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Las Vegas shootings

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 10 Oct 17 1.26pm

Originally posted by hedgehog50

Yes, it's called the police force.

One of those strange moments, where I agree with you.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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hedgehog50 Flag Croydon 10 Oct 17 1.28pm

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

One of those strange moments, where I agree with you.

Law of averages jamie!


We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. [Orwell]

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 10 Oct 17 1.30pm

Originally posted by chris123

But we need the good people with guns to protect us from the bad people with guns.

Only because 'somehow' so many of the guns owned by good people, seem to have ended up in the hands of bad people, oh and refusing legislation to control just who can own a gun.

The US needed effective gun control legislation decades ago, and its failure to change legislation remains the most prominent argument for not changing legislation (despite the fact that gun deaths in the US in a year rival those in some warzones).


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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chris123 Flag hove actually 10 Oct 17 2.07pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

Only because 'somehow' so many of the guns owned by good people, seem to have ended up in the hands of bad people, oh and refusing legislation to control just who can own a gun.

The US needed effective gun control legislation decades ago, and its failure to change legislation remains the most prominent argument for not changing legislation (despite the fact that gun deaths in the US in a year rival those in some warzones).

The argument has been redundant for as long as I can remember - such is the power of the NRA lobby - a great, great shame.


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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 10 Oct 17 2.22pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by dannyh

I rather think they help. Shouting Pew ! Pew ! doesn't really have the same authoritarian finality about it as a red hot peice of pointy lead, traveling with maximum velocity and maximum purpose, in and through someone's bonce.

Edited by dannyh (10 Oct 2017 12.08pm)

Chattin s*** mate.
We all know you don't shout 'pew' it's 'BANG' really loudly. The real gunman pisses himself laughing and hey presto you can make good your escape!


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 10 Oct 17 2.27pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Or this



When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Ray in Houston Flag Houston 10 Oct 17 3.03pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by Ray in Houston

The security guard was on that floor at that time because they had a door ajar alarm on another room. Paddock shot the guard through the door but never returned to firing at the crowd after that. Had that completely random coincidence not occurred, who knows how long he would've kept firing out the windows at the crowd. It took an hour after the security guard identified the room for a SWAT team to get to that door...

They have now updated the timeline, and it seems that the security guard wandered onto Paddock's floor before he started firing on the crowd. Paddock shot the guard through the door and only then did he turn his fire onto the crowd. [Link]

So what's baking my noodle now is - given that he'd previously booked rooms overlooking concerts but not gone through with his plan - would he have gone through with it that night if the random door ajar alarm hadn't sent the security guard to walk past the video monitor outside his door?

Edited by Ray in Houston (10 Oct 2017 3.05pm)


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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Ray in Houston Flag Houston 11 Oct 17 3.58pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Debunking the conspiracy theories (because apparently that's necessary for some people).



We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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.TUX. Flag 11 Oct 17 5.45pm

Originally posted by Ray in Houston

Debunking the conspiracy theories (because apparently that's necessary for some people).




Buy Litecoin.

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wordup Flag 11 Oct 17 5.58pm

I think there's a fine line between being suspicious of the powers that be and going over the edge into 'everything is a set up'. There is little about the vegas shooting that makes some other explanation more likely that the face value one. The guy likely had a grudge due to gambling addiction, snapped and wanted to see the world burn.


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Ray in Houston Flag Houston 11 Oct 17 7.45pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

I think there's a fine line between being suspicious of the powers that be and going over the edge into 'everything is a set up'. There is little about the vegas shooting that makes some other explanation more likely that the face value one. The guy likely had a grudge due to gambling addiction, snapped and wanted to see the world burn.

Occam's Razor.

It's like the 9/11 "Truthers" who think think that somehow the Bush administration - the Katrina/Iraq/Afghanistan/Mortgage Meltdown Bush administration - masterminded a false flag operation so slick and secret that only a few enlightened souls have unearthed the truth.


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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youngpalacefan111 Flag 27 Oct 17 12.54am Send a Private Message to youngpalacefan111 Add youngpalacefan111 as a friend

Wheres the cctv footage? The killers house was robbed after the shooting how the f*** does that happen? Very strange.


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