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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 13 Jul 23 7.04pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

On the BBS a lot of finger pointing at the gutter press (they are gutter) but it doesn't get away from the fact that the BBC has far more of these celebrity scandals than oddly the gutter press or the other TV companies. The phone hacking scandal is of a different level that was management actually sanctioning it rather than individual bad behaviour (and very wrong of course).

The other issue is the "what a person does in private..." so why pick on the BBC it wouldn't happen elsewhere. Again simply not true how many senior managers at large corporations have recently been sacked or forced out due to their bad behaviour, the majority of whom have not been prosecuted so presumably not illegal.

As I said in my earlier post the culture of management deference to the celebrities at the beeb must change. These people have too much power and whilst most are probably not bad people it encourages the minority to exploit it whether it's criminal behaviour or not.

Case in point Victoria Derbyshire.

When the BBC decided to cancel her expensive daytime TV show because the viewing figures were appalling she had a meltdown. Over a period of days she publicly criticised the decision and in the BBC staff canteen in front of dozens of staff she insulted a senior TV executive.

She should have been given a final written warning not for what she said but how she said it. Instead the BBC bent over backwards to apologise to her and she now has the plumb job on Newsnight.

Of course this was just a spat but she was rewarded for her bad behaviour by weak management.

They have to get a grip the idea that anyone at the BBC is that important that they will tolerate bad behaviour is a joke, very few of these people would get plumb jobs elsewhere.


One more point

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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Jul 23 7.11pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

An extremely good reposte Stirls, however, your nemisis that is Wissie is blowing fire n brimstone through his nostrils & his finger are feverishly bashing out a tirade directed towards you.

I tip my hat to you.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Jul 23 7.17pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

On the BBS a lot of finger pointing at the gutter press (they are gutter) but it doesn't get away from the fact that the BBC has far more of these celebrity scandals than oddly the gutter press or the other TV companies. The phone hacking scandal is of a different level that was management actually sanctioning it rather than individual bad behaviour (and very wrong of course).

The other issue is the "what a person does in private..." so why pick on the BBC it wouldn't happen elsewhere. Again simply not true how many senior managers at large corporations have recently been sacked or forced out due to their bad behaviour, the majority of whom have not been prosecuted so presumably not illegal.

As I said in my earlier post the culture of management deference to the celebrities at the beeb must change. These people have too much power and whilst most are probably not bad people it encourages the minority to exploit it whether it's criminal behaviour or not.

Case in point Victoria Derbyshire.

When the BBC decided to cancel her expensive daytime TV show because the viewing figures were appalling she had a meltdown. Over a period of days she publicly criticised the decision and in the BBC staff canteen in front of dozens of staff she insulted a senior TV executive.

She should have been given a final written warning not for what she said but how she said it. Instead the BBC bent over backwards to apologise to her and she now has the plumb job on Newsnight.

Of course this was just a spat but she was rewarded for her bad behaviour by weak management.

They have to get a grip the idea that anyone at the BBC is that important that they will tolerate bad behaviour is a joke, very few of these people would get plumb jobs elsewhere.

All excellent insights.

The BBC is holed below the waterline.

Like all businesses it is fundamentally its people and unfortunately its focus went more to ideology than merit to keep it afloat.

I suppose at least it isn't like Disney.....that's like watching Samson cutting his own hair.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Jul 2023 7.18pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 13 Jul 23 7.50pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

In Ireland, RTE makes the BBC look like the Nick Griffin show.

Currently mired in a money scandal. The fact that so many of their talentless employees are overpaid, talentless, and politically connected..... is lost on the utter shyte quality of 98% of their output.

Their only forte is to better Linekar on the football.....


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 13 Jul 23 8.07pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

In Ireland, RTE makes the BBC look like the Nick Griffin show.

Currently mired in a money scandal. The fact that so many of their talentless employees are overpaid, talentless, and politically connected..... is lost on the utter shyte quality of 98% of their output.

Their only forte is to better Linekar on the football.....

