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Lira has told alot of fibs, ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? This is why no one in a position of responsibility will take him seriously given the current level of 'evidence' on display. Still, Tucker is a good guy right? I'm sure he will also happily investigate whether the false flag reasons for Russia to invade Ukraine actually check out... to show he isnt just spreading discord. oh.

If Lira has lied about his treatment then let it be investigated.....Personally I find the silence on Lira concerning.

Carlson has spent some time on this war, both its background history and Nato and the US's positions generally and essentially he holds a similar position to me.

Long before Carlson, Farage had similar concerns on how this was going and stated them....Top diplomats also warned on the direction of travel.

Originally posted by snytaxx

No you didn't you essentially said he made a video which resulted in him having his bail recinded. Again not trye. He literally tried to flee the country.

No I didn't say that a video resulted in his bail being rescinded....I don't know what you got that from.

However, Lira stated the reason on video why he tried to flee the country. If I remember correctly he said he was beaten up, stolen from and he feared for his life if detained again.

Personally, I would like to know that he's safe and unharmed.

Originally posted by snytaxx

That is why he was rearrested... focus this please, on your response.

We don't really disagree on why he was rearrested.

Originally posted by snytaxx

Again? You are better than this im sure? No of course not. We speak for everyone under the due process of law, which is what he is being held in violation to. What we don't do is take at face value a get a guy who has a previous for just making stuff up (tucker) to just post fake news as to the reasoning of his arrest, then ignore the reply from the Ukrainians, something you keep doing with the 'wrong opinions' line. How many more times must I state the specific violation? its nothing to do with 'wrong opinions' or anything mentioned in your origin post, he has quite literally denied a very serious warcrime and then victim blamed the community. How is this okay when it wouldn't be in any other democratic country as previously pointed out?

You are calling what Carlson saying as fake because it's essentially you taking what the SBU say at face value.

Carlson is raising legitimate concerns both on funding this regime and on its treatment of a fellow countryman.

Are you right to accept everything the SBU say on this? Well, they have been proven to put out false information previously but whatever.

Well, let's see Lira and here his side of the story...oh wait.

Personally I hope for deportation but we will see.

Edited by Stirlingsays (15 Dec 2023 11.40am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 15 Dec 23 4.45am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

With respect snytaxx, feel free to response to the post but personally I feel I've said what I want to say regarding the Lira situation. So forgive me if I let a further reply from you on this sit unmolested.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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snytaxx Flag London 15 Dec 23 1.31pm Send a Private Message to snytaxx Add snytaxx as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You are calling what Carlson saying as fake because it's essentially you taking what the SBU say at face value.

Carlson is raising legitimate concerns both on funding this regime and on its treatment of a fellow countryman.

Are you right to accept everything the SBU say on this? Well, they have been proven to put out false information previously but whatever.

Lets be clear, I am calling out the motivation of Tucker on this one. Coupled with lazy journalism and at best and down right lies at worst.

I've explained to you time and time again as to why Lira is in custody but the truth is clear that I feel you dont actually want an answer, or the truth, you just need to get out a 'Ukraine bad' jibe because thats the hill you have chosen to die on. Proof of this? You continously use the loaded term 'regime' in your posts to refer to a government elected through one of the free'est and fairest elections in Ukrainian history (though still far from perfect to be fair hence the flawed democracy category). Only someone with a pro russian motivation would use this term to describe the authorities in a country making tangible attempts to become less corrupt and move to a western social democracy.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Well, let's see Lira and here his side of the story...oh wait.

Personally I hope for deportation but we will see.

There you go again. "Hey everyone let me share this tweet which contains a video blog alledging (without evidence) how i've been mistreated"

(the next sentance)

"if only we had his side of the story"

This is another classic case of accuse, deflect, accuse. At no point are you interested in actually reading about a reasonable explanation about Lira's arrest because its doesn't serve the purpose of your arguement which is 'Ukraine bad'.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The point I was making here on Ukraine's law making was in response to your suggestion that Ukraine is the sovereign country, your implication being that it's independent. When the reality is that it very much isn't and in fact is now a US client state.

That's the reality.

The corruption in Ukraine is very relevant considering the massive amount of money and weaponry that's been pumped into that country. Both of those decisions can have negative consequences for us.

