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Gaza Strip 'invades' Israel.

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 13 Oct 23 12.06am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Palestine did not kill the Israelis, Hamas did.

The Israeli state looks set to kill an enormous number of innocent women and children.

I do not wish either flag to be flown in my name.

I spoke to an acquaintance today whom I've long admired and would rank very close to the top 'smartest people I've ever encountered'. That might not be saying much however provides some context.

He brought up the subject as a quick bit of small talk and expressed an opinion of the concert massacre as 'truly horrific' then proceeded to say 'though they're hardly innocent either' in reference to the 'side' that claimed casualties.

Made me smile as it was a very off the cuff, brief summary however was simple, to the point, and reflected my feelings on the whole thing.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Oct 23 12.25am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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dreamwaverider Flag London 13 Oct 23 2.49am Send a Private Message to dreamwaverider Add dreamwaverider as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

There is no chance of that.

Israel has considerable influence in the most powerful country in the world. Just listen to most of the brought and sold US politicians' statements. Apparently they are the US's greatest ally, despite for the life of me not seeing what they actually offer the US.

There is certainly a political schism between the powerful progressive New York versions of them in power within the Biden administration and the right wing government in Israel but sanctions?


The US sends them many billions every that US taxpayers earn....there is no way that the gravy train is being disrupted.

Edited by Stirlingsays (07 Oct 2023 1.20pm)

As a significant part of the global Jewish presence on the planet (some 18m), located in what has historically, been one of the most sensitive geographical areas on the planet for trade commerce, ethnic mix, religious mix and general complexities, they are undoubtedly playing out a role that suits the Americans, as their allies, very nicely in the heart of the Middle East hotbed. The Israelis clearly have the aptitude to mange their position with a similar aggression to the displaced Arabs.
Historically the Levant zone has always been torn with rife and anguish going back thousands of years.
I can't see anything to suggest what is happening right now is going to lead anyone towards a land of milk and honey, far from it. I just hope for all our sakes they find some sort of solution to what continues to be a very uncomfortable situation, but I am not holding my breath.
It is a situation brought about through a very long and complex historical past and I am struggling to see what can be done to position it in a better place than history has already shown especially the recent history and uncomfortable actions and progress of the past century.
Taking into account the deep rooted feelings of all parties involved I can offer no solutions to the desperate anxiety and hostility that prevails. I dont however believe increased aggression will bring any beneficial long term solution. Sadly though I am far from convinced that as we are seeing, the mood locally has little desire to move towards compromise right now. In fact, the contrary would appear to be the case, with no apparent resolution in sight.
Worrying times to add to other live areas of strife elsewhere.

Edited by dreamwaverider (13 Oct 2023 2.57am)


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Sheks Crows Eye Flag Virginia 13 Oct 23 3.51am Send a Private Message to Sheks Crows Eye Add Sheks Crows Eye as a friend

Palestine is the victim of Zionists but supporting the Palestine is mind-numbingly naïve.

Cult-like fanaticism is the defining feature of Islam, to a degree that is foreign to even most fundamentalist Christians. The *average* Islamic society is on par in restrictiveness perhaps only with Christian extremists such as the Puritans.

In Muslim society, everything is viewed through the lens of the Quran. There are large loudspeakers on Mosques everywhere you go that remind you to roll out a mat and kneel 5 times a day—like an Orwellian government reminding you to continuously pledge your loyalty to its cult. Everything, from how you eat to how you wash your feet to even the mechanics of how you copulate with your wife, some Imam already issued a fatwah or Hadith explaining to you in detail how to do it. You can’t drink, you can’t eat a laundry list of foods…

At the age of 13 your p**** gets mutilated without anesthesia in a gruesome attempt to stifle your natural impulses and train you, like Pavlov’s dog, to associate sex with pain. Now, when you combine the fact that Islam is historically incredibly violent towards non-believers (kaffirs)—this is not an environment conducive to truth-seeking intellectuals. On the contrary men who thrive under these suffocating conditions are men who don’t ask too many questions, men adequately fulfilled by petty displays of power such as money or number of wives.

Even silver linings a naïve westerner might think true of Islam, such as being war-like are actually prohibited *inside of* Islamic society: most Imams view martial arts as haram! And the UFC had to fight *hard* to get MMA sanctioned by the UAE, which probably only eventually agreed to and eventually embraced it due to Khabib’s overwhelming success. Indeed, a positive view on athletic achievement of any sort is foreign to Muslim culture, and only recently became popular in some areas due to Western cultural hegemony.

Now to provide a point of context and briefly compare it to the West: Christianity at its most fanatical in southern Europe was *still* capable of tolerating and even *embracing* the Renaissance. Such an open-minded return to beauty and freedom…
…to the exaltation of the glory of life, is totally contrary to the *denial* of life that is foundational to Islam. And history has proven it.

There is of course an exception: in times of military expansion, since conquest of Kaffirs is effectively the goal of Islam…
…it is the successful warriors commanding armies that have outsized sexual success. Islam *needs* healthy flesh to expand into, and without it, it turns on itself and decays into rot.

