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Performance of the new government

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 24 3.17pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Behind Enemy Lines

It gets better…solar panel farms over food…

For the Sunnica project, it is said Mr Miliband believes the need for decarbonised power "outweighs the effectively permanent loss of food production".

It is better.

We have, as does the world have, more than enough space for food production. It just needs to be organised and managed efficiently and distributed fairly. That demands planning and cooperation.

Decarbonising our means of energy production is a prerequisite for our survival. You must prioritise that, even if it is politically unpopular.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 13 Jul 24 3.18pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Very responsible behaviour!

Kicking the can down the road and expecting others to do our job for us is a policy that will end in disaster for us, and all mankind.

That can is imaginary so kicking it actually means your kicking fresh air.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 24 3.20pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Behind Enemy Lines

You will eat insects.
You will eat 3D printed food
You will be happy, because we say you will be happy…

Your great grand children will have a place they can live in.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 24 3.35pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

As the world population grows, as it will for decades, we will be expected to have less of the pie. Our standard of living will drop.

Meanwhile, the population is ageing due to falling birth rates in Europe, so our idiot politicians are topping up the work force with immigrants. A sure fire way to make a bad situation far worse.

Power shortages, water shortages. More stress on everything.

This obsession with immigration as the sole source of every problem and eliminating it the sole solution is laughable.

We can, and will, bake a bigger pie using technology and efficiency. Us eating a smaller share won’t hurt most of us anyway. We have an obesity crisis!

Our population is aging due to medical advances and healthier lifestyles for many. Cutting out smoking being an example. Lower birth rates mean we need immigration to keep our economy functioning. That isn’t reversible in the short to medium term and, unless technology finds solutions, possibly never. How to manage the social and cultural issues that can follow the need to fill vacancies from elsewhere is a separate problem.

A growing economy will always require infrastructure. Whoever is providing the need for it.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 24 3.41pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

That can is imaginary so kicking it actually means your kicking fresh air.

You consistently deny the existence of climate change, thus seeking to dismiss the consensus of worldwide expert opinion on the issue.

I prefer we listen to those experts, rather than those who just wish and hope, and take heed before it’s too late. Not for me. I’ll be long gone by the time a real disaster hits, but for the unborn generations who follow us.

I care about them.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 13 Jul 24 3.44pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It is better.

We have, as does the world have, more than enough space for food production. It just needs to be organised and managed efficiently and distributed fairly. That demands planning and cooperation.

Decarbonising our means of energy production is a prerequisite for our survival. You must prioritise that, even if it is politically unpopular.

And yet, according to you, we don't have anywhere to resettle unwanted illegal migrants.


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The groover Flag Danbury 13 Jul 24 3.45pm Send a Private Message to The groover Add The groover as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It is better.

We have, as does the world have, more than enough space for food production. It just needs to be organised and managed efficiently and distributed fairly. That demands planning and cooperation.

Decarbonising our means of energy production is a prerequisite for our survival. You must prioritise that, even if it is politically unpopular.

Yeah because carbon is the only green house gas.........

I've been banging on about methane for decades and now its been accepted as the number one issue.

The report below explains it. But to take one part.

"Over a 20-year period, one ton of methane has a global warming potential that is 84 to 87 times greater than carbon dioxide. Over a century, that warming potential is 28 to 36 times greater. The difference occurs because methane is mostly scrubbed out of the air by chemical reactions within about ten years, while carbon dioxide persists in the atmosphere for much longer than a century.

“That means the climate effects of methane are front-loaded,” explained Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University. “Part of the reason there is so much interest in methane right now is because reducing those emissions could slow warming over the next few decades."

We need to reduce MME effects now. Carbon reduction will take 100's of years to have an effect. Putting that into perspective. Focusing on methane reduction for the next 100 years will give CO2 reduction a chance to have an effect.

Its not rocket science but given how the politicians behave you would think so!



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The groover Flag Danbury 13 Jul 24 3.52pm Send a Private Message to The groover Add The groover as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It is better.

We have, as does the world have, more than enough space for food production. It just needs to be organised and managed efficiently and distributed fairly. That demands planning and cooperation.

Decarbonising our means of energy production is a prerequisite for our survival. You must prioritise that, even if it is politically unpopular.

Solar panels in the winter, when its need the most, are worthless. I know as I have them. Cloud cover, low sun angle, and reduced daylight hours mean that next to FA will be generated when its really needed.

In the summer more than is needed will be generated. But without battery storage it will again be mostly unused. The power is needed between 5pm and 11pm. When the sun is on its way down, therefore very little will be generated at that time.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 13 Jul 24 3.53pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

This obsession with immigration as the sole source of every problem and eliminating it the sole solution is laughable.

We can, and will, bake a bigger pie using technology and efficiency. Us eating a smaller share won’t hurt most of us anyway. We have an obesity crisis!

Our population is aging due to medical advances and healthier lifestyles for many. Cutting out smoking being an example. Lower birth rates mean we need immigration to keep our economy functioning. That isn’t reversible in the short to medium term and, unless technology finds solutions, possibly never. How to manage the social and cultural issues that can follow the need to fill vacancies from elsewhere is a separate problem.

A growing economy will always require infrastructure. Whoever is providing the need for it.

That's not the problem. The problem is a low birth rate in Europe.

The Earth's yearly supply of resources is being used up quicker as population grows.
You are accepting that we will get a smaller share in the West.

Why would anyone vote to have a lower standard of living?

Who are our governments representing?

Every policy seems to be geared towards making the super rich richer while the rest of us fight over what is left.

This is the future you support.


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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 13 Jul 24 6.21pm Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It is better.

We have, as does the world have, more than enough space for food production. It just needs to be organised and managed efficiently and distributed fairly. That demands planning and cooperation.

Decarbonising our means of energy production is a prerequisite for our survival. You must prioritise that, even if it is politically unpopular.

If there is a ‘help’ button in your AI programming, can you please use it to contact your manufacturer to adjust your settings to be less reliant on governmental propaganda.


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 13 Jul 24 6.25pm Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Your great grand children will have a place they can live in.

I doubt it; the third world migration will see to that


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 13 Jul 24 6.44pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

And yet, according to you, we don't have anywhere to resettle unwanted illegal migrants.

When have I ever said that?

Whoever is doing the jobs to keep our economy functioning needs accommodation. We have lots of room in the country as a whole. A particular problem exists in London and the south east for which the long term solution is redistribution elsewhere, which ultimately is perfectly feasible in today’s world.

There are current problems. Big ones. But they can be overcome with determination and common sense.


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