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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 18 Dec 20 6.54pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Point me to the post where he said that the Police who kept these rapes quiet from the public should be persecuted.

Persecuted? As I don't want anyone persecuted I doubt whether such a post exists.

Because I can point you to a post where he supported it being kept quiet. He expressed sympathy for their situation.

Come on then! Then I will demonstrate, for the umpteenth time, how you are misrepresenting or misinterpreting the meaning. I certainly have sympathy for any police force which is under-funded, attacked on all sides and possibly being given mixed messages by central government trying to do its job whilst being besieged by rabble-rousers like "Robinson" who threatens to unpick their work before it reaches court. Should any officer be found culpable of wrongdoing then of course the appropriate action must be taken. After ALL the evidence is independently and objectively reviewed by experts in this field. Who are most unlikely to be found contributing here.

Point me to the post where he said that once he first heard of these rapes twenty years ago that he was horrified and insisted action be taken.

It doesn't exist.

I was aware, through hearsay evidence provided by my daughters, of some incidents more than 30 years ago now. It was no-where near enough to demand action at the time and only became something I recalled many years later as possibly being a similar issue. We all experience such things.

All that happened afterwards was him attempting damage limitation for his disgusting views......and you supporting him and deflecting.

All I have even done is condemn criminality whilst defending those who are not involved but still get accused by default. I want to see all of those who have committed these disgusting crimes to be brought to justice, for that process not to be derailed by the actions of self-appointed vigilantes and for our police and criminal justice system to be helped and not hindered.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 4.52pm)


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 18 Dec 20 6.54pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You said, 'He has posted multiple times that he does'....Yet you fail to produce.

You aren't interested in knowing....your words as as disingenuous as his are. It's a fact that he did defend the Police keeping the news of these rapes from public knowledge.

This is the reality of your 'ethics'.

Myself and I'm sure Hrolf and others condemn apologists who make excuses for the Police and public institutions for enabling what happened for years upon years.

We still await justice for the victims against those responsible for those policies.

Those who make excuses for what happened deserve no defence.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 5.26pm)

As I recall he, like I, said we needed to allow proper justice to take place.

Your modus operandi is to never let anyone have the last word. As a result you constantly post, bludgeoning anyone with a different view from you into giving up posting. On any topic. In any thread. Made worse by the myriad of like-minded drones that fawn over you.

You then invent nonsense, keep repeating it and in the end people stop fighting back. Eventually it becomes 'the truth'.

In Wisbech you have met someone with even more energy than you and even more determination not to let anyone else have the final word. And he is brighter than you and better informed. This is why you are so embittered. A bitterness that appears to come very easily to you.


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 18 Dec 20 6.56pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You said, 'He has posted multiple times that he does'....Yet you fail to produce.

You aren't interested in knowing....your words as as disingenuous as his are. It's a fact that he did defend the Police keeping the news of these rapes from public knowledge.

This is the reality of your 'ethics'.

Myself and I'm sure Hrolf and others condemn apologists who make excuses for the Police and public institutions for enabling what happened for years upon years.

We still await justice for the victims against those responsible for those policies.

Those who make excuses for what happened deserve no defence.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 5.26pm)

Hrolf will have known about the weirdness going on at Shirley Oaks. He did nothing about that. So why not attack him in the same way as Wisbech?

I blame myself for Savile by the way, everyone knew he was a wrong-un. I should have gone to the Police with my concerns. He just didn't look right to me.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 18 Dec 20 7.02pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Those who read those posts know the truth of it.

I only hope that not one of the tens of thousands of girls who were raped read them.

Still no justice from the system that allowed it....continues to turn its eyes from versions of it and to keep it as quiet as possible.....and has still not paid the price for it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 3.51pm)

I sincerely hope they do read them as they will surely realise much better than yourself where the truth lies.

That justice is slow and painful is really unfortunate but if slow and careful is what is needed it's better than no justice at all.

I am so glad you aren't running our justice system. You would lock up half the men in Rotherham because someone on the Hol says they might have done something.

Finding admissible evidence that will get past the CPS is a challenging task.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 18 Dec 20 7.11pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Hrolf will have known about the weirdness going on at Shirley Oaks. He did nothing about that. So why not attack him in the same way as Wisbech?

I blame myself for Savile by the way, everyone knew he was a wrong-un. I should have gone to the Police with my concerns. He just didn't look right to me.

Strangely I do carry some personal guilt over Savile. A house I once owned in Bucks was close to Stoke Mandaville and the previous owners had a seriously sick child who was being treated there and they got to know him. Apparently, he used to park his roller in what became my garage, get out a folding bike and ride to the hospital on it. For appearance and photo opportunity purposes! Some of the things that the wife (who was very tiny and childlike herself) told me ought to have sounded warning bells. Hindsight again of course!


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Stirlingsays Flag 18 Dec 20 7.18pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

The word 'truth' must leave the lips of certain people like a snail trail.

It should go without saying that grooming gangs should never be allowed to operate. However, the focus also needs to be on the Police and the politicians and influencers who, at this time, implemented the 'eyes averted' policies.

I'll repeat, tens of thousands of girls have been raped in over twenty towns and this went on for decades....God knows if it's still happening.

Nothing serious was done until the Times reported on this while others had been stating this for many years previous. Yet they receive hate for even pointing it out....completely upside down ethics.

We have had apologists and deflectors and they deserve all the criticism they get.

There was a deliberate unspoken policy of not wanting to investigate and of ignoring crimes due to sensitivity on race.