I can't stand RTE - just propaganda. Terrible anyway. It is actually worse than BBC, in fairness considerably worse in its output. However, slightly less paedos, probably the same amount of pervs but our press would never tell us, so we just carry on in ignorance. I know one was done recently but don't remember it being particularly scandalous or covered up. We've had our crosses to bear in this regard anyhow. Someone being done currently but might not be RTE - get a feeling its a DJ of another station. The money thing will be the straw that broke the camel's back. Tubridy will have to fund his habits somehow else now - although this being Ireland and RTE, a large golden feck off seems likely. Incredibly likely - ironically will be in private.


Red and Blue Army!

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silvertop Flag Portishead 13 Jul 23 8.15pm Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

Let's have a referendum on whether the BBC should have to fund its activities itself or by the present means.

Very amusing.


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silvertop Flag Portishead 13 Jul 23 8.46pm Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I'm afraid the future of the BBC has been decided, it's mostly unspoken knowledge to many. It's losing fee payers, it lost the right a long time ago and...well, the far left hate everything other than the far left. It only really exists for old people and liberals.

I shouldn't over emphasize the political I suppose even though it's tempting but essentially the Internet and how the young consume that dreaded word, 'content' is killing it anyway. Once the boomers are gone so shall it be.

Mistakes were made years ago that now would require major surgery to fix and it just wouldn't happen. The left and practical realities of technology have killed the BBC and like the Titanic, it's just a matter of time and frantic hand waving before it eventually slips below the least in anything like the structure it is now.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Jul 2023 6.28pm)

I think you're right on the last point. Dump bbc 1 2 and 3 as nobody watches, it can't compete with the streamers and it costs too much. Just keep the stuff the Private sector wouldn't touch that constitutes public service like radio Orkney or bbc 4.

On news there has to be an international 24 hour stream with a UK centric bias.

Just keep the world service! Along with the OU, one of the great institutions of this country and our spoken presence to the far flung corners ie one of the original purposes.


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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Jul 23 8.57pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

I think you're right on the last point. Dump bbc 1 2 and 3 as nobody watches, it can't compete with the streamers and it costs too much. Just keep the stuff the Private sector wouldn't touch that constitutes public service like radio Orkney or bbc 4.

On news there has to be an international 24 hour stream with a UK centric bias.

Just keep the world service! Along with the OU, one of the great institutions of this country and our spoken presence to the far flung corners ie one of the original purposes.

While you are obviously more liberal on topics than someone like me, you have always come across as sensible.

If you were the default type running that place then its future wouldn't be as bleak as it would have much more support. All of your analysis here makes sense....I couldn't agree more on the WS and OU.

Just the other day I watched a rerun of 911, just to remind myself of one of the world changing events I've been around for. It reminds you of just how much the world has changed...obviously in my view not for the better, but regardless of someone's view the world has changed nevertheless.

The BBC is a bit like that, but it's like the liberal version of Alf Garnett trying to ignore the changing world around a way we get to watch the Dodo.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Jul 2023 8.58pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 13 Jul 23 9.19pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

I'm feeling the constant need to point out that the BBC is publicly funded. Its employees are meant to be public servants - it's meant to be a public service broadcast organisation. Therefore, it is, and should be, far more accountable to the public than some private entity. Stories about corruption and failures at the BBC are in the public interest. The public has some right to know how their money is being spent.
Seriously, do people expect nobody to care that a newsreader can afford 35k for dirty pics? Or that despite the complaint being made in May, nothing was done until the Sun published the allegations? Or that everyone was threatened to withhold the name by lawyers - even though, as stated, these are public servants supposedly working in the public interest?
There are a couple of people here whose judgement is being clouded by bias. Publicly funded organisations should be scrutinised. Private companies can deal internally with things how they like, within the law, of course - not public ones.
Also, there seems to be quite a liklehood of criminal behaviour - stuff that has been proven (proven fact Wisbech) to have been covered up (proven fact) before. No amount of hand wringing and BBC sycophancy makes up for this. If the BBC falls due to its own corruption and failures, so be it. There will maybe arise something better and more transparent. Less pay for people with little or no talent would be a starting point for many.

