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Term time holiday dad loses court appeal

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 06 Apr 17 3.45pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

Probably true, unless of course they want to go into higher education, at which point remembering how to solve algebraic equations is probably going to be of more value. And lets face it kids being kids, are going to form happy memories of the less impressive, less expensive holiday you took outside of term time.

When I look back on my school life I remember largely the cruel indifference, intimidation, violence and bullying by teachers and along with how I got through that by doing some of the same to weaker kids.

The sexual bullying particularly sticks with me.

Did you go to my school?
I never bullied anyone but 70's school was an experience for sure.
I have to say that my daughter is about to graduate and she had some 'in term' holidays when she was younger. Obviously you would have to be fairly stupid to take time off at a key stage of exams but it's a judgment call. I never had a holiday in term time and it didn't help. I was still a lazy b******.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards robdave2k Flag 06 Apr 17 3.49pm

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

so when packing their bags for the family holiday to Florida, what items were included : ?

* Reading books
* School-supplied work-sheets
* sun tan lotion
* beach shorts
* Disney holiday passes.

neuter the parents and siblings to prevent further breeding

Pencils and paper so they don't miss out on "double colouring in"

It's the parent's call on this one. Take them out before GCSE's and that would be utterly mental, but I can't see the harm in 2 weeks when the girl has an over 90% attendance ratio.

Also a local comprehensive to here is running a skiing trip for the year 8 kids. That's one for the have and the have nots. That's educational how? It's a town where white or red wine with dinner means would you like Lambrini or Cherry Lambrini with your chips -so the ability to ski isn't going to be high on the list of things needed to survive in life. If it is that important not to miss schooling then do it over half term - or are the prices too high?


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YT Flag Oxford 06 Apr 17 3.58pm Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by robdave2k

Pencils and paper so they don't miss out on "double colouring in"

It's the parent's call on this one. Take them out before GCSE's and that would be utterly mental, but I can't see the harm in 2 weeks when the girl has an over 90% attendance ratio.

Also a local comprehensive to here is running a skiing trip for the year 8 kids. That's one for the have and the have nots. That's educational how? It's a town where white or red wine with dinner means would you like Lambrini or Cherry Lambrini with your chips -so the ability to ski isn't going to be high on the list of things needed to survive in life. If it is that important not to miss schooling then do it over half term - or are the prices too high?

Sorry I'm confused now. Has this turned into an anti-wealth thread? What does "haves and have nots" got to do with this news story? The parent who was fined is clearly a "have" and not a "have not".


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hedgehog50 Flag Croydon 06 Apr 17 5.20pm

Depends on the holiday really. A week in Italy visiting the likes of Pompeii would contribute more to the education of the children than a week in school.


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 06 Apr 17 5.29pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Terrible parenting I know but a 'friend's' lad is not feeling very well for one day in four weeks but well enough to see, in Bristol, Future Islands, the night before his illness, for his first foray into the full on sweaty live gig scene.


Big chest and massive boobs


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Icepick Tony Flag Chester 06 Apr 17 5.37pm Send a Private Message to Icepick Tony Add Icepick Tony as a friend

So we are currently on 'holiday' in Canada which we took our 2 boys out of school for 1 week prior to easter so we could extend and have 3 weeks. The Mrs is Canadian and the boys haven't seen their Grandparents or Uncle for 6 years. We spent a week driving from Calgary to Winnipeg so they could see some of the country and are now at their grandparents. They've been to various museums and education centres here learning about the culture and we brought all their homework and also additional books to read and activity books to do which we make them do once a day. We told the school's we were taking them out and obviously didn't get authorisation but we have been trying to plan this trip for 2 years and this is the only time we've been able to get everyone's holiday to match. This is basically so they can see family they only get to see over Skype.

As we have taken them out of school though, I guess we are bad parents?


"They got his own song 'He's just too good for you', it's quite unbelievable but when you see it and he's facing up someone - I actually feel sorry for them, 'Cos he actually is" - Ian Holloway

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regal_eagle Flag somewhere 06 Apr 17 5.39pm Send a Private Message to regal_eagle Add regal_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Kermit8
Terrible parenting I know but a 'friend's' lad is not feeling very well for one day in four weeks but well enough to see, in Bristol, Future Islands, the night before his illness, for his first foray into the full on sweaty live gig scene.

