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Who is English?

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Online Flag Truro Cornwall 23 Jun 24 9.46pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

I completely understand what an ignore button does. I also understand and treasure the principle of free speech.

My comment was a sarcastic observation about the desire of some not to even see contrary opinions, never mind not responding to them.

What are they scared of? Reading some common sense? Or do they only want to have their biases confirmed in an echo chamber. Not a lot of free speech in an echo chamber!

It doesn’t annoy me in the least. The hypocrisy amuses me.


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 23 Jun 24 9.50pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Cool, it pleases me to know that you won't be annoyed when you have vanished from view.



'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Online Flag Truro Cornwall 23 Jun 24 10.07pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

If an ignore button ever appeared here there would be a handful of posters who I would happily use it for. Those who regularly post insults or garbage.

Those who regularly post long hard right essays would not though be ignored. Though they might ignore me. The benefit being that I could still read and respond to them, whilst they wouldn’t see my replies.

Win win!


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 23 Jun 24 10.13pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend



'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 23 Jun 24 10.17pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

The reality is that genetic heritage was precisely the reasons for the genocide committed by the Nazis and other ethnic cleansing elsewhere.

To try to ignore that is to deny reality. It matters and it needs to be kept at the forefront of our consciousness and not conveniently buried.

Are you suggesting every published definition, from respected dictionaries and journals, is codswallop and you know better? Wonderful! To learn the meaning of anything all we need to do is ask you! What’s the meaning of life and everything? I bet you think it’s 42!

Ethnicity is not based on science. It’s a social construct. All the time you are searching for a scientific explanation you are looking in the wrong place. You have the answer you want and are now trying to find something to justify it, but unfortunately for you it doesn’t exist.

My outlook is not blind, and neither clouded nor political. It’s simple, factual, and backed up by authority.


The reason was because they were murdering b******s.
Genetic heritage is a fact.

People have used religion, nationality, skin colour or even which football someone supports as a reason to kill. Should we pretend that they don't exist as well?

Ethnicity is indeed not based on science, as I have said several times. It is a broad term that covers just about anything, as I have said several times. It does however include genetics as a factor.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 23 Jun 24 10.22pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays


Ignore buttons are of limited use.

All that happens is that you see the post anyway because someone else has quoted it.

I tried it on the other site, and it didn't help much. You would have to ignore 90% of the members over there anyway.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Online Flag Truro Cornwall 24 Jun 24 9.37am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger


The reason was because they were murdering b******s.
Genetic heritage is a fact.

People have used religion, nationality, skin colour or even which football someone supports as a reason to kill. Should we pretend that they don't exist as well?

Ethnicity is indeed not based on science, as I have said several times. It is a broad term that covers just about anything, as I have said several times. It does however include genetics as a factor.

They were murdering b********s who used genetics as their justification.

I condemn anyone who uses any arbitrary reason to justify murder, be it religion, skin colour or football team. I won’t though excuse them because it was genetics!

At least you now acknowledge that ethnicity is not based on science. That is a significant breakthrough. It doesn’t though cover “just about everything”! Even if that suits your preconceptions. It concerns only culture, history and heritage. Genetics play no role at all, other than in assisting researchers to find likely groupings.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 24 Jun 24 10.06am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

They were murdering b********s who used genetics as their justification.

I condemn anyone who uses any arbitrary reason to justify murder, be it religion, skin colour or football team. I won’t though excuse them because it was genetics!

At least you now acknowledge that ethnicity is not based on science. That is a significant breakthrough. It doesn’t though cover “just about everything”! Even if that suits your preconceptions. It concerns only culture, history and heritage. Genetics play no role at all, other than in assisting researchers to find likely groupings.

Hitler did not need genetics as justification. That is daft.
Do you really think he killed the Jews because they had different DNA?

You are avoiding the point, as usual. Any number of excuses can be used as a reason for genocide. That doesn't alter reality.

Ethnicity is a term you introduced to the conversation, presumably because it is so vague that you can spin it any way you please.

I'm sure some modern scientists will tell you anything you want to hear as long as they get funding. They are as succeptable to the neo liberalism gone mad woke agenda as anyone else.


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 24 Jun 24 11.54am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Ignore buttons are of limited use.

All that happens is that you see the post anyway because someone else has quoted it.

I tried it on the other site, and it didn't help much. You would have to ignore 90% of the members over there anyway.

I'm more than willing to give it a go.

I'm fine with him being quoted by others, his free speech is a principle....something the right protect and the progressives only care about for themselves.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Spiderman's Profile Spiderman Flag Horsham 24 Jun 24 12.02pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You are legally Chinese if you have a Chinese passport. How you identify will depend on how you view yourself.

Skin colour has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on ethnicity. Or racial identity:-


Not all passports automatically give you Citizenship. Passports of Convenience are bought for a number of reasons, visa free travel, tax evasion to name but 2. Of all the POC I have seen ( mainly from the Caribbean) held by Chinese, Russian and Middle Eastern nationals, none identified as anything other than their original nationality.
IMO one of the worst “legal” loopholes, in respect of national security.



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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 24 Jun 24 12.07pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Hitler viewed Jews as synonymous with communists.

He killed many times over more Slavs than Jews.....though you'd think it was only Jews from the propaganda we are fed from childhood.

Hitler's attitude towards Jews didn't start with him and frankly anti semitism goes back a long way and its motivations are multifactorial.

Personally I think Jews can be the best of humanity and also a pretty bad example of it. As with most things it depends upon the individual.....I'm a big fan of Jews like Mike Benz and David Smith amongst others.

Obviously I think we can all agree that the 'final solution' was a crime against humanity. That said, I find Cameron pushing through a holocaust museum outside parliament as morbidly irrational and borderline offensive as it has nothing to do with us....yet another example of donor supremacy.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Online Flag Truro Cornwall 24 Jun 24 5.25pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Hitler did not need genetics as justification. That is daft.
Do you really think he killed the Jews because they had different DNA?

You are avoiding the point, as usual. Any number of excuses can be used as a reason for genocide. That doesn't alter reality.

Ethnicity is a term you introduced to the conversation, presumably because it is so vague that you can spin it any way you please.

I'm sure some modern scientists will tell you anything you want to hear as long as they get funding. They are as succeptable to the neo liberalism gone mad woke agenda as anyone else.

Hitler’s whole ethos was based on genetics and the purity of the Aryan. His genocides flowed from that.

Ethnicity is the term that describes what binds people into groups. It defines who is English. The only spinning involved here is by you in trying to twist its meaning.

So now you accuse every expert who produces almost identical answers to each other, but which differs to your own amateur one, as corrupt!

That’s a new low but at least it lays bare the paucity of the argument.


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