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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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JohnyBoy Flag 09 Jul 16 9.57am Send a Private Message to JohnyBoy Add JohnyBoy as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

So the referendum has turned Britain into Nazi Germany and most Leavers are racists.

I think you need a lie down.

Is it more likely that you voted remain and are now trying to justify that decision to yourself with this ridiculous gross exaggeration of the facts?

Can I suggest that you look up the propoganda used by the National socialists in Germany and by the British Union of fascists in the uk during the 1930s and tell me the difference between that and some of the material used in the leave campaign...i think you would find that Goebbels and Lord Haw Haw would have been proud.
And i didnt say that most leavers were rascist, i know some personally who arent, but what is concerning is that some leavers (notably on this forum) will not condemn the arson attacks, graffiti and other hate crimes but instead sound like apologists for them even justifying them....i think its them that need to lie down. Its like they know the brown shirts are perpetuating crimes but are happy to turn a blind eye.
On a separate note i saw a mate of mine this morning who has two kids (aged 6&2) who is a builder who was told yesterday that his firm has had 3 big building projects shelved in the wake of brexit. He bought a house 4 months ago and is very worried about his job/mortgage etc. 'There werent many happy faces when we were told yesterday' he said to me 'but nearly all of the same idiots (his words) were blowing a weeks wages celebrating only two weeks ago'....


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Hoof Hearted 09 Jul 16 11.16am

Can't ignore this... sorry!

You've tried scaring us leavers with tales of financial Armageddon, online petitions to get a 2nd referendum, legal challenges to enforce Parliamentary legislation to ratify Brexit, Marches, Demonstrations...

Now you make up fairytales of a mass breakdown in law and order and hordes of "Brown Shirt" racist thugs are running around our country beating, looting and setting fire to immigrants and their possessions and the police are doing nothing about it and it goes unreported on TV and Newspapers?

Fcuk off... there is more danger of aggression from left wing activists, pissed off by the democratic result they didn't want or could handle and was one of the reasons Farage resigned... he's had decades of abuse from these arseholes... ruining his private life and preventing him from safely walking our streets without the need for protection.

Utter bollocks, and yet another pathetic attempted diversion away from just accepting that we are leaving the EU and forging a new direction for the UK.

NF, Britain First etc existed before Brexit and will remain a minority just as Class War, the Anti Nazi league will.

Get a grip people.... it's been two days since I announced my lessened activity on here and already the mood has worsened.... FFS


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JohnyBoy Flag 09 Jul 16 12.03pm Send a Private Message to JohnyBoy Add JohnyBoy as a friend

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

Can't ignore this... sorry!

You've tried scaring us leavers with tales of financial Armageddon, online petitions to get a 2nd referendum, legal challenges to enforce Parliamentary legislation to ratify Brexit, Marches, Demonstrations...

Now you make up fairytales of a mass breakdown in law and order and hordes of "Brown Shirt" racist thugs are running around our country beating, looting and setting fire to immigrants and their possessions and the police are doing nothing about it and it goes unreported on TV and Newspapers?

Fcuk off... there is more danger of aggression from left wing activists, pissed off by the democratic result they didn't want or could handle and was one of the reasons Farage resigned... he's had decades of abuse from these arseholes... ruining his private life and preventing him from safely walking our streets without the need for protection.

Utter bollocks, and yet another pathetic attempted diversion away from just accepting that we are leaving the EU and forging a new direction for the UK.

NF, Britain First etc existed before Brexit and will remain a minority just as Class War, the Anti Nazi league will.

Get a grip people.... it's been two days since I announced my lessened activity on here and already the mood has worsened.... FFS

Haha hoof!!! your retirement didnt last long, but welcome back!
I see you are desperately looking for someone else to blame again but you really cant blame anyone else for this catastrophe that as been caused by the leave vote. I'afraid the legacy for the sterling crisis, the biggest drop in consumer confidence in 21 years, the biggest constitutional crisis since ww2 and the estimated 1 million distressed households will lie firmly at leave voters feet.
I know you wont agree and will desperately look to scapegoat someone else but please just throw humanity a bone and condemn hate crime, because the leave voters silence on this issue is truly disgusting


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-TUX- Flag Alphabettispaghetti 09 Jul 16 12.08pm Send a Private Message to -TUX- Add -TUX- as a friend

Originally posted by JohnyBoy

Haha hoof!!! your retirement didnt last long, but welcome back!
I see you are desperately looking for someone else to blame again but you really cant blame anyone else for this catastrophe that as been caused by the leave vote. I'afraid the legacy for the sterling crisis, the biggest drop in consumer confidence in 21 years, the biggest constitutional crisis since ww2 and the estimated 1 million distressed households will lie firmly at leave voters feet.
I know you wont agree and will desperately look to scapegoat someone else but please just throw humanity a bone and condemn hate crime, because the leave voters silence on this issue is truly disgusting

You appear to have something in common


Time to move forward together.

