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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 01 Oct 19 10.27am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I suspect that Parliament as a whole would now take the May deal but that's just hindsight. We all look back and wish we had made a different decision.

What I am proud about is the whole system, working, warts and all, on our behalf. It's clearly producing huge stress at the moment but it remains our greatest asset which protects us from creep towards potential dictatorship.

That's good that you will be proud when we brexit.
Welcome aboard aussie.


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dannyboy1978 Flag 01 Oct 19 11.11am Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I suspect that Parliament as a whole would now take the May deal but that's just hindsight. We all look back and wish we had made a different decision.

What I am proud about is the whole system, working, warts and all, on our behalf. It's clearly producing huge stress at the moment but it remains our greatest asset which protects us from creep towards potential dictatorship.

I Fundamentally disagree, in life you have to be bold in making decisions and brexit is about making a decision. We are in negotiation not a debating club that requires bluffing tactics towards the EU in order to achieve the best results. The remoaners want the status quo which is not good enough for the people who voted leave.
I think the remoaners are happy to take a week deal which says it all really.


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W12 01 Oct 19 11.17am

Originally posted by steeleye20

Where do you get this entitlement to a general election, one is not due for 2 years.

If the government is in a minority then clearly there needs to be a general election. How the hell can you govern without this? WTF has that to do with entitlement?
It's not like any of the parties disagree with having an election.

The issue is that they want to manipulate every conceivable mechanism to not leave the EU and are doing everything they can to block this (by "they" I mean most of the political establishment, the mainstream media and now the judiciary).

If you cannot see this as bad for democracy and potentially dangerous to our society then you are being willfully blind.


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 01 Oct 19 11.25am Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by dannyboy1978

I Fundamentally disagree, in life you have to be bold in making decisions and brexit is about making a decision. We are in negotiation not a debating club that requires bluffing tactics towards the EU in order to achieve the best results. The remoaners want the status quo which is not good enough for the people who voted leave.
I think the remoaners are happy to take a week deal which says it all really.

I think remainers (or remoaners if you insist on acting like a 4 year old) want to remain, hence the position; remain.


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dannyboy1978 Flag 01 Oct 19 11.33am Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I think remainers (or remoaners if you insist on acting like a 4 year old) want to remain, hence the position; remain.

Yer they kinda lost though did they, roll eye's
Just imagine if the boot was on the other foot !!!


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 01 Oct 19 11.47am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

It enhances his suitability for office in my view.

He should talk to anybody not be restricted by elderly white establishment figures.

If it was left to them we would not have talked to the IRA.

Now nearly 20 years of peace.

Corbyn had nothing to do with the peace process. The UK government of various parties (elderly white figures) had talks with the IRA from the 1970s onwards. The serious discussions started around Thatcher / Major time when the IRA realised it was in their best interests to move towards a settlement.

Corbyn was not acting on behalf of anyone and the IRA has said previously that he had no involvement. Yes they enjoyed their tea at Parliament and the publicity and embarrassment it generated.

If Corbyn is sincere about reaching out to all sides why has he never held meeting with the protestant terrorists why has he never met anyone from the Israeli government? If he had done that I would at least respected him for talking to both sides.

He should be honest and at least state he is pro left wing republican and pro Hamas.

As for the Irish peace process there are a whole bunch of people who did good work over many years and there are plenty of books about that. Corbyn and his publicity stunts are not part of that.


One more point

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 01 Oct 19 12.00pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

So how about your 'losers ' quip just now.
I suppose that's meant in a different way as well.

It was quite obviously directed at the tactics being employed by the government because of the context of the debate!

So not at you or anyone else here.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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serial thriller Flag The Promised Land 01 Oct 19 12.08pm Send a Private Message to serial thriller Add serial thriller as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Corbyn had nothing to do with the peace process. The UK government of various parties (elderly white figures) had talks with the IRA from the 1970s onwards. The serious discussions started around Thatcher / Major time when the IRA realised it was in their best interests to move towards a settlement.