You can't have this both ways. Ukraine needs help, when a country or party or any one really needs help, their bargaining power diminishes pick any war where a country has asked for assistance. Has their bargaining power not been diminished? Have they not made concessions to preserve their sovereignty. Ukraine is asking for help, the the Republicans have drunk the Russian Koolaid and start churping out the tradional buzzwords like 'corruption, accountability' not actually caring if they are true or not. Okay how does Zelensky alay these 'concerns' - a bill tightening up the rules to help further reduce corruption. This denies the Russian attack line so it needs to change because remember. 'Ukraine bad'. What else can be used, oh why no "CLIENT STATE! PUPPET GOVERNMENT! WEAK!"

Lets apply the same logic to Ukraine pre 2014, Russia insisted Ukraine not strengthen its ties with the EU back late 2013 as a condition for a better trade deal. Are you saying Ukraine was a Russian puppet prior to 2014? of course not. Like seriously wow!

Am I arguing that Ukraine has no corruption? Of course it does, so does the UK, every country does. But to genuinely suggest that the negative effects of providing Ukraine with arms to defend itself is worse than letting Putin win and the literal genocide that will occur (evidence in previous post) is either incredibly ignorant or outright malign. I would strongly urge a step back approach because i'm certain you are not either of those things.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Hundreds of thousands of people are now in the ground because the opportunity to negotiate in March 21 was rejected.

No they are in the ground because Russia commited an act of colonial agresssion. Stop breezing past this point. Russia invaded a sovereign nation violating its UN charter , Helsinki Accords, Budapest Memorandum, Friendship treaty, Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 obligations. To release Russia of these obligations is just okaying the illegality of this war.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
The reasons given are very much what you state here. We disagree on your characterisation but this thread has covered that ground many times. However in terms of what happens going forward I'll say this.

What you need to come to terms with....because you don't seem to have. Is that Ukraine isn't going to win this war. It's not going to get those areas back and will probably lose more the longer the war continues....simply because it doesn't have the population size for an attritional war.

Stop here. Why not? It has taken back half the territory captured by Russian since 2022 (odd you didn't seem to bring that up) What you are confused about is Ukraines potential capability with adequate western support vs your actual motivations. I.e. you don't actually want Ukraine to win, but you cant say this publically thats how we have ended up in this denialist 'it can't win'.

No matter how many Ukrainian victories or Russian setbacks, any detailed explanation of Ukrainian war goals will ever convince you of this because it doesn't fit with the motivation. So I guess I will hold off unless invited to elaborate on this further.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
So what you can be certain of is that the war ends in negotiation at some point. The only thing up for discussion is how bad it's going to be for Ukraine.

This tallies nicely with my point above. You've bought the line that only Russia can win despite clear evidence to the opposite. The issue is in old reality here, Russian victory actually looks quite unachievable, Putin knows this so the line 'there needs to be an agreement' keeps flying around. What this means as dog whistled by yourself in previous posts is Ukraine needs to appease Russia, Russia needs to make no concesssions so Putin can claim he has won and isnt forced to admit to Russians just how badly he goofed up.

This doesnt give Kyiv any motivation to end the war because any concessions would only be to Russia's advantage and would result in more issues down the line once Putin violates he new treaty like he has done with all the others. Russia can't admit this though so it needs to make out it is the reasonable one hence generic statements such as "Ukraine is not serious" when in reality, anyone who has not drunk the Russian Koolaid is just waiting for Russia to concede something to make ending the war a possibility and for a tangible way to prevent Russia from breaking yet another treaty. which (segway into below)

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
As for guarantees once a negotiation is reached, I'm genuinely surprised you don't know....Aren't you aware of previous situations like this in Korea for example. You have a demilitarised zone and beyond those areas you build up military.

Isnt this! None of the examples here would work. How do I know this, because none of them involve a UN security council member as a direct belligerant. Lets pretend you get your DMZ. Its even UN enforced - wonderful! Putin being true to form violates another treaty and invades again after rebuilding his forces. Who would enforce return to status quo, oh yeah - the UN! Lets have a quick UN security council vote on that. oh no! Russia veto'd it. Ah well... Perhaps Ukraine should 'get serious' and negiotiate with Russia.

It is pure cloud cuckoo land stuff.

Also, the physcial nature of DMZ is a kind of no mans land that is hard to cross, litered with defences and mines. Kind of like what we have had in the Donbas since 2014. Thank Christ that stopped Russia!

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
If Europe was genuinely worried that Russia was going to attack Nato countries then you would have seen defence spending spike to war levels 18 months ago. You need to see beyond the propaganda to observe what countries actually do.

