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The far right today….

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Irisheagle87 Flag Co.Derry 12 Nov 23 1.21am Send a Private Message to Irisheagle87 Add Irisheagle87 as a friend

It's pure stupidity. I'm from Derry/ Londonderry/ Doire. Whatever you want to call it. Grew up with a stupid divide in which I was part of. Took me the best part of twenty years to realise there's 2 different types of people in this so called world.



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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 12 Nov 23 9.22am Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91


The people who attended today aren't 'forgetting the anti Jewish stuff'.....that's just a complete misunderstanding.

Just like the far left there are fractions within that heading who probably dislike each other as much as the far left do.

You have your pro Israel 'Tommy Robinson' types, who are focused upon what is called the 'counter Jihad' movement. It's kind of the normal bulldog British nationalism that the left call 'gammon'....because you know racism is cool if it's directed at the white working class....their own little hate group.

People who don't really know what they are talking about think this is the far's amusing really but that's the level of intelligence we are working with.

I'm not going to talk about the actual real stuff because those that know...know. One thing you can be sure of is that they didn't attend today. They knew how the media and left would portray it and weren't going to walk into that trap.

For myself I follow figures like AA and Mike Benz among others....Well, the first is half Iranian and the second is Jewish so I don't really fit into stereotypes that the far left like to lie about.

This is sort of where my amusement or bemusement lies.

It seems ‘far right’ is a sledgehammer term to blanket dismiss anybody who isn’t aligning with the current narrative. It also seems quite obviously incorrect - you look at the reports of this evil and political monster that is the ‘far right’ and you look behind a few blokes going ‘are they back there, behind them?’. You soon realise no, they’re talking about those few blokes, white British, with a few pints in them and posing as much of a threat as guests from a wedding drunkenly spilling into the streets.

Where’s the banners? Where’s the uniforms? Where’s the masses, with their manifesto, hell bent on installing a fascist regime and posing a very real and ominous threat to us all? It’s all quite an illusion, sincerely underwhelming off the back of the reporting, perhaps to distract from the fact that when we should be quietly and reverently paying our undying respects to those that did die for our country and others, 300,000 storm the streets of the capital (supposedly) for an issue on a different continent, some even overtly supporting the terrorist regime equally brutalising the inhabitants of the subject country.

Don’t get me wrong, the deaths in Israel from the terrorist attack and the ones in Palestine, including many children which tortures the soul and mind, are absolutely awful and you wish would come to an end. To have our capital overrun on Remembrance Day however seems more of a power play than anything else and it’s surreal that this event takes precedence. Of course, those few who dare to have any grievance against this must be the evil of all evils, or best to paint them as such anyway so as to discourage any further scrutiny or rumblings from others of the whole thing.

You can protest anything and everything in this country and we’ll attach a nobility to it, unless it is for this country and it’s history, in that instance you’re racist and ‘far right’. I notice as well the BBC headlines I’m the summaries are almost exclusively about the ‘far-right’ with the occasional add on or quiet mention of antisemitic chanting, breakaway groups from the pro-Palestine mob, a bizarre boast about successful protection of the cenotaph (the very fact it needs protection is bonkers) and also Yvette Cooper putting her usual thick commentary on things condemning the far right and saying we should be celebrating Remembrance Day as if nothing else was going on simultaneously and that’s the only news. It’s beyond bizarre.

Edited by Nicholas91 (11 Nov 2023 11.38pm)

I wholeheartedly agree.

If I carried or wrapped myself in a Palestine flag, I would be dubbed as "Pro-Palestine". I did similar with the great "Union Jack" and I would be labelled a violent member of the "Far-Right".
Any display of patriotism outside one's abode, for instance a 'Union Jack' on a flagpost, and the narrative is about the 'Pied a terre' inhabited by "Far-right extremists".


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kingdowieonthewall Flag Sussex, ex-Cronx. 12 Nov 23 9.34am Send a Private Message to kingdowieonthewall Add kingdowieonthewall as a friend

Originally posted by eaglesdare

Whenever the far left riot or cause violence or do the exact same if not worse they are met with support, exuses and donations etc...

very true.


Kids,tired of being bothered by your pesky parents?
Then leave home, get a job & pay your own bills, while you still know everything.

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Matov Flag 12 Nov 23 9.34am Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

I am happy to own the term far/dissident Right.

But what you saw yesterday, was NOT from my area of political discourse. Every single influential voice from my sphere was urging people to stay away. Proclaiming it for the very clear trap it was.

Tommy Robinson (and yes, I know it's not its real name and continuously telling us all this is just f***ing tedious now) is a full-on Israeli asset. Makes no bones about that and him stirring this s*** up yesterday has to be seen in that context.

With this entire lunancy yesterday nothing more than an attempt to some how link Israel's 'fight' with that of the European Right. Which it is not.

The Pro-Palastinian march was going nowhere near the Cenotaph and at no stage were the Rememberence Services under any kind of 'threat'.

