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View Matov's Profile Matov Flag 15 Oct 22 7.15am Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Neither of the main parties have sensible ways of picking their leaders. The Tories rely on 160,000 party members most of whom are elderly buffoons whilst Labour rely on the Trade Unions and their block votes.

If Labour had a more democratic approach they would have appointed the right Miliband as leader and would probably have then won the next General Election and remained in power ever since.

What needs to happen now is for the 1922 committee to change the rules limiting the election of the leader to Conservative MPs so that Truss can be replaced painlessly and quickly before she is allowed to inflict more damage on the country

Why not do away with voting altogether? After all it was the pesky voters who voted for Brexit and then Johnson in 2019? Why not just let the current crop of MP's decide everything for us?

Both the Conservative and Labour Parties are primarily funded by those people you are so disparaging of. Should they continue to just fund these MP's with no say in how they are led?

Or should we let both parties just receive donations from Corporations? Or countries like Saudi Arabia?

What on earth is happening to our political system when people don't seem to care that a Prime Minister can effectively be told what to do by financial institutions? Who can be told to sack people who want to lower taxes and people seem to think that is a good thing?

We do not living in a functioning Parliamentary democracy anymore. We are literally ruled now by people with no stake in the UK's future beyond lining their pockets?

Within 5 years we will be back in the EU. Not to make it a success but because the people pulling the strings in Washington want us on the inside, f***ing it up. The UK is on the side of people who destroy Europes power infrastructure by blowing up pipelines in the Baltic sea.. People who seek to extend and expand a war that see's Europeans killing each other. People who want to see Europe flooded with migrants, just like they do the US.

Your vote means less than nothing now. Purely illusional. You might not like Liz Truss. Personally, I despise every current MP with almost no exceptions. But to see a British Prime Minister of less than two months, who got the job based on an accepted way of doing so, being forced out because of foreign based (in the main) financial speculators is beyond disgusting.

And loads of you seem to be cheering it on.

Edited by Matov (15 Oct 2022 7.17am)


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 15 Oct 22 7.57am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Henry of Peckham

Maybe the elected Tory MPs should have been allowed to pick their own leader not 160,000 party members. It could have been a very different outcome. She's probably not wanted by the majority of her MPs but she will cling on to her position for dear life until she's ousted. I hope it's sooner rather than later because she's tarnishing the role and reputation of a British PM in the eyes of the world.

Hang on, was it not the MPs who actually voted it down to the two finalists?
Whilst at the same time knowing that party members would have the final vote!


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Oct 22 8.14am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Midlands Eagle

Neither of the main parties have sensible ways of picking their leaders. The Tories rely on 160,000 party members most of whom are elderly buffoons whilst Labour rely on the Trade Unions and their block votes.

If Labour had a more democratic approach they would have appointed the right Miliband as leader and would probably have then won the next General Election and remained in power ever since.

What needs to happen now is for the 1922 committee to change the rules limiting the election of the leader to Conservative MPs so that Truss can be replaced painlessly and quickly before she is allowed to inflict more damage on the country

All true and what I have been arguing for a while now. Let's see if our resident Tory party member agrees and/or has the courage to admit he was wrong and is prepared to do something about it.

The government could do us all a favour by commissioning a report into the way political parties are funded, and how they choose their leaders, with a remit to recommend recommendations for change to be implemented legally. That might restore some integrity. as well as enabling Labour to modernise.

Whilst the current way might have served the conditions of the past, it no longer serves us.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Oct 22 8.16am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Hang on, was it not the MPs who actually voted it down to the two finalists?
Whilst at the same time knowing that party members would have the final vote!

There was a large amount of tactical voting involved. Which looks like it misfired.


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View Henry of Peckham's Profile Henry of Peckham Flag Eton Mess 15 Oct 22 8.24am Send a Private Message to Henry of Peckham Add Henry of Peckham as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Hang on, was it not the MPs who actually voted it down to the two finalists?
Whilst at the same time knowing that party members would have the final vote!

Yes, you're right. She kicked off with just 14% of their support and then they eliminated those standing until there were just two. Tory MPs selected the final two candidates and party members gave her 57% of their votes. On that basis, we probably need a General Election to have a good clear out.
I heard on local radio yesterday that given the current 'swing' to Labour the only constituency in 'true blue' Kent that would remain Tory would be Sevenoaks. If that was correct, they'd be in for a good hammering at the polls.

Edited by Henry of Peckham (15 Oct 2022 8.34am)


Denial is not just a river in Egypt

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View Midlands Eagle's Profile Midlands Eagle Flag 15 Oct 22 8.39am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Henry of Peckham

On that basis, we probably need a General Election to have a good clear out.

That would probably result in a hung parliament which would be almost as bad as what we have at the moment.

The red wall constituencies would probably revert to Labour, some Tory seats would go Lib Dem ending up with no overall party having a majority and the Scottish National Party laughing their heads off as they would hold the whip hand


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Oct 22 8.42am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Why not do away with voting altogether? After all it was the pesky voters who voted for Brexit and then Johnson in 2019? Why not just let the current crop of MP's decide everything for us?

Our job is to vote to choose our MP. Once done their job is to represent us. Every 5 years we can vote to change them, if we don't like the decisions they take.

