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A guide to Buying/Selling match tickets on the HOL

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Spiderman Flag Horsham 17 Apr 23 6.20pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by JoeTheEagle1905

Is there anything anyone can do to help me out here? After transferring £90 to an account called CPFC18 to someone i believe to be called Harry Smith, he went quiet for a few days on text and then told me only two days before the game that he’d have to refund me as the tickets wouldn’t get to me in time. After sending many messages with a solution, he ignored them all and on the morning of the Saints game he sent me another text claiming to refund. After calling and sending more texts it appears that he has blocked me.

I had a quick scan of his account and i believed him to be a legitimate account. If anyone happens to know who this person is, please could you help me out as this whole situation has infuriated me massively and has completely put me off buying/selling on here ever again.

Sorry to hear this, can’t believe he is a true fan. Sounds like a job for the police. Can this site help with tracing him, if it was on here you purchased them?


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becky Flag over the moon 17 Apr 23 7.05pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

It would appear that you are the second person to be out of pocket for the same tickets.

There is nothing that Hol can do - the Guide on Ticket Talk advises that these are private transactions between members, at their own risk.

I have now banned the culprit and made the Webmaster aware of this situation.

It is fortunately very rare that this happens, and I am sorry that it has with this poster.


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WJK1960 Flag 17 Apr 23 8.49pm Send a Private Message to WJK1960 Add WJK1960 as a friend

H Smith did this to me too. Approached me via a PM on Monday afternoon. I paid him £60 on Tuesday. I didn't hear anything until Thursday morning when I got an apologetic message stating his brother was now attending the game and he would refund me immediately. I have heard nothing since, and have sent 3 chasing PMs. He did/does appear to have a valid history on this site, being a regular poster since 2012. I contacted Becky to see if she had any advice on this matter, which is how she is aware of the situation.

Very depressing and disappointing, and clearly reduces my willingness to buy tickets on this site going forward.

Originally posted by JoeTheEagle1905

Is there anything anyone can do to help me out here? After transferring £90 to an account called CPFC18 to someone i believe to be called Harry Smith, he went quiet for a few days on text and then told me only two days before the game that he’d have to refund me as the tickets wouldn’t get to me in time. After sending many messages with a solution, he ignored them all and on the morning of the Saints game he sent me another text claiming to refund. After calling and sending more texts it appears that he has blocked me.

I had a quick scan of his account and i believed him to be a legitimate account. If anyone happens to know who this person is, please could you help me out as this whole situation has infuriated me massively and has completely put me off buying/selling on here ever again.


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mick23 Flag Sydney, Australia 18 Apr 23 11.46am Send a Private Message to mick23 Add mick23 as a friend

Confirming that I had the same thing happen to me, with CPFC18 taking payment and saying he'll have to refund me after "his brother had already sold the tickets". No reply for a few days now.

JoeTheEagle1905 PM'd me saying that he managed to get a refund from CPFC18 as he got his mobile number, and passed that number onto me. He said that CPFC18 had mentioned he was trying to get in touch with me to refund, so I will keep trying to call him by that number and see what happens. Disappointing situation as it seemed like he had a genuine history on this site after my research prior to sending money.


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swissguy Flag 19 Sep 23 9.49am Send a Private Message to swissguy Add swissguy as a friend

hello, unfortunately I was not successful in the presale. Does anyone sell their tickets for the home game against Tottenham. I am looking for 3 tickets (side by side would be great but is not necessary). Thanks a lot

Greetings from Switzerland


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becky Flag over the moon 19 Sep 23 6.00pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by swissguy

hello, unfortunately I was not successful in the presale. Does anyone sell their tickets for the home game against Tottenham. I am looking for 3 tickets (side by side would be great but is not necessary). Thanks a lot

Greetings from Switzerland

Your ticket request has been posted on the appropriate ticket thread.


A stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell give some indication of expected traffic numbers

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