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Gaza Strip 'invades' Israel.

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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 04 Apr 24 11.37pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

Well spotted, thanks - post edited.

I guess semantics can be helpful sometimes

I will doubtless quote that in our future debates


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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NJ CLOCKTOWER Flag Tarragona 05 Apr 24 5.04am

In any conflict, it is crucial to examine the sequence of events and identify the party that initially instigated the conflict. This party, often referred to as the aggressor Hamas, bears primary responsibility for instigating the violence and creating the conditions that led to the conflict.

For example, in a situation where one country invades another and carries out massacres, the invading country would be considered the initial aggressor.

The responsibility of the initial aggressor is significant because their actions provoked a retaliatory response from the attacked country, Israel.

It is also essential to acknowledge that the response of the retaliating party can have consequences that further escalate tensions and violence. These consequences may include a broader conflict, increased loss of life, and destruction of infrastructure.

The retaliating country's response is shaped by a variety of factors, such as the need to defend its people and territory, the desire for justice, and the pressure to maintain its reputation and credibility.

It is important to note the blame and responsibility in the Palestinian Israeli conflict are in the hands of Hamas.The severity of Hama's actions, started this war.


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 05 Apr 24 10.04am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by NJ CLOCKTOWER

Israel generally receives more tourists compared to Palestine due to its larger infrastructure, marketing efforts, and variety of attractions. In recent years, Israel has welcomed millions of tourists annually, while Palestine's tourism industry, though growing, typically sees fewer visitors. However, some tourists visiting Israel also explore Palestinian territories, contributing indirectly to tourism in those areas.Then they are never seen again

Palestine losing out on the pink dollar

"Palestine has been identified by Forbes as one of the 20 worst destinations places for gay travellers in 2021, noticing that hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community is significant, with penalties for homosexual acts reaching up to ten years in prison. Activists for LGBTQ+ rights are under threat by Palestinian authorities, who deem such orientations as contrary to the core values of Palestinian society."


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 05 Apr 24 11.15am Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by NJ CLOCKTOWER

In any conflict, it is crucial to examine the sequence of events and identify the party that initially instigated the conflict. This party, often referred to as the aggressor Hamas, bears primary responsibility for instigating the violence and creating the conditions that led to the conflict.

For example, in a situation where one country invades another and carries out massacres, the invading country would be considered the initial aggressor.

The responsibility of the initial aggressor is significant because their actions provoked a retaliatory response from the attacked country, Israel.

It is also essential to acknowledge that the response of the retaliating party can have consequences that further escalate tensions and violence. These consequences may include a broader conflict, increased loss of life, and destruction of infrastructure.

The retaliating country's response is shaped by a variety of factors, such as the need to defend its people and territory, the desire for justice, and the pressure to maintain its reputation and credibility.

It is important to note the blame and responsibility in the Palestinian Israeli conflict are in the hands of Hamas.The severity of Hama's actions, started this war.

I appreciate you've joined the thread late, but this 'analysis' has been done to death and is frankly about 5 months out of date. Israel absolutely had the right to respond to October 7th, I don't think anyone denies that, but what we have seen in the 6 months following has vastly exceeded what could be considered a proportionate military response in any objective reality.

I'm sure you agree that being the victim of a terror attack does not give a nation carte blanche to act however they see fit - international law does not cease to exist because you have suffered an attack, and so the travesty of October 7th in no way justifies the conduct of Israel since.


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NJ CLOCKTOWER Flag Tarragona 05 Apr 24 12.50pm

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I appreciate you've joined the thread late, but this 'analysis' has been done to death and is frankly about 5 months out of date. Israel absolutely had the right to respond to October 7th, I don't think anyone denies that, but what we have seen in the 6 months following has vastly exceeded what could be considered a proportionate military response in any objective reality.

I'm sure you agree that being the victim of a terror attack does not give a nation carte blanche to act however they see fit - international law does not cease to exist because you have suffered an attack, and so the travesty of October 7th in no way justifies the conduct of Israel since.

Absolutely, you're correct. International law remains crucial even in the face of terror attacks. Retaliation should be proportional and within the bounds of established legal frameworks. Each nation must uphold human rights standards even amidst challenging circumstances.