It has


Really odd thing to say.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
yes, we did fund the Soviets back in WW2. Out of two genocidal fruitcakes we picked Stalin instead of Hitler and then spent thirty years on the edge of destruction....only to end up back to square one now....but that's for another thread.

Regardless, the Soviets did most of the heavy lifting in WW2, it's not even a question. The Soviets killed four out of every five German military to die.

The British lost half a million in WW2.....everyone of them a hero that deserves the honour we give them every year.

Russia lost way over six million military and around an estimated 20 million civilians.

So while the topic of WW2 isn't really related to this, I'd say the actual history is quite clear on the matter.

Ooops, we've gone full circle. For those who need context. We started off with the typical 'Ukraine bad line' which is "how can we support a country where an intelligence service suppresses people they dont like? Cut the aid!" to "Actually its okay when Russia does it because they didnt beg for aid" to "Well actually we had to give aid to a really evil regime because of a Nazi dictator threatening Europe so actually its fine to support countries who do this". nuts!

Still, lets use your arguement. Imagine if today we had a Nazi sucessor state on the edge of Europe which used protecting its ethnic people in other countries as an excuse to invade them, while citing the need to eradicate the culture of the local people in said countries as victory condition. Imagine if one country decided to put up a fight and offered to nullify that country as a global threat for ever for just 10% of military spending which we would have spent anyway... Thus solving the need to put your own troops on the ground and incur loses when that nazi state enboldened by its victories and diplomatic indecision thanks to our useful idiots enjoying our democratic freedoms in the west inciting decietful indecision decides to attack a country in a defensive alliance....

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Is it really? Your post contained personal attacks on Lira's character....some of which are valid perhaps and others less so. However, frankly whether you like Lira or not isn't the point.

To recap the argument for everyone. The original point was 'why dont we investigate what has happened to Lira'.

Firstly, who says the US haven't (privately)?

Secondly my point that what Lira says is likely untrue, if he were in a court of law (which ironically he will be soon) and his defence was 'I can't get a fair trial, why wont you take me seriously'. Would a prosecuting body but be entitled to bring up his 'crying wolf' antics given he is a known liar and the fact that his 'cause' is being propgated by another well know individual with plenty of previous of being selective with the truth.

However in the court of public opinion, me now pointing this out is itself, super unfair and anything Lira says must be taken at face value because... you said so?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
They certainly had the right to deport a fifth columnist. I fully agree. However, he should not be harmed nor stolen from and I certainly hope you are right that he will be deported but as of yet it's only people like Carlson even raising this.....which you criticise I might add, but I regard as doing god's work

Agreed, but we don't have any evidence he has been harmed other than what Lira has said, or not been allowed to say (whichever it is today). We also have no idea if the US and Chilean governments have already enquired as to Mr. Lira's well being but don't want to publicise it. Remember it's your right to receive consular assistance, its not your right to have the government tell everyone about it.

Is it not rather telling that almost every credible journalist has chosen not to touch Mr. Lira's story (as if it almost didn't stand up to basic due dilligence) but Mr. Tucker, the well known bastion of 'doing things by the book' whose motivations are not suspect at all has chosen to speak out about Mr. Lira. Thank god he isnt part of the [insert conspiracy thoery in here] elite. A true asset to the proffession. Maybe next time he and his followers might be open to actually listening to the answer of a question they ask without just saying 'naw not true'. I don't hold my breath on it though.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
I've already answered this point so we will have to respectfully disagree. I mean I don't doubt that elections in these countries are suspect. However, dubious going on happen just as much in peace time and in many countries. Were the elections in Afghanistan a problem? I didn't hear these problems when the result was what we wanted.

If you dig enough you will find contentions in every election....Even in the main backer for this war itself the US.

Respectfully, you didn't you back pedalled and here is how.

The accusation went from "its so bad that Ukraine is falsely labelled as a democracy because if they were they would have elections"


"plenty of countries have elections in war time, here are two"


"okay the examples of countries who actually did do this had problems but all elections have issues".

Firstly This doesn't address a reasonable remedy to your original accusation, it only reinforces the fact that no matter what Ukraine does, no matter how pure its intentions, it will always be 'Ukraine bad - cut off the aid'.

This further exposes it as a fake attack line and one that only benefits the Kremlin by falsely undermining Ukraine.

