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The Brexit Thread (LOCKED)

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 18 12.59pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by steve1984

But what about a German who isn't in Germany?

Before WWII there was a vast German diaspora stretching from the border Alsace and Lorraine in the west, through modern day Poland, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia, the Baltic states were Prussia, Romania and as far east as the river Volga 2,500 kilometers away in Russia.

What about them, their culture and their identity?

I've already answered this earlier when I explained about the difference between an individual's identity and a state's.

You can't control how an individual identifies themselves. But a state can control who it allows into its land and hence control majority allegiance....if it chooses to.

Edited by Stirlingsays (16 Dec 2018 1.04pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 18 1.04pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Tawny

Ironically Africans have vastly more genetic differences between groups than any other race, so yes the lump em in attitude then having a very narrow idea of what English means is telling.

The point obviously wasn't a detailed explanation of my views on Africa. It was a comparison in the likely difference in attitudes people like you have to the same situation with different demographics.

Still, no missing an opportunity for a cheap shot eh.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Dec 18 1.05pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by steve1984

Surely once they've had enough babies
they will no longer be a minority and conversely they will argue about you throwing your "minority" weight around?

Like for example the situation in Northern Island, where Britain artificially created a majority which is becoming a minority because the number of Republicans is growing?

Or Israel where the growth in the number of Arab Israelis is outstripping Jewish Israelis who will themselves become a minority in due course.

Well at least you accept that there is no advantage to the existing population.
If the current level of identity politics is a guide, the future will be a nightmare.


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steve1984 16 Dec 18 1.13pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The Jews won't be turned into a minority in Israel....that's what you point was and that's your misunderstanding not mine.

Israel's Arab population is growing at a faster rate than the rate of growth in Israel's Jewish population. As a mathematics teacher are you arguing against the inevitable consequence of this fact?

It is as entirely different matter what the Israeli state has chosen to do about this fact, namely the introduction of the controversial nation state law.

A law which interestingly enough does not explicitly exclude Arab citizens from living in Jewish communities.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Dec 18 1.24pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Tawny

Ironically Africans have vastly more genetic differences between groups than any other race, so yes the lump em in attitude then having a very narrow idea of what English means is telling.

So what?

How does that have any bearing on culture which is always the divisive element?


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steve1984 16 Dec 18 1.28pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

But a state can control who it allows into its land and hence control majority allegiance....if it chooses to.

But you argue that the most important measure of allegiance is ethnicity. I believe that there are many other important factors that influence allegiance.

Yes a state can do this. But can it do so without provoking conflict with a large number of its own citizens and / or with the citizens of neighboring countries?

After WWII about 250,000 ethnically German Hungarians were forced to leave Hungary and 10,000 were killed. There remains a large number of swabians living in Hungary. Some have retained their Swabian culture and others have become completely integrated. But all of them have a Hungarian identity.


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steve1984 16 Dec 18 1.31pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I've already answered this earlier when I explained about the difference between an individual's identity and a state's.

An individual's identity is personal. A state's identity is imposed. Hence my comment about authoritarianism.


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Tawny Flag Croydon 16 Dec 18 1.32pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The English have a right to rule in England. The idea that the English will no longer be the majority in England means that this country is no longer England.

That's what's's absurd to hear this nonsense about being concerned about being a minority.

It's about being English controlling fecking England.

I'm sure that if this was about Africans being in control in Africa these same embarrassments would be all over it.

Your idea of what makes someone English remains murky. The importance to you of the genetic aspect leads you to a place where you appear to view black English people as people who have become English rather than are English in the sense that you associate the country with. This is what then leads you to your view of being open to speciifcally IQ testing non Europeans entering the country. You appear to imagine that anyone defending others regardless of their race is far left while you yourself apparently wax lyrical about violent far right groups like Proud Boys. A group acknowledged by the FBI to have extremist elements within it led until recently by someone who couldn't go 5 seconds without saying the n word. Nice company to keep.

I'd have zero issues with the borders being closed tomorrow to be honest with you. Some other countries aren't big on immigration and that's fine with me and with the exception of being useful to the economy I don't really give two figs about cutting numbers. Clearly many share that view hence Brexit vote. However, let's be clear, I throw my lot in with my countrymen regardless of their colour or creed. I have no hierarchy at home and if the country is to have immigration the very idea of IQ testing people based on the colour of their skin and your perceived genetic value of them to the nation is clearly racist and most rightminded individuals in this country would reject it outright.