When you say proportionally what do you actually mean?

So what you're saying. Is that Israel should have waited till the morning at no specific day date or time. Not giving any warnings through leaflets thrown from airplanes, to tell the civilians to avoid this area.

What you're saying is Israel should have invaded Palestine, attacked an open air festival or Muslim prayer let's say, shoot indiscriminately at civilians. Then after that go into a town in Palestine. Knock down every door and shoot the inhabitants and then call their mums telling their mum's how proud they are for killing a Palestinian.
Killing the exact same amount of Palestinians as Israel suffered, and for good measure take the same amount of hostages with them back to Israel is that what you mean by proportional?


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NJ CLOCKTOWER Flag Tarragona 05 Apr 24 1.01pm

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I appreciate you've joined the thread late, but this 'analysis' has been done to death and is frankly about 5 months out of date. Israel absolutely had the right to respond to October 7th, I don't think anyone denies that, but what we have seen in the 6 months following has vastly exceeded what could be considered a proportionate military response in any objective reality.

I'm sure you agree that being the victim of a terror attack does not give a nation carte blanche to act however they see fit - international law does not cease to exist because you have suffered an attack, and so the travesty of October 7th in no way justifies the conduct of Israel since.

Sorry, I was trying to paraphrase Douglas Murray on my previous post. so, I thought I post you what he actually thinks on this matter of proportionality. which I find ridiculous as well.

Mr Murray insisted: "There is some deep perversion in Britain whenever Israel is involved in a conflict, and is the word you just used proportion, proportionate proportionality, only Britain is really obsessed with this.

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke.

"It's a very strange British concept which we've had only the Israelis in a conflict when they are attacked are expected to have precisely the proportionate response."


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 05 Apr 24 1.13pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by NJ CLOCKTOWER

Sorry, I was trying to paraphrase Douglas Murray on my previous post. so, I thought I post you what he actually thinks on this matter of proportionality. which I find ridiculous as well.

Mr Murray insisted: "There is some deep perversion in Britain whenever Israel is involved in a conflict, and is the word you just used proportion, proportionate proportionality, only Britain is really obsessed with this.

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke.

"It's a very strange British concept which we've had only the Israelis in a conflict when they are attacked are expected to have precisely the proportionate response."

Ok, quite a reductive argument. You don't think, for example, there would be a better way for Israel to approach this now?
There was no way of Israel better limiting the casualties of people who are uninvolved?
Britain never lived down Bloody Sunday ( any of them) or the Amritsar Massacre. They are quite literally nothing in comparison to this.
I don't fully blame Israel but it's way, way over the top now - to say the least. For a British situation this would be like carpet bombing Northern Ireland in the 70s. Clearly not helpful - as what is happening now will not be.
That's the other part of this - you don't think this will make matters worse in the long run?


Red and Blue Army!

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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 05 Apr 24 1.37pm Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

Ok, quite a reductive argument. You don't think, for example, there would be a better way for Israel to approach this now?
There was no way of Israel better limiting the casualties of people who are uninvolved?
Britain never lived down Bloody Sunday ( any of them) or the Amritsar Massacre. They are quite literally nothing in comparison to this.
I don't fully blame Israel but it's way, way over the top now - to say the least. For a British situation this would be like carpet bombing Northern Ireland in the 70s. Clearly not helpful - as what is happening now will not be.
That's the other part of this - you don't think this will make matters worse in the long run?

This is sort of Israel’s 9/11, in that it initially gave them a free hand at going after anybody who had p1ssed them off. The US did it and now Israel are doing the same. It’s the collateral damage to civilians that we are seeing that is the problem. But did the allies do just as much damage post 9/11 in their attempts to go after their bad guy?


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 05 Apr 24 1.40pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by NJ CLOCKTOWER

Absolutely, you're correct. International law remains crucial even in the face of terror attacks. Retaliation should be proportional and within the bounds of established legal frameworks. Each nation must uphold human rights standards even amidst challenging circumstances.

When you say proportionally what do you actually mean?

So what you're saying. Is that Israel should have waited till the morning at no specific day date or time. Not giving any warnings through leaflets thrown from airplanes, to tell the civilians to avoid this area.

