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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 03 Apr 23 8.28pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Comments in bold

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

From the man who wants to take us back into Europe.We are in Europe. We will probably rejoin the EU at some time

A man who denies that the EU wants to be a one government super state when the primary figurehead representing those wishing a return unashamedly states that his ultimate goal is a world government.Who is that then? Does he have more than one vote?

A man who would rather whine about the 'Right Wing' than catch rapists.Untrue. I have never said a word on here that suggests anything but that every rapist should be detected, prosecuted and punished. That I disagree with extreme right wing views is a minor matter by comparison.

A man who thinks it's OK to prosecute former Presidents to undermine the democratic process, when he regularly asserts that the law and democratic process are beyond reproach.Untrue. I think everyone should face the law. Former Presidents included.

A man who denies the inevitable replacement of the Northern European British in Britain when the population has been reduced by 25% in one lifetime and 6% in the last 10 years alone.I do so deny, because it's completely untrue. It's a discredited conspiracy theory.

I'd like to raise a toast to backward thinking.If that was all you do I would join you.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 03 Apr 23 8.39pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

Michael Wolff – seriously!

Even the Guardian criticized Wolff’s book Famous for the way it portrayed controversial celebrities.

Several people have denied quotes published in Fire and Fury.

Reporter David Brooks questioned Wolff's credibility since Wolff has been known to not check his facts. Brooks expressed doubts about Wolff's journalistic methods and conveyed skepticism over the accuracy of Fire and Fury.

Journalist Steven Rattner referred to Wolff as an “unprincipled writer of fiction.”

Alan Dershowitz criticized Wolff's book Siege: Trump Under Fire calling it fiction.

PolitiFact writer Angie Drobnic Holan noted that Fire and Fury contains several factual errors.

Wolff used Sam Nunberg as a source in Fire and Fury and Nunberg has admitted fabricating stories.

I said it was a starting place. Somewhere to give you a flavour of this foul man if you had been living as a hermit for the last 10 years. There are heaps of alternatives if you just want to pick holes with this, or cherry-pick criticism.

You cite the Guardian. Here is their actual review. Not just one line:-



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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 03 Apr 23 9.30pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle
From the man who wants to take us back into Europe.We are in Europe. We will probably rejoin the EU at some time

A man who denies that the EU wants to be a one government super state when the primary figurehead representing those wishing a return unashamedly states that his ultimate goal is a world government.Who is that then? Does he have more than one vote?

A man who would rather whine about the 'Right Wing' than catch rapists.Untrue. I have never said a word on here that suggests anything but that every rapist should be detected, prosecuted and punished. That I disagree with extreme right wing views is a minor matter by comparison.

A man who thinks it's OK to prosecute former Presidents to undermine the democratic process, when he regularly asserts that the law and democratic process are beyond reproach.Untrue. I think everyone should face the law. Former Presidents included.

A man who denies the inevitable replacement of the Northern European British in Britain when the population has been reduced by 25% in one lifetime and 6% in the last 10 years alone.I do so deny, because it's completely untrue. It's a discredited conspiracy theory.

I'd like to raise a toast to backward thinking.If that was all you do I would join you.
Comments in bold

So you are unaware of the Rejoin EU Party and its leader who wants a one government world?

That would be surprising for a man who is such a know all.

Which part of the 25% reduction in one lifetime and 6% in a decade makes you think that the replacement of Northern European British won't happen?

Do extrapolate it for us.

And you are still trying to pretend that Trumps indictment is about upholding the law?

I'm sure you aren't that dumb, so I guess you are just full of one nation conservative s***e.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 03 Apr 23 9.36pm Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I said it was a starting place. Somewhere to give you a flavour of this foul man if you had been living as a hermit for the last 10 years. There are heaps of alternatives if you just want to pick holes with this, or cherry-pick criticism.

You cite the Guardian. Here is their actual review. Not just one line:-


You are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome - it's very common among certain groups of people.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 03 Apr 23 10.03pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

You are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome - it's very common among certain groups of people.

What's very common is for the apologists for this appalling man to try to taint those who aren't with silly prerogative terms like this. Trump invented it himself, which says all you need to know.

The truth is that those who continue to regard Trump as a hero are seriously deranged. It's the only logical conclusion.

I don't hate Trump. I feel sorry for him. He was never fit for high office. What I hate is a political system that is so sick that it allows someone like him to achieve the Presidency.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 03 Apr 23 10.44pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

So you are unaware of the Rejoin EU Party and its leader who wants a one government world?

That would be surprising for a man who is such a know all.

Which part of the 25% reduction in one lifetime and 6% in a decade makes you think that the replacement of Northern European British won't happen?

Do extrapolate it for us.

And you are still trying to pretend that Trumps indictment is about upholding the law?

