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Who is English?

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View Teddy Eagle's Profile Teddy Eagle Flag 18 Jun 24 9.46am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

If I thought it was appropriate, but I don’t and I wouldn’t. I am English.

Some who have lived here since birth, but whose parentage isn’t Cornish, have been fully brought up within the local culture, accept and cherish it, would almost certainly identify as Cornish. They would also be accepted as Cornish by others. No one would give a thought to checking their genetic heritage.

Having read this description I concur there is indeed quite a difference between Cornwall and England.

The Cornish has a broad, well muscled body. Its legs are of large diameter and widely spaced. The large deep set eyes, projecting brows and strong, slightly curved beak give the Cornish a rather cruel expression. Cornish males are often pugnacious and the chicks tend to be more cannibalistic than some breeds.


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View ASCPFC's Profile ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 18 Jun 24 12.42pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

I can identify as a 'Native' American if I like, but that doesn't mean I am.

The absurdity of the idea that who you choose to be somehow alters reality is just plain bonkers.

But who'll be the construction worker, the policeman, the cowboy, the biker and the army guy?


Red and Blue Army!

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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 18 Jun 24 1.21pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

But who'll be the construction worker, the policeman, the cowboy, the biker and the army guy?

Are you volunteering?


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View PalazioVecchio's Profile PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 18 Jun 24 4.07pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

....You see this happen in large Islamic communities for example

Edited by Stirlingsays (17 Jun 2024 6.30pm)

the existence of these mono-cultural ghettoes is a testament to the failures of Labour & Tories. As a minimum, such communities should be 30% Polish, 10% French, 10% irish etc.

The young kids, in the playground, need to learn to all get along. Ghetto-mentalities beget sectarianism and civil strife. As we have seen in Ulster, Kashmir & the middle East.

Its not multiculturalism if there isnt any 'multi'.

I would still use taxpayer money to shove a bit of diversity into these places. Although it is probably too late. The current incumbents would probably see it as a declaration of War. And would show their new neighbours about as much welcome as the Nazi's welcoming Brits onto the Beaches of Normandy.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (18 Jun 2024 4.12pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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View georgenorman's Profile georgenorman Flag 18 Jun 24 4.13pm Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

the existence of these mono-cultural ghettoes is a testament to the failures of Labour & Tories. As a minimum, such communities should be 30% Polish, 10% French, 10% irish etc.

The young kids, in the playground, need to learn to all get along. Ghetto-mentalities beget sectarianism and civil strife. As we have seen in Ulster, Kashmir & the middle East.

Its not multiculturalism if there isnt any 'multi'.

Most wars and conflicts have at their roots differences in race, religion, language, and culture. Yet the fools on the left will continue to tell us that it is all great.


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View PalazioVecchio's Profile PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 18 Jun 24 4.14pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

The Cornish has a broad, well muscled body. Its legs are of large diameter and widely spaced. The large deep set eyes, projecting brows and strong, slightly curved beak give the Cornish a rather cruel expression. Cornish males are often pugnacious and the chicks tend to be more cannibalistic than some breeds.

The Cornish ? not pasty-faced ?


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 19 Jun 24 9.23am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Someone can claim an identity as much as they like, but everyone else has to accept it to make it credible.

That is the key point.

None of this has anything to do with the factual reality of genetic heritage and characteristics.

You can keep responding to my posts forever. It won't make you right.

What others do is up to them. They are as free to reject as anyone else is to accept.

That is the key point. For people who constantly bang on about the importance of freedom of expression being able to freely express your cultural identity ought to be important.

Whilst trying to restrict it to a narrow, completely arbitrary and impractical genetic measurement is authoritarian nonsense.

The attempt to define ethnicity by genetic markers is a fig leaf to cover a much more sinister attitude. Those genetic markers are all OK if they arrive from ancient Britains or from anywhere else in Northern Europe. Never mind if there was any mixing prior to them arriving. We’ll just conveniently ignore that. What we won’t accept are any that come from further away, from places where the skin tones are darker.

It’s culture and behaviour that’s important. Why and how that is acquired isn’t.


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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 19 Jun 24 9.48am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

the existence of these mono-cultural ghettoes is a testament to the failures of Labour & Tories. As a minimum, such communities should be 30% Polish, 10% French, 10% irish etc.

The young kids, in the playground, need to learn to all get along. Ghetto-mentalities beget sectarianism and civil strife. As we have seen in Ulster, Kashmir & the middle East.

Its not multiculturalism if there isnt any 'multi'.

I would still use taxpayer money to shove a bit of diversity into these places. Although it is probably too late. The current incumbents would probably see it as a declaration of War. And would show their new neighbours about as much welcome as the Nazi's welcoming Brits onto the Beaches of Normandy.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (18 Jun 2024 4.12pm)

This is away from the original subject but it throws up an important reason why we must not allow the concept of defining ethnicity by genetics to take root.