This has been heavily criticised in reports and again, there won't be justice until those who enabled these rapes to continue are punished by the matter how high, no matter how low.

This has been dropped like a stone from our system because so many are complicit in enabling it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 7.21pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 18 Dec 20 7.25pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Hrolf will have known about the weirdness going on at Shirley Oaks. He did nothing about that. So why not attack him in the same way as Wisbech?

I blame myself for Savile by the way, everyone knew he was a wrong-un. I should have gone to the Police with my concerns. He just didn't look right to me.

Has Hrolf spoken about Shirley Oaks? Or are you speaking for him here...I suspect so.

Unless you had grounds for suspicion over Savile perhaps you should be easier on yourself. He fooled many of us and I remember being sad when he passed and suspecting nothing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 7.27pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 18 Dec 20 8.08pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

WE apologist's comments regarding how the Police and authorities dealt with grooming gangs can be found from around page 20 on the Tommy Robinson thread. He received criticism from various posters at the time and has been doing his re-framing ever since.

Here is a selection of two posts he wrote:

On the 09 Feb 19 12.48pm: WE posted.

'Thousands of girls?

Alleged assertion! Who knows what the police and social services knew and what strategy was being employed to deal with it. That others think they know better doesn't mean they do.'

So here suggests that the Police might not have known what was going on.

Yet the next day....

10 Feb 19 11.52am

To my comment that:
'Perhaps you should read 'Easy Meat' by Peter McLoughlin.'

He replies:

'I have followed this story for at least 20 years, well before it hit the headlines, as I have had some tangential personal connections. I can assure you that both the Police and social services were very well aware of the issue for all that time, but preferred to handle things quietly and without it becoming a media circus which just made things worse.'

Hence, here not only do you see him defend the policy of keeping these rapes by grooming gangs quiet he assures you that they in fact were aware of it.

These are the attitudes that have imported and created this problem much larger than it ever would have been.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 18 Dec 20 8.42pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Has Hrolf spoken about Shirley Oaks? Or are you speaking for him here...I suspect so.

Unless you had grounds for suspicion over Savile perhaps you should be easier on yourself. He fooled many of us and I remember being sad when he passed and suspecting nothing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Dec 2020 7.27pm)

He and I lived very close to it. He was probably closer. We grew up with these strange scared looking kids that you barely saw occasionally turning up.


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Stirlingsays Flag 18 Dec 20 8.59pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

He and I lived very close to it. He was probably closer. We grew up with these strange scared looking kids that you barely saw occasionally turning up.

The whole Savile story is a lesson in human nature....both its manipulation and frailty but also the line where responsibility lies and where it can be ignored and denied.

But that's for those close enough to Savile to actually know or have reasonable suspicion.....and to be honest I doubt if that was many who knew for sure.

I looked into the Titanic story for years and I regard that as one of the best educations in human nature, the best of it and the worst of it. You learn the truths behind the myths and how, in some ways, little actually changes.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 18 Dec 20 10.02pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

WE apologist's comments regarding how the Police and authorities dealt with grooming gangs can be found from around page 20 on the Tommy Robinson thread. He received criticism from various posters at the time and has been doing his re-framing ever since.

Here is a selection of two posts he wrote:

On the 09 Feb 19 12.48pm: WE posted.

'Thousands of girls?

Alleged assertion! Who knows what the police and social services knew and what strategy was being employed to deal with it. That others think they know better doesn't mean they do.'

So here suggests that the Police might not have known what was going on.

Yet the next day....

10 Feb 19 11.52am

To my comment that:
'Perhaps you should read 'Easy Meat' by Peter McLoughlin.'

He replies:

'I have followed this story for at least 20 years, well before it hit the headlines, as I have had some tangential personal connections. I can assure you that both the Police and social services were very well aware of the issue for all that time, but preferred to handle things quietly and without it becoming a media circus which just made things worse.'

Hence, here not only do you see him defend the policy of keeping these rapes by grooming gangs quiet he assures you that they in fact were aware of it.

These are the attitudes that have imported and created this problem much larger than it ever would have been.


Misrepresentations and misunderstandings in plain view.

Suggesting that relying on assertions rather than the evidence gathered by the authorities is unwise isn't "apologising" for anyone! It's just common sense. It does NOT suggest that the Police didn't know what was going on. It suggests that WE didn't know what they knew so perhaps the soapboxes should be stood down rather than stood on.

As normal you read one thing, put your own interpretation on it and then refuse to accept the correction no matter how often it's pointed out.

As I pointed out in my last post I first became aware of the issue many years ago, but as it appeared very local and was not something that directly touched me or mine all I did was mention it a local policeman friend of mine, who gave me the reassurance that things were quietly being watched and handled. In fact, from memory, which may well be sketchy, I think some arrests were indeed made.

I continue to believe we all need to allow the authorities to do their jobs unimpeded by the kind of stupidity associated with "Robinson" and those who support him. That's different to "keeping it quiet" and to suggest so is another misrepresentation. If the police think that the media can help with an investigation then they ask them to. What they don't need is people like you taking those decisions for them.

Allowing people to do their work without being distracted by the need to deal with diversions is important. Diversions of the kind you favour are much likely to create delays and the opportunity for defence lawyers to get cases thrown out.

So have a nice weekend, enjoy the game tomorrow and please stop making these false accusations.

They help no-one.


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Stirlingsays Flag 18 Dec 20 10.06pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

The evidence was asked for, the evidence was provided and the re-framing was made.

I'm happy for the reader to come to their own conclusions.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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