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W12 29 Jan 19 9.53am | |
Originally posted by Badger11
All good points which any government would need to address. It would depend on what was being imported. Right now we subside Mediterranean farmers who produce crops are UK farmers don't. I would imagine then our farmers would not object to those imports from elsewhere. They are going to want to protect their markets and that is a wider discussion should the taxpayer subsidize UK farmers and what is the future of the countryside and the environment? As for standards I would not lower them unless it can be shown that it is ridiculous e.g. cannot sell straight bananas or wrong size eggs. All of this needs to be addressed and no doubt Tories and Labour will have different views but the point being is that our government will decide and if the people don't like it they will be voted out at the next election. If we start to import good quality produce at a cheaper price than the EU they can always consider dropping their prices. I have no problem with French apples or Italian olives but I vote with my wallet. One final point there are many poor countries that would love to export their produce to us. Increasing trade will help them out of poverty I would we can agree that would be a good thing. The longer this goes on the more the remainers just look like a bunch of cowards.
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silvertop Portishead 29 Jan 19 10.07am | |
Originally posted by W12
The longer this goes on the more the remainers just look like a bunch of cowards. Fear of what?
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W12 29 Jan 19 10.19am | |
Originally posted by silvertop
Fear of what? Fear of being removed from the motherley teat of our EU overlords
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SW19 CPFC Addiscombe West 29 Jan 19 12.06pm | |
'I was prime minister for 10 years. I want to say to people, I follow Newcastle United, if a game is on the TV I will watch it, but I know that Rafa Benitez has forgotten more about football in one day than I will ever know. It’s not because he is smarter than me - though he probably is smarter than me - it’s because that’s what he spends his life doing. You send people to parliament and that’s their day job. It’s not your day job. So if they study the detail and say this is a bad idea, they are not squabbling children, they are doing what you sent them to parliament to do. If you explain that to people they regard this as the elite fighting back. It’s absurd. We have got to have politicians who stand up and say ‘No, that is not a sensible way of looking at this.' Jugears sniping in with his two penneth again, usually unhelpful dross. This time I can't say I disagree with the general sentiment. And that is not me saying we should stay, we need to leave. But it is me saying stop pretending you know more than parliament now they've had two long arduous years to look at what this all actually means. It's bollocks, and frankly paints you as an ignorant, obstinate moron rather than someone with a strong, credible opinion. This applies for both 'sides', by the way. There is obviously power struggles and politics at play (shock horror) but that is no different from what you're all doing when you say I voted this so I want this without consideration for the fact that your opinion is far less valid than parliament as a whole. Sorry, but them be the facts. Segue Finally, farming is not a profitable enterprise in this country, and it's in terminal decline. On the evidence I'm not sure leaving or staying will make a blind bit of difference to that fact. Just so you know, that's not me making s*** up, that comes from a massive sample size of two farmers and a farming family that I know well. Back to topic, boring analogy bit It's great having all these little debates, but ultimately, we're debating things we don't really understand anywhere near as much as parliament with the attitude that we do understand them, in some cases more so. That's me included. But that's how it is. Just don't pretend you know more than your elected officials. By all means challenge them, vote them out, lie in front of a train for your principles, if they actually matter to you that much, but don't suggest you know more.
Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons. |
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Stirlingsays 29 Jan 19 12.25pm | |
Originally posted by SW19 CPFC
It's great having all these little debates, but ultimately, we're debating things we don't really understand anywhere near as much as parliament with the attitude that we do understand them, in some cases more so. That's me included. But that's how it is. Just don't pretend you know more than your elected officials. By all means challenge them, vote them out, lie in front of a train for your principles, if they actually matter to you that much, but don't suggest you know more.
Rather than knowledge on a subject matter what might be more important are the motivations a person might have for holding a certain viewpoint. Lets accept that there are people who know plenty about staying or leaving the EU who hold opposite opinions on it. Many people point out that there is a conflict of interest in the political class holding pro EU viewpoints because there is a potential gravy train for them down the line......and far less of a gravy train for holding anti EU views. I don't say that this motivation influences all of them but I also don't count it out as a factor for some....or those near fifty fifty floaters.
'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen) |
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Badger11 Beckenham 29 Jan 19 9.06pm | |
Still digesting tonight's events but it looks like if the EU is willing to compromise on the backstop Mrs May can get that through Parliament. There was another non binding resolution passed to take a no deal of the table not sure if that helps her case. Anyway for the umpteenth time a British PM will go to Brussels and ask for a favour. So far they have not faired well, if the EU turn us down again they only have themselves to blame. I said when the deal was published if the backstop is no big deal and the EU is never going to trap us in the single market why not put a time extension. If we have to leave without a deal the EU will still have to deal with the Irish border so why not give us an escape clause that gives then 2 years to settle the matter otherwise they will have a problem in 2 months. We shall see who blinks first. Oh and the EU are now saying if there is no deal they will use technology away from the border to manage it which is exactly what JRM and his mates have been saying all along. Edited by Badger11 (29 Jan 2019 9.08pm)
One more point |
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The Dolphin 29 Jan 19 9.18pm | |
My first post on this one.
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Stirlingsays 29 Jan 19 9.25pm | |
Originally posted by The Dolphin
My first post on this one. Anarchy in the UK. ....use to be the left....but in the future it'll probably be from the right....the new counter culture.
'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen) |
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chris123 hove actually 29 Jan 19 9.35pm | |
Originally posted by The Dolphin
My first post on this one. I think the EU have been waiting for us to say what we need and now they know.
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.TUX. 29 Jan 19 9.47pm | |
Originally posted by Stirlingsays
Anarchy in the UK. ....use to be the left....but in the future it'll probably be from the right....the new counter culture. Hopefully.
Buy Litecoin. |
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Stirlingsays 29 Jan 19 9.55pm | |
Originally posted by chris123
I think the EU have been waiting for us to say what we need and now they know. The open sea. 'If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.' (Churchill)
'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen) |
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steeleye20 Croydon 29 Jan 19 10.06pm | |
Originally posted by Stirlingsays
The open sea. 'If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.' (Churchill) Unfortunately thanks to brexit Brittannia no longer rules the waves, nor has done for decades, try Cyprus.......
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