Secondly its another case of Ukrainian exceptionalism, as in it doesnt matter no other country has managed to ever do what we are asking, they should still do it and aid should be withheld until they do it.

If you look at the election in Afganistan I already pointed out how its no comparible as they are very different wars, but also, the contest only occured in very specific parts of the country making it a poor reflection of democracy.

A better alternative would be to drive the Russian's out. Restore the rule of law and have UN administered elections throughout. Something tells me this will be 'un realistic' which is a code word for 'Russia wont like it'.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Yep, as I said, Hamas could state the very same thing.

I'd just like to clarify that you arent comparing Hamas to the Ukrainian government because... just wow.

Plenty of countries have used Martial law to stiffle democracy, this is wrong, it has always been wrong, it will always be wrong. Martial law should only be used at critical times under a national constitution. A well known / internationally recognised and acceptable use of martial law would be when under immediate attack by a hostile power. Here is where your comparison falls down. Ukraine has been under sustained attached for almost 2 years now, that is when Martial law came into effect, not in the immediate aftermath of Zelensky's victory. Hamas was not under immediate threat in the aftermath of their victory. Infact they actually had mutually agreed treaty inplace protecting them from an Israeli incursion.


It's only recently when you know... they went a massarced a bunch of people at a music festival have they actually use the same excuse.

Banning opposition parties who regard Ukraine's war strategy as the wrong path isn't 'capitulation' if he results in less Ukrainians dead and more land than it ends up with

Again, you seem to be under the impression that Ukraine continuing in the war is going to result in a better outcome. I suggest that you actually look at what's happening both on the battlefield and in political attitudes towards the war.

You didn't watch the video. I dont blame you, its truly awful stuff and the prospect of such as reality being placed on Ukraine is truly dreadful. I would urge you to revisit this because making this statement as it implies that what Russia has install for Ukraine should it achieve it's aims is absolutely dreadful. It is you in the state of deception, not I.

I'll also make the same point as before. If you agree that parties in opposition to continuing the war should be banned you also have to agree that Putin is also entitled to do the same thing in Russia.

Jesus wept - Russia is the agressor here. It's core territory is not really under threat from Ukraine. Infact more Russians have been killed by friendly fire / infighting that anything Ukraine has done. You also imply that Russia ever had free and fair elections.

These people would have loved to have run agains't Putin i'm sure




The only opposition that has really existed in Russia prior to 2014 are people who argue that Putin needs to be more like Putin.

Everyone else is dead or in prison, they didn't just get banned from running. They got banned from living.

But wait for it. Ukraine bad right?

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
However, that is not the same as having a different opinion on what's best for the country in a war. Churchill for example, did not arrest Halifax or ban him from his cabinet for wanting to negotiate with Hitler.

You love picking great examples. Read what happened to Halifax after Dunkirk. He was sacked as foreign minster and offered deputy pm which is a token post with no power. He refused and was sent to the US as the UK ambassador. This basically exiled him from UK politics and given the magnatude of the situation Britain was in. Churchill just bypassed him and would directly engage with Roosevelt. He never recovered politically after that.

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
However, opposition parties exist and operate in Russia, it's not a one party state like you suggest here.

As for what happens to Ukraine, I think Putin has stated what he intends for it. He will take the four regions and It will have a neutral government and not pose a military threat. Whether that happens or not we will see......But what is quite certain is that this war isn't going well for Ukraine and you are slowly seeing that being accepted by both government and media.

This is yet more dreadful ignorance. I refer you to the above. Russia is now closer to NK in terms of its politics. Ukraine is no where close to being that bad.

I also urge you to refer to what the Kremlin TV are saying they plan to happen to Ukraine after final victory. Its truly horrifying stuff. (link in previous post).

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
If Lira has lied about his treatment then let it be investigated.....Personally I find the silence on Lira concerning.

Thats what is literally happening but what Carlson won't admit!

Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Carlson has spent some time on this war, both its background history and Nato and the US's positions generally and essentially he holds a similar position to me.

Long before Carlson, Farage had similar concerns on how this was going and stated them....Top diplomats also warned on the direction of travel.

Farage while wrong about NATO can at least admit that what Russia is doing is awful.

Anyway, I think I got all your points. My post will always be here should you wish to revisit these points.

Edited by snytaxx (15 Dec 2023 1.55pm)

Edited by snytaxx (15 Dec 2023 2.04pm)

Edited by snytaxx (15 Dec 2023 2.06pm)


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