Corbyn was not acting on behalf of anyone and the IRA has said previously that he had no involvement. Yes they enjoyed their tea at Parliament and the publicity and embarrassment it generated.

If Corbyn is sincere about reaching out to all sides why has he never held meeting with the protestant terrorists why has he never met anyone from the Israeli government? If he had done that I would at least respected him for talking to both sides.

He should be honest and at least state he is pro left wing republican and pro Hamas.

As for the Irish peace process there are a whole bunch of people who did good work over many years and there are plenty of books about that. Corbyn and his publicity stunts are not part of that.


Credit where credit's due?

Also find it odd that you see all his work as a PR stunt. Literally no one had heard of him until about 4 years ago.


If punk ever happened I'd be preaching the law, instead of listenin to Lydon lecture BBC4

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 01 Oct 19 12.13pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by dannyboy1978

I Fundamentally disagree, in life you have to be bold in making decisions and brexit is about making a decision. We are in negotiation not a debating club that requires bluffing tactics towards the EU in order to achieve the best results. The remoaners want the status quo which is not good enough for the people who voted leave.
I think the remoaners are happy to take a week deal which says it all really.

This "we need to bluff" argument along with the claim that "that's the way to negotiate deals" needs to be called out for the false equivalence behind them.

This is not a business deal in which bluff and taking things to the wire can pay dividends.

This is much more complex and important than that. It's a series of arrangements that need careful nuances to be all put together. It's more like completing a jigsaw puzzle than doing a business deal.

The bottom line is that the future of the coming generations depends on it and we mustn't allow our politicians to mess it up because of personal ambition, previous commitments or party politics.

If it needs more time then take more time. As much time as is needed to find the right path. Don't set arbitrary deadlines just because you used to do business deals on that basis. Uncertainty is damaging but getting things wrong would be much more damaging.

We are all fed up with it, but that's not a reason to stop trying. Winners keep on to the end.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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dannyboy1978 Flag 01 Oct 19 12.28pm Send a Private Message to dannyboy1978 Add dannyboy1978 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

This "we need to bluff" argument along with the claim that "that's the way to negotiate deals" needs to be called out for the false equivalence behind them.

This is not a business deal in which bluff and taking things to the wire can pay dividends.

This is much more complex and important than that. It's a series of arrangements that need careful nuances to be all put together. It's more like completing a jigsaw puzzle than doing a business deal.

The bottom line is that the future of the coming generations depends on it and we mustn't allow our politicians to mess it up because of personal ambition, previous commitments or party politics.

If it needs more time then take more time. As much time as is needed to find the right path. Don't set arbitrary deadlines just because you used to do business deals on that basis. Uncertainty is damaging but getting things wrong would be much more damaging.

We are all fed up with it, but that's not a reason to stop trying. Winners keep on to the end.



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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 01 Oct 19 12.53pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Corbyn had nothing to do with the peace process. The UK government of various parties (elderly white figures) had talks with the IRA from the 1970s onwards. The serious discussions started around Thatcher / Major time when the IRA realised it was in their best interests to move towards a settlement.

Corbyn was not acting on behalf of anyone and the IRA has said previously that he had no involvement. Yes they enjoyed their tea at Parliament and the publicity and embarrassment it generated.

If Corbyn is sincere about reaching out to all sides why has he never held meeting with the protestant terrorists why has he never met anyone from the Israeli government? If he had done that I would at least respected him for talking to both sides.

He should be honest and at least state he is pro left wing republican and pro Hamas.

As for the Irish peace process there are a whole bunch of people who did good work over many years and there are plenty of books about that. Corbyn and his publicity stunts are not part of that.

You have obviously not seen 'spotlight on the troubles' in recent weeks, if you had your tory HQ view of the troubles would have been severely dented !!


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 01 Oct 19 1.06pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by serial thriller


Credit where credit's due?

Also find it odd that you see all his work as a PR stunt. Literally no one had heard of him until about 4 years ago.

This is a joke right?


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