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New manager discussion (LOCKED)

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CambridgeEagle Flag Sydenham 12 Jun 17 6.48pm Send a Private Message to CambridgeEagle Add CambridgeEagle as a friend

Originally posted by Petereagle

Galtier speaks excellent english, and would fully understand the ramofications, amd of course I am sure Parish would go into all of that in the process!

My father in law is French, lives in France and follows ligue 1 closely (his team was liquidated a year ago after being relegated from ligue 2). He emailed me today saying he'd be very happy if Palace ended up with Galtier. I clearly have no idea how realistic this one is but it is a positive IMO that we're being linked with this kind of manager.


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MPE Flag Maidstone 12 Jun 17 6.50pm Send a Private Message to MPE Add MPE as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Getting Worried' by kenbarr

Options on the manager front seem to be running out

Really?? explain??


Just when I thought that I was out...........they pull me back in

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chateauferret Flag 12 Jun 17 6.54pm

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Getting Worried' by kenbarr

Perhaps we need two new manager threads - one for the actual discussion and one for all the pant-wetting and pearl-clutching.


The Ferret

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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 12 Jun 17 6.55pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Getting Worried' by kenbarr

I'm not worried in the slightest but I get mildly irritated by people getting worried simply because the club don't paste daily bulletins updating the world on their progress.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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alaneagle1 Flag Dunstable,Bedfordshire.England 12 Jun 17 7.09pm Send a Private Message to alaneagle1 Add alaneagle1 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Getting Worried' by kenbarr

Originally posted by dazza

I disagree I think transfers are happening behind the scenes and are just not public knowledge till around July time.

You say Silva is the only one that has slipped by name other candidates that you think are still possible/likely to want to come to Palace.

Also yes I do think Sammy Lee is good but there are players like Sako, Chung Young Lee that spring to mind are still on our books I am sure if BFS was here they would have been gone.

Just think we are wasting valuable time but I suppose we will see in the coming weeks and at the end of the season.

What do I know I am only a fan.

Dazza Sako and Lee are still on the books because there contracts have not run out.
Another team needs to purchase them.


Palace 13th 2017/18.

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Nobbybm Flag Dartford 12 Jun 17 7.14pm Send a Private Message to Nobbybm Add Nobbybm as a friend

Originally posted by Painter

According to Jeff Stelling being interviewed regarding his Charity walk on Talksport this morning, Sean Dyche only returned from his holiday in Florida yesterday and he was to join him on his walk tomorrow
So how did Parish interview him last week in London? Did Dyche break his family holiday to fly to London for an interview? If so he must be very interested.

Who said he had been interviewed? SP can't even invite him for one nor he apply for the job without permission from his employer- Burnley had said they'd not been approached.

As I said earlier in this thread, all that has been spouted about our search for a new manager is media driven with no actual evidence (unless someone can show otherwise).


Will this be five? It's gonna be five! It IS five!

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Painter Flag Croydon 12 Jun 17 7.26pm Send a Private Message to Painter Add Painter as a friend

Originally posted by Nobbybm

Who said he had been interviewed? SP can't even invite him for one nor he apply for the job without permission from his employer- Burnley had said they'd not been approached.

As I said earlier in this thread, all that has been spouted about our search for a new manager is media driven with no actual evidence (unless someone can show otherwise).

I agree the impression given by media was that he had, so it makes you wonder if anybody has been approached yet.


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Mwncisee Flag Middlesbrough 12 Jun 17 7.29pm Send a Private Message to Mwncisee Add Mwncisee as a friend

Originally posted by Painter

I agree the impression given by media was that he had, so it makes you wonder if anybody has been approached yet.

There were no reputable media outlets that said Parish had spoken to Dyche. They did say Parish had spoken to Dyche's agent, which people misread/assumed was Dyche. We can't speak to Dyche directly until Burnley give permission.


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black eagle. Flag south croydon. 12 Jun 17 8.00pm Send a Private Message to black eagle. Add black eagle. as a friend

Dyche now 13/8 with Ladbrokes and 6/4 with Paddy Power.


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Reknaw Flag 12 Jun 17 8.10pm

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Getting Worried' by kenbarr

Why have you made a brand new thread to tell us you're worried and repeat what a majority on here are saying?

Just be patient, we can't speed it up any more so why worry?


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rollercoaster Flag Cornwall 12 Jun 17 8.16pm Send a Private Message to rollercoaster Add rollercoaster as a friend

I just wonder if there is some disagreement between the Americans, who want a big foreign name to improve our profile and Steve Parish who wants a manager who he can work with who has knowledge of the prem. Delay could be because they are trying to meet too many differing requirements.

Got to be tricky finding the right man, who wants the job given our financial limitations who the board is confident will raise our profile and knowledgeable enough to make up for our relatively weak backroom team (SA Coaches being the exception to that).


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Den1923 Flag 12 Jun 17 8.27pm Send a Private Message to Den1923 Add Den1923 as a friend

Originally posted by Mwncisee

A manager with the experience of Sam is not going to throw his toys out the pram over the failure to sign a single player. That would only be the case if it was `the straw that breaks the camels back` after a succession of manager/-chairman disagreements. There has been no rumours of trouble between them at all, sorry but this does not add up.


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