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National Anthems

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 26 Sep 17 5.21pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

No, you just have a tally chart of the number of black and whites on tv shows and make threads about it. So dignified.

More misrepresentation.

I expect better from you Wordup.


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Ray in Houston Flag Houston 26 Sep 17 5.21pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

May be they are. But we are talking about the police shooting unarmed people. You are complaining about people speaking out about it.

The thing about black-on-black crime that people overlook in all this, is that people who kill people get investigated, arrested, tried, convicted and jailed. Mostly. Cops who kill people rarely progress beyond the investigation stage and pretty much never get to the jailed stage.

The point of the knee protest is not the killing per se, it's when such killing is unjustified or at least due to the want of the legally required duty of care yet goes unpunished. It's really about law and order.

Edited by Ray in Houston (26 Sep 2017 5.24pm)


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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hedgehog50 Flag Croydon 26 Sep 17 5.26pm

Originally posted by Kermit8

Think it was newspaper owner Lord Rothermere who said "keep them angry, keep them scared" in relation to how many papers his company could continually shift if they did so to their readers. Daily Mail, it memory serves.

Any right-wing media outlet worth its salt follows that mantra. It works.

Think it was Lenin who said: "A newspaper is what we most of all need; without it we cannot conduct that systematic, all-round propaganda and agitation, consistent in principle, which is the chief and permanent task of Social-Democracy in general and, in particular, the pressing task of the moment, when interest in politics and in questions of socialism has been aroused among the broadest strata of the population."


We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. [Orwell]

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wordup Flag 26 Sep 17 5.26pm

Originally posted by DanH

This column from Eric Reid, who played alongside Colin Kaepernick last year, is well worth a read.


This part especially: "It baffles me that our protest is still being misconstrued as disrespectful to the country, flag and military personnel. We chose it because it’s exactly the opposite. It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.

It should go without saying that I love my country and I’m proud to be an American. But, to quote James Baldwin, “exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”"

Also worth noting Kaepernick first did this protest in August 2016. It's only since Trump's inflammatory comments has it become a huge issue with others taking a proper stand against him. Kaepernick is also without a contract this season because of his actions.

Exactly. Trump purposefully brought this issue back from the dead in Alabama of all places, with inflammatory language and suggestions of firing, specifically because of how he could leverage the racial aspect with his populist base. He's done this several times in his presidency. It's effective as you see with those more susceptible to this here. 'Identity politics' isn't only something that applies to the left. This is dog whistle politics of the highest order.

Of course none of that matters to the usual suspects , nor has anyone had anything to say about one of his surrogates saying that the players are lucky not to get shot in the head for what they're doing. It's all just about how it's 'not appropriate' for the players to do this. Give me a break.


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Stirlingsays Flag 26 Sep 17 5.29pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by wordup


You can believe what you want about my or anyone elses motivation. No doubt someone making a joke online or a black sports player on a knee is identical to someone saying that having sex with children can benefit some of them, before backtracking after massive anger from all sides. In your eyes maybe.

You're so clearly emotionally dead to any horrendous stuff on the right, and in a state of perpetual panic about the left that it impacts your life above all others anyway so who cares. Stay angry.

It's nowhere the same on seriousness, but the principle is the same. Of course you made a joke....the fact that just mentioning a colour (though technically white isn't one) gets you in 'trouble' is completely nuts...but that's the progressive environment of identity politics for you.

I'm not 'dead' to anything valid. Bring up an issue on the right and I'll tell you what I think of it. There are things about Trump or Milo that are problems...we just never get onto them.

It's valid to say that progressivism angers me. But political opinions are worldviews, not crimes...So as I've said previously, there are decent people to be found on most sides of an argument and not so decent ones. I take as I find.

Edited by Stirlingsays (26 Sep 2017 5.33pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 26 Sep 17 5.32pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

More misrepresentation.

I expect better from you Wordup.

I remember the thread. No misrepresenting going on here. You're bang to rights.


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hedgehog50 Flag Croydon 26 Sep 17 5.35pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's nowhere the same on seriousness, but the principle is the same. Of course you made a joke....the fact that just mentioning a colour (though technically white isn't one) gets you in 'trouble' is completely nuts...but that's the progressive environment of identity politics for you.

I'm not 'dead' to anything valid. Bring up an issue on the right and I'll tell you what I think of it. There are things about Trump or Milo that are problems...we just never get onto them.

It's valid to say that progressivism angers me. But political opinions are worldviews, not crimes...So as I've said previously, there are decent people to be found on most sides of an argument and not so decent ones. I take as I find.

Edited by Stirlingsays (26 Sep 2017 5.33pm)

Not those communist bas**ards though.

[please note that this not an altogether serious comment before you (not you Stirling) start on about fascists etc]

Edited by hedgehog50 (26 Sep 2017 5.37pm)


We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. [Orwell]

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Stirlingsays Flag 26 Sep 17 5.43pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by hedgehog50

Not those communist bas**ards though.

[please note that this not an altogether serious comment before you (not you Stirling) start on about fascists etc]

Edited by hedgehog50 (26 Sep 2017 5.37pm)

Sometimes the communists are nicer than the socialists.

But yeah....the far left are human nature denialists who end up having to force people to behave how they think they should....It never ends well...the ends never justify the means because we never reach the ends.

The far right are similar.....But we aren't on here arguing with the far right....not saying they are all far left though.

I suppose it's more an authoritarian/libertarian thing.

Edited by Stirlingsays (26 Sep 2017 5.45pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 26 Sep 17 5.48pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

I remember the thread. No misrepresenting going on here. You're bang to rights.

God sake...I wouldn't want you on my jury.

You have to be the most partizan commentator on here.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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wordup Flag 26 Sep 17 5.49pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's nowhere the same on seriousness, but the principle is the same. Of course you made a joke....the fact that just mentioning a colour (though technically white isn't one) gets you in 'trouble' is completely nuts...but that's the progressive environment of identity politics for you.

I'm not 'dead' to anything valid. Bring up an issue on the right and I'll tell you what I think of it. There are things about Trump or Milo that are problems...we just never get onto them.

It's valid to say that progressivism angers me. But political opinions are worldviews, not crimes...So as I've said previously, there are decent people to be found on most sides of an argument and not so decent ones. I take as I find.

Edited by Stirlingsays (26 Sep 2017 5.33pm)

Unfortunately your hair trigger reaction to the left and shrug to anything on the right is very obvious to see. You just don't recognise it. It's not about 'point it out I'll I'll tell you' if anything that just proves your lack of concern in one direction. But like I said who cares, this is the monkey on your back.

I spotted your post the other day about how you're repeatedly trying to convince your partner to give up the BBC. I mean what a sad state of affairs. Life isn't about being the loudest voice in the room and trying to convince others into fringe ways of living and adhering to your outlook. You're interested in freedoms certainly, your own.

Edited by wordup (26 Sep 2017 5.55pm)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 26 Sep 17 5.52pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by nickgusset

I remember the thread. No misrepresenting going on here. You're bang to rights.

How sad.

I have made you look stupid before over 'that' thread.

Not difficult in your case.


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 26 Sep 17 5.54pm

Originally posted by hedgehog50

Not those communist bas**ards though.

[please note that this not an altogether serious comment before you (not you Stirling) start on about fascists etc]

Edited by hedgehog50 (26 Sep 2017 5.37pm)

First in line for the purges usually, the nice or decent communists. Lennin, Mao, Stalin - first thing they do is get rid of them.

Actually, first thing they usually do is purge the Anarchists, then the nice and principled Communists. You can't establish a totalitarian authoritarian regime with people who might be interested in something other than power.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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