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Your Favourite quotes from films?

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braunstoneagle Flag the middle of bumf*** nowhere... 05 Feb 06 10.54pm Send a Private Message to braunstoneagle Add braunstoneagle as a friend

Quote REDNBLUEARMY69 at 03 Aug 2004 9:05am

TOMMY: Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish?

RENTON: I hate being Scottish. We're the lowest of the f******g low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just w*****s. We, on the other hand, are colonized by w*****s. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It's a s***e state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any f******g difference.

that is defo the best 1 ever


‘Football isn’t instant coffee. You have to work at it. You must grow the bean, grind it.’ Ian Holloway

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kinky1960 Flag Hampshire 05 Feb 06 11.18pm Send a Private Message to kinky1960 Add kinky1960 as a friend

The monster in Young Frankenstein

`Putting on the Ritz'


Thank you CPFC2010 for keeping me interested in football, for me no Palace no football either. Come on you Eagles.

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Buzzcock Flag In an underground lair near Bright... 05 Feb 06 11.32pm Send a Private Message to Buzzcock Add Buzzcock as a friend

The Big Sleep
Philip Marlowe: You do sell books, hmm?
Agnes Lowzier: What do those look like, grapefruit?
Philip Marlowe: Well, from here they look like books.

Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?
Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.

Traci Lords : Oh push it up to the end baby.
Actor/Wood : Love to , but for legal reasons i cant.


In the woods there grew a tree. And a fine fine tree was he.

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Dancpfc Flag Milton Keynes 20 Apr 06 12.18am Send a Private Message to Dancpfc Add Dancpfc as a friend

Quote Danger at 15 Sep 2004 7:50am

Quote Jake d'Eagle at 15 Sep 2004 7:48am

Quote Farawayeagle at 15 Sep 2004 7:05am

Crocodile Dundee

When Mick Dundee is cornered by some mugger who pull a knife on him!!!!!

"That's not a knife."

"THIS is a knife." (Pulling out his huge Crocodile hunting knife.)

I prefer the Simpsons' version

When the guy says "This is a knife ", Bart says "No, that's a spoon".
The guy says "Ah, I see you've played knifey-spoony before, then"

..... well it made me laugh anyway.

It was Marge, not Bart, but I'll let you off...

This episode was on Channel 4 today, and it IS Bart who plays "Knifey-Spooney"


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For some things there is no rational explanation. There is no way out. There is no happy ending to this story. Welcome to the unknown. Welcome to eternal darkness. Welcome... to oblivion.

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nj Flag Sussex 20 Apr 06 7.53pm Send a Private Message to nj Add nj as a friend

Just noticed this, I bet someone has already said "Can everyone stop getting shot!" classic!!! Sorry, can't be bothered to read every single page I have most though! Errrmm, and from the warriors - "Why don't you just tie a mattress to your back?" I cracked up at that one. It's funny you think of them, then when you need them you can't think. DAMMN!


A life without palace is only half-lived!

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Charris Flag epsom 20 Apr 06 8.00pm Send a Private Message to Charris Add Charris as a friend

Quote braunstoneagle at 05 Feb 2006 10:54pm

Quote REDNBLUEARMY69 at 03 Aug 2004 9:05am

TOMMY: Doesn't it make you proud to be Scottish?

RENTON: I hate being Scottish. We're the lowest of the f******g low, the scum of the earth, the most wretched, servile, miserable, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the English, but I don't. They're just w*****s. We, on the other hand, are colonized by w*****s. We can't even pick a decent culture to be colonized by. We are ruled by effete arseholes. It's a s***e state of affairs and all the fresh air in the world will not make any f******g difference.

that is defo the best 1 ever

is that train spotting i watched that last fiday


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minty Flag New Eltham / Norwich 20 Apr 06 8.56pm Send a Private Message to minty Add minty as a friend

and for a modern one from the movie lucky number slevin:

luy-lu: well what answer are you going to give him then?

man : 'I'm going to give him the same answer a man with a hughe cock gives his tailor when he asks if he dresses to the left or the right.... YES


*Nothing Gold can stay*

We've all been bitten
We've all been shot down
We've all been beaten, battered, bruised, told to get down



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d7phil Flag Beckenham 20 Apr 06 9.42pm Send a Private Message to d7phil Add d7phil as a friend

I always used to laugh at this one from Alien 3:

RIPLEY: We have no weapons, correct?
PRISONER 1: Right.
RIPLEY: I haven't seen one exactly like this before. Moves differently....What about video?
I see closed-circuit monitors everywhere.
PRISONER 1: The video system hasn't worked in years. Nothing much works here.
We've got a lot of technology, no way to fix it.
PRISONER 2: ...we've got no entertainment center, no climate control, no video surveillance, no freezers...(slight pause)
no f***ING ICE CREAM!!!

just the way he emphasises "ice creeeaaaam!!"


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thornton-heath eagle 24 Apr 06 5.15am Send a Private Message to thornton-heath eagle Add thornton-heath eagle as a friend

Saw 25th Hour last night...

Naturelle: 'you're drunk, arent you?'

Frank: 'I'm Irish, we don't get drunk.'




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Farawayeagle Flag Sydney 24 Apr 06 5.38am Send a Private Message to Farawayeagle Add Farawayeagle as a friend

From: A League of Their Own

Jimmy: (saying a prayer before the game)

Oh, Lord! Hallowed be Thy name. May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls... be plentiful.

Lord, I'd just like to thank you for that waitress in South Bend. You know who she is – she kept calling your name.


Founder Of The Crystal Palace Roller Coaster

An Affiliate Of The Never A Dull Moment Club

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MPE Flag Maidstone 28 Apr 06 12.45am Send a Private Message to MPE Add MPE as a friend

Read my signature from Godfather 3.. Al pacino at his best.


Just when I thought that I was out...........they pull me back in

Alert Alert a moderator to this post Edit this post Quote this post in a reply Flag milton keynes 28 Apr 06 3.15am Send a Private Message to Add as a friend

25th hour
ed norton doing a toast

champaign for my real friends

real pain for my sham friends


we're going to europe, to do the europeans

champainge for my real friends
real pain for my sham friends

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