Both the Conservative and Labour Parties are primarily funded by those people you are so disparaging of. Should they continue to just fund these MP's with no say in how they are led?

Or should we let both parties just receive donations from Corporations? Or countries like Saudi Arabia?

No. We should fund them. No-one else should have any influence over those who represent us.

What on earth is happening to our political system when people don't seem to care that a Prime Minister can effectively be told what to do by financial institutions? Who can be told to sack people who want to lower taxes and people seem to think that is a good thing?

The "financial institutions" aren't doing anything other than taking action to protect their stakeholders. If no action was needed, nothing would happen.

We do not living in a functioning Parliamentary democracy anymore. We are literally ruled now by people with no stake in the UK's future beyond lining their pockets?

As it looks as though the fact that Parliament's control over government, and not the reverse, is about to be restated, the functioning of our democracy seems to be becoming healthier.

Within 5 years we will be back in the EU. Not to make it a success but because the people pulling the strings in Washington want us on the inside, f***ing it up. The UK is on the side of people who destroy Europes power infrastructure by blowing up pipelines in the Baltic sea.. People who seek to extend and expand a war that see's Europeans killing each other. People who want to see Europe flooded with migrants, just like they do the US.

We should never have left the EU! It was always a crazy decision, as a consequence of other crazy decisions. "Washington" has enough turmoil of it's own to be involving itself with us. I won't bother with the other fantasies. Their nonsense speaks for itself.

Your vote means less than nothing now. Purely illusional. You might not like Liz Truss. Personally, I despise every current MP with almost no exceptions. But to see a British Prime Minister of less than two months, who got the job based on an accepted way of doing so, being forced out because of foreign based (in the main) financial speculators is beyond disgusting.

It's beginning to look as if our MPs are finally finding the means to actually do what they ought to do. They bottled it over Brexit. Let's hope they don't with this. That you might accept this way doesn't make it right, or unchangeable.

And loads of you seem to be cheering it on.

No-one's cheering. These last months have seen the nadir of our politics. What is now being felt is hope. Any cheering will only happen if it's fulfilled.

Edited by Matov (15 Oct 2022 7.17am)


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View Far away fan's Profile Far away fan Flag On the border of jungle 15 Oct 22 8.52am Send a Private Message to Far away fan Add Far away fan as a friend

This is the bank off England that has caused this, god help us with a Labour government


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View Spiderman's Profile Spiderman Flag Horsham 15 Oct 22 9.04am Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

There was a large amount of tactical voting involved. Which looks like it misfired.

Indeed. MPs wanted Sunak, membership didn’t. MPs got rid of all candidates they thought would beat Sunak and completely misread the membership


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View Nicholas91's Profile Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 15 Oct 22 9.18am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

A number of very politically motivated posts on here which I understand however my aversion to ideological and party loyalty seems to have piqued of late given the current state of things.

I had heard rumours of Truss, which for me will always be nothing but that as I am always disinclined to just align with subjective opinions, especially with that which ought be taken very seriously and most are rarely experts on, however they do seem somewhat prophetic when the reality plays out as such.

As things stand, this country is actually in a far worse state than I think most people recognise, I am very typically in a position where I could fall into such a trap as 'I'm OK'. Truss reminds me of that person who tells a very risque joke or expresses a controversial opinion in a social scenario which they know full well might go down awfully. This is not a time for somebody who for all the world looks to be lapping up the attention with an inane grin on their face as some sort of recognition for the farce of the whole affair. Nor do we need anybody who for all the world looks as though they are playing a political game and has therefore cultivated the image of the kind of PM they think they should be and ultimately trying to play that charade out. Now is the time for somebody who looks quite stressed and media shy in the role. A person who is purely in post to do the best they possibly can in terms of rebooting the economy, establishing some stability and protecting the most vulnerable in society. That for me transcends any political allegiance or desire.

Truss is in power through what has to be, and I certainly hope is, purely tactical voting on behalf of the Tories. The only tactic for consideration at the moment must be for voting in the most competent and effective individual to lead us in once again, a quite unfamiliar period in terms of it's peril and threat to the nation.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 15 Oct 22 9.37am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

All true and what I have been arguing for a while now. Let's see if our resident Tory party member agrees and/or has the courage to admit he was wrong and is prepared to do something about it.

The government could do us all a favour by commissioning a report into the way political parties are funded, and how they choose their leaders, with a remit to recommend recommendations for change to be implemented legally. That might restore some integrity. as well as enabling Labour to modernise.

Whilst the current way might have served the conditions of the past, it no longer serves us.

Tbh you never admit your wrong even when virtually every post on some threads say you are so why should he. As aside some may think the tories actually did Tory things.
A sad indictment of our system is that it is seen a wrong!


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 15 Oct 22 10.04am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Tbh you never admit your wrong even when virtually every post on some threads say you are so why should he. As aside some may think the tories actually did Tory things.
A sad indictment of our system is that it is seen a wrong!

Oh when I am proved wrong I admit it.

For instance I didn't think we would be so stupid as to actually be conned as a nation and vote for Brexit, but we did. I was wrong!

You cannot be wrong when all that is in dispute is an opinion. Actual events need to occur before definitive statements can be made.

This is one of them.

As there is more than one opinion on what "Tory things" are, that isn't.

No doubt you, and others, have other opinions.


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