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Southport mass stabbing

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Aug 24 11.41am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov

And we have a very compliment police force who will impose whatever they are told to do.

Do the police not realise that they are helping create this Orwellian nightmare - and their children will be living in it.

The police force used to be such a noble job. One I could have seen myself doing if I had my life again.

They are now hired thugs.

I will ask my ex policemen friends how they feel about this!


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 09 Aug 24 11.50am Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend




The mountains are calling & I must go.

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eaglesdare Flag 09 Aug 24 11.51am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov

And we have a very compliment police force who will impose whatever they are told to do.

Do the police not realise that they are helping create this Orwellian nightmare - and their children will be living in it.

The police force used to be such a noble job. One I could have seen myself doing if I had my life again.

They are now hired thugs.

Police are more concerned about loosing thier jobs and being called a racist if they take any action against the looney lefty mobs.


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eaglesdare Flag 09 Aug 24 11.52am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan



Looks like your average day in croydon tbh


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Aug 24 11.58am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

The denial of far right involvement is risible.

Not via known far right organisations. They wouldn’t be so stupid. Farage, for instance, has been completely silent. Probably biding his time to try to look statesmanlike.

Nor were all, or possibly even many, of those actually involved, necessarily far right. Many were just yobs, behaving as useful idiots.

What is known are the online activities of specific individuals and loose groupings who spread misinformation and encouraged actions. No overall structure appears to be coordinating the whole. Our intelligence services know who they are, so will have briefed the PM.

It’s there that the future targeting needs to be focused. Ensuring these bad actors are denied the oxygen provided by the internet is essential. Musk needs to watch out. He has pinned himself to the wall in recent days.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Aug 24 12.07pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

Wow. Two tier Justice being applauded.

"To protect us from ( only some , specially selected ) harm.

Other harm ? That's your problem mate.

It’s not though either two tier policing or two tier justice. That’s simply the response of the section of society currently feeling its impact.

It’s responsible and responsive policing and justice, able to rapidly adjust to the demands of circumstances.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 09 Aug 24 12.09pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Ouzo Dan



The place of my birth now looking like a third world hell hole.

That is what government policy has brought us.


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Ouzo Dan Flag Behind you 09 Aug 24 12.12pm Send a Private Message to Ouzo Dan Add Ouzo Dan as a friend

Originally posted by eaglesdare

Looks like your average day in croydon tbh

I was in Croydon about a year ago, sat in the George looking out the front doors having some food before hopping on a train for a long weekend in Pirbright.
Watched two Sub saharan deliveroo riders chase each other with knives watched on by a grinning crowd clambering over each other to catch it all on their phones, its moments like these when you have been away for a while you realise just how normalised this stuff has become, no one shocked, no one fearing for themselves its just an exciting break from absolute drudgery of their existence.

Whilst my experience in Pirbright was a positive one, it didnt work out for me & recently my financial outlook in Slovakia is starting to look considerably better than it has been so its highly unlikely I'll ever set foot in that s*** hole ever again.


The mountains are calling & I must go.

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Aug 24 12.17pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Mattconrov


Mate, you are in the minority. It's not just a few of us, we are the majority.

That is why two tier starmer is pushing back so much.

The amount of real far right in this country is similar to the levels of the KKK in America - very few

Politically the majority of working class people I speak to,agree with me.

You're in your Cornwall bubble mate. I've got family from Cornwall,always 20 years behind. Lol

Edited by Mattconrov (09 Aug 2024 10.08am)


You will be telling us next that Reform actually won the election!

That there is a perception that immigration is too high among a significant number of people doesn’t mean they support the sort of events we saw this week.

People often don’t like things that they actually need.

Where I live doesn’t mean I cannot think. Peace and quiet actually helps that.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (09 Aug 2024 12.18pm)


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Aug 24 12.27pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

Wasting your energy, mate. The attitudes on here are ingrained and no one ever changes their mind on anything.
Just an echo chamber of sad, old ,one-eyed men (and occasional woman).

I do drop in now and again to see what's stirring in the pond but, by and large, it's a waste of time.

No doubt you'll be turned on for writing what you have. Maybe you could give Wisbech a little holiday, whilst you relieve him of kicking-post duties for a spell, eh?

Edited by Glazier#1 (09 Aug 2024 10.31am)


The absurdity has reached new heights this week. The level of self deception is quite astounding. If it was an Olympic sport GB would win all three medals if they chose the team from here.

I worry about the image it all is creating though.


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eaglesdare Flag 09 Aug 24 12.31pm Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

The place of my birth now looking like a third world hell hole.

That is what government policy has brought us.

I seen the signs years ago and got the hell out of croydon.

I walked through croydon for first time in years when I was over for the burnley game in febuary. I never felt so unsafe in all my life.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 09 Aug 24 12.34pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I will ask my ex policemen friends how they feel about this!

Compared to the days when they could fit up, beat up and verbal suspects.


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