It's tricky sleeping off the Class-As during class though.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards robdave2k Flag 06 Apr 17 5.53pm

Originally posted by YT

Sorry I'm confused now. Has this turned into an anti-wealth thread? What does "haves and have nots" got to do with this news story? The parent who was fined is clearly a "have" and not a "have not".


It's not anti-wealth. The point is it's skiing, it's not really educational is it but it's authorised by the school so it must be ok.

Yet when parents do that it's negligent.

The point I'm making is if the school wanted to give them an "educational week away" then I might suggest the Breacon Beacons, in December, learning to catch your own food to survive would be educational in the event of the apocalypse. But that involves a cold tent and is probably less appealing.

If the child's attendance is above 90% generally I would trust the parents to know the child and make the right call.

Edited by robdave2k (06 Apr 2017 5.53pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 06 Apr 17 6.04pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

In the last school I worked full time at the attendance requirement was set at 95 percent.

I don't think the government or educational institutions are using any common sense in this area.

Obviously a perfect attendance is the preference but society isn't just about everybody being the same as the best of us and damning people as 'bad parents' or children if they aren't.

Not everybody's circumstances are the same and while I was certainly critical of certain types of parents as a teacher I also think some others are too cynical and critical.

Success at school isn't the be and end all.....It's the target and encouraged preference rather than the obsessional yardstick that some see it as.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 06 Apr 17 6.06pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Having a few weeks off here or there is no big deal.

If a student has attendance level high enough and are having no trouble at school I see no problem.

What people forget is the terms andother breaks schools have are more of an issue just look at them they can go back for week and half then be off again they need to restructure it all.

The other thing is if you work out the hours spent at school to studying they really do not need all that time unless you have trouble with learning it's like college they make you do all that time full time for 1 year yet you could complete that same course at home in 2-3months.

School education is not everything a lot of what is learnt studying is not even used in real world so many youngsters that got top grades yet they are useless in work place


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 06 Apr 17 6.47pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

Having a few weeks off here or there is no big deal.

If a student has attendance level high enough and are having no trouble at school I see no problem.

What people forget is the terms andother breaks schools have are more of an issue just look at them they can go back for week and half then be off again they need to restructure it all.

The other thing is if you work out the hours spent at school to studying they really do not need all that time unless you have trouble with learning it's like college they make you do all that time full time for 1 year yet you could complete that same course at home in 2-3months.

School education is not everything a lot of what is learnt studying is not even used in real world so many youngsters that got top grades yet they are useless in work place

^^ bollox ^^ you don't have a clue. I feel for your kids, if you have any

class teams become dissolved, and team projects fail.

stoopid parents breed stoopid kids. and the rest of society (childless or not) pays the cost.

Next thing is we'll need parenting classes. And who'll pay for that ?

some parents should be sterilised at birth,

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (06 Apr 2017 6.49pm)


I disengage, I turn the page.

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.TUX. Flag 06 Apr 17 7.29pm

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly


I'll keep this as brief as I can. My wife and I are childless qualified teachers. We both pay taxes to help fund state education, and this thwat takes his kid out for a holiday during term time.

Then the stoopid idiot tries to fight his case in court.
One can only assume the father and his legal advisors missed significant periods of their 'education'.

Parents (not schools) have the biggest influence 's on their child's education.
In my final year of practice, we had parents with court injunctions against them, preventing them coming onto school property. (what chance did their kids have ?)
Conversely, a child who couldn't attend school as he had a broken arm (H&S, insurance etc), his mother brought him into school to change library books every other day. And the kid did exceptionally well.

In this court case the dad may be doing financially well, but in the bigger picture of life, his kid is going to FAIL.

the court made the right decision. Thankfully

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (06 Apr 2017 2.50pm)

This is basically the state saying that they can look after your child better than parents can. Not so in the vast majority of cases imo.

And no, i very much doubt that his kid ''will FAIL''. The only ''FAIL'' here seems to be numpties like yourself given the position of educating our children in the first around 20th in the global rankings????????????

You're pathetic.


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