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JollyStef 22 Mar 05 12.36pm Send a Private Message to JollyStef Add JollyStef as a friend

I'm glad I touched a nerve, it means this discussion is a good one to have. I also apologise for putting it so bluntly, it was merely to shed light on the other side of some of the stories behind these beatings !

Faraway and Jcreedy : I agree it ain't black and white .. in order to make a point without going into details i had to generalise the situation, it was vital to make it black and white! I do understand the difference between someone who is so weak they let men walk all over them and someone who is generally scared due to previous experiences (abused as a child etc..).

A_J shorts : Well first of all thanks for telling me you enjoy most of my posts. I have the same to say as per above in my defence .. I understand it ain't always black and white and i had to make this generalisation to get my point across. Now I understand things are different after having been raped etc.. Mental and physical abuse can be devestating, please believe me when I say i understand that.

But all of you must know some women (or a lot for that matter) let a guy hit them once, the week after twice, then the first serious hit etc... until it has escalated into a serious problem. These women, who f.e. didn't have any experience with it before, just let it come too far. THAT is self-inflicted. If you then want to help them they don't even want it. They're the ones always going back although they know what is gonna happen next. They are the ones messing up their own lives. I've known a few girls like that and when trying to help them it was ME who got into trouble .. go figure !!

I agree it ain't always so black and white, but please believe me if I tell you it could have been prevented by the woman if she would have taken control of things.

Edited by JollyStef (22 Mar 2005 12:38pm)

Edited by JollyStef (22 Mar 2005 12:39pm)



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becky Flag over the moon 22 Mar 05 6.25pm Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Violence aginst women often follows a predictable pattern. After the first time, the man shown great remorse and usually promises that it will never happen again. It does, but he begs for another chance, often citing something that the woman has done as the reason that he became so angry that he hit her...and of course he didn't mean to..... one more chance etc. etc.
Gradually, the woman is conditioned to believe that she is the cause of being hit, that it is her behaviour that makes him do it to her, even though he doesn't want to....... hey presto, the classic victim of physical abuse.

(and yes AJ'S Shorts... the same in reverse for women beating men)


A stairway to Heaven and a Highway to Hell give some indication of expected traffic numbers

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JollyStef 22 Mar 05 6.33pm Send a Private Message to JollyStef Add JollyStef as a friend

Quote becky at 22 Mar 2005 6:25pm

Violence aginst women often follows a predictable pattern. After the first time, the man shown great remorse and usually promises that it will never happen again. It does, but he begs for another chance, often citing something that the woman has done as the reason that he became so angry that he hit her...and of course he didn't mean to..... one more chance etc. etc.
Gradually, the woman is conditioned to believe that she is the cause of being hit, that it is her behaviour that makes him do it to her, even though he doesn't want to....... hey presto, the classic victim of physical abuse.

(and yes AJ'S Shorts... the same in reverse for women beating men)

Exactly, so why not draw the line to start of with ?



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HorshamEagle Flag under the union jack 22 Mar 05 6.47pm Send a Private Message to HorshamEagle Add HorshamEagle as a friend

Quote JollyStef at 22 Mar 2005 10:59am

If you're a strong enough woman you wouldn't let anyone do that to you anyway.

Some women just let guys piss all over them, well in that case they deserve everything they get, sorry !!

Man, in general, is a violent being. Most wars are started between men, most people in the army are men .. men are also the drivers behind rough sex, child porn, combat sports, world domination, abuse of power, hunting etc.. etc.. etc...

If you're a woman and you let them do that to you then it's your own fault ! Tell him where the line is drawn, step over it and the police is there, simple as !!

My apologies for the strong views, but everyone in life gets what they deserve !

Thats just wrong, someone very close to me was hit by her boyfriend, it wasn't overly violent but enough to scare her.

Sometimes wife beating isn't clear cut, it extends beyond physical harm and into mental harm, it's a form of mental bullying and is my opinion is not to be tolerated.

You're looking at this issue from a male point of view, what us men sometimes don't understand is just how scared women can be. What wife beaters tend to do is make women believe it is their fault, they take advantage of women who are too dependent on certain men and make them believe that it is the womans fault they are being hit

In my opinion wife beaters are low, they make my skin crawl. They are cowards, they are weak and they don't care about what they are doing.

Edited by HorshamEagle (22 Mar 2005 6:49pm)


Do you know where hell is?