Over recent decades we have witnessed the arrival of people from all over the world, but particularly from Asia, often bringing with them religious and cultural beliefs and behaviours that are unfamiliar, and sometimes uncomfortable.

Some fear this will lead to our own culture being swamped and replaced. Something that must not happen. I don’t believe it will, but if we allow the idea of defining identity by genetics to take root, it could. Why is this?

The second, third and subsequent generations of the new arrivals become progressively less like their parents and more like us, the longer they are exposed to, and absorb, our culture. Not all. Those trapped inside closed societies find it more difficult but many others do. We need to do more to prise open the closed ones.

We already have many who I am sure would identify themselves as British, or English, Asians. Not Indians, pakistanis or Bangladeshis. Partly Anglicised! Give that time and some intermarrying, as is already happening, and how long before their successors identify only as English?

Follow the genetic route and you exclude all of these people from being part of us. It would build completely unnecessary and self defeating barriers. It must not happen.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 19 Jun 24 10.32am Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

What others do is up to them. They are as free to reject as anyone else is to accept.

That is the key point. For people who constantly bang on about the importance of freedom of expression being able to freely express your cultural identity ought to be important.

Whilst trying to restrict it to a narrow, completely arbitrary and impractical genetic measurement is authoritarian nonsense.

The attempt to define ethnicity by genetic markers is a fig leaf to cover a much more sinister attitude. Those genetic markers are all OK if they arrive from ancient Britains or from anywhere else in Northern Europe. Never mind if there was any mixing prior to them arriving. We’ll just conveniently ignore that. What we won’t accept are any that come from further away, from places where the skin tones are darker.

It’s culture and behaviour that’s important. Why and how that is acquired isn’t.

No, what it shows is that you live in a fantasy where Nazis are deep frozen in underground bunkers waiting to come out and take over the world.

Genetics is simply science. You are seeing through a veil of paranoia.

Sure, genetic heritage is complex. Of course, we all apparently come from one small group of people out of Africa, so we are told. Of course, there was plenty a mixing in Europe.

Nevertheless, the English are now a distinct genetic group. Accept that.

This is all far less significant than the cultural, social and historical heritage that we are being stripped of because of people like you.
The man who moved to Cornwall but tells us that the country can 'adapt' to our new reality.

Your opinion is irrelevant.


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View PalazioVecchio's Profile PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 19 Jun 24 1.00pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

I can identify as a 'Native' American if I like, but that doesn't mean I am.

The absurdity of the idea that who you choose to be somehow alters reality is just plain bonkers.

you are correct. I have been accepted as English many times. Yet am steadfastly Irish. Similar to many Scots & do not need to be wearing a kilt or swinging a club to be a Celt.

my 3 requirements to being English : a. the locals recognise you as such, b. you want to identify as such.....and c. its nice to have a bit of a DNA match too. Although, like the Dutch Val Tulleken brothers, or the French DNA of Jean Jacques Burnel, you can look the part and get away with it, very often. When you look & talk like a Nigel, people will accept you as the same.

And when your look is imported, people will mostly politely enquire and will go along with whatever answer you want. So Ian Wright & Clinton Morrison will answer England and Ireland, respectively. And nobody bats an eyelid when they don the National shirt for football.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (19 Jun 2024 1.07pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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View Wisbech Eagle's Profile Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 19 Jun 24 5.11pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

No, what it shows is that you live in a fantasy where Nazis are deep frozen in underground bunkers waiting to come out and take over the world.

Genetics is simply science. You are seeing through a veil of paranoia.

Sure, genetic heritage is complex. Of course, we all apparently come from one small group of people out of Africa, so we are told. Of course, there was plenty a mixing in Europe.

Nevertheless, the English are now a distinct genetic group. Accept that.

This is all far less significant than the cultural, social and historical heritage that we are being stripped of because of people like you.
The man who moved to Cornwall but tells us that the country can 'adapt' to our new reality.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

No one has suggested genetics isn't science. Of course, it is!

Genetics is not though the defining characteristic of ethnicity. It isn't even a contributory factor!

I don't think any Nazis are lurking and ready to take over the world. I think some of their ideas have lingered and resurface occasionally, although nobody ever accepts any connection.

You are just plain wrong. The English are not a distinct genetic group. They are a diverse group that is getting more diverse every year. You cannot just pick any moment of your choosing and freeze the qualifications. It doesn't work and couldn't work.

I am not stripping us of anything! I treasure our culture and historical heritage but want to share it so others can also appreciate it and come to love it. Of course, it needs protecting but you don't do that by locking it away from others.

Why Cornwall is singled out for special treatment beats me. It is a part of England with a particularly strong and vibrant culture. The people here are very happy to share their culture and for others to enjoy it. No barriers are erected here.


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View ASCPFC's Profile ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 19 Jun 24 5.16pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Are you volunteering?

I'm not sure I'm macho enough.


Red and Blue Army!

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