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Palace Goal of the Season

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dreamwaverider Flag London 04 May 24 12.38pm Send a Private Message to dreamwaverider Add dreamwaverider as a friend

There should be two awards.
One for team play then two for sheer brilliant shot.
Team play hands down Eze at Liverpool.
Great shots.... 1. Schlupp at Fulham. Must be the fastest shot ever in the Premier.
3.. Eze at Tottenham. 2. Olise Brentford.


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 04 May 24 12.59pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

He said later it was directed at the fact that Eze was completely unmarked.

My take on this, little as it’s worth, is that under Glasner we look a lot more ‘fluid’ in our formation when attacking the opponent. This would appear logically and evidently to be hugely beneficial for creating chances and scoring.

This isn’t intended to be a dig at him however I would suggest this is where any ‘we’d of seen the same under Hodgson’ arguments would fall apart. Roy’s (and plenty of other managers) limitations came with a very aged approach of a rigid formation and thus predictable attack, relying on a small number of key players if not only one occasionally. ‘Keeping our shape’ may have provided some defensive resilience but the sacrifice was very little happening up top and the entire onus on individual brilliance/flair/invention.

Just about every player bar the goalkeeper now looks to have the potential of joining the attack and scoring. This must be a nightmare to counter tactically whereas previously we were the very the very definition of predictable and guessing where our goals were coming from outside of individualism was a game so many could and would play.

Each to their own and what not but I’d rather see a Palace side that looks capable of scoring every time it goes forward than one eternally holding out for a clean sheet and a miracle up the other end. I’d expect the former to be more successful too. I’d also say this is where I have far less concern about losing individual players or even a few. Yes they’ll be missed, yes I’d rather keep them all, but I’d suggest Glasner’s tactical instruction is far more important than any player(s) now.

You can cry and say whatever you like Klopp, I have absolutely zero care. Tactically outdone by Glasner and it was Eze this time but could be anyone else donning an eagle on their shirt in the future!



Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Ginger Pubic Wig Flag Wickham de L'Ouest 05 May 24 9.55am Send a Private Message to Ginger Pubic Wig Add Ginger Pubic Wig as a friend

Eze's at Anfield for me. Quality of opposition, the fact they were right in the mix for the league, and we carved them open. So many good things.

I also loved Mateta's 1st v Newcastle somehow (clearly behind others but just love to see us fully open up a defence with fast and clever passing).

Second for me is Schlupp's.


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whatton Flag Stirling 05 May 24 12.03pm Send a Private Message to whatton Add whatton as a friend

It’s not unlikely that both Eze’s goal at Anfield and Schlupps at Fulham will feature in the MOTD Goal of the Month competition for April. I’m not sure if voting is tonight or next week, but it will be interesting to see which goal gets more votes if this is the case.

It was not widely mentioned on HOL that Ebs won the January completion for his goal against Sheffield United. I haven’t seen anyone put this goal forward on here for Goal of the Season. It has been nominated.

I think Ebs won in January because GOTM, like Sports Personality and Strictly, has become a popularity contest rather than a football one. That means it’s very difficult for anyone from outside the big clubs to win. In January the stars aligned for us. Only 2 goals nominated were scored by big clubs, and both of those were scored by Liverpool., so their vote was split.

Some of our best goals have missed out on GOTM because they could not compete against the block votes of Man U, Arsenal, or Liverpool. In fact we have only ever won GOTM three time. Andros Townsend and Dean Gordon are our only other winners.

Hopefully we can win again this month. For our goal of the season I voted for Eze because of the significance of the goal to the club and because we don’t often score many goals like that. I think Schlupp might be more MOTD-friendly though.



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pizzapat Flag Caterham 05 May 24 4.19pm Send a Private Message to pizzapat Add pizzapat as a friend

there is only one goal in those that led to a LEAGUE TITLE!!!!


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