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JollyStef 22 Mar 05 6.55pm Send a Private Message to JollyStef Add JollyStef as a friend

Horsham, just read my follow-up matey



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KingsleY Flag Tadworth, Surrey 22 Mar 05 7.34pm Send a Private Message to KingsleY Add KingsleY as a friend

Quote JollyStef at 22 Mar 2005 10:59am

If you're a strong enough woman you wouldn't let anyone do that to you anyway.

Some women just let guys piss all over them, well in that case they deserve everything they get, sorry !!

Man, in general, is a violent being. Most wars are started between men, most people in the army are men .. men are also the drivers behind rough sex, child porn, combat sports, world domination, abuse of power, hunting etc.. etc.. etc...

If you're a woman and you let them do that to you then it's your own fault ! Tell him where the line is drawn, step over it and the police is there, simple as !!

My apologies for the strong views, but everyone in life gets what they deserve !

Jolly, You know I like you, but seriously, that posts pissed me off.



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Seth Flag On a pale blue dot 22 Mar 05 8.07pm Send a Private Message to Seth Add Seth as a friend

Something else that's been forgotten is that generally, men are stronger and bigger than women. This greater physical presence is often enough to make women scared enough to be controlled by men, with just the threat of violence enough to keep them from reporting any earlier abuse.

Also, as has been said, a woman with a history of abuse or violence against her may well believe it is her fault. Low self-esteem can cause people to depend on others, even when their partner is abusing or being violent to them.

It can happen the other way round, but the vast majority of these cases are perpetrated by men on women. Domestic violence has been going on since time immemorial, but at least now more people are coming forward and reporting this kind of abuse. Not long ago, "domestics" were ignored by the police, whereas now it is rightly seen as a serious crime and charges can be brought even when the victim is too scared or otherwise reluctant to report the matter.


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Lucy Flag South East London 22 Mar 05 9.34pm

I think it can be a lot harder than just standing up for yourself, I have been in a situation once, where I was having a really bad row with an ex and he had his fists clenched and everything, thats when I knew it was time to walk!



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RICKY Flag Essex 22 Mar 05 9.44pm

We had a situation in our family where a female member was beaten up by her now ex husband. It got left down to me to sort him out. However I didn't take him on physically but verbally and it ruined him. One night when he was sat at a bar with his new lady I interuppted their conversation and pointed out to her that her new boyfriend was in fact a wife beater. When she challenged him he couldn't deny it and she just upped and left him there and then.

Obviously I was naturally delighted and it led to him having to leave the area as before too long it all came out in the open and he got barred from several pubs and clubs, thereby ruining his social life and his mates ditching him.

So don't always take these b******s on with your fists, there are other ways around it without getting into trouble yourself. I just hope that any bloke who beats up a lady and goes down for it pays for their wrongdoing and they go through hell.


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tetley Flag Wimbledon 22 Mar 05 11.44pm Send a Private Message to tetley Add tetley as a friend

i agree 100& with you there ricky. obviously i'd love to go and spark him but that might escalate the situation. right now i'll guess i'll play it by ear and see what happens. thanks for all the tips and advice people


It's not the fall that's's the landing

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All Chance, Direction, which thou canst not see;
All Discord, Harmony, not understood;
All partial Evil, universal Good


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JollyStef 23 Mar 05 8.35am Send a Private Message to JollyStef Add JollyStef as a friend

Quote KingsleY at 22 Mar 2005 7:34pm
Jolly, You know I like you, but seriously, that posts pissed me off.

First Horsham, now you ?? I wonder, is my follow-up message invisible for people to read or something ??



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starks park Flag 23 Mar 05 9.26am Send a Private Message to starks park Add starks park as a friend

Quote RICKY at 22 Mar 2005 9:44pm

We had a situation in our family where a female member was beaten up by her now ex husband. It got left down to me to sort him out. However I didn't take him on physically but verbally and it ruined him. One night when he was sat at a bar with his new lady I interuppted their conversation and pointed out to her that her new boyfriend was in fact a wife beater. When she challenged him he couldn't deny it and she just upped and left him there and then.

Obviously I was naturally delighted and it led to him having to leave the area as before too long it all came out in the open and he got barred from several pubs and clubs, thereby ruining his social life and his mates ditching him.

So don't always take these b******s on with your fists, there are other ways around it without getting into trouble yourself. I just hope that any bloke who beats up a lady and goes down for it pays for their wrongdoing and they go through hell.

Wonderful post Ricky, bet you'd have loved to have chinned him though.


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