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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 09 Jul 16 12.10pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

Can't ignore this... sorry!

You've tried scaring us leavers with tales of financial Armageddon, online petitions to get a 2nd referendum, legal challenges to enforce Parliamentary legislation to ratify Brexit, Marches, Demonstrations...

Now you make up fairytales of a mass breakdown in law and order and hordes of "Brown Shirt" racist thugs are running around our country beating, looting and setting fire to immigrants and their possessions and the police are doing nothing about it and it goes unreported on TV and Newspapers?

Fcuk off... there is more danger of aggression from left wing activists, pissed off by the democratic result they didn't want or could handle and was one of the reasons Farage resigned... he's had decades of abuse from these arseholes... ruining his private life and preventing him from safely walking our streets without the need for protection.

Utter bollocks, and yet another pathetic attempted diversion away from just accepting that we are leaving the EU and forging a new direction for the UK.

NF, Britain First etc existed before Brexit and will remain a minority just as Class War, the Anti Nazi league will.

Get a grip people.... it's been two days since I announced my lessened activity on here and already the mood has worsened.... FFS

What an excellent post.Well done Hoof.


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Hoof Hearted 09 Jul 16 12.11pm

Originally posted by JohnyBoy

Haha hoof!!! your retirement didnt last long, but welcome back!
I see you are desperately looking for someone else to blame again but you really cant blame anyone else for this catastrophe that as been caused by the leave vote. I'afraid the legacy for the sterling crisis, the biggest drop in consumer confidence in 21 years, the biggest constitutional crisis since ww2 and the estimated 1 million distressed households will lie firmly at leave voters feet.
I know you wont agree and will desperately look to scapegoat someone else but please just throw humanity a bone and condemn hate crime, because the leave voters silence on this issue is truly disgusting

of course I condemn hate crime, so does Hrolf, Cucking et al.

But if you're trying to say that Brexit has turned 17 Million people into Nazis you're wrong mate.

I'm sure the whole country is watching events unfold in the USA and are thankful that we live here where the overwhelmingly majority of people treat all races with an even hand.

As I said to you before though, we didn't hear much condemnation by your lot as Farage was subjected to hate crime.

I really am trying to wean myself off this site lads.

Let me go!


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JohnyBoy Flag 09 Jul 16 12.16pm Send a Private Message to JohnyBoy Add JohnyBoy as a friend

Originally posted by Hoof Hearted

of course I condemn hate crime, so does Hrolf, Cucking et al.

But if you're trying to say that Brexit has turned 17 Million people into Nazis you're wrong mate.

I'm sure the whole country is watching events unfold in the USA and are thankful that we live here where the overwhelmingly majority of people treat all races with an even hand.

As I said to you before though, we didn't hear much condemnation by your lot as Farage was subjected to hate crime.

I really am trying to wean myself off this site lads.

Let me go!

Sorry hoof, cant let you go that easily, too many rats have left the ship you have just sunk, plus to be honest the HOL is a better place with you on it.
I condemn all race attacks on Nigel Farage, and i dont think there are 17 million nazis but about 5million far right (and left) dangerous bigots sounds about right to me


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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 09 Jul 16 2.09pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by JohnyBoy

Sorry hoof, cant let you go that easily, too many rats have left the ship you have just sunk, plus to be honest the HOL is a better place with you on it.
I condemn all race attacks on Nigel Farage, and i dont think there are 17 million nazis but about 5million far right (and left) dangerous bigots sounds about right to me

This sounds like a figure you've plucked from the air to validate your (mistaken) belief that the country is slipping into extremism. I have no idea how old you are but I can assure you that Great Britain simply does not 'do' extremism, either now or historically, having been exposed to existential crises of significantly greater magnitude than simply voting to reject membership of an incipient super-state.