But the real story in all of this is not TR. It is people like Douglas Murray and Braverman. Asing why they both sort to stir this up

There will be a time to come out onto the streets and 'oppose/defend' but yesterday was not it.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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dreamwaverider Flag London 12 Nov 23 9.39am Send a Private Message to dreamwaverider Add dreamwaverider as a friend

Originally posted by BrentisBack

Go through the posts on here over the past few years. I don’t need to do your homework for you. People have made their point loud and clear.
Getting back to the point at hand. No one has got the cojones to come on here and discuss the goings on of today. It’s a common occurrence. Unless it furthers their agenda, they cop a total silence. And that is the problem with the way things go today. A total silo’d society. Blinkers on unless something sets the alarm off. Pathetic really.

Edited by BrentisBack (11 Nov 2023 9.08pm)

So strip yourself bare why dont you. Dont kid yourself you are not being watched.
Freedom of speech and behaviour are long gone.


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dreamwaverider Flag London 12 Nov 23 9.49am Send a Private Message to dreamwaverider Add dreamwaverider as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

Out of interest, and I mean this very sincerely, what on earth actually happened today (I’ve spent the morning talking to estate agents before travelling/watching whatever that was in Norwood today)?

I honestly can’t figure this out, it’s like a Mexican standoff or something!

You have 300,000 supposedly supporting Palestine, including those supporting Hamas quite overtly, a group who recently committed a terrorism atrocity in Israel and for all the world look to be using the civilians they proclaim to serve as pawns in war.

Then there’s Israel, of course linked with the Jewish community, who have occupied Palestine and allegedly (well I wouldn’t know for sure) have committed numerous and ongoing atrocities against Palestinians for many years. Apparently they’re all involved in conspiracies to run the world and are of course the most famous victims of a far right movement in history.

You then have that bloke, who previously used a pseudonym taken from a football hooligan (inspired of course by one of Stan Lee’s less famous characters) whose leading a far right contingent in counter protests, on armistice day.

Are the far right attacking the Jews again? Or are they against the other side? Or did they just turn up to fight police? Or all or some of those things? Are those marching against Israel and therefore the Jews the far right? Are those supporting terrorists now of less concern than a few dozen of the ‘far right’? Are Israel/the Jewish community the terrorists? Why have we still not got a RB? Or LB, or striker? Who shot JR?

So many questions. If anyone can answer them using language simple enough for me to understand I’d be grateful.

What a great way to honour those who died for this country however, if only they could see what this paved the way for today.

Ill try. Two fold.

1. They do not like people using our streets to complain about issues far away in other parts of the world by people who have been invited to come and live here and are clearly not one of our own..
2. Any excuse for a well publicised punch up. The type they used to have at football that has since been outlawed.

Hope that is simple enough.

Edited by dreamwaverider (12 Nov 2023 9.49am)


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BrentisBack Flag Beckenham 12 Nov 23 10.08am

Originally posted by HKOwen

You have been a member since Nov 6 2023 but you talk about posts over the past few years?

Been here longer than most. Just haven’t posted for years as a member. But was on the very first original site.


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 12 Nov 23 10.42am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by dreamwaverider

Ill try. Two fold.

1. They do not like people using our streets to complain about issues far away in other parts of the world by people who have been invited to come and live here and are clearly not one of our own..
2. Any excuse for a well publicised punch up. The type they used to have at football that has since been outlawed.

Hope that is simple enough.

Edited by dreamwaverider (12 Nov 2023 9.49am)

Too simple DWR, I’m aware of who those halfwits are, it’s that/them combined with the rest of it that leaves me with a single eyebrow raised and shaking my head.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Eaglecoops Flag CR3 12 Nov 23 11.02am Send a Private Message to Eaglecoops Add Eaglecoops as a friend

Originally posted by BrentisBack

Been here longer than most. Just haven’t posted for years as a member. But was on the very first original site.

Really? Posters like you can rarely keep quiet for such a length of time.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 12 Nov 23 11.06am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

All that was demonstrated is that there isn't much of a far right. Just a few ex football hooligans. I'm not seeing much to talk about in that regard.


Red and Blue Army!

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mezzer Flag Main Stand, Block F, Row 20 seat 1... 12 Nov 23 11.34am Send a Private Message to mezzer Add mezzer as a friend


Found this interesting. France is holding a march against anti-Semitism which is being attended by the Right, but not the Left, (Far, of course, in each case).

It mentions in the article that this shift is happening across Europe.

Bit ironic that Britain is moving to the left since distancing ourselves from Europe, while Europe is shifting to the right.

The glue of multiculturalism looks like it's not as binding as we were encouraged to believe.


Living down here does have some advantages. At least you can see them cry.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 12 Nov 23 12.09pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by BrentisBack

Been here longer than most. Just haven’t posted for years as a member. But was on the very first original site.

And yet you seem to have lost your old account.

Perhaps spending so much time on the BBS has damaged your thought processes.


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