Edited by ASCPFC (13 Jul 2023 3.58pm)

Edited by ASCPFC (13 Jul 2023 3.58pm)

If there’s criminal wrongdoing, sure, public interest, report it

None? Shouldn’t be being exploited mercilessly for clicks

Ironic that on a thread mainly about how biased the BBC is on basically all topics bbc online has possibly been one of the worst offenders milking the clicking teat. And yes you could suggest that’s to go front foot forward and show impartiality but ultimately they’ve still gone in hard.

Public funded organisations are heavily scrutinised. Just like any business it’s run like a corporate so there are the same cover ups, staff misdemeanours and giod knows what else that goes on at every company that size. Why would the BBC be any different? Twist here is that once things like this are sniffed out, they become headline news rather than dealt with internally. This is barely a whisper compared with what goes on at most large corporates on a weekly basis.

Just because it’s PARTLY (71%) publicly funded doesn’t mean contractors (which is what they are) shouldn’t be paid competitive rates. If they weren’t they’d all be gone and you’d be left with Garth Crooks presenting MOTD. Maybe too premium. Wayne Andrews?

I don’t agree that every penny they get paid should be accounted for. Total nonsense… transparency of what employees get paid, absolutely. Happens and works well to keep things open to scrutiny. Transparency of their bank statements and everyday lives? Nonsense. They’re not MPs. They’re not civil servants. To compare them as such is odd… Even then I don’t think they get scrutinised anywhere near the level you’re demanding. What you’re asking for is like an storyline for an episode of black mirror. I pay 0.0005% of your salary so I get the right to know what you’re doing and what you’re spending you money on every second of every day. Drivel

As for what happens to the BBC in the next decade - I generally agree with the points made around relevance of broadcast services… but they’ve already sorted that with iplayer etc and how their overseas markets work. There’s a model in place… it will survive absolutely fine but I doubt it will have the same reach that it did in its heyday and that it does now.

Balance required in your post, very little found


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 13 Jul 23 10.07pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Did you? What mislead me was this.

It isn’t semantics at all. It’s fact.

The culture of the time? Savile died 12 years ago.



Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 13 Jul 23 10.11pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

An extremely good reposte Stirls, however, your nemisis that is Wissie is blowing fire n brimstone through his nostrils & his finger are feverishly bashing out a tirade directed towards you.

I thought he was just spouting the usual rubbish but now I have a whiff of brimstone.

It all provides a degree of comic relief so I'm glad he's back.


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 23 10.31pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

It's entirely correct and you are entirely incorrect. You clearly know nothing at all about this. Your lack of actual engagement is like arguing with a bot. I can't be bothered with it. You are completely one eyed and bias. Have a proper look into it, and have some self reflection if you wish to talk about reflections. Something is clouding your judgement, I have no skin in this game. I don't know who you think you are to insult my intelligence with your utter rubbish. You must work for the BBC. Who funds them? Who are their pay and incomes linked to? Is there any point asking? Are you BBC's version of Chat GPT? Did you even notice the investigation into the paedophilia and cover ups? Certainly, you are the epitome of useful idiot.

You most surely do have “skin in the game”. The right hate the BBC because it isn’t on their side like most media seems to be. It isn’t on any side. It is a unique organisation which is of immense value to our country on many levels. It holds everyone to account without fear or favour and we must never throw that away. How it handles internal matters is for the Board and DG to determine. Our only concern is to be confident that those appointed to those roles are competent and there are structures in place to ensure that.

I don’t work for the BBC and never have. I just appreciate it. I do have an old friend who did who became the executive director of one of the biggest programmes so learned from him what great lengths they go to to maintain standards.

This idea that because they are not commercially funded means we have a right to control pay and conditions is completely nonsensical. They need to compete for the best and we need to allow management to determine that.

Sure there have been very well publicised problems. Publicised because it’s the BBC. Of course there have been investigations, reports and lessons learned but nothing fundamentally wrong has ever been shown to exist, despite all the innuendo. There have never been any cover ups. Quite the reverse. The BBC are often very hard on themselves.

You don’t value the BBC. Fine, don’t watch it. The country as a whole does and regards its benefits as something we all share and therefore must pay for. I hope, and expect, that to remain the case for a very long time. Any political party who undertakes a dismantling of the BBC loses my vote. It’s a red line that must never be crossed.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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