Go easy on the hyperbole, old chap.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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SloveniaDave Flag Tirana, Albania 09 Jul 16 2.29pm Send a Private Message to SloveniaDave Add SloveniaDave as a friend

Originally posted by Cucking Funt

This sounds like a figure you've plucked from the air to validate your (mistaken) belief that the country is slipping into extremism. I have no idea how old you are but I can assure you that Great Britain simply does not 'do' extremism, either now or historically, having been exposed to existential crises of significantly greater magnitude than simply voting to reject membership of an incipient super-state.

Go easy on the hyperbole, old chap.

It sounds like it to me too, but equally it doesn't sound outrageous. Maybe its only 3m? 3m would be 1 in 20 of the population and I am pretty sure 1 in 20 of the population are racists - whether they object to people's colour, to other ethnic groups coming and taking our jobs, or jewish people conspiring to take over the world.

Even if it is only 2m, that would be plenty enough to have won the referendum.

Us remainers may be 'pant-wetting', anti-democratic, out-of-touch liberals, but the Brexiteers have to accept that they are in bed with a very nasty strand of racists and that the racist element in the brexit vote was very significant.

If this referendum has shown anything, it is that referendums are a very stupid way of making decisions (I knew that already), and that mature, representative democracy has an absolute duty to protect people from themselves.

There are many within the political elite who pay lip service to the referendum saying, "we should respect the will of the people....." but then clearly acting as if they intend to defy the result or at least water it down as far as possible.

I know they have to play to the balcony in doing so but I hope it will not be too long before someone of some stature comes out and says that we should 'listen' to the voice of the people and address many of their concerns, but for the good of our own country, as well as others, we should remain within the EU and, in a binary sense, ignore the referendum result.

Some things are much more important than counting heads.


Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand!

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

(Member of the School of Optimism 1969-2016 inclusive)

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JohnyBoy Flag 09 Jul 16 2.30pm Send a Private Message to JohnyBoy Add JohnyBoy as a friend

Originally posted by Cucking Funt

This sounds like a figure you've plucked from the air to validate your (mistaken) belief that the country is slipping into extremism. I have no idea how old you are but I can assure you that Great Britain simply does not 'do' extremism, either now or historically, having been exposed to existential crises of significantly greater magnitude than simply voting to reject membership of an incipient super-state.

Go easy on the hyperbole, old chap.

I hope you are right cucking because the rise of far right (or left) nationalism that has become mainstream in the media and politics not just in the uk but also across europe and the usa is i believe a major concern....incited by the divisive campaign literature that scapegoated government austerity on immigrants. The resultant leave vote means leave the eu but this shouldnt have emboldened people towards hate crimes and 'send em all back now' attitudes


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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 09 Jul 16 2.40pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by JohnyBoy

I hope you are right cucking because the rise of far right (or left) nationalism that has become mainstream in the media and politics not just in the uk but also across europe and the usa is i believe a major concern....incited by the divisive campaign literature that scapegoated government austerity on immigrants. The resultant leave vote means leave the eu but this shouldnt have emboldened people towards hate crimes and 'send em all back now' attitudes

You obviously weren't around in the 70s. These things were far more mainstream then than they are now, and were a far greater concern. As I said, Britain is a moderate country by tradition and the political landscape, in spite of your suggestion that we're in constitutional crisis, is simply far, far too settled for extremism of any hue to even get a look in.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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JohnyBoy Flag 09 Jul 16 3.01pm Send a Private Message to JohnyBoy Add JohnyBoy as a friend

Originally posted by Cucking Funt

You obviously weren't around in the 70s. These things were far more mainstream then than they are now, and were a far greater concern. As I said, Britain is a moderate country by tradition and the political landscape, in spite of your suggestion that we're in constitutional crisis, is simply far, far too settled for extremism of any hue to even get a look in.

I was around in the 70s and remember very well the blackouts, the 3 day week, the union blockades, the closed shop and the country going to the IMF in '76 and being bailed out by Germany and the USA. Back then rascism wasnt against eu people, moreso against indians, pakistanis and afro caribbeans probably because it was because we were a member of the eu and we were thankful that we got bailed out. I thought that particular strand of rascism (i.e. the NF etc) had been suppressed....but to me this new brand of rascism is even more dangerous as it has been accepted into the mainstream whilst using very divisive language e.g taking all your homes and jobs, raping your women (i.e Cologne) and denying you your rightful access to public services and healthcare....all very sinister, dangerous and misinformed imo, the result of which is the hate crimes we are hearing about


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