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Southport mass stabbing

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Wilesy01 Flag Bristol 30 Jul 24 10.44am Send a Private Message to Wilesy01 Add Wilesy01 as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

They aren't undertones. I'm stating categorically that a vastly disproportionate amount of violent crime is now committed by those of immigrant origin.
This particular crime, as in indiscriminate attacks on the public, are almost always committed by the aforementioned.

The background of this individual won't alter that fact one way or the other.

What really grieves me the most, aside from the heathenish crime itself, is people like you who are more concerned with appearances and what people think but shouldn't say than the murder of little girls. You sicken me.

Do you have kids by any chance?

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (30 Jul 2024 10.03am)

You have absolutely no idea as to the background, or profile, of the perpetrator of these horrible crimes. However you have rushed to determine that it is someone from a background whom you obviously have a problem with.

Your laments about immigration and the those who commit crimes are not made with any sort of statistics, rather about the way you feel.

Couldn’t particularly give a hoot about what sickens you, as I’m far more concerned with those bereaved than whatever narrow political point you intend to crowbar into just about every post on this forum.

As for my family it’s none of your business.


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eaglesdare Flag 30 Jul 24 10.47am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

I guess you are far right now if you are concerned about childrens saftely.


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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 30 Jul 24 10.49am Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by MFW94

No, I just think what has happened is shocking, and people trying to straight away force the blame on immigration isn't good. People pick and chose when to not like immigration.

People initially thought he was a asylum seeker (he wasnt)
People Initially thought he was foreign born (he wasnt)

I will take your opinion onboard, whilst I dont necessarily agree.

Edited by MFW94 (30 Jul 2024 10.29am)

If the authorities don't eventually release the name of the attacker (and I doubt that they will because of his reported age) then it is only natural for theories to emerge. Those theories will take into consideration past atrocities of a similar nature to come up with a conclusion. Hence we arrive at what has been posted on here and elsewhere. The attacker may be black, he may be brown, he may be white, and his origin may be from anywhere, but somewhere along the line he has been reported as being 17; is that what he has told the authorities so that he is offered more 'protection', or do the authorities have proof of his age, in which case is he already known to them? If he is from Cardiff, what is he doing in Southport? Day trip? Working in the area? Studying at a local educational establishment? Somebody will know his details, whether that is his parents, work colleagues or fellow students. His details will emerge eventually and some of us will be right about his origins, and some of us will be wrong.


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 30 Jul 24 10.50am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wilesy01

You have absolutely no idea as to the background, or profile, of the perpetrator of these horrible crimes. However you have rushed to determine that it is someone from a background whom you obviously have a problem with.

Your laments about immigration and the those who commit crimes are not made with any sort of statistics, rather about the way you feel.

Couldn’t particularly give a hoot about what sickens you, as I’m far more concerned with those bereaved than whatever narrow political point you intend to crowbar into just about every post on this forum.

As for my family it’s none of your business.

Did you read my post properly?

You can't deny any of what I have said because it's the truth.

You can be as 'concerned' as you like for the bereaved, but that isn't going to stop the next attack.
Neither is your pontificating about the identity of this nutcase.


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 30 Jul 24 10.58am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by MFW94

People initially thought he was a asylum seeker (he wasnt)
People Initially thought he was foreign born (he wasnt)

Edited by MFW94 (30 Jul 2024 10.29am)

you could say the same about the Lads who bombed London in 7/7.

carry on with your deluded nonsense.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 30 Jul 24 11.03am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by MFW94

No, I just think what has happened is shocking, and people trying to straight away force the blame on immigration isn't good. People pick and chose when to not like immigration.

People initially thought he was a asylum seeker (he wasnt)
People Initially thought he was foreign born (he wasnt)

I will take your opinion onboard, whilst I dont necessarily agree.

Edited by MFW94 (30 Jul 2024 10.29am)

You know the details of the perpetrator then? Serious question.

And for clarity, I am suggesting anyone who would immediately look to hijack this for a personal agenda is unwell, whether that be 'blame immigration' or 'protect immigration'. That's not the issue at hand.

As someone who can technically classified as 'second generation' I am completely disinterested in any side debate. Where my priority lies is with 'Why did this happen, what has allowed this to happen and most importantly, what needs to be done?'. I'm a father myself, that's all I care about and that is where I would be willing to sacrifice all else.