Which historic Muslim city can compare to the organic sophistication or splendor of Vienna or Florence 50 years ago, before they were flooded with Muslim and African vagabonds? Even the greatest buildings in Istanbul were built by Christians (lol)

I’ll conclude with a real world example: Lebanon. Lebanon provides a *brutal* example of the end stages of Muslim domination and expansion, just prior to the total extinguishing of non-Muslim life. *All* of the best areas are Christian, save for a few that are artificially maintained by Gulf oil money. While the Maronites tend to have 2-3 children, children they only give birth to once they have delayed gratification sufficiently to provide for them financially…

Syrian “refugees” and other Muslims mindlessly vomit out 10-15 kids after marrying 13 year old girls (yes this still happens widely), and throw these hapless children onto the streets of Gemayzeh and Sassine square to beg 40 year old childless Christian women for money. The country is totally destroyed and almost unrecognizable from when it was ruled by Christians 100 years ago.

Forebodingly, the same seeds of destruction are already planted in most of Europe, and barring extreme and imminent action, the same course is likely to follow suit. Very, very sad!


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 13 Oct 23 6.58am Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

The Palestinians lived under a blatant form of apartheid for decades. Back of the queue for medical treatment, frequent power cuts, water shortages, food shortages. Israeli police intimidation. Having their territory gradually taken from them on a daily basis, with border homed bulldozed and new Israeli settlements built on Palestinian land.

According to the BBC, the situtaion as of yesterday was,....Gaza's sole power plant stopped working after running out of fuel on 11 October, leaving hospitals overwhelmed with injured relying on back-up generators. Some hospitals with limited stores are expected to run out of fuel within days.

More than 600,000 people were also left without drinkable water by the Israeli decision to cut off the water supply. Local water pumps and sewage systems will also need fuel to function.

The closure of the Kerem Shalom goods crossing with Israel has meant that food stocks are being depleted: a third of shops in Gaza are reporting a shortage of commodities. The UN says most shops have enough food for about two weeks.

At least 200,000 people have been displaced, after fleeing for fear of their lives or because their homes have been destroyed in air strikes. Most are taking shelter in UN schools.

Oh, and they're being bombed and killed by Israeli soldiers,...with the Western Governments supporting this genocide.


I disengage, I turn the page.

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Slimey Toad Flag Karsiyaka, North Cyprus 13 Oct 23 7.14am Send a Private Message to Slimey Toad Add Slimey Toad as a friend

I've just watched a film about the extremist settlers on the WB via Al Jazeera (yes I know they have their agenda). However, they're as nutty as IS. A young woman, Western-dressed (could have been a young Amy Winehouse) calmly said she hated Arabs (they can't bring themselves to say Palestinian, 'they're all the same'), couldn't care less that an 18 month Arab baby had been killed by settlers and the whole thing was underlined by their adherence to the Torah. Man-made laws have no authority.

I have never seen anything like this on mainstream TV.

Edited by Slimey Toad (13 Oct 2023 7.18am)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 13 Oct 23 8.13am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

The anti-Semitism displayed on here many some posters is shocking, it's like a Labour party or militant Islamic forum.


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 13 Oct 23 9.17am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Never going to happen.


One more point

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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 13 Oct 23 10.28am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

When the pointless Israeli ground offensive goes in this is going to become even more divisive than it is already. It's not going to be solved by force of arms unless one 'side' can completely eradicate the other - which I would presume is literally impossible. Expect a fair few bombs in our countries (not Ireland of course) as Islamic terrorists blame the West, and want the coverage. Just wait for the call to Jihad against all Jews. Think carefully about that flight on El Al.


Red and Blue Army!

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Spiderman Flag Horsham 13 Oct 23 11.10am Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Teacher in France stabbed to death and several others injured. Guess the religion of the assailant


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silvertop Flag Portishead 13 Oct 23 11.48am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Yep, Zionist extremists, who seemed to have forgotten that we defeated the Nazis and probably saved them from total extinction.

The King David Hotel bomb was one that people remember, but that was to destroy evidence stored there about previous attacks on British targets.

Actually, from later interviews, those terrorists claimed not to hate the British. The Arabs did, but that was because of Balfour - one reason the Jews liked us. Another is that we had provided safe haven for Jews since the middle ages, that we had successfully fought the NAZIS, that some of them were British or had fond memories of visiting, and that much of their ranks had (irony of irony) been trained by the British!

No, they didn't hate us. We were just in the way.


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Stirlingsays Flag 13 Oct 23 12.01pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

Actually, from later interviews, those terrorists claimed not to hate the British. The Arabs did, but that was because of Balfour - one reason the Jews liked us. Another is that we had provided safe haven for Jews since the middle ages, that we had successfully fought the NAZIS, that some of them were British or had fond memories of visiting, and that much of their ranks had (irony of irony) been trained by the British!

No, they didn't hate us. We were just in the way.

I'm sure that thought was of great comfort to the relatives of the 91 people that died in that bombing.

Also, I just have to push back on this modern day notion that whether or not someone 'hates' you is really important while they are essentially murdering you: It's just facetious.

It was terrorism from terrorists who are celebrated....that's the extent of it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Oct 2023 12.04pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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