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Hounded Out - Wimbledon Dog Track Closes....

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 27 Mar 17 10.49am

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

I've seen it first hand with my own greyhound Rob....

I bought a dog to race in 1995 called Smokey Racc00n... lovely big fella (see picture below)

He broke his back leg in a race and the trainer said to me "shall I have him put down for you?"

I reminded him that a broken leg was not fatal and the dog was only 3 years old and had run his heart out for me.

I had that dog living at home with us till he died aged 14 years.... what a beautiful loyal companion he was too!

Edited by Hoof Hearted (26 Mar 2017 11.12am)

Respect. I know a lot of people who've taken in retired greyhounds. Dog racing and speedway are dying sports, their revenue is decreasing to a hardcore fan base and the property on which they compete is worth a fortune. Seeing those beautiful creatures run at full speed is breathtaking to behold

I quite liked an evening out at the dogs, but our local greyhound (and then the speedway) track went the way of 'property development'.

Although I was more of a Lurcher man myself.


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Hoof Hearted 27 Mar 17 10.51am

Originally posted by palacenomatterwhat


I doubt many will be put down, it s the usual scaremongering to worry/force people to take them on.
Although it has to be said that once they've finished racing the Greyhound is left in kennels for a lot of their life, until they are rehomed. That in itself is difficult for a greyhound as they have been used to kennel life and the transfer to a home can be unsettling for them, but they make good pets, don't need much exercise and are a lovely dog. My wife re homes them via the RGT and the trainers often 'threaten' to have a dog put down to try and move on a dog they no longer want.

Did you read my posts thoroughly....?

I have been associated with the RGT and Greyhound Rescue Wales (GRW) since the early 90's... I've personally rehomed 4 ex racers but helped thousands with my charity events for them over the years.

Trainers don't just 'threaten' to have dogs put down... they actually do it when push comes to shove because that dog is costing them money.

That is why charities like the RGT, GRW, DAWG etc need to keep educating the public and the Greyhound Racing Association (GRA) to take more responsibility for the greyhounds welfare.

I agree with you though, they do make lovely pets....

Dylan7.jpg Attachment: Dylan7.jpg (603.74Kb)


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 27 Mar 17 10.53am

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

Greyhounds are the easiest pets to look after - I have had 4 ex racers.

They like to sleep a lot, eat obviously and are happy to be walked to a field and let off and belt round for 5 minutes at top speed!

They don't usually bother with other dogs and all of mine rarely barked, did a mess in the house or get ill very often.

They are great companions...........

Yeah my friend adopted an ex-racing greyhound because he thought it would encourage him to get fitter by walking a lot. Astonishingly lazy creature - it would refuse to walk more than a few miles, and would only run when playing with other dogs. Its almost as if it had decided 'yeah I did all that, I'm exploring new options now'.

Beautiful gentle creature too.


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bubble wrap Flag Carparks in South East London 27 Mar 17 10.56am

Originally posted by .TUX.

Good point. It's like tying certain dogs leads up high so that they couldn't lay down to sleep the night before a race.
Actions such as this (and worse) is why i hate the 'sport'.

All sports has its cheats. My uncle owned dogs at Catford and the easiest way to slow a dog down was to give him a good feed before the race. Because the prize money was so low most had to fiddle in some way and we would often get some decent tips and had many a lock in up at Catford celebrating. Good times and very fond memories.


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Hoof Hearted 27 Mar 17 11.02am

Originally posted by .TUX.

Good point. It's like tying certain dogs leads up high so that they couldn't lay down to sleep the night before a race.
Actions such as this (and worse) is why i hate the 'sport'.

It's not a good point TUX... it's total bollocks.

In our lifetimes doping dogs has not been rife.

I helped out with my wife at Eastville Bristol for years and the strict control of the dogs to prevent ringers and doped or injured dogs running was very thorough.

The only certainty I ever saw was when my own dog (Fernbank Jane)got put in trap 2 in a race and I knew she would vear out wide as the traps opened (because she always did) taking out 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the way, so I had a big bet on trap 1.

Went completely to plan and I won loads.

Doping, ringing etc happened in the 50's and pre war before the Greyhound Racing Association got to grips introducing dog passports and anti doping regimes.