Anyone prioritising otherwise is a gutless coward as far as I am concerned, from politicians to the man on the street. To suggest any notion of being powerless over such things is morally unforgivable but seems to be the state of the nation at the moment. It's moral cowards who need to be removed for anything like justice to prevail. I don't believe people are inherently without morals, they just lack courage and any man should be willing to sacrifice his own interests to protect children.

I'll happily admit I feel, as I often do, quite powerless in this situation but I do not just accept that as an inevitability nor will I abandon my own thinking to comfort myself. I fear that many have however and that's where both the far 'left' and 'right' demonstrate their cowardice, as two sides of the same coin, more concerned with the opposing faction than anything resembling truth and therefore solutions to what are horrific circumstances.

There is a reason such things are not a rarity anymore and therefore there will be a solution.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 30 Jul 24 11.03am Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Behind Enemy Lines

If the authorities don't eventually release the name of the attacker (and I doubt that they will because of his reported age) then it is only natural for theories to emerge. Those theories will take into consideration past atrocities of a similar nature to come up with a conclusion. Hence we arrive at what has been posted on here and elsewhere. The attacker may be black, he may be brown, he may be white, and his origin may be from anywhere, but somewhere along the line he has been reported as being 17; is that what he has told the authorities so that he is offered more 'protection', or do the authorities have proof of his age, in which case is he already known to them? If he is from Cardiff, what is he doing in Southport? Day trip? Working in the area? Studying at a local educational establishment? Somebody will know his details, whether that is his parents, work colleagues or fellow students. His details will emerge eventually and some of us will be right about his origins, and some of us will be wrong.

the public are clutching at straws to understand all of this. The clue is in what kids were attacked. Was it an islamic faith school or a Taylor Swift Dance school ? The Primary kids stabbed in Dublin were attending an Irish-language school....deliberately targeted then ? or a mental illness case who forgot his meds ?

if you want to understand a foe, look at their modus operandus.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 30 Jul 24 11.36am Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

You know the details of the perpetrator then? Serious question.

And for clarity, I am suggesting anyone who would immediately look to hijack this for a personal agenda is unwell, whether that be 'blame immigration' or 'protect immigration'. That's not the issue at hand.

As someone who can technically classified as 'second generation' I am completely disinterested in any side debate. Where my priority lies is with 'Why did this happen, what has allowed this to happen and most importantly, what needs to be done?'. I'm a father myself, that's all I care about and that is where I would be willing to sacrifice all else.

Anyone prioritising otherwise is a gutless coward as far as I am concerned, from politicians to the man on the street. To suggest any notion of being powerless over such things is morally unforgivable but seems to be the state of the nation at the moment. It's moral cowards who need to be removed for anything like justice to prevail. I don't believe people are inherently without morals, they just lack courage and any man should be willing to sacrifice his own interests to protect children.

I'll happily admit I feel, as I often do, quite powerless in this situation but I do not just accept that as an inevitability nor will I abandon my own thinking to comfort myself. I fear that many have however and that's where both the far 'left' and 'right' demonstrate their cowardice, as two sides of the same coin, more concerned with the opposing faction than anything resembling truth and therefore solutions to what are horrific circumstances.

There is a reason such things are not a rarity anymore and therefore there will be a solution.

What a brilliant post.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 30 Jul 24 11.45am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

It is being reported by the Telegraph that the youth in custody was born in Cardiff and moved to the Southport area with his Rwandan parents when he was aged six.


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eaglesdare Flag 30 Jul 24 11.49am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Not related to southport. Is anywhere safe anymore?



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Behind Enemy Lines Flag Sussex 30 Jul 24 12.08pm Send a Private Message to Behind Enemy Lines Add Behind Enemy Lines as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

It is being reported by the Telegraph that the youth in custody was born in Cardiff and moved to the Southport area with his Rwandan parents when he was aged six.

If he is 17 now and was 6 when he moved to Southport, why is it relevant that he was born in Cardiff? He lives in the area and has done for two thirds of his life; just say he was born in the UK. To bring Wales and a timeline into the equation just fills the narrative with unnecessary facts and if anything helps the public to identify the perpetrator by adding 2 and 2 together and tracing a name. Or is Southport so full of Rwandans that the authorities need to 'protect' those who didn't move from Cardiff?


hats off to palace, they were always gonna be louder, and hate to say it but they were impressive ALL bouncing and singing.

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Kosowski Flag Standing at the top of B Block 30 Jul 24 12.10pm Send a Private Message to Kosowski Add Kosowski as a friend

Third kid dies. Absolutely horrific.


Block B comment of 2011/2012 Season:

"That's better Palace, better...but still fucking shit!"


Dann to Much, Much to Yong.

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