Edited by Tawny (16 Dec 2018 1.35pm)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 16 Dec 18 1.38pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by steve1984

But you argue that the most important measure of allegiance is ethnicity. I believe that there are many other important factors that influence allegiance.

Yes a state can do this. But can it do so without provoking conflict with a large number of its own citizens and / or with the citizens of neighboring countries?

After WWII about 250,000 ethnically German Hungarians were forced to leave Hungary and 10,000 were killed. There remains a large number of swabians living in Hungary. Some have retained their Swabian culture and others have become completely integrated. But all of them have a Hungarian identity.

There is obviously a relationship between ethnicity and culture. Obviously, one is not necessarily detirmined by the other. Therefore, when you discuss either, they are not necessarily separate issues. it then follows that when you discuss the behaviour or circumstances of one ethnicity, it is not necessarily genes that are the issue.


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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 18 1.47pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by steve1984

An individual's identity is personal. A state's identity is imposed. Hence my comment about authoritarianism.

No a state's identity isn't 'imposed'. Every individual has the ability to change it. But they won't have the same rights if they do within that particular country. If they don't like it, live in a country that identifies you in that sense.

There is no authoritarianism if there is free choice.

Edited by Stirlingsays (16 Dec 2018 1.47pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 16 Dec 18 2.04pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Tawny

Your idea of what makes someone English remains murky. The importance to you of the genetic aspect leads you to a place where you appear to view black English people as people who have become English rather than are English in the sense that you associate the country with. This is what then leads you to your view of being open to speciifcally IQ testing non Europeans entering the country. You appear to imagine that anyone defending others regardless of their race is far left while you yourself apparently wax lyrical about violent far right groups like Proud Boys. A group acknowledged by the FBI to have extremist elements within it led until recently by someone who couldn't go 5 seconds without saying the n word. Nice company to keep.

I'd have zero issues with the borders being closed tomorrow to be honest with you. Some other countries aren't big on immigration and that's fine with me and with the exception of being useful to the economy I don't really give two figs about cutting numbers. Clearly many share that view hence Brexit vote. However, let's be clear, I throw my lot in with my countrymen regardless of their colour or creed. I have no hierarchy at home and if the country is to have immigration the very idea of IQ testing people based on the colour of their skin and your perceived genetic value of them to the nation is clearly racist and most rightminded individuals in this country would reject it outright.

Edited by Tawny (16 Dec 2018 1.35pm)

'Becoming' English is murky for the very reason that while ethnicity may be an aspect for many in having an allegiance to a country it is by no means exclusive.

If your allegiance to Britain/England is strong then that cultural aspect can also lead to acceptance. Many people who consider themselves English have inheritance from elsewhere. I've never stated a rejection of that. I don't reject that.

What I have always made clear is that it's a numbers game and that those with a genetic heritage to elsewhere but a strong self identity of only English are quite rare. Hence they are a dilution for English national identity if their numbers get out of control.

We reached that threshold in several cities and towns in England some time ago....London is am example of a city like that and Savile town is an example of a town.

It's only going to get worse.

In terms of violence The Proud boys only exist as a counter to the violence and de-platforming by Antifa (who are a recognised domestic terrorist group) to both the right and centralists in the US. Without Antifa to start trouble they wouldn't be involved in violence.

I disavow any Proud boys that deliberately start violence or are involved in violence that isn't in response to those incidents.

Outside of that the Proud boys are a group that celebrates 'western chauvinism' the 'west is best' mindset and I wholeheartedly support that. It has female versions and is open to all ethnicities and contains them....despite the progressives frequently lying about them.

Edited by Stirlingsays (16 Dec 2018 2.07pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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steve1984 16 Dec 18 2.05pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

There is no authoritarianism if there is free choice.

Like in Hungary for example where everyone was identified as a communist by the state irrespective of choice?

What pray is the difference between that and a state within which all the people are identified as English?

Perhaps I don't wish to be identified as English in exactly the same way the state imposes the state's definition of Englishness upon me?

Where's my freedom to choose my own identity? And from where does your authority come from to impose your definition of Englishness upon me? Something which you defined as the ultimate sovereignty (sorry if I misquoted that bit but you said something like that).


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