What you're saying is Israel should have invaded Palestine, attacked an open air festival or Muslim prayer let's say, shoot indiscriminately at civilians. Then after that go into a town in Palestine. Knock down every door and shoot the inhabitants and then call their mums telling their mum's how proud they are for killing a Palestinian.
Killing the exact same amount of Palestinians as Israel suffered, and for good measure take the same amount of hostages with them back to Israel is that what you mean by proportional?

I'd appreciate if you could stop telling me what I'm saying, particularly when it's nothing close to what I'm actually saying.

Your first paragraph is entirely at odds with Israel's conduct - if you do accept that international law remains crucial, retaliation should be proportional and within legal frameworks and that human rights should be respected - there is simply no logical conclusion other than a condemnation of Israel's action.

Israel's ability to take a moral high ground in this has long since passed and your attempts to do so above are not at all convincing - you reference the death toll as some way of assessing proportionality... conservatively, Israel have killed 20x as many Palestinians as Hamas did Israelis. The final death toll will be considerably higher than that. In what way is that proportional?


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 05 Apr 24 1.44pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by NJ CLOCKTOWER

Sorry, I was trying to paraphrase Douglas Murray on my previous post. so, I thought I post you what he actually thinks on this matter of proportionality. which I find ridiculous as well.

Mr Murray insisted: "There is some deep perversion in Britain whenever Israel is involved in a conflict, and is the word you just used proportion, proportionate proportionality, only Britain is really obsessed with this.

"But if we were to decide that we should have this fetish about proportionality, then that would mean that in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday, kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.

"They should find a town of exactly the same size as a town like Sderot and make sure they go door to door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shooting precisely the same number of old age pensioners as was shot on Saturday, proportionality in conflict is a joke.

"It's a very strange British concept which we've had only the Israelis in a conflict when they are attacked are expected to have precisely the proportionate response."

Just pure nonsense - even for Murray, this is a terrible argument.

Proportionality in conflict is not a British fetish nor any other weird description - it's a long-accepted, key principle of international humanitarian law; [Link]


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 05 Apr 24 1.49pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Behind Enemy Lines

This is sort of Israel’s 9/11, in that it initially gave them a free hand at going after anybody who had p1ssed them off. The US did it and now Israel are doing the same. It’s the collateral damage to civilians that we are seeing that is the problem. But did the allies do just as much damage post 9/11 in their attempts to go after their bad guy?

During the war in Afghanistan from 2001-2021, the 'Costs of War Project' estimate that 46,319 civilians were killed. That's in a 20-year campaign.

Israel have already massacred at least half that total, probably a lot more, in 6 months.

Do you see the difference?


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NJ CLOCKTOWER Flag Tarragona 05 Apr 24 2.03pm

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I'd appreciate if you could stop telling me what I'm saying, particularly when it's nothing close to what I'm actually saying.

Your first paragraph is entirely at odds with Israel's conduct - if you do accept that international law remains crucial, retaliation should be proportional and within legal frameworks and that human rights should be respected - there is simply no logical conclusion other than a condemnation of Israel's action.

Israel's ability to take a moral high ground in this has long since passed and your attempts to do so above are not at all convincing - you reference the death toll as some way of assessing proportionality... conservatively, Israel have killed 20x as many Palestinians as Hamas did Israelis. The final death toll will be considerably higher than that. In what way is that proportional?

Well, if you have any solutions. Let the world know. I certainly haven't.
It's a complex situation with no easy solutions. Israel faces security challenges, but there's always room for reevaluation and seeking better approaches to minimize civilian casualties. Historical parallels can provide context, but each situation is unique. The current actions could have long-term implications, potentially exacerbating tensions. Finding sustainable solutions is crucial for peace and stability.

And, it's not like Palestine hasn't been given the chance of peace. They have literally rejected every peace deal since 1948.

Hamas, has also said openly that, it wants to eradicate israel.

That's basically calling for genocide.

I say enough is enough. If you give them any more leeway. The violence will continue.
I agree with a two state solution. However, not governed by Hamas.

Listen to Gazans speaking the truth about Hamas...


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