I'm sure you aren't that dumb, so I guess you are just full of one nation conservative s***e.

Nope, never heard of them before, so thanks. Makes sense that someone has started one. How fast it will grow will depend on it's backing. Do you mean Richard Hewison? Never heard of him either, or his alleged beliefs.

The "Great Replacement Theory", which is lies at the base of your beliefs has been debunked many times. I have posted links to these in the past and explained why it just isn't true several times. Why do you expect me to do it again?

It is a white supremacist conspiracy theory that makes assumptions that are simply untrue. Immigrants don't stay immigrants. They become British citizens, they absorb British culture, they inter marry. I am personally responsible for 6 ladies who arrived in the UK from overseas to work in businesses I I owned. They are all now British passport holders, married to British men and have British children. They are bonded to our country and part of our future.

Of course Trump's indictment is about upholding the law. Do you think the Democrats would hand him this much publicity if it was political? It's almost as though he has engineered it himself!


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Teddy Eagle Flag 03 Apr 23 10.51pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

What's very common is for the apologists for this appalling man to try to taint those who aren't with silly prerogative terms like this. Trump invented it himself, which says all you need to know.

The truth is that those who continue to regard Trump as a hero are seriously deranged. It's the only logical conclusion.

I don't hate Trump. I feel sorry for him. He was never fit for high office. What I hate is a political system that is so sick that it allows someone like him to achieve the Presidency.

This misses the point about Trump though that, in the same way Biden is OK to a lot of people because he isn't Trump, Trump was OK to other people because he isn't a politician.
If you don't like it change the system is a battle-cry often heard - well it did change.


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 04 Apr 23 7.48am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

What's very common is for the apologists for this appalling man to try to taint those who aren't with silly prerogative terms like this. Trump invented it himself, which says all you need to know.

The truth is that those who continue to regard Trump as a hero are seriously deranged. It's the only logical conclusion.

I don't hate Trump. I feel sorry for him. He was never fit for high office. What I hate is a political system that is so sick that it allows someone like him to achieve the Presidency.

It's pejorative


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 04 Apr 23 7.57am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

What's very common is for the apologists for this appalling man to try to taint those who aren't with silly prerogative terms like this. Trump invented it himself, which says all you need to know.

The truth is that those who continue to regard Trump as a hero are seriously deranged. It's the only logical conclusion.

I don't hate Trump. I feel sorry for him. He was never fit for high office. What I hate is a political system that is so sick that it allows someone like him to achieve the Presidency.

It is not being an apologist for him to merely point out that his record on the economy and other areas was pretty good.

Did he invent TDR, or is that another of your inventions.

Nobody here is presenting Trump as a hero and it’s pretty clear where the derangement is. Highly amusing that you think you have come to a logical conclusion!

Clearly you do hate Trump – with a vengeance. People only need to read your posts about him to see that. If you were in the states posting your stuff you would probably be on a FBI surveillance lists.

What you hate is a political system were ordinary people elect whose policies you disapprove of.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 23 8.54am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

This misses the point about Trump though that, in the same way Biden is OK to a lot of people because he isn't Trump, Trump was OK to other people because he isn't a politician.
If you don't like it change the system is a battle-cry often heard - well it did change.

I understand that, and approve of it. As I said what I hate is that enough people were so disillusioned with politicians that they thought someone like Trump was the answer. If a system ends up like that then there is something seriously wrong with the system.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 04 Apr 23 9.11am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I understand that, and approve of it. As I said what I hate is that enough people were so disillusioned with politicians that they thought someone like Trump was the answer. If a system ends up like that then there is something seriously wrong with the system.

Politicians created the situation but it's the electorates fault for not endorsing it.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 04 Apr 23 9.14am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

It is not being an apologist for him to merely point out that his record on the economy and other areas was pretty good.

Did he invent TDR, or is that another of your inventions.

Nobody here is presenting Trump as a hero and it’s pretty clear where the derangement is. Highly amusing that you think you have come to a logical conclusion!

Clearly you do hate Trump – with a vengeance. People only need to read your posts about him to see that. If you were in the states posting your stuff you would probably be on a FBI surveillance lists.

What you hate is a political system were ordinary people elect whose policies you disapprove of.

His record on the economy wasn't good. Economies take time to reflect political decisions. Most of any upturn during Trump's first years was due to Obama. Most of the problems for Biden due to Trump, amplified by the pandemic and the war.

It seems that the term "X derangement syndrome" was first applied to Bush, but Trump encouraged his supporters to use it:-


I hate Trumpism, not Trump himself. He cannot help being born into that skin, but the people can avoid choosing someone like him. It's that the system they have, and the society it exists in, has reached this state, that concerns me. Trump doesn't have any policies. He just has reactions.


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