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Ugly guys with pretty women

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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 2.24pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

This is a photo of British Super Welterweight Title holder boxer Ted Cheeseman with his girlfriend.

Now by all accounts Ted seems to be a nice normal bloke.....but lets be honest....take a look at that mug.....that mug could curdle cheese let alone anything else.

Now a bloke with Ted Cheeseman's face would normally never get a bird like that....He'd be lucky to get dumpy Sharon off the tills....That bird is about three leagues above him.

If that photo is proof of anything it's that money makes the world go round.......the honey can smell the money.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 2.25pm)

Cheeseman.JPG Attachment: Cheeseman.JPG (106.36Kb)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Teddy Eagle Flag 17 Mar 19 2.43pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

This is a photo of British Super Welterweight Title holder boxer Ted Cheeseman with his girlfriend.

Now by all accounts Ted seems to be a nice normal bloke.....but lets be honest....take a look at that mug.....that mug could curdle cheese let alone anything else.

Now a bloke with Ted Cheeseman's face would normally never get a bird like that....He'd be lucky to get dumpy Sharon off the tills....That bird is about three leagues above him.

If that photo is proof of anything it's that money makes the world go round.......the honey can smell the money.


Raquel Welch was married to a French man who looked like a horse. Maybe not just facially. Lyle Lovett, Billy Joel and Bernie Ecclestone must all be very charming fellows.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 2.25pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 2.57pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Yeah that Lyle Lovett.....A face that made you think you were wearing 3D glasses.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 2.58pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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becky Flag over the moon 17 Mar 19 4.36pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

This is a photo of British Super Welterweight Title holder boxer Ted Cheeseman with his girlfriend.

Now by all accounts Ted seems to be a nice normal bloke.....but lets be honest....take a look at that mug.....that mug could curdle cheese let alone anything else.

Now a bloke with Ted Cheeseman's face would normally never get a bird like that....He'd be lucky to get dumpy Sharon off the tills....That bird is about three leagues above him.

If that photo is proof of anything it's that money makes the world go round.......the honey can smell the money.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 2.25pm)

Specsavers for you, young man - that is 100% Tracey from Filing.

Further for the list:
Jackie Kennedy/Onassis

Abbey Clancy/Peter Crouch......(Q: what do think you would have been, Peter, if you hadn't become a world class footballer? A: a virgin?)

Jerry Hall/Rupert Murdoch

Sophia Loren/Carlo Ponti (although, like Paul Daniels/Debbie McGee, theirs was supposedly a love match)

Elton John/David Furnish - no different either


A stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell give some indication of expected traffic numbers

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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 5.01pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by becky

Specsavers for you, young man - that is 100% Tracey from Filing.

Further for the list:
Jackie Kennedy/Onassis

Abbey Clancy/Peter Crouch......(Q: what do think you would have been, Peter, if you hadn't become a world class footballer? A: a virgin?)

Jerry Hall/Rupert Murdoch

Sophia Loren/Carlo Ponti (although, like Paul Daniels/Debbie McGee, theirs was supposedly a love match)

Elton John/David Furnish - no different either

Good god....your list makes poor Ted look like Elvis!

These women have strong stomachs that's for sure.

I know women have more empathy....but feck me.....they are taking the ugly bullet for the rest of their sex.....they probably deserve the cash.

I don't know what Furnish looks like.....but he obviously likes musical Kojak.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 5.07pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Tom-the-eagle Flag Croydon 17 Mar 19 5.27pm

Well I'm an ugly bloke and I'm not with a pretty women.
Waking up and seeing my wife's face each morning literally makes me feel sick.

My Mrs and I are both real mingers. Proper disgusting c@nts.

The plus side is we both know the other won't ever leave as no one else would ever have us.


"It feels much better than it ever did, much more sensitive." John Wayne Bobbit

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Teddy Eagle Flag 17 Mar 19 5.43pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Salma Hayek’s old man is a pretty ordinary looking bloke who dumped Linda Evangalista to go off with her. He must have something going on. Apart from being a billionaire.


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martin2412 Flag Living The Dream 17 Mar 19 6.01pm Send a Private Message to martin2412 Add martin2412 as a friend

Originally posted by becky

Specsavers for you, young man - that is 100% Tracey from Filing.

Further for the list:
Jackie Kennedy/Onassis

Abbey Clancy/Peter Crouch......(Q: what do think you would have been, Peter, if you hadn't become a world class footballer? A: a virgin?)

Jerry Hall/Rupert Murdoch

Sophia Loren/Carlo Ponti (although, like Paul Daniels/Debbie McGee, theirs was supposedly a love match)

Elton John/David Furnish - no different either

Perhaps it's just me, but I think Jerry Hall is a mankey old minger.

Edited by martin2412 (17 Mar 2019 6.01pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 6.32pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Tom-the-eagle

Well I'm an ugly bloke and I'm not with a pretty women.
Waking up and seeing my wife's face each morning literally makes me feel sick.

My Mrs and I are both real mingers. Proper disgusting c@nts.

The plus side is we both know the other won't ever leave as no one else would ever have us.

All I could hear was the theme to 'Love Story' as I read this.

Normally waking up with morning sickness would be a serious alarm bell.

When I was in my mid twenties I somehow ended up shagging my 49 year old supervisor...female obviously...She had more lines on her smoker's face than the coke table at a Stones after party.

How did that happen you might ask? You could say I just fell into it...literally.....Really had to swing my hips sideways with that one.

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Mar 2019 6.33pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 6.36pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Salma Hayek’s old man is a pretty ordinary looking bloke who dumped Linda Evangalista to go off with her. He must have something going on. Apart from being a billionaire.

Frigging hell....he must have one hell of a 'little black book'......imagine them as cast offs.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 17 Mar 19 6.40pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by martin2412

Perhaps it's just me, but I think Jerry Hall is a mankey old minger.

Edited by martin2412 (17 Mar 2019 6.01pm)

Yeah but Rupert Murdoch looks like someone just resuscitated a three month old corpse.

She could practically be arrested for necrophilia.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 17 Mar 19 8.10pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

I always tell my missus she's the good looking one but it's pretty obvious that really it's me.


Red and Blue Army!

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