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Hoof Hearted 27 Mar 17 11.07am

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

Oh almost forgot the good old Tuesday and Friday BAGS races. Rigged to f***... shop customer used to come in quite regularly with the winner of races before the race had actually taken place.fortunately as shop staff we had telephone betting accounts with other bookmakers solely for this purpose.. handy little extra on the wages some weeks ..

Aah memories

Total Bullsh1t..... see my reply to TUX who is as deluded as you are.

As a greyhound owner, assistant at a track and good friend of an ex trainer (he gave up because it is so hard to cheat with the handicap system as well as other strict controls)

I totally refute your "memories".


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.TUX. Flag 27 Mar 17 11.32am

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

It's not a good point TUX... it's total bollocks.

In our lifetimes doping dogs has not been rife.

I helped out with my wife at Eastville Bristol for years and the strict control of the dogs to prevent ringers and doped or injured dogs running was very thorough.

The only certainty I ever saw was when my own dog (Fernbank Jane)got put in trap 2 in a race and I knew she would vear out wide as the traps opened (because she always did) taking out 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the way, so I had a big bet on trap 1.

Went completely to plan and I won loads.

Doping, ringing etc happened in the 50's and pre war before the Greyhound Racing Association got to grips introducing dog passports and anti doping regimes.

It isn't.
Around 15yrs ago my friend part-owned a dog. When he realised some of the things that went on (as i posted) he sold his share.


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Hoof Hearted 27 Mar 17 11.41am

Originally posted by .TUX.

It isn't.
Around 15yrs ago my friend part-owned a dog. When he realised some of the things that went on (as i posted) he sold his share.

Ahhh. the old "I have a friend" chestnut.

I have been associated with greyhound racing as a punter, owner and assistant at the track for over 50 years TUX.

It is strictly controlled to prevent crooked races and trainers have been fined and banned for abuse to dogs and trying to fix races.

I've been there and observed it at first hand.

The occasional "touch" might get through, but all the GRA officials know the scams/dodges etc and can smell a betting scam a mile off.


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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 27 Mar 17 11.49am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

Total Bullsh1t..... see my reply to TUX who is as deluded as you are.

As a greyhound owner, assistant at a track and good friend of an ex trainer (he gave up because it is so hard to cheat with the handicap system as well as other strict controls)

I totally refute your "memories".

Not bullsh1t at all. I was a shop manager for 4 years and can assure you Wimbledon bags is where it was at back in 2004/2005 . It was all pre planned we would be told in some cases as early as the week before there was something coming up and to be ready to lump on on a certain morning a few minutes before the race so as not to alert too much attention . It wasn't every race or every week but it most certainly went on


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Hoof Hearted 27 Mar 17 11.55am

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

Not bullsh1t at all. I was a shop manager for 4 years and can assure you Wimbledon bags is where it was at back in 2004/2005 . It was all pre planned we would be told in some cases as early as the week before there was something coming up and to be ready to lump on on a certain morning a few minutes before the race so as not to alert too much attention . It wasn't every race or every week but it most certainly went on

Total utter bullsh1t Michaela.

The only way a touch like that would be on was if it was kept totally secret.... ie the owner, trainer only knew the details.

You are expecting me a seasoned punter and an owner myself to believe that fairy tale?

For a start, as soon as the bookies at the track in the betting ring opened up their initial odds some one would jump in with a hefty wedge... within seconds all the bookies would have wiped their boards.

You in the betting shops would have had no chance to "lump on" at any price.

If it was that well publicised as a good thing, it would have been so far odds on no one would touch it.

Dream on.

Edited by Hoof Hearted (27 Mar 2017 12.12pm)


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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 27 Mar 17 11.59am

What's the difference between a greyhound and Michael Jackson?

A greyhound waits for the hare.


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.TUX. Flag 27 Mar 17 1.47pm

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

Ahhh. the old "I have a friend" chestnut.

I have been associated with greyhound racing as a punter, owner and assistant at the track for over 50 years TUX.

It is strictly controlled to prevent crooked races and trainers have been fined and banned for abuse to dogs and trying to fix races.

I've been there and observed it at first hand.

The occasional "touch" might get through, but all the GRA officials know the scams/dodges etc and can smell a betting scam a mile off.



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