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Coutts VS Nigel Farage

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.19pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

It amounts to the same thing as you know full well.

They also still exist because of public funds.

We all know that you can see the bigger picture, so why not just be a man for a change and admit that this lunacy does not serve the greater good, rather than hide behind mealy mouthed excuses.

That the result would have been the same had what you think happened actually been true is totally beside the point. It wasn’t what happened and if it was I would be joining in with the condemnation.

That NatWest received a bailout is also irrelevant. They remain a commercial business and not a nationalised one.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.38pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov

With regards to Wisbech comments on the banks commercial decision on cancelling Nigel. Firstly "the controversial views" he holds.
If you are referring to Brexit, then that's hardly controversial since 51 percent of the country voted for it. If you mean the boat loads of illegals coming on from Dover? Again not controversial. So I assume that by the vast majority of people on this website plus everyone I speak to being against illegal immigrants coming in on boats; that this is hardly a commercial decision. It's an establishment decesion.

I would also add that nat west is 45 percent owned by the government for which coutts are part of. I think that's relevant.

Having a bank account is not really a choice. What seems to have happened in society is a bait and switch. Get people reliant on Certain things and then take them away for being a non compliant person. You tube did the same thing. Yes there are other platforms. But once banned from you tube you are less relevant.

Edited by Mattconrov (28 Jul 2023 1.15pm)

52% were “persuaded” to vote for Brexit in 2016 in the most stupid political mistake ever made in our country. Something Farage will go down in history as being partially responsible for. How many would vote the same way today? 20%? 30%? 40%? I bet no one would seriously anticipate any higher than 40%!

Everyone, me included, wants illegal immigration curtailed.

It’s not for commercial businesses to supply essential services to everyone unless so ordered by the government, who have to underwrite the risks involved.

That particularity applies to social media companies, especially where there is a lot of competition and no one gets frozen out of speaking their mind. It’s up to each platform to determine its own standards and target its own audience, to achieve the maximum advertising revenue it can. They aren’t public utilities. They are profit making businesses.

There are lots of bank accounts available but should it happen that any group of people are unable to secure even a basic service then government intervention could become necessary and make such provision mandatory, probably at a cost. We are though a long way from that point yet.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.40pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

The key point is that Farage holds views that the majority share.
They are only controversial for a small noisy part of society.

Those that have put their eggs in the woke basket are afraid that he might upset their apple cart. If you can forgive the mixed metaphors.

Do you seriously believe that the majority of your fellow citizens agree with Farage’s politics? Seriously?

If so you need to get out more.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.45pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov


More importantly in my opinion; the people who disagree with Nigel and have the most influence, are the establishment. The people at coutts are on some level being directed. Because it makes absolutely no commercial business sense. See Bud light for more details. Lol

I doubt that anyone in the “establishment” were involved.

It looks to me like a deliberate attempt to reposition their image. One that backfired in spectacular fashion but whose motivation was pure, albeit not appreciated here.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.47pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by palace99

Clearly not as this has been front page news for over a week.
It would appear Farage has a lot of supporters in the media and so has controlled the newsflow.

This is a nothing story really and should never have been front page news.

So true. Farage has been aided and abetted by the right-wing press.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.50pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Absolutely. The media and business generally has decided to adopt Marxist ideas whether they realise it or not. They largely control the flow of ideas through news, advertising and fiction.

Do you look under your bed for reds before you sleep?

You see them everywhere. Is your real name McCarthy?


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 9.54pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov


Farage sells papers. The BBC certainly lied to us about the real reasons he was cancelled. This is certainly not a nothing story as it is already affecting ordinary folk and could affect any of us in the near future.

As I said in my original comments. The establishment are against Farage. Some of the media may be friends of his. But for one they are not the establishment. If their ability to earn money is taken away then they will soon go against him. Also I believe the people backing Nigel may even have said it out of self preservation. Even someone from the gaurdian was on his side.

Edited by Mattconrov (28 Jul 2023 1.47pm)

Edited by Mattconrov (28 Jul 2023 1.49pm)

It’s not going to affect anyone else unless they are a PEP who could create image issues for a bank.

You are swallowing the bs propaganda fed to you by Farage and spun into outrage by the press.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 10.02pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by NEILLO

Yes, Coutts changed - probably toeing the Woke line propagated by Alison Rose.

And I can imagine that whoever instigated NF’s debanking thought that they would enhance their own reputation internally as a result .

That you approve of their actions is irrelevant given how the City, the Government and the Regulator has reacted.

And what has your last sentence got to do with anything ? As well as being irrelevant, it’s well wide of the mark as I’m a long standing “ client “.

As such, my requirements of my bank is to effectively manage my assets and be competitive in terms of service. I don’t require them to make the decision that they have in this case.

My guess is that if Coutts could turn the clock back now they would happily do so.

Wisbech, I respect your views although I’m not in agreement with them. It’s good to see well articulated debate on here.

The City react to negative news. The Government react to political threats. The Regulator reacts to Government instructions.

I apologise for suggesting you could not be a client. That some wouldn’t approve was probably understood by the bank but disregarded as that will always be true and they didn’t expect it to become public in the way it did when they took the decision.

Thanks for the compliment.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 10.07pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Silencing people that have a different opinion by whichever means is sinister and very undesirable.

For some reason, some on the left now find this acceptable. They seem to have forgotten a core value of a free society.

Shame on them. They have learned nothing from history or from the wisdom of our forebears.

If nothing else surely the last week has proved that Farage’s ability to speak freely has not been impaired in any way by this. If anything it’s been enhanced.

Our forbears would be very proud of our current ability to ensure free expression whilst also giving voices to those who in their day were silenced.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 28 Jul 23 10.08pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Do you seriously believe that the majority of your fellow citizens agree with Farage’s politics? Seriously?

If so you need to get out more.

I am pretty sure yes Wisbech. I'm also pretty sure that what people say in public is not necessarily what they really think.

Because of the culture that you endorse, they are afraid to speak out.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 28 Jul 23 10.20pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

If nothing else surely the last week has proved that Farage’s ability to speak freely has not been impaired in any way by this. If anything it’s been enhanced.

Our forbears would be very proud of our current ability to ensure free expression whilst also giving voices to those who in their day were silenced.

Don't be ridiculous. His price for speaking publicly is to have his bank account closed. You call that speaking freely?

You have proved once and for all that you are of the kind that darkens our society, not Farage.

Defending the behaviour of Coutts makes you an enemy of freedom.
Our forebears didn't fight for freedom just to be shut up by leftists with no wisdom and deluded ideals.

You are the problem.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Jul 23 10.21pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

Where has he been hypocritical during the Coutts affair?

Farage positions himself as a champion of the common man. He isn’t. He is a toff. A privately educated man who enjoyed a lucrative career in the city before becoming obsessed with our EU membership and turning to politics.

He has repeatedly referred to “all the others” affected, without having any idea of either the numbers, or the reasons.

However, many thousands of British citizens living in EU countries, had their UK bank accounts withdrawn as a direct consequence of Brexit. Something he was the primary architect of. Did he speak up for them back then? Does he mention them now?

No. He is a hypocrite.

Prior to Brexit he railed against the EU, and especially its Parliament whilst taking a big salary from the EU Parliament and now getting a pension from it, which is paid for from the settlement we had to agree to.


He also has 